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在泸州市2016—2020年大气降水监测数据的基础上,借助聚类分析、多元方差分析等统计分析手段,对原有降水监测点位进行优化研究,并验证优化结果。在遵循《酸沉降监测技术规范》(HJ/T 165—2004)点位布设要求的前提下,建立了降水监测点位评价体系,从原有7个降水监测点位中优化筛选出3个。优化后的点位对监测结果的影响显著性均>0.05,表明优化前后全市降水数据无显著性差异,该优化方案不会影响区域整体代表性。  相似文献   

选取太原汾河景区跨桥断面8个监测点,在2012年3月—2013年10月期间对河流8项水质参数进行监测,并结合派生的水体综合污染指数及主成分分析方法分析和评价景区水污染时空变化特征。结果表明,景区水质污染变化时空差异明显,上游污染相对较小,下游污染较重;春季溶解氧和p H值变化幅度最大,夏季除总氮和氨氮外,其他各污染物均有显著变化特征,秋季则以氨氮、总氮和总磷变化最为显著。主成分分析结果显示,虽然各监测点水体污染的关键影响因子不同,但总磷是太原市河流水体污染的共同解释因子。  相似文献   

以2016—2020年古泊善后河国家和省级地表水监测网水质例行监测数据为依据,采用水质指数法(WQI)对古泊善后河水质污染状况进行综合评价;基于水质评价结果,选取影响最大的两项指标CODMn和TP,于2020年10月对古泊善后河开展加密监测,调查分析污染来源。结果表明,2016—2020年古泊善后河水质波动变化较大,汛期降雨对水质下降影响明显,CODMn、TP、CODCr、氟化物和BOD5是影响古泊善后河水质的主要指标;加密监测期间,古泊善后河干流水质CODMn和TP指标浓度分别升高28.9%、38.3%,其中宿迁段升幅显著高于连云港段;支流水质超Ⅲ类比例为22.9%,劣Ⅴ比例为6.3%;部分乡镇生活污水直排和持续降雨将农田中高浓度污染物冲刷进河流支浜,是导致水质下降的主要原因。  相似文献   

基于2011—2015年茹河彭阳水质监测断面的水质数据,采用物元分析法对其断面水质进行评价;建立适用于该监测断面的马尔可夫预测模型对断面水质类别进行预测;同时依据平稳分布对各类水质的重现期作了分析。结果表明:彭阳水质监测断面水质为Ⅲ类;对马尔可夫链预测模型进行验证,满足预测精度;2015年9月和11月的水质类别预测结果均为Ⅲ类,且Ⅲ类水质出现的周期最短,属河流水质常态,其重现期为4.9个月,整体水质较好。  相似文献   

近岸海域环境监测是掌握其环境质量状况,摸清污染来源和影响范围的必要手段。监测点位是环境监测的基础,监测点位优化是提高环境监测代表性的必要手段。按照《近岸海域环境监测点位布设技术规范》(HJ 730—2014)的要求,梳理了点位优化工作的基本流程,经过试优化,预计在全国将增设122个国控监测点位。其中,76个在原有监测点位中选择增设,46个按照规范要求新设。利用2013年监测结果进行插值分析,调整前后水质总体变化小,未出现颠覆性结论,同时提高了对陆源影响区域水质的监控能力。  相似文献   

应用自主研发的傍河取水水质监测与污染预警管理系统对拉林河流域地下水进行污染评价和污染成因分析。通过对样品的采集和分析,说明拉林河流域地下水铁、锰、氨氮和硝酸盐劣于国家地下水环境3级标准,且空间分布具有较强的异质性,可能具有一定的环境生态风险。通过改进的模糊数学法评价拉林河流域地下水污染,提出针对傍河取水工程的地下水保护方案。  相似文献   

文章选取内江市乌龙河为研究对象,利用断面水质类别评价法和河流水质定性评价法两种方法对乌龙河的水环境质量现状进行了评价,分析了乌龙河水质污染的特征和主要原因,提出了乌龙河治理的对策措施。  相似文献   

基于2009—2018年鄱阳湖15个监测点位的水质监测数据,采用基于熵权改进的综合水质指数(WQI)法研究10年间该湖水质年际、季节演变特征及空间分布情况。结果表明:鄱阳湖WQI多年平均值为78.41,水质总体处于差等级,其中氮、磷污染较为严重;该湖水质空间分布差异较小,各湖区WQI较为接近,湖区西北部和东南部污染相对较为严重;该湖夏季水质较好,水质与降水量及湖面风浪强度紧密相关;该湖污染物主要来自入湖河流周边的工、矿、企业的废水及采砂造成的污染物释放,建议控制、治理入湖河流水质,提高鄱阳湖较重污染区水质。  相似文献   

基于2001—2011年洪泽湖水质溶解氧、高锰酸盐指数、总氮、氨氮和总磷长期定位监测数据,采用物元分析法研究洪泽湖渔业水质监测站位的优化布设。结果表明,用物元分析法将原来的21个监测站位优化为14个,监测点位优化后对监测结果无明显影响。  相似文献   

