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针对中国目前环境应急资源储备体系不成熟的现状,从制度建设、人力保障、物资及装备配置、信息平台构建等方面,提出了储备体系的构建方案,为中国建立科学的环境应急资源储备体系、提高环境应急处置能力提供重要指导。同时,就中国环境应急救援体系现存问题,提出了制定环境应急法、信息共享、救援队伍整合等具体的完善建议。  相似文献   

以株洲市攸县某矿业公司"5·7"重大中毒窒息事故的环境应急监测为例,详细阐述了该事故开展应急监测的全过程。针对锁定污染因子、查找污染源、判断污染团的扩散趋势以及监控敏感点的安全等监测目的设计监测方案。通过监测数据分析确定事故特征因子为CO,其周边环境空气中浓度随着与抽风口距离的增加而快速下降,监测到附近居民区环境空气质量未受事故影响。  相似文献   

从机构和运行管理、使用技术和方法、硬件配置和监测能力、人员配置和培训演练四个片面介绍了上海市突发环境事件应急监测体系的现状。提出了完善上海市应急监测体系的设想,包括建立全市一盘棋的应急监测网络、加快新技术研发和方法标准化、加强装备配置和管理、加快应急监测队伍建设、建立和完善技术支持平台、加强后勤保障等。  相似文献   

微生物应急监测是生态环境应急监测的重要组成部分,流动实验室在开展水质微生物指标应急监测方面存在一定的优势。在详细梳理微生物流动实验室在环境条件、硬件设施、设备物资、监测过程以及实验室管理等方面的各项要求的基础上,以北京市某地废水微生物应急监测为案例,列举了流动实验室在"人、机、料、法、环、测"等方面采取的措施和取得的效果。结果表明,建立微生物应急监测流动实验室既存在一定的必然性也存在可行性,并启发出能够满足质量管理要求的微生物应急监测流动实验室标准化建设思路。  相似文献   

为全面测量固定源湿法脱硫烟气中多形态颗粒物的排放浓度及其离子组成特征,提出了一种基于一级冷凝、二级过滤和一级冲击吸收的多形态烟气颗粒物的同步测量方法,外场实测了3种湿法脱硫和除尘工艺的排放水平。现场测试表明:简易湿法除尘脱硫(NaOH法)一体化装置烟气中可过滤颗粒物(FPM)浓度为(36±11)mg/m3,可逃逸颗粒物(EPM)浓度为(33±7)mg/m3;氧化镁法+布袋除尘工艺烟气中FPM浓度为(14±5)mg/m3,EPM浓度为(13±6)mg/m3;石灰石-石膏脱硫+电袋除尘工艺烟气中FPM浓度低,小于3 mg/m3,EPM浓度为(6±1)mg/m3;烟气中EPM是传统滤膜法检测FPM浓度的0.7~5.7倍,EPM的主要存在形态为冷凝液中的可溶解颗粒物(DPM),颗粒物的组分与脱硫方法密切相关,各形态颗粒物的主要组分是SO42-、SO32-、NO3-、NO2-、NH4+、Cl-、Na+、Mg2+和Ca2+等离子。  相似文献   

采用先进的物联网、云计算和模型仿真等技术,陈述了基于自动监测监控技术的环境安全防控系统的设计和应用。该系统利用物联网、GIS等先进技术,将重点源企业、河流断面、放射源等纳入到统一的环境监控网络中,全方位构建区域内环境安全防控大格局。根据城市环境应急现状,建立三级环境安全防控体系,实现对环境安全事故的有效预防、控制和处置。  相似文献   

以硫酸铵-氨水溶液为淋洗液,二苯碳酰二肼为柱后显色剂,采用离子色谱-柱后衍生可见光检测环境空气中六价铬和废气中铬酸雾的含量。通过对分析条件的优化,建立了简便、灵敏、选择性好、准确性高和重现性好的分析气体中六价铬的方法。该方法在Cr6+浓度1.00~600 μg/L之间线性良好,当采集50 L有组织废气和20 L无组织废气时,铬酸雾分析的检出限分别为2.2×10-5和1.1×10-5 mg/m3,采集64 m3环境空气时,Cr6+分析的检出限为7.8×10-9 mg/m3,以浸提后的样品水溶液连续进样得到其相对标准偏差为1.42%(n=8)。利用该法进行环境空气中六价铬和废气中铬酸雾的测定,回收率在80%~105%之间。监测结果显示:环境空气中六价铬含量处于极低状态;五金厂厂界废气中铬酸雾含量极低,约为5 μg/m3;五金厂废气排气筒监测的气体中则含有较高浓度的铬酸雾,其含量已经超过GB 21900—2008中规定的排放限值。  相似文献   

