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江苏规划高速公路网生态环境影响研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以RS和GIS为基础,运用遥感信息提取、编制自然保护专题系列图、系列图与规划高速公路网叠加、缓冲分析、统计分析等方法,对江苏省规划高速公路网生态环境影响进行分析。规划的5纵9横6联线路中的9条,对127个不同类型保护区中的9个有影响。11个过江通道中的5个对沿江饮用水源保护地有影响。规划高速公路占用的土地中76.74%是基本农田。跨越太湖的沪宁复线将加重梅梁湾、五里湖的水质富营养化。针对上述问题,从保护生态环境的角度提出6大对策:避绕生态保护对象,修改跨太湖线路方案,合理规划穿越山地丘陵区的线路,减少平原区生态破坏,调整过江通道与饮用水源地的交叉关系,保护白鳍豚生存环境安全。  相似文献   

分析24条环太湖主要进出河流河口表层沉积物中Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn、Cr和Ni等6种金属含量特征,并用Hakanson潜在生态危害指数法评价其生态危害,旨在为合理预防和治理太湖重金属污染提供依据.结果表明,对照全国土壤环境质量标准,环太湖诸河口表层沉积物中Cd、Cu和Zn普遍超标,重金属污染强度总体上是北部河流南部河流,入湖河流出湖河流.潜在生态风险评价结果显示,本次监测的各河流河口都不同程度地受到重金属污染,以蠡河河口污染最重,达到很强生态危害.各重金属对太湖生态风险影响程度从高到低依次为CdCuPbNiZnCr.图5表2参17  相似文献   

张掖市生态功能分区   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生态功能分区是依据生态环境敏感性和生态服务功能重要性等特征的空间分异规律而进行的地理空间分区。针对张掖市存在的主要生态环境问题,利用调查资料和相关研究成果,在GIS支持下,对张掖市生态敏感性和生态服务功能重要性进行了评价,明确了生态敏感性和服务功能重要性空间分布格局,在此基础上,将张掖市划分为5个生态功能区,并提出了各功能区生态保护与建设的重点与措施,为区域土地利用规划、生态环境保护与建设规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   

土地整理规划中的自然生态补偿评价方法探讨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
土地整理对生态系统有正负两方而的影响,在规划设计过程中要增加生态补偿设计以减少负而影响.生态补偿的程度直接影响土地整理的让态效益,足衡量土地整理成功与否的一个重要指标.自然生态补偿评价是一个新的课题,其理论与方法体系均有待探讨.文章结合土地整理实践探讨了土地整理规划中的自然生态补偿评价的方法.该方法遵循科学性、系统性、实用性、定量性与可比性的原则,以递阶层次综合评价法为基础,从生态结构合理性、生态功能稳定性与生态环境适宜性3方面选掸17个指标量对土地整理规划中的自然生态补偿进行了评价.结合土地整理实践确定了指标权重与分级标准,并将生态补偿效果分为5个基本等级.该研究建市的生态补偿评价指标体系力求综合反映土地整理规划中的生态对自然生态系统的系统的稳定与可持续性、系统的生产力、生态环境的改善及系统抵御自然灾害能力的贡献.  相似文献   

河流是湖泊物质运移的重要通道,对湖泊生态系统有重要的影响.各矿质元素及营养物质迁移、累积使得河湖交汇处成为重金属元素和营养物质的汇库.通过对太湖的入湖河流及其与太湖交汇区域不同植物群落沉积物中矿质元素、有机质含量分析.结果表明:河流表层沉积物重金属元素含量是其与太湖交汇区表层沉积物重金属元素含量的4~5倍.而元素间的相关系数因不同的生态环境存在差异,且P、Ca、Cu、Sr与其它元素间在河湖交汇区及定向河道均无显著相关关系;而SOM在河湖交汇区有强相关,而在河流中则否.  相似文献   

