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比较加压液体萃取法、超声波辅助萃取技术和微波辅助提取技术对公园地表土中多环芳烃的提取效率,并对目标化学成分进行分析鉴定。以超高效液相色谱-三重四极杆质谱作为分析方法,共分离检测出16种多环芳烃类化合物,分别为萘、苊、苊烯、氟、菲、蒽、荧蒽、芘、苯并[a]蒽、艹屈、苯并[b]荧蒽、苯并[k]荧蒽、苯并[a]芘、二苯并[a,h]蒽、茚并[1,2,3-cd]芘和苯并[ghi]苝。结果表明:加压液体萃取法、超声波辅助萃取技术和微波辅助提取技术均可以有效提取公园地表土中多环芳烃类成分。超高效液相色谱-质谱联用技术可以有效地分析公园地表土中多环芳烃类成分。  相似文献   

气溶胶采样点位于广州近郊主干道(广佛公路)边缘及两侧.采样分两种时间类型,一种为白天和夜晚分别采样,另一种为连续24h采样,连续采集三天,以作对比研究.使用仪器为国产大体积采样器.样品经超声波抽提和层析柱分离得到正构烷烃、芳烃(AHs)和极性组分等三种有机组分.对PAHs进行GC-MS分析,气溶胶中具有较高含量的芴、菲、蒽、荧蒽、芘、苯并[a]蒽、茬、苯并[b]荧蒽、苯并[]荧蒽、苯并[a]芘、茚并[1,2,3一cd]芘、二苯并[a,h]蒽、苯并[g,h,i]苝等.通过TSP研究认为,主干道的机动车排放和扬尘是气溶胶的主要来源,多环芳烃从机动车排放出后在迁移扩散过程中因质量数差异而发生分离效应.通过对比可知,该区域测点多环芳烃有机污染物极大程度地高出环境背景区.  相似文献   

不同粒径空气颗粒物中11种多环芳烃的分析测定   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
将五段多孔冲击分级器 (粒径分级 :≤ 1 .1 ,1 .1~ 2 .0 ,2 .0~ 3 .3 ,3 .3~ 7.0 ,≥ 7.0μm)与大流量采样器连接 ,采集呼和浩特市冬夏两季空气颗粒物样品 ,用高压液相色谱仪 (HPLC)测定样品中的蒽 (An)、菲 (Ph)、萤蒽 (Fl)、芘 (Py)、(Ch)、苯并 [a]蒽 (Ba A)、苯并 [a]芘 (Ba P)、二甲基苯并 [a]蒽 (DMBa A)、二苯并 [ah]蒽 (DBah A)、苯并 [ghi] (Bghi P)和晕苯 (Cor)等 1 1种多环芳烃化合物 (PAHs)。数据表明 :呼和浩特市空气颗粒物中 PAHs的浓度较高 ;有约 97%的 PAHs富集于可吸入颗粒中。  相似文献   

广东省南海市主干道气溶胶中多环芳烃(PAHs)的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气溶胶采样点位于广东省南海市桂江路边缘及两侧 ,采集时间为 2 4 h,连续采集三天。使用仪器为国产大体积采样器。同时在公园内设点采样 ,以作背景研究。样品经超声波抽提和层析柱分离得到正构烷烃、芳烃 (AHs)和极性组分等三种有机组分。对 PAHs进行 GC MS分析 ,气溶胶中具有较高含量的芴、菲、蒽、荧蒽、芘、苯并 [a]蒽、、苯并 [b]荧蒽、苯并 [k]荧蒽、苯并 [a]芘、茚并 [1 ,2 ,3-cd]芘、二苯并 [a,h]蒽、苯并 [g,h,i]等。通过 TSP研究认为 ,主干道的机动车排放和扬尘是气溶胶的主要来源 ,气候改变也是 TSP变化的另一重要因素。  相似文献   