显微镜计数法测定浮游植物的研究进展及修订建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了国内外淡水浮游植物密度的测定——显微镜计数法的规范和标准。提出了国外有关标准中关于浮游植物在计数框中的分布要求、计数量与测定精密度的关联、检出限的计算方法等是值得借鉴的内容。通过实验验证了浮游植物在计数框中越符合随机分布,测定的精密度越好;随计数量的增加,观察到的浮游植物种类越多且测定精密度越好。借鉴英国标准BS/EN 15204:2006中关于检出限的定义和计算方法,得出了适用于中国规范中4种常用计数方式的检出限计算方法,并得出4种计数方式的检出限分别为对角线计数4.6×105个/L、行格计数1.5×105个/L、全片计数4.6×104个/L、随机视野计数6.8×105个/L。最后提出了应在中国相关规范中补充浮游植物在计数框中的分布要求、最少计数量与精密度的关联和确定检出限的方法等建议。  相似文献   

2018年4月至2019年3月对杭州市城区大气中117种挥发性有机物(VOCs)开展了为期一年的手工采样观测,分析了VOCs各组分的浓度特征、臭氧生成潜势(OFP)和二次有机气溶胶(SOA)生成潜势。结果显示,观测期杭州市大气VOCs体积分数均值为(56.72±29.56)×10-9,含氧挥发性有机物(OVOCs)、烷烃和卤代烃是其主要组分,分别占33.86%、30.70%、15.73%。VOCs体积分数前10位的物种为丙烷、甲醛、异丁烷、乙烷、乙酸乙酯、二氯甲烷、正丁烷、丙酮、甲苯和1,2-二氯乙烷。杭州市VOCs的OFP为135.18×10-9,各VOCs组分的OFP贡献为OVOCs(45%) > 芳香烃(22%) > 烯烃和炔烃(21%) > 烷烃(11%) > 卤代烃(1%),其中甲醛、乙烯和乙醛是OFP主要贡献者。SOA生成潜势为1.64 μg/m3,芳香烃是最重要的SOA前体物。SOA生成潜势最大的5种VOCs物种为甲苯、对/间二甲苯、乙苯、邻二甲苯和苯,因此控制来自机动车尾气和溶剂使用过程中产生的VOCs可有效降低SOA的生成。通过甲苯与苯体积分数比分析发现,杭州市城区芳香烃除了来自机动车尾气以外,在春、夏季和秋、冬季还分别受到生物质燃烧和涂料溶剂的影响;分析了乙烷与乙炔体积分数比、乙炔与CO体积分数比,发现杭州市气团的老化程度呈现整体较高的特点。  相似文献   

蓝藻水华暴发过程中水华物种的演替及其与蓝藻毒素的关系,对于湖泊的风险评估具有重大意义。于2017年水华暴发较为严重的夏季(6-8月)对巢湖水体的理化参数、浮游植物和蓝藻毒素进行了调查和分析。结果表明:夏季巢湖基本上处于富营养-超富营养的状态。24个样本共鉴定出浮游植物7门72属117种,以绿藻门、蓝藻门和硅藻门为主。浮游植物的群落组成和细胞密度存在明显的时空差异性,其中6月浮游植物平均细胞密度为1.35×108 cells/L,优势种属主要为微囊藻(Microcystis spp.,优势度为0.397)、水华长孢藻(Dolichospermum flos-aquae,优势度为0.195)和水华束丝藻(Aphanizomenon flos-aquae,优势度为0.181);7月浮游植物平均细胞密度为1.31×108 cells/L,优势种属主要为微囊藻(优势度为0.741)和黏伪鱼腥藻(Pseudanabaena mucicola,优势度为0.072);8月浮游植物平均细胞密度为1.01×108 cells/L,优势种属主要为微囊藻(优势度为0.646)。11种蓝藻毒素在夏季巢湖水体中均有不同程度的检出,其中以微囊藻毒素MC-LR、MC-RR和MC-YR为主,最高检出浓度分别为0.115、0.107、0.018 μg/L。此外,分析了拟柱孢藻毒素浓度与水华束丝藻细胞密度的关系,显示两者之间存在非常显著的正相关性(P<0.01),表明水华束丝藻可能是其最主要的产毒蓝藻。11种蓝藻毒素的浓度均未超过饮用水安全标准的规定,但其潜在的安全风险依然需要密切注意。  相似文献   

生态环境监测人员在工作中面临病原微生物安全风险。调研发现,已颁布的相关法律法规、标准和规定,多侧重于实验室及医务人员的病原微生物安全防护,缺少生态环境监测人员在采样、样品运输和交接、废弃物处置等过程中的病原微生物安全规范,新冠肺炎疫情期间的防护指导文件比较笼统。笔者在已颁布的法律法规和各项标准基础上,识别和评估生态环境监测全过程病原微生物安全风险,提出相应的监测要求和人员防护建议,针对采样、样品运输和交接、实验室分析和废弃物处置过程提出个人防护措施及突发情况下的应急防护措施。  相似文献   

As one of cities in the developing countries, a rapid population growth and industrial activities pose many environmental challenges for Jimma city, Ethiopia. One aspect of urban growth posing a threat on sustainