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我国工业固体废物产生量大、种类繁多、风险具有隐蔽性,亟需构建规范化管理体系。“无废城市”建设可充分调动社会资源,统筹推动工业固体废物全过程管理工作,在此期间构建我国工业固体废物管理体系具有重要意义。从我国工业固体废物产生与管理现状出发,剖析工业固体废物管理存在的短板,针对性地提出我国工业固体废物管理体系构建原则、方法和主要内容,以期为提升工业固体废物管理工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Economic activity uses resources, which leads to waste generation. With rapid industrialisation and urbanisation, per capita solid waste generation has increased considerably. Solid waste generation data for last two decades shows an alarming increase. Owing to its improper and untimely collection, the transport and disposal of municipal solid waste poses a severe threat to various components of the environment and also to public health. This paper describes the merits and demerits of various technological aspects of solid waste management. Landfill technology, as it is the most widely employed and is regarded as the most suitable and simple mechanism, especially for tropical countries such as India, is emphasised. All possible costs and benefits and externalities are examined. A cost-benefit analysis of a landfill system with gas recovery (LFSGR) has been carried out for Mumbai city's solid waste, accounting for certain external costs and benefits, and found that it could make a huge difference of savings of about Rs. 6.366 billion (approx. $0.l40 billion) per annum with reference to the existing system of waste disposal.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Exploring the spatial correlation characteristics and influencing factors of industrial agglomeration and pollution discharge, which is of great...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Pollution control policies have achieved remarkable results in China. However, industrial firms still lack enthusiasm for technological innovation to...  相似文献   

Newly developed software can predict the essential characteristics of the sand product resulting from the ex-situ washing of contaminated soil, dredging sludge or breaker sand. The system was designed for the Dutch situation and it works on the basis of readily available information. The primary output of the system is an assessment of the reusability of the sand product, which is obtained by comparing the prediction of the residual contamination and engineering quality with accepted levels and standards for building materials. The system also provides a ranking of potential applications for the sand with respect to treatment cost, the amount of recycled material or the environmental quality of the product. The software integrates soil cleaning expertise and unit process modelling in a way that allows varying levels of refinement of input data, ranging from a simple identification of the pollution source to a detailed particle size distribution of the contaminated soil. Tests on a database containing information on 117 processed batches of soil, dredging sludge and breaker sand show an 80% success rate in predicting cleanability, even though the input contamination levels were predominantly taken from (relatively inaccurate) in-situ data.  相似文献   

工业固体废物具有量大面广、种类繁多和性质复杂等特点,开展工业固体废物的全过程管理具有重要现实意义,健全的固体废物管理体系是固体废物管理工作得以有效开展的基础。本文从经济社会发展、固体废物管理相关制度出台、机构变革等方面综合考虑,将我国工业固体废物管理阶段分为无序摸索阶段、探索起步阶段、法制化阶段、全面提升阶段和规范化管理阶段,分析了不同阶段国内外工业固体废物管理的主要特征和重要事件,阐明了各阶段工业固体废物管理模式与关注重点。本研究可为我国提升工业固体废物现代化治理能力、构建现代化治理体系提供参考。  相似文献   

Substance flow analysis (SFA) is applied to a case study of chlorine metabolism in a chlor-alkali industrial chain. A chain-level SFA model is constructed, and eight indices are proposed to analyze and evaluate the metabolic status of elemental chlorine. The primary objectives of this study are to identify low-efficiency links in production processes and to find ways to improve the operational performance of the industrial chain. Five-year in-depth data collection and analysis revealed that system production efficiency and source efficiency continued increasing since 2008, i.e., when the chain was first formed, at average annual growth rates of 21.01 % and 1.01 %, respectively. In 2011, 64.15 % of the total chlorine input was transformed into final products. That is, as high as 98.50 % of the chlorine inputs were utilized when other by-products were counted. Chlorine loss occurred mostly in the form of chloride ions in wastewater, and the system loss rate was 0.54 %. The metabolic efficiency of chlorine in this case was high, and the chain system had minimal impact on the environment. However, from the perspectives of processing depth and economic output, the case study of a chlor-alkali industrial chain still requires expansion.  相似文献   

Brogaard S  Zhao X 《Ambio》2002,31(3):219-225
The international science community stresses the importance of the local perspective in the context of dryland degradation. This paper explores changes in management and attitudes in a mixed farming system in northern China, since the introduction of the economic reforms in the early 1980s, and the following changes in land-use rights. The area encompasses a dune landscape scattered with crop-land, as well as the Daqinggou Nature Reserve, an area of natural vegetation. According to farmers new varieties of maize in combination with increased use of fertilizers have improved yields, though high yield variability persists due to erratic rainfall. Farmers acknowledge the importance of the 30-year contract on cultivated land in 1997 for their investment in long-term management, but emphasize the importance of chemical fertilizers for short-term economic survival. The farmers stressed the negative impact of grazing and cultivation on soil erosion and stated that differences in vegetation composition and cover in the nature reserve are due to anthropogenic factors.  相似文献   

