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为科学合理的监测城市居民区绿地土壤环境状况,对居民区绿地土壤监测点位布设和采样的方法进行研究,包括代表性居民区的选取、监测点采样位置的确定、点位数量的确定等。通过多源大数据可视化手段选取某城市代表性的居民区,对其居民区内绿地土壤重金属(镉、汞、砷、铅、铜、铬、锌和镍)进行监测。结果表明:多源大数据的应用对城市土壤监测布点具有积极作用和优势;不同建筑年代的居民区土壤中重金属含量存在一定差异,为全面监测居民区土壤环境状况应选取不同建筑年代的居民区作为监测对象;不同采样位置对居民区土壤样品中重金属含量无明显影响,优先于居民区内面积占比较大的绿地采样;同一居民区内不同监测点位样品存在差异性,每个居民区内至少布设3~4个监测点位可代表该居民区土壤环境状况。  相似文献   

通过在典型山地城区重庆北碚区香溪美林区域选择屋面及道路、砖石、绿地3类不同下垫面进行降雨采样监测并结合现有资料,分析初期雨水径流特征。结果表明:2016—2017年重庆北碚区小雨占总降雨天数的80.4%,暴雨仅占1.3%,平均降雨量为9 mm,平均降雨强度为9.75 mm/h,降雨历时以中、短历时(1 h~6 h)为主,多为单峰降雨。降雨初期径流量变化较快,中后期变化平稳。降雨强度相同时,屋面及道路径流量最大,绿地最小。初次径流形成时间随屋面及道路、砖石、绿地依次递增,随降雨强度增强而缩短。  相似文献   

沙尘暴的成因与防治措施初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对今春我国北方地工百北京连续7次的扬尘和沙尘暴龙击,分析其成因及危害,提出了防治沙尘暴的具体措施及建议,为沙尘暴的有效治理提供一定的科学依据和参考。  相似文献   

杭州城区PM2.5和PM10污染特征及其影响因子分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2013年12月—2014年11月杭州城区空气质量监测站PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)浓度值结合气象、道路、人口数据以及站点周边绿地信息分析PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)浓度时空特征及其影响因子。结果表明,杭州城区各监测站PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)晴天日浓度变化趋势基本一致,PM_(2.5)比PM_(10)污染严重;晴天日PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)浓度值与对应的温度(-0.463,-0.281)、风速(-0.305,-0.332)呈负相关,与湿度(0.257,0.239)呈正相关;晴天有风时,杭州市区PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)污染北部重于南部,东部重于西部,浓度极高值集中在风速小于5 m/s时段,且风速越小浓度值越高;温度为12℃左右,湿度在60%~80%时,颗粒物污染最严重;交通高峰时各监测站PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)污染程度存在明显差异。相关性分析表明,PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)污染程度与道路密度成正比,与缓冲区内绿地覆盖面积成反比。PM_(2.5)污染程度与人口密度成正比,PM_(10)污染与人口密度成反比。  相似文献   

为了研究城市砷污染的现状及不同区域砷污染的空间差异性,以吉林市表层土壤为研究对象,在交通干道的绿化带和磨盘山保护区采集35个土壤样本,进行pH、有机质及砷含量的测定。采用单项污染指数、污染累计指数法等对土壤砷污染进行评价,并运用方差分析的方法对不同区域的砷污染进行了差异比较。研究表明:吉林市街道砷含量为26.43 mg/kg,为磨盘山自然土壤砷含量的4.08倍,为吉林市砷土壤背景值7.26倍;吉林市砷总体超标率12.9%。江北工业区、吉林大街和解放大路的单项污染指数分别为1.34、0.95、0.87,整体达到轻微污染水平。江北工业区和吉林大街、解放大路的变异系数相差不大,依次为0.13、0.11、0.17。土壤砷的污染累积指数为3.21,且由北向南递减,因此,砷污染主要来自于江北工业区的工业"三废"污染。  相似文献   