近年来京津冀生态环境一体化进程举步维艰,生态补偿机制是有效保护区域生态环境的经济手段之一。通过对保定市定兴县2000、2008、2013和2018年4期Landsat TM遥感影像的解译,分析定兴县2000—2018年土地类型的变化,计算县域生态服务功能价值与发展权损失,探讨生态补偿标准的范围,在此基础上探讨区域对县域、县域对生态保护者2个层面的补偿问题,建立县域生态补偿机制。结果表明:由于土地的开发利用,定兴县的生态系统服务价值由8. 691 7亿元降低至8. 131 9亿元,发展权损失为6. 727 4亿元,即定兴县的生态补偿范围为6. 727 4亿~8. 131 9亿元。县域生态补偿机制应把握"谁保护、谁受益、获补偿"、"权责相等"的原则,区域对县域以资金补偿、政策补偿、技术补偿等方式,县域政策应结合时代特点落实在各乡镇、企业、环保NGO和农牧民补偿对象上,形成"合理分配、重点关注、社会参与"的"造血型"补偿机制,从而提高京津冀生态一体化进程中县域的生态补偿机制的可操作性,促进京津冀一体化。  相似文献   

研究的目的在于利用有关数学模型的研究成果,结合项目区域海洋生态环境的现状,分析围海造陆工程形成后由于项目本身侵占湿地以及周围海域水动力条件的改变对生态环境和渔业资源的影响。分析结果表明,滩涂开发工程对养殖区等生态敏感目标的影响不明显,但对滩涂湿地生态系统有一定程度的影响,表现为占用部分湿地,导致湿地总面积减少,但本地区海河口湿地面积缩小对渤海湾生态环境的影响有待进一步研究。文章从管理与规划角度出发提出滩涂开发过程中的有关建议和要求。  相似文献   

太湖水体中5种有机磷农药混合物生态风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
有机磷农药是一类广泛分布于我国水环境中的污染物,即使在水体中的污染水平处于规定“安全标准”之下,其联合暴露产生的风险仍有可能威胁水生生态安全。采用基于浓度加和模型与生物敏感度分布曲线的混合物风险商法,评价了太湖水体中敌敌畏、对硫磷、甲基对硫磷、马拉硫磷和乐果5种有机磷农药混合物产生的生态风险。结果表明:2003~2004年期间3个不同时期太湖水体中5种有机磷农药的混合物生态风险商(RQm )均大于1,有机磷农药混合物在2003~2004年期间对太湖水生生物构成了一定威胁。  相似文献   

《天津市生态城市建设研究》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢华生、包景岭、孙贻超编著,天津人民出版社2011年3月出版发行,ISBN978-7-201-06765-0,16开。全书共8章204页。全书主要内容有:国内外城市生态市建设实践经验、天津市生态功能区划与生态格局、生态城市建设的指标体系、生态环境治理的措施、生态产业和循环经济的规划,以及生态系列创建活动的具体案例。  相似文献   

自COVID-19爆发以来,人类生活和经济受到很大负面影响,但同时疫情期间自然环境得到一定改善.为探究COVID-19管控对太湖重金属污染和水生生态风险的影响,将疫情期间(2021.6—2021.7)和爆发前(2019.9—2020.1)太湖重金属污染和水生生态风险进行对比分析,并通过PCAAPCS-MLR(主成分-绝对主因子分析-多元线性回归受体模型)对重金属进行定量源解析.结果表明,疫情期间太湖重金属污染水平和对水生生物的生态风险皆显著降低,降幅分别为39.9%—92.8%和0.19%—87.66%.整体水质优良比例提升了33.65%.重金属中受影响最大的元素为铜和铬.定量源解析结果表明,工业源对铜和铬的贡献率分别为79.75%和84.26%,疫情期间工业活动的减少是太湖重金属污染和生态风险降低的主要原因.为更好地管控太湖重金属污染和保护太湖水生生物,建议优先监管太湖周边电镀、冶炼和化学三大工业企业铜和铬的排放.  相似文献   

我国自然保护区生态旅游存在问题分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对2006年自然保护区建设管理基本情况调查和2008年自然保护区生态旅游专项问卷调查得到的数据进行分析,立足我国自然保护区生态旅游发展现状,从自然保护区生态旅游涉及的宏观决策管理,保护区管理机构,保护区与社区、旅游经营者、游客、生态环境的关系6个方面,系统地分析目前我国自然保护区生态旅游存在问题,并提出相应对策.  相似文献   