水排污许可证制度是点源排放的基本和综合的管理制度,是污染源的守法文件,也是政府对污染源的监管文书。按照政策设计的一般方法,借鉴发达国家和地区的经验,以保障点源的"连续达标排放"为目标设计中国工业点源水排污许可证制度框架。提出将点源按排放规模进行分类和分级,建立相应的管理机制,包括信息机制、资金机制、监督核查机制和问责处罚机制;建立注册环境管理工程师制度以满足实施排污许可证对专业人才的需求;以排污许可证制度为基础整合点源排放相关政策,提高相关政策间的协调,减少冲突,提高政策效率。  相似文献   

This paper describes the establishment and design of a scheme to denitrify industrial effluent with concentrations of N greater than 2000 mg litre(-1) to levels within the regulatory limits of the Zimbabwe Natural Resources Act which stipulates an upper limit of 10 mg litre(-1) of nitrate in effluent dumped in important catchment areas. The scheme was set up in 1978 and the data used in the discussion are for the year 1983, five years after the establishment of the scheme. The scheme consists of three impounding reservoirs in which effluent is held for at least 24 h in each case so that it undergoes biological denitrification at each stage. In some cases, the effluent is diverted after the second reservoir and is used to irrigate pastures on which dairy cattle are being grazed. In general, under this scheme, the N content of the effluent is within the regulatory limit by the time it enters the main river system, about 8 km away.  相似文献   

针对目前一些污水处理入口处仍然采用人工打捞法或格栅机械仪表控制法而产生的各种故障及作业效率低等原因 ,设计了以MCS 5 1单片机为核心的电控系统设计方案 ,研究建立了相应的算法模式 ,并对其设计误差进行了分析 ,提出了保证设备安全和对事故隐患进行摆脱的方法 ,使用结果表明 ,完全可实现打捞过程自动控制及作业工况远程监控 ,提高了系统的安全可靠性及作业效率。该电控系统在同类设备技术中尚未见公开报道。  相似文献   


A huge accumulation of domestic waste has caused serious environmental contamination in rural areas of developing countries (RADIC). The characteristics and management of domestic waste are carefully discussed, based on field surveys and a literature review. The results indicate that the generation in most of RADIC is less than the median of 0.521 kg day−1 per capita in China, and much smaller than in rural areas of developed countries (RADEC). Organic waste and inert waste with an accumulative mass percentage of 72.31% are dominant components of domestic waste in the rural areas of China. There are trends of increasing amounts of kitchen waste, paper/cardboard, and plastic/rubber and a decreasing trend of ash waste. The RADIC composition of domestic waste had a high content of organic waste and a low content of recyclable waste compared to the RADEC. Domestic waste has good compressibility and a light bulk density ranging from 40 to 650 kg m−3. The moisture, ash, combustible, and calorific values of domestic waste were 53.31%, 18.03%, 28.67%, and 5368 kJ kg−1, respectively. The domestic waste has an abundance of nutrients including organic matter (39.05%), nitrogen (1.02%), phosphorus (0.50%), and potassium (1.42%). In RADIC, domestic waste can be used as an agricultural manure only after it has been collected and sorted for the potential risk of heavy metal accumulation. Based on these characteristics of domestic waste and the different situations of rural areas, four waste management modes including centralized treatment, decentralized treatment, group treatment, and mobile treatment are designed and discussed.


Industrial symbiosis is the sharing of services, utility, and by-product resources among industries. This is usually made in order to add value, reduce costs, and improve the environment, and therefore has been taken as an effective approach for developing an eco-industrial park, improving resource efficiency, and reducing pollutant emission. Most conventional evaluation approaches ignored the contribution of natural ecosystem to the development of industrial symbiosis and cannot reveal the interrelations between economic development and environmental protection, leading to a need of an innovative evaluation method. Under such a circumstance, we present an emergy analysis-based evaluation method by employing a case study at Shenyang Economic and Technological Development Zone (SETDZ). Specific emergy indicators on industrial symbiosis, including emergy savings and emdollar value of total emergy savings, were developed so that the holistic picture of industrial symbiosis can be presented. Research results show that nonrenewable inputs, imported resource inputs, and associated services could be saved by 89.3, 32.51, and 15.7 %, and the ratio of emergy savings to emergy of the total energy used would be about 25.58 %, and the ratio of the emdollar value of total emergy savings to the total gross regional product (GRP) of SETDZ would be 34.38 % through the implementation of industrial symbiosis. In general, research results indicate that industrial symbiosis could effectively reduce material and energy consumption and improve the overall eco-efficiency. Such a method can provide policy insights to industrial park managers so that they can raise appropriate strategies on developing eco-industrial parks. Useful strategies include identifying more potential industrial symbiosis opportunities, optimizing energy structure, increasing industrial efficiency, recovering local ecosystems, and improving public and industrial awareness of eco-industrial park policies.  相似文献   