广州市流溪河水库监测布点优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用方差分析及模糊聚类分析,对流溪河水库监测布点进行优化研究,结果表明:水库水质良好,各监测点间及垂向采样点间均无显著性差异;4个库区监测点可分为3类,其余监测点可分为4类。综合考虑确定流溪河水库监测布点方案,应设置对照、控制、出水3类断面,共7个监测点,分别为玉溪河、吕田河、汇水区、库区3个和大坝监测点,每年6月进行垂向分层采样,其余月份进行表层采样。  相似文献   

The water quality monitoring data of eight rivers situated in the Finnish Lapland above the Arctic Circle were investigated. These rivers are icebound annually for about 200 days. They belong to the International River Basin District founded according to the European Union Water Framework Directive and shared with Norway. They are part of the European river monitoring network that includes some 3,400 river sites. The water quality monitoring datasets available varied between the rivers, the longest comprising the period 1975–2003 and the shortest 1989–2003. For each river, annual medians of eight water quality variables were calculated. In addition, medians and fifth and 95th percentiles were calculated for the whole observation periods. The medians indicated good river water quality in comparison to other national or foreign rivers. However, the river water quality oscillated widely. Some rivers were in practice in pristine state, whereas some showed slight human impacts, e.g., occasional high values of hygienic indicator bacteria.  相似文献   

为全面了解并跟踪上海市杨浦区黄浦江流域的水质情况,于2016年1月—2021年12月对杨浦区黄浦江流域的6个监测断面的地表水质量进行调查。采用单因子污染指数分析法和水质综合污染指数分析法,探究了杨浦区内黄浦江流域水质的污染变化特征。结果表明,自2017年杨浦区开展河道整治以来,流域总体水质明显改善,出口水质从重度污染提升到良好水平;居民区密集的虬江断面水质相对较差,后续需加强对虬江流域的污染排放管理;水质污染特征分析结果发现河道的主要污染物种类从氨氮(NH3-N)转换为总磷(TP),说明河道整治提升了河道的自净能力,水质改善效果显著;水质在非汛期优于汛期,气温、降雨、泵站放江和污水排放是影响水质的主要原因。  相似文献   

岷江流域水质状况评价及变化趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过岷江断面水质监测数据,利用内梅罗污染指数法进行水质评价,分析了2009—2013年岷江干流水质情况及其变化趋势。阐述了2013年岷江流域水质空间分布、月季变化情况。提出了流域水质污染防治建议。结果表明,岷江干流上游水质较好、中游较差、下游略有好转,体泉河等部分岷江支流水质较差。2013年全年来看,4—5月份水质较差,7—10月相对较好。  相似文献   

The design of a water quality monitoring network is considered as the main component of water quality management including selection of the water quality variables, location of sampling stations and determination of sampling frequencies. In this study, an entropy-based approach is presented for design of an on-line water quality monitoring network for the Karoon River, which is the largest and the most important river in Iran. In the proposed algorithm of design, the number and location of sampling sites and sampling frequencies are determined by minimizing the redundant information, which is quantified using the entropy theory. A water quality simulation model is also used to generate the time series of the concentration of water quality variables at some potential sites along the river. As several water quality variables are usually considered in the design of water quality monitoring networks, the pair-wise comparison is used to combine the spatial and temporal frequencies calculated for each water quality variable. After selecting the sampling frequencies, different components of a comprehensive monitoring system such as data acquisition, transmission and processing are designed for the study area, and technical characteristics of the on-line and off-line monitoring equipment are presented. Finally, the assessment for the human resources needs, as well as training and quality assurance programs are presented considering the existing resources in the study area. The results show that the proposed approach can be effectively used for the optimal design of the river monitoring systems.  相似文献   

Water quality management plans are an indispensable strategy for conservation and utilization of water resources in a sustainable manner. One common industrial use of water is aquaculture. The present study is an attempt to use statistical analyses in order to prepare an environmental water quality monitoring program for Haraz River, in Northern Iran. For this purpose, the analysis of a total number of 18 physicochemical parameters was performed at 15 stations during a 1-year sampling period. According to the results of the multivariate statistical methods, the optimal monitoring would be possible by only 3 stations and 12 parameters, including NH3, EC, BOD, TSS, DO, PO4, NO3, TDS, temperature, turbidity, coliform, and discharge. In other words, newly designed network, with a total number of 36 measurements (3 stations × 12 parameters = 36 parameters), could achieve exactly the same performance as the former network, designed based on 234 measurements (13 stations × 18 parameters = 234 parameters). Based on the results of cluster, principal component, and factor analyses, the stations were divided into three groups of high pollution (HP), medium pollution (MP), and low pollution (LP). By clustering the stations, it would be possible to track the water quality of Haraz River, only by one station at each cluster, which facilitates rapid assessment of the water quality in the river basin. Emphasizing on three main axes of monitoring program, including measurement parameters, sampling frequency, and spatial pattern of sampling points, the water quality monitoring program was optimized for the river basin based on natural conditions of the study area, monitoring objectives, and required financial resources (a total annual cost of about US $2625, excluding the overhead costs).  相似文献   