为初步了解兰州市大气降尘中有机物的污染特征,采集了兰州市的大气降尘样品,分析了其中的16种多环芳烃和16种多氯联苯。结果表明,兰州市大气降尘中16种多环芳烃的总量为28.9 mg/kg,主要浓度组分为苊、苊烯、茚并[1,2,3-CD]芘和苯并[a]芘;16种多氯联苯的总量为172μg/kg,主要组分为PCB_(169)和PCB_(138)。生态风险评价的结果表明,兰州市22.2%的大气降尘样品多环芳烃总量处于低风险,66.7%的样品处于中等风险,多氯联苯总量以中等风险和高风险为主。  相似文献   

燃煤电厂烟气降温过程中多环芳烃分布特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分别以燃用褐煤与烟煤无烟煤的2个电厂为例,研究2个电厂烟气降温过程中多环芳烃的分布及转化特征。研究表明,萘、菲、苯并[a]蒽和苯并[a]芘4种多环芳烃在烟气降温过程中呈过渡分子状态,在适当的条件下,存在相互转化的可能性;萘、菲、苯并[a]蒽和苯并[a]芘在不同的电厂随飞灰粒径变化所表现出来的吸附特性不同,颗粒的粒度影响多环芳烃的形成与吸附。在烟气降温过程中飞灰表面吸附的萘、菲、苯并[a]蒽和苯并[a]芘含量随着飞灰粒径的变小呈现出逐渐增加的趋势。  相似文献   

液-液萃取-高效液相色谱法分析了焦化废水中EPA优先控制的16种多环芳烃含量,总结出其成分谱及污染特征。结果表明:16种多环芳烃在焦化废水中浓度差异较大,主要以在水中溶解度较大的萘、苊、芴、菲、荧蒽、芘为主。其中萘对多环芳烃总量的贡献最大,占总量的36.70%~86.78%。焦化企业排放废水中6种多环芳烃的总量无超标现象,苯并[a]芘单体超标较普遍。  相似文献   

用丙酮/正己烷(1∶1)混合溶剂,微波萃取法提取环境空气总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)中16种多环芳烃组分,各组分萃取率为66%~83%,萃取效果较好。高效液相色谱法二极管阵列检测器和荧光检测器串联可同时测出16种多环芳烃组分。在二极管阵列检测器响应的组分检测限为2 5μg/L~5 0μg/L,荧光检测器响应的组分检测限为0 01μg/L~0 1μg/L。对25μg/L16种多环芳烃标液作精密度试验,相对标准差均<5%,精密度好。取两个交通干线环境空气样品作TSP中多环芳烃测定,16种组分中除蒽、茚并(1,2,3cd)芘、芘、苊烯4种组分外,其他12种组分均有检出。  相似文献   

2011年4月通过GC-MS检测和210Pb测年对灌河口海域沉积物(GHES)中的PAHs进行了分析,柱状沉积物中21种PAHs总浓度为21.0~209.0 ng/g,均值为88.1 ng/g,7种致癌PAHs浓度为7.0~90.0 ng/g,其中致癌剂苯并[a]芘浓度为ND~2.0 ng/g。PAHs浓度与沉积物中有机质含量呈低度正相关,与p H无明显相关性。源解析表明,近50年来GHES中的PAHs大部分来自煤和生物质燃烧。近50年来,总PAHs和16种优控PAHs浓度在波动中升高;近年来苊、苊烯、苯并[b]荧蒽、荧蒽、茚并[1,2,3-cd]芘的浓度增高,需查明来源。生态风险评价表明,GHES中以芴为主的负面生物毒性效应会偶尔发生。芴、苯并[b]荧蒽、苯并[k]荧蒽的浓度介于临界与偶然效应浓度值之间,应尽量减少对该海域沉积物的搅动,防止污染物再悬浮导致水体的二次污染。  相似文献   

河南省主要城市饮用水源水中多环芳烃污染状况的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对河南省主要城市饮用水源水中多环芳烃的污染状况进行了初步研究 ,结果表明 ,河南省主要城市饮用水源水普遍受到多环芳烃的污染 ,主要污染因子为萘、蒽、菲、芘、荧蒽、芴以及强致癌性物质苯并 (a)芘 ,而且苯并 (a)芘有超标情况出现  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are toxic pollutants released by various urban combustion sources. Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) is a representative member of the class of PAHs. Health risk assessment associated with inhalatory PAHs uptake is often estimated on the basis of the BaP concentrations in air. Atmospheric particulate PAHs concentrations were measured at five locations in Tehran, Iran. Sixteen PAHs were extracted from the airborne particles and analyzed by HPLC. Total PAHs concentrations (16 compounds) at five station Arjanteen, Enghelab, Azadi, Bahman, Haft Houz were respectively, 70.2, 96.5, 130, 79.1, 44.1 ng/m(3). The information obtain from the present study indicated that mean of human carcinogens are: benzo[a]antheracene (0.17-4.76 ng/m(3)), chrysene (1.74-3.62 ng/m(3)), benzo[b]fluoranthene (0-5.25 ng/m(3)), benzo[k]fluoranthene (0.32-1.72 ng/m(3)), benzo[a]pyrene (1.41-3.82 ng/m(3)), dibenzo[a,h]anthracene (0.33-2.13 ng/m(3)), and indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene (0.25-11.08 ng/m(3)). The development and the establishment of a toxicity equivalency factor (TEF) are used in the assessment of mixtures containing PAHs. The contribution of the carcinogenic potency of BaP alone is in the range of 49.6-76.3% of the total carcinogenic activity. The annual number of lung cancer cases (persons per million) among Tehran residents (population = 10 millions) attributable to these carcinogenic PAHs compounds in 2005 was estimated at 58 persons per million. In Tehran urban areas vehicular emission are the primary contributor to PAHs concentrations, with additional local contributors like industrials emissions.  相似文献   

In this paper, improvements obtained by using focused microwaves for extraction, in the analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) adsorbed on particulate matter, are discussed. The method was tested on the following PAHs, which are considered to be among the most harmful with regard to carcinogenicity: benzo[a]anthracene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, benzo[a]pyrene, indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, dibenzo[a,h]anthracene. The extraction of PAHs and concentration of the sample can be performed in 3 h with a recovery of at least 70% and a maximum standard deviation of 4%. These steps are followed by clean-up on a SPE (solid-phase extraction) cartridge and analysis by GC-MS. Real samples collected in the urban area of Bari were analysed according to the proposed procedure.  相似文献   

Food cooking using liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) has received considerable attention in recent years since it is an important source of particulate air pollution in indoor environments for non-smokers. Exposure to organic compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) contained in particles is of particular health concern since some of these compounds are suspected carcinogens. It is therefore necessary to chemically characterize the airborne particles emitted from gas cooking to assess their possible health impacts. In this work, the levels of fine particulate matter (PM(2.5)) and 16 priority PAHs were determined in three different ethnic commercial kitchens, specifically Chinese, Malay and Indian food stalls, where distinctive cooking methods were employed. The mass concentrations of PM(2.5) and PAHs, and the fraction of PAHs in PM(2.5) were the highest at the Malay stall (245.3 microg m(-3), 609.0 ng m(-3), and 0.25%, respectively), followed by the Chinese stall (201.6 microg m(-3), 141.0 ng m(-3), and 0.07%), and the Indian stall (186.9 microg m(-3), 37.9 ng m(-3), and 0.02%). This difference in the levels of particulate pollution among the three stalls may be attributed to the different cooking methods employed at the food stalls, the amount of food cooked, and the cooking time, although the most sensitive parameter appears to be the predominant cooking method used. Frying processes, especially deep-frying, produce more air pollutants, possibly due to the high oil temperatures used in such operations. Furthermore, it is found that frying, be it deep-frying at the Malay stall or stir-frying at the Chinese stall, gave rise to an abundance of higher molecular weight PAHs such as benzo[b]fluoranthene, indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene and benzo[g,h,i]perylene whereas low-temperature cooking, such as simmering at the Indian stall, has a higher concentration of lower molecular weight PAHs. In addition, the correlation matrices and diagnostic ratios of PAHs were calculated to determine the markers of gas cooking. To evaluate the potential health threat due to inhalation exposure from the indoor particulate pollution, excess lifetime cancer risk (ELCR) was also calculated for an exposed individual. The findings suggest that cooking fumes in the three commercial kitchens pose adverse health effects.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the degree of contamination with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in samples of urban soil from three European cities: Glasgow (UK), Torino (Italy) and Ljubljana (Slovenia). Fifteen PAHs (naphthalene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo[a]anthracene, chrysene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, benzo[a]pyrene, dibenzo[a,h]anthracene, benzo[g,h,i]perylene, indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene) were measured in urban soil samples, using harmonised sampling, sample extraction and analyte quantification methods. Although the mean concentration of each PAH in urban soils of each city showed a wide range of values, high levels of contamination were only evident in Glasgow, where the sum of concentrations of 15 PAHs was in the range 1487-51,822 microg kg(-1), cf. ranges in the other two cities were about ten-fold lower (89.5-4488 microg kg(-1)). The three predominant PAHs were phenanthrene, fluoranthene and pyrene, with the sum of these compounds about 40% of the total PAH content. These data, together with some special molecular indices based on ratios of selected PAHs, suggest pyrogenic origins, especially motor vehicle exhausts, to be the major sources of PAHs in urban soils of the three cities. The largest concentrations for PAHs were often found in sites close to the historic quarters of the cities. Overall, the different climatic conditions, the organic carbon contents of soil, and the source apportionment were the dominant factors affecting accumulation of PAHs in soil.  相似文献   

Waste plastic (WP) and tall oil pitch (T), which are organic recycled industrial by-products, have been used as a binder with bitumen in stone mastic asphalt (SMA) and asphalt concrete (AC). We compared the exposure over one workday in 16 road pavers participating in a survey at four paving sites, using mixes of conventional asphalt (SMA, AC) or mixes containing waste material (SMA-WPT, AC-WPT). The concentrations of 11 aldehydes in air were 515 and 902 microg m(-3) at the SMA-WPT and AC-WPT worksites, being 3 and 13 times greater than at the corresponding worksites laying conventional asphalt. Resin acids (2-42 microg m(-3)), which are known sensitizers, were detected only during laying of AC-WPT. The emission levels (microg m(-3)) of total particulates (300-500), bitumen fumes (60-160), bitumen vapour (80-1120), naphthalene (0.59-1.2), phenanthrene (0.21-0.32), pyrene (<0.015-0.20), benzo(a)pyrene (<0.01) and the sum of 16 PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 1.28-2.00) were similar for conventional and WPT asphalts. The dermal deposition of 16 PAHs on exposure pads (on workers' wrist) was low in all pavers (0.7-3.5 ng cm(-2)). Eight OH-PAH biomarkers of naphthalene, phenanthrene and pyrene exposures were quantified in pre- and post-shift urine specimens. The post-shift concentrations (mean +/- SD, micromol mol(-1) creatinine) of 1- plus 2-naphthol; 1-,2-,3-,4- plus 9-phenanthrol; and 1-hydroxypyrene were, respectively, for asphalt workers: 18.1+/- 8.0, 2.41 +/- 0.71 and 0.66+/- 0.58 (smokers); 6.0+/- 2.3, 1.70+/- 0.72 and 0.27+/- 0.15 (non-smokers); WPT asphalt workers: 22.0+/- 9.2, 2.82+/- 1.11 and 0.76+/- 0.18 (smokers); 6.8+/- 2.6, 2.35+/- 0.69 and 0.46+/- 0.13 (non-smokers). The work-related uptake of PAHs was low in all pavers, although it was significantly greater in smokers than in non-smokers. The WPT asphalt workers complained of eye irritation and sore throat more than the pavers who had a much lower exposure to aldehydes and resin acids.  相似文献   

Daytime and nighttime PM(2.5) samples were collected between August 5 and 16, 2009 and between January 24 and February 4, 2010 in an industrial complex site (site A) and an electronic waste recycling site (site B) to determine the seasonal and diurnal variations of 19 individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) with molecular weight 302 (MW302) including four highly carcinogenic dibenzopyrene (DBP) isomers dibenzo[a,l]pyrene (DBalP), dibenzo[a,e]pyrene (DBaeP), dibenzo[a,i]pyrene (DBaiP), and dibenzo[a,h]pyrene (DBahP). This is the first report on DBP isomers in air particles from South China. The total concentration of PAH MW302 isomers ranged from 1.65 to 3.60 ng m(-3) in summer and 3.82 to 9.81 ng m(-3) in winter. The strongest peaks in the chromatograms of the MW302 isomers were naphtha[2,1-a]pyrene (N21aP), dibenzo[j,l]fluoranthene (DBjlF), naphtha[1,2-b]fluoranthene (N12bF), naphtha[1,2-k]fluoranthene (N12kF) and dibenzo[a,e]fluoranthene (DBaeF), constituting 52.0 to 55.4% of the total MW302 isomers. All the MW302 isomers showed notable seasonal variations. Most of the MW302 isomers in site B showed distinctive diurnal variations with higher concentrations occurring in the night. Taking into account both concentration and potency equivalence factors (PEFs), the strongest carcinogen in the analyzed samples was DBaiP, and the ratios of sum carcinogenic potency of four highly carcinogenic DBP isomers to benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) was about 0.94 in winter to 1.89 in summer, indicating the importance of DBP isomers for the risk assessment. Health risk assessment indicated that on average, 1 in 100 000 residents in the two industrial sites may have an increased risk of cancer due to PAH exposure.  相似文献   

Orthodox black tea is obtained from fresh leaves followed by withering, rolling, fermentation and drying. The presence of 16 priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was studied in fresh leaves and at various stages of manufacturing. Benzo(a)pyrene (2A: probable human carcinogen) was found in dried tea leaves only whereas, naphthalene (2B: probable human carcinogen) was present during all the stages of manufacturing. Dry tea leaves showed higher content of total 16 PAHs (∑PAHs) about 3 and 211 times than present in withered and dried leaves, respectively. Chrysene, benzo[g,h,i]perylene, indendo[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene, dibenzo[a,h]pyrene and benzo[a]antracene were not found during manufacturing stages of tea.  相似文献   

Several polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), including those which are carcinogenic, have been detected in rougan, a traditional Chinese barbecued pork dish. The food samples were cleaned up by caustic digestion, solvent extraction, liquid-liquid partition, and column chromatography. The determination was carried out using capillary gas-chromatography with a flame ionization detector. A 25-m HP-1 capillary column was used. Fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, benzo[a]anthracene, chrysene and benzo[k]fluoranthene were detected in three of the five samples within the range of 3-17 ng/g. Fluoranthene and pyrene were detected in only two of the samples at similar levels. Two potent carcinogenic compounds, benzo[a]pyrene and benzo[b,j,k]fluoranthene, were not detected in any of the samples. No detectable PAHs have been found in meat cooked without the direct contact of food with flame and smoke. In barbecuing over an open charcoal fire, animal fat and juices dripping onto the open fire probably enhanced the formation of PAHs.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (16 EPA-PAHs) in urban surface soil from Jiaxing City were determined using HPLC. The total concentration of 16 EPA-PAHs was detected from 18.73 to 441.34 pg/g. Individual PAH occupation analysis demonstrates that four-ring PAHs comprise as much as 44.16% and were prevalent in the composition of PAH pollutants. The other components were two-ring PAHs (7.36%), three-ring PAHs (17.28%), five-ring PAHs (16.16%), and six-ring PAHs (15.04%). Source analysis on the characteristic ratios of anthracene(Ane)/[Ane+phenanthrene(Phe)], fluoranthene(Fla)/[Fla+pyrene(Pyr)], and benzo[a]pyrene(Bap)/benzo[g,h,i]perylene(Bgp) reveals that PAH pollutants originated mainly from coal combustion, but vehicular emission as a source was not negligible. All PAHs discussed in the paper have similar source in most sampling sites. The spatial distributions of pollution sources were closely related to geographic location, geographic condition, and living habit of indigenes. A linear relationship between 2-3-ring PAHs, 4-6-ring PAHs, SOM, and ∑PAHs were investigated and significant correlativity were expatiated lastly. It revealed that coefficient between 2-3-ring PAHs and ∑PAHs is 0.56, between 4-6-ring PAHs and ∑PAHs is 0.99, between SOM and ∑PAHs is 0.82.  相似文献   

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