采用城市绿地和降雨系统模拟装置,研究绿地系统对径流污染物的净化机理。研究表明,模拟绿地对径流污染物的削减和污染物总量的控制有较好作用。降雨0.5h内污染物质主要被0cm-15cm层土壤所吸附,2h后各层对有机质、氮磷的吸附能力基本相同。绿地系统对径流污染物中COD、NH4^+ -N、NO3^- -N及TP去除率为37.6%~49.9%;降雨期间污染物的去除主要靠土壤和植物根系的截留、吸附和吸收作用,因此对土壤NH4^+ -N、NO3^- -N及TP的吸附过程用Langmiur方程进行拟和,发现土壤对NH4^+ -N及TP的吸附反应在常温下自发进行程度较强,对NO3^- -N的吸附反应在常温下较难进行。且降雨后微生物开始降解吸附于土壤颗粒表面和植物根系的污染物,降雨后第5d~8d,土壤中微生物数量达到最大值,说明雨后土壤中污染物的降解主要发生在降雨后第2d-8d内,且t4d~17d土壤污染物含量基本降到降雨前水平,土壤得到再生.  相似文献   

本文采用遥感技术,利用彩红外片提取城市建筑,交通、绿地三大空间信息,最后从城市环境结构的非生态化角度进行城市质量评价。这是一种新的尝试,亦为环境研究引入了一种快速而有效的方法。  相似文献   

基于全国水质监测站点数据和Landsat 8 OLI数据,分析各个站点pH值、高锰酸盐指数、溶解氧和氨氮 4项水质参数的时空变化特征,采用冗余分析方法研究不同尺度缓冲区内土地利用类型对水质参数变异的解释能力。结果表明,大部分监测站点水质参数变异程度较小,水质状况良好;不同尺度缓冲区内土地利用类型对水质参数的影响不同,在1 200 m缓冲区内土地利用对水质参数的解释率最大;农业用地在300 m缓冲区内会使水质恶化,可在较大尺度上对水质有净化作用,林地和水域在一定程度上可以起到改善水质的作用,建设用地对水质有较大的负面影响。  相似文献   

都市中心建绿岛可以调节气温:最近在埃森召开的城市气候学国际会议主张,在人口稠密地区有计划建造公园、绿地或人工湖可使城市空气变得凉爽。例如美国的图森等干燥炎热地方,公园里的温度比邻近建筑密集j&带气温低7℃Z像伦敦这样气候宜人的城市,温差也相差2℃。都...  相似文献   

城市热岛强度分区是城市通风环境改善的前期准备工作。通过空间信息技术方法,提取不同土地类型,并结合建成区热岛强度指数划分武汉市热岛及冷空气生成区。结果表明:用地类型与地表温度存在明显的相关性,大部分水域处于低温区及次低温区,高温区不存在林草地和耕地,城市建设用地主要分布在高温区内;热岛区域大部分分布在武汉市主城区范围内,冷空气生成区位于城市热岛的周边,主城区范围内的大型湖泊、河流和公园绿地对热岛进行分隔。由此提出,对武汉市各个气候功能片区采取分类规划改善策略。  相似文献   

介绍珠三角及佛山市新标准监测网络结构,从拓宽网络有效覆盖范围、提升网络对污染研究的支撑能力、以及巩固数据实时发布工作基础等多角度分析了网络完善需求,提出了下一阶段网络建设的重点措施建议,并介绍了佛山市目前计划进行的网络完善工作。  相似文献   

We studied the steady-state behavior of a mathematical model of a nitrifying trickling filter. In particular, we studied the effect of the operating conditions of the filter on the complete and safe nitrification. We presented the results with the help of the operating diagram of the system and we determined the range of operating conditions resulting in optimal operation. We also computed biofilm thickness along the filter depth and concentration profiles inside the biofilm, and compared them with experimental results found in the literature. The comparison shows very good qualitative agreement between model predictions and experimental data.  相似文献   