苏州河干流水质自动监测系统数据的可靠性分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
以苏州河干流水质自动监测系统为例,通过与实验室数据之间的统计分析,分析苏州河水质在线自动监测系统数据的可靠性。对比分析自动监测系统和实验室的温度、p H、DO、CODMn、NH3-N数据,自动监测系统数据合格,在0.01水平上两者不存在显著性差异,2种方法的结果高度相关,苏州河水质在线自动监测系统测定的数据真实可靠。在自动监测系统的维护中,要对系统关键部分进行不定期的清洗,特别是出现较可疑数据时,应及时寻找原因,解决问题。  相似文献   

The Tamsui River basin is located in Northern Taiwan and encompasses the most metropolitan city in Taiwan, Taipei City. The Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has established 38 water quality monitoring stations in the Tamsui River basin and performed regular river water quality monitoring for the past two decades. Because of the limited budget of the Taiwan EPA, adjusting the monitoring program while maintaining water quality data is critical. Multivariate analysis methods, such as cluster analysis (CA), factor analysis (FA), and discriminate analysis (DA), are useful tools for the statistically spatial assessment of surface water quality. This study integrated CA, FA, and DA to evaluate the spatial variance of water quality in the metropolitan city of Taipei. Performing CA involved categorizing monitoring stations into three groups: high-, moderate-, and low-pollution areas. In addition, this categorization of monitoring stations was in agreement with that of the assessment that involved using the simple river pollution index. Four latent factors that predominantly influence the river water quality of the Tamsui River basin are assessed using FA: anthropogenic pollution, the nitrification process, seawater intrusion, and geological and weathering processes. We plotted a spatial pattern using the four latent factor scores and identified ten redundant monitoring stations near each upstream station with the same score pattern. We extracted five significant parameters by using DA: total organic carbon, total phosphorus, As, Cu, and nitrate, with spatial variance to differentiate them from the polluted condition of the group obtained by using CA. Finally, this study suggests that the Taiwan EPA can adjust the surface water-monitoring program of the Tamsui River by reducing the monitoring stations to 28 and the measured chemical parameters to five to lower monitoring costs.  相似文献   

This paper aims at evaluating and revising the spatial and temporal sampling frequencies of the water quality monitoring system of the Jajrood River in the Northern part of Tehran, Iran. This important river system supplies 23% of domestic water demand of the Tehran metropolitan area with population of more than 10 million people. In the proposed methodology, by developing a model for calculating a discrete version of pair-wise spatial information transfer indices (SITIs) for each pair of potential monitoring stations, the pair-wise SITI matrices for all water quality variables are formed. Also, using a similar model, the discrete temporal information transfer indices (TITIs) using the data of the existing monitoring stations are calculated. Then, the curves of the pair-wise SITI versus distance between monitoring stations and TITI versus time lags for all water quality variables are derived. Then, using a group pair-wise comparison matrix, the relative weights of the water quality variables are calculated. In this paper, a micro-genetic-algorithm-based optimization model with the objective of minimizing a weighted average spatial and temporal ITI is developed and for a pre-defined total number of stations, the best combination of monitoring stations is selected. The results show that the existing monitoring system of the Jajrood River should be partially strengthened and in some cases the sampling frequencies should be increased. Based on the results, the proposed approach can be used as an effective tool for evaluating, revising, or redesigning the existing river water quality monitoring systems.  相似文献   

Sizing a new reservoir is a challenging task, which normally requires simultaneously a cost-effective, risk-informed, and forward-looking decision analysis with respect to basin-wide hydrological features, environmental quality, and biological integrity. Such a sustainable planning approach takes into account the global trend to balance the needs of economic growth, ecological conservation, and environmental protection. To achieve the goal of sustainability, emphasis in this paper was placed upon the correlation of three physical, chemical, and biological indices, including the dissolved oxygen (DO), the 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), and the index of biotic integrity (IBI), for the optimal planning of a reservoir in a river basin. This new methodological paradigm has been employed for sizing an off-stream reservoir in the Hou-Lung River Basin, central Taiwan. The internal linkage between the water quality parameters (DO and BOD5) and the IBI levels further enables us to formulate a special biotic integrity constraint which reflects fish community attributes to suit a relatively low-density and unspecialized freshwater fish fauna in response to the changing water quality conditions in the river basin. The tradeoffs among economic, environmental, and ecological aspects for reservoir sizing can then be based on the river flow patterns, the water demand, the water quality standards, and the anticipated biological integrity in some critical river reaches. Findings in a preliminary case study suggest that an optimal pumping scheme may be smoothly maintained on a yearly basis within a combined multicriteria and multiobjective decision-making process.  相似文献   

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