以吉(林)长(春)高速公路为例,论述了高速公路施工期、营运期对沿线生态环境、大气环境、声学环境、水环境可能产生的影响程度及范围。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲地区高速公路沿线景观格局变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据1995年和2005年土地利用数据,借助地理信息系统软件和景观生态学方法研究珠江三角洲区域发展轴线——广深高速公路和广珠高速公路运营前后沿线区域的土地利用和景观格局变化,并进一步对比分析相同功能等级道路的生态效应差异。结果表明:(1)高速公路运营后,沿线区域建设用地增加迅速,耕地大量流失且迅速向建设用地转化;(2)公路的建设运营使得沿线区域人工干扰强度加大,景观斑块密度增加、面积减少、斑块形状趋向复杂,景观破碎化加剧;(3)道路途径区域的社会经济条件以及原有的景观格局特征是导致道路生态破碎效应差异的重要原因;(4)公路对自然景观的影响效应远大于其对人工景观的影响效应。  相似文献   

Abstract:   The largest damming project to date, the Three Gorges Dam has been built along the Yangtze River (China), the most species-rich river in the Palearctic region. Among 162 species of fish inhabiting the main channel of the upper Yangtze, 44 are endemic and are therefore under serious threat of global extinction from the dam. Accordingly, it is urgently necessary to develop strategies to minimize the impacts of the drastic environmental changes associated with the dam. We sought to identify potential reserves for the endemic species among the 17 tributaries in the upper Yangtze, based on presence/absence data for the 44 endemic species. Potential reserves for the endemic species were identified by characterizing the distribution patterns of endemic species with an adaptive learning algorithm called a "self-organizing map" (SOM). Using this method, we also predicted occurrence probabilities of species in potential reserves based on the distribution patterns of communities. Considering both SOM model results and actual knowledge of the biology of the considered species, our results suggested that 24 species may survive in the tributaries, 14 have an uncertain future, and 6 have a high probability of becoming extinct after dam filling.  相似文献   

河南太行山猕猴国家级自然保护区功能区调整与生态影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对拟建济晋高速公路工程对太行山猕猴国家级自然保护区的负面生态影响,提出了保护区功能区调整方案,进而分析了功能区调整对保护区的正面生态影响,并就生态保护与补偿措施问题提出了建议与对策。  相似文献   

Inhibition of Amazon Deforestation and Fire by Parks and Indigenous Lands   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Abstract:  Conservation scientists generally agree that many types of protected areas will be needed to protect tropical forests. But little is known of the comparative performance of inhabited and uninhabited reserves in slowing the most extreme form of forest disturbance: conversion to agriculture. We used satellite-based maps of land cover and fire occurrence in the Brazilian Amazon to compare the performance of large (>10,000 ha) uninhabited (parks) and inhabited (indigenous lands, extractive reserves, and national forests) reserves. Reserves significantly reduced both deforestation and fire. Deforestation was 1.7 (extractive reserves) to 20 (parks) times higher along the outside versus the inside of the reserve perimeters and fire occurrence was 4 (indigenous lands) to 9 (national forests) times higher. No strong difference in the inhibition of deforestation ( p = 0.11) or fire ( p = 0.34) was found between parks and indigenous lands. However, uninhabited reserves tended to be located away from areas of high deforestation and burning rates. In contrast, indigenous lands were often created in response to frontier expansion, and many prevented deforestation completely despite high rates of deforestation along their boundaries. The inhibitory effect of indigenous lands on deforestation was strong after centuries of contact with the national society and was not correlated with indigenous population density. Indigenous lands occupy one-fifth of the Brazilian Amazon—five times the area under protection in parks—and are currently the most important barrier to Amazon deforestation. As the protected-area network expands from 36% to 41% of the Brazilian Amazon over the coming years, the greatest challenge will be successful reserve implementation in high-risk areas of frontier expansion as indigenous lands are strengthened. This success will depend on a broad base of political support.  相似文献   

Land use is rapidly expanding in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, primarily from growth in the number of rural homes. There is a need to project possible future land use and assess impacts on nature reserves as a guide to future management. We assessed the potential biodiversity impacts of alternative future land use scenarios in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. An existing regression-based simulation model was used to project three alternative scenarios of future rural home development. The spatial patterns of forecasted development were then compared to several biodiversity response variables that included cover types, species habitats, and biodiversity indices. We identified the four biodiversity responses most at risk of exurban development, designed growth management policies to protect these areas, and tested their effectiveness in two alternative future scenarios. We found that the measured biodiversity responses, including riparian habitat, elk winter range, migration corridors, and eight other land cover, habitat, and biodiversity indices, are likely to undergo substantial conversion (between 5% and 40%) to exurban development by 2020. Future habitat conversion to exurban development outside the region's nature reserves is likely to impact wildlife populations within the reserves. Existing growth management policies will provide minimal protection to biodiversity in this region. We identified specific growth management policies, including incentives to cluster future growth near towns, that can protect "at risk" habitat types without limiting overall growth in housing.  相似文献   

As invasion rates of exotic species increase, an ecosystem level understanding of their impacts is imperative for predicting future spread and consequences. We have previously shown that network analyses are powerful tools for understanding the effects of exotic species perturbation on ecosystems. We now use the network analysis approach to compare how the same perturbation affects another ecosystem of similar trophic status. We compared food web characteristics of the Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario (Canada), to previous research on Oneida Lake, New York (USA) before and after zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) invasion. We used ecological network analysis (ENA) to rigorously quantify ecosystem function through an analysis of direct and indirect food web transfers. We used a social network analysis method, cohesion analysis (CA), to assess ecosystem structure by organizing food web members into subgroups of strongly interacting predators and prey. Together, ENA and CA allowed us to understand how food web structure and function respond simultaneously to perturbation. In general, zebra mussel effects on the Bay of Quinte, when compared to Oneida Lake, were similar in direction, but greater in magnitude. Both systems underwent functional changes involving focused flow through a small number of taxa and increased use of benthic sources of production; additionally, both systems structurally changed with subgroup membership changing considerably (33% in Oneida Lake) or being disrupted entirely (in the Bay of Quinte). However, the response of total ecosystem activity (as measured by carbon flow) differed between both systems, with increasing activity in the Bay of Quinte, and decreasing activity in Oneida Lake. Thus, these analyses revealed parallel effects of zebra mussel invasion in ecosystems of similar trophic status, yet they also suggested that important differences may exist. As exotic species continue to disrupt the structure and function of our native ecosystems, food web network analyses will be useful for understanding their far-reaching effects.  相似文献   

尽管针对洞庭湖沉积物中重金属的研究工作较多,但缺乏针对其主要入湖口的研究。基于2014年12月和2015年6月对洞庭湖主要入湖口表层沉积物中重金属调查,分析了重金属含量的时空分布特征,并采用一致性沉积物质量基准法对其生态风险进行了评价。结果表明,Cd、Hg、As、Cu、Pb和Zn的平均含量分别为3.27、0.190、27.10、39.8、38.0和157.8 mg·kg-1,其大小顺序为ZnCuPbAsCdHg,Cd和As含量出现超过土壤环境质量三级标准的现象,是主要的重金属污染物。Cd、As、Pb和Zn等4种重金属含量的最高值均出现在湘江入湖口,Cu含量的最高值出现在资水入湖口,Hg含量以沅江入湖口最高,除Pb外,其他5种重金属在湘江和资水入湖口的含量均大于平均值,表明湘江和资水入湖口污染较为严重;汛期与非汛期6种重金属的含量均无显著性差异(P0.05)。6种重金属生态风险大小顺序为AsCdZnPbCuHg,各入湖口生态风险大小顺序为湘江入湖口资水入湖口沅江入湖口汨罗江入湖口澧水入湖口长江"三口"新墙河入湖口,其中湘江和资水入湖口为较高生态风险,其他入湖口为较低生态风险。入湖河流是洞庭湖湖体沉积物重金属污染的主要来源,在一定程度上,入湖河流沉积物中重金属的含量对洞庭湖湖体沉积物中重金属污染状况起着决定性作用,因此,洞庭湖流域重金属污染防控应以入湖河流为主,其中尤以湘江和资水为重点。  相似文献   

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