This article details the results of an investigation into the application of geostatistical data analysis to two environmentalradiometric time series. The data series employed consist of 99Tc values for seaweed (Fucus vesiculosus) and seawater samples taken as part of a marine monitoring program conducted on the coast of northern Norway by the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority. Geostatistical methods were selected in order to provide information on values of the variables at unsampled times and to investigate the temporalcorrelation exhibited by the data sets. This information is ofuse in the optimisation of future sampling schemes and for providing information on the temporal behaviour of the variablesin question that may not be obtained during a cursory analysis.The results indicate a high degree of temporal correlation withinthe data sets, the correlation for the seawater and seaweed databeing modelled with an exponential and linear function,respectively. The semi-variogram for the seawater data indicatesa temporal range of correlation of approximately 395 days with noapparent random component to the overall variance structure and was described best by an exponential function. The temporal structure of the seaweed data was best modelled by a linear function with a small nugget component. Evidence of drift was present in both semi-variograms. Interpolation of the data setsusing the fitted models and a simple kriging procedure were compared, using a cross-validation procedure, with simple linearinterpolation. Results of this exercise indicate that, for theseawater data, the kriging procedure outperformed the simpleinterpolation with respect to error distribution andcorrelation of estimates with actual values. Using theunbounded linear model with the seaweed data produced estimatesthat were only marginally better than those produced by thesimple interpolation.  相似文献   

We grew leek (Allium porrum) in soils of two shooting ranges heavily contaminated with heavy metals in the towns of Zuchwil and Oberuzwil in Switzerland as a bioassay to test theactivity of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in these soils.Soil samples were taken from (1) front of the shooting house(HOUSE), (2) the area between house and target (FIELD) and (3) the berm (BACKSTOP). Samples of Ribwort plantain (Plantagolanceolata) growing naturally within the shooting ranges werealso collected and the colonization of its roots by mycorrhizalfungi was measured. The number of AM spores in the soils wassignificantly reduced concomitant with the increase in thedegree of soil contamination with metals. In Zuchwil,mycorrhizal fungi equally colonized roots of Ribwort plantainsampled from BACKSTOP and HOUSE. In Oberuzwil, however, plantsfrom BACKSTOP had lower colonization when compared with thosesampled from HOUSE. Colonization of leek was strongly reducedin the BACKSTOP soil of Zuchwil and slightly reduced in theBACKSTOP soil of Oberuzwil when compared with plants grown inrespective HOUSE soil. Concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb andZn in the leaves of leek grown in the BACKSTOP soil was withinthe range considered toxic for human consumption. This pointsto the high degree of bio-availability of these metal in thesesoils. Significant decrease in the number of mycorrhizal sporesin the BACKSTOP soils in Zuchwil and the low colonization ofleek roots grown in these soils point to possible changes inthe species diversity of mycorrhizal fungi in these soils.  相似文献   

香溪河库湾氮的时空分布及影响因子分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为研究解决香溪河库湾水体富营养化问题,需探明库湾水体氮的时空分布及影响因子。2010年12月—2011年11月对香溪河与水库干流交界处至香溪河库湾尾部共12个采样点进行连续监测,分析香溪河库湾氮的时空分布,结果表明,香溪河库湾氮存在明显的时空分布规律。空间上,回水末端处TN和NO3--N浓度低,河口处浓度高,随着与回水末端距离的增加,浓度逐渐升高。在时间上,香溪河库湾TN和NO3--N浓度的变异系数随着与河口距离的增加总体上逐渐增大,研究时间内的变化程度逐渐变大;且香溪河库湾TN和NO3--N浓度在三峡水库不同运行阶段的时间变化规律不同。  相似文献   

Exxon Neftegas Limited, operator of the Sakhalin-1 consortium, is developing oil and gas reserves on the continental shelf off northeast Sakhalin Island, Russia. DalMorNefteGeofizika (DMNG), on behalf of the Sakhalin-1 consortium, conducted a 3-D seismic survey of the Odoptu license area during 17 August–9 September 2001. A portion of the primary known feeding area of the endangered western gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) is located adjacent to the seismic block. The data presented here were collected as part of daily monitoring to determine if there was any measurable effect of the seismic survey on the distribution and abundance of western gray whales. Mitigation and monitoring program included aerial surveys conducted between 19 July and 19 November using the methodology outlined by the Southern California High Energy Seismic Survey team (HESS). These surveys provided documentation of the distribution, abundance and bottom feeding activity of western gray whales in relation to seismic survey sounds. From an operations perspective, the aerial surveys provided near real-time data on the location of whales in and outside the feeding area, and documented whether whales were displaced out of an area normally used as feeding habitat. The objectives of this study were to assess (a) temporal changes in the distribution and abundance of gray whales in relation to seismic survey, and (b) the influence of seismic survey, environmental factors, and other variables on the distribution and abundance of gray whales within their preferred feeding area adjacent to Piltun Bay. Multiple regression analysis revealed a limited redistribution of gray whales southward within the Piltun feeding area when the seismic survey was fully operational. A total of five environmental and other variables unrelated to seismic survey (date and proxies of depth, sea state and visibility) and one seismic survey-related variable (seg3d, i.e., received sound energy accumulated over 3 days) had statistically significant effects on the distribution and abundance of gray whales. The distribution of two to four gray whales observed on the surface (i.e., about five to ten whales in total) has likely been affected by the seismic survey. However, the total number of gray whales observed within the Piltun feeding area remained stable during the seismic survey. M. W. Newcomer, Deceased.  相似文献   

Many environmental surveys require the implementation of estimation techniques to determine the spatial distribution of the variable being investigated. Traditional methods of interpolation and estimation, for example, inverse distance squared and triangulation often ignore features of the data set such as anisotropy which may have a significant impact on the quality of the estimates produced. Geostatistical techniques may offer an improved method of estimation by modelling the spatial continuity of the variable using semi-variogram analysis. The theoretical model fitted to the semi-variogram is then used in the assignation of weighting factors to the samples surrounding the location to be estimated. This paper outlines the results of a comparison between three common estimation methods, polygonal, triangulation and inverse distance squared and a geostatistical method, in the estimation of soil radionuclide activities. The geostatistical estimation method known as kriging performed best over a range of parameters used to test the performance of the methods. Kriging exhibited the best correlation between actual and estimated values, the narrowest error distribution and the lowest overall estimation error. Polygonal estimation was best at reproducing the data set distribution. Conditional bias was evident in all the methods, low values being over-estimated and high values being under-estimated.  相似文献   

Transportation system has contributed significantly to the development of human civilization; on the other hand it has an enormous impact on the ambient air quality in several ways. In this paper the air and noise pollution at selected sites along three sections of National Highway was monitored. Pakistan National Highway Authority has started a Highway Improvement program for rehabilitations and maintenance of National highways to improve the traffic flows, and would ultimately improve the air quality along highways. The ambient air quality and noise level was monitored at nine different locations along these sections of highways to quantify the air pollution. The duration of monitoring at individual location was 72 h. The most of the sampling points were near the urban or village population, schools or hospitals, in order to quantify the air pollution at most affected locations along these roads. A database consisting of information regarding the source of emission, local metrology and air quality may be created to assess the profile of air quality in the area.  相似文献   

We describe the development and parameterization of a grid-based model of African savanna vegetation processes. The model was developed with the objective of exploring elephant effects on the diversity of savanna species and structure, and in this formulation concentrates on the relative cover of grass and woody plants, the vertical structure of the woody plant community, and the distribution of these over space. Grid cells are linked by seed dispersal and fire, and environmental variability is included in the form of stochastic rainfall and fire events. The model was parameterized from an extensive review of the African savanna literature; when available, parameter values varied widely. The most plausible set of parameters produced long-term coexistence between woody plants and grass, with the tree–grass balance being more sensitive to changes in parameters influencing demographic processes and drought incidence and response, while less sensitive to fire regime. There was considerable diversity in the woody structure of savanna systems within the range of uncertainty in tree growth rate parameters. Thus, given the paucity of height growth data regarding woody plant species in southern African savannas, managers of natural areas should be cognizant of different tree species growth and damage response attributes when considering whether to act on perceived elephant threats to vegetation.  相似文献   

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