在自建的脉冲喷吹实验台上,利用Y—YD-7044型压电式传感器和MYD-8801加速度传感器,测试0120×2000mm覆PTFE膜无纺布滤袋在不同喷吹压力下,加文丘里与不加文丘里时的最大侧壁压力峰值和最大反向加速度,并对比计算了获得同样清灰强度时的脉冲阀一次喷吹耗气量。结果显示,添加文丘里能显著增大滤袋中下部最大侧壁压力峰值和整条滤袋上的最大反向加速度,即提高脉冲喷吹清灰强度;对应同样的喷吹压力,加文丘里时的平均最大侧壁压力峰值和平均最大反向加速度比不加文丘里时分别平均提高大约70%和50%;加文丘里获得同样清灰强度时的脉冲阀一次喷吹耗气量比不加文丘里时节省40%左右。证实对于脉冲喷吹清灰系统,添加文丘里能有效改善清灰效果以及减小能量?肖耗。  相似文献   

Air quality models are currently feasible approaches to prevent air pollution episodes. From one of the first source-oriented modelling approaches for air pollution forecasting (Souto et al., 1994, 1996, 1998), a new decision support system for air quality management, SAGA, was developed to provide support to As Pontes Power Plant (APPP) staff. SAGA can provide air pollution forecasts and manage meteorological and air quality measurements. Power plant decisions are supported by the results of a non-hydrostatic meteorological model (ARPS, Xue et al., 2001) to produce Meteorological Forecasts (MFs), and to be coupled to different Lagrangian dispersion models.  相似文献   


With the industrial-level panel data on total output and wastewater discharge over the period of 1997 to 2018, this paper employs GIS and ESDA methods to empirically investigate the spatial relationship between industrial total output and wastewater discharge. In this paper, we empirically examine whether and how industrial wastewater discharge in a particular province may affect the wastewater discharge in its neighboring provinces. Results suggest that provinces (municipalities) with large-scale industrial sewage discharge are located along riversides and coastal areas and these discharges then gradually distribute to coastal, central, and western areas. Results also show a strong spatial autocorrelation of industrial wastewater discharge between the observed local province and its neighboring provinces which is increasing over time. In addition, there is also a significant spatial spillover effect of industrial wastewater discharge among neighboring provinces in China’s eastern and central regions, indicating a structural convergence of high-pollution industries.


以太湖15个入湖河流之一的社渎港为研究对象,利用社渎港流域的水环境质量监测数据、工业企业污染排放调查数据、环境统计数据及社会经济统计数据,对社渎港流域产业结构的合理性进行了诊断,并采用典型相关分析方法探讨了产业结构演变对水环境的影响。结果表明,研究区的工业污染总体上得到了较好控制,其中屺亭街道的工业污染排放最为严重;城乡生活污染和农业面源污染是研究区水环境质量恶化的主要原因,城乡生活污染对COD和氨氮入河量的贡献率较高,分别为46.59%和60.55%,农业面源污染对TN和TP入河量的贡献率突出,分别为64.05%和76.50%;研究区产业结构与钱纳里三次产业结构模式(产业结构合理程度的参照标准)的Hamming贴近度从2001年的0.83下降到2007年的0.77,产业结构不尽合理,且不合理程度逐渐加剧;研究区第一产业对TN和TP入河量的影响最为显著,第三产业对氨氮和COD入河量的影响最为明显;可通过优化产业结构来减轻研究区的水环境污染状况,产业结构调整的主要目标应为降低第二产业产值比例及增加第三产业产值比例。  相似文献   

土壤环境质量综合评价指标体系是识别土壤环境污染、指导土壤环境管理及开发利用的有效工具。在土壤环境质量评价方法和国内外标准分析的基础上,提出了建立土壤环境质量综合评价指标体系的基本框架;结合"压力-状态-响应"模型(PSR模型),考虑不同工业区特征污染物,建立了包含通用指标和备选指标的土壤环境质量综合评价指标体系。以此评价指标体系为导向,为指导不同类型工业集聚区科学发展提出了工业区周边土壤环境质量分区管理的对策建议。  相似文献   

基于系统动力学模型的工业固废管理政策作用仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于系统动力学(SD)原理,首先对工业固体废弃物管理政策与其他各要素间的相互关系进行了分析,构建了因果关系图及流图;在此基础上建立了系统动力学(SD)方程,定义了激励因子和约束因子的概念,明确了其与系统其他各要素间的关系及相关参数的确定方法;最后以辽宁省为例进行实证研究,预测了辽宁省未来工业固体废弃物的产生量、综合利用量、处置量、排放量、贮存量、累积贮存量的变化趋势,对政府的激励和约束政策的变化对工业固体废弃物不同处理方式的作用效果进行了仿真。研究成果对政府科学制定政策,提高我国工业固体废弃物管理的研究水平具有重要理论与现实意义。  相似文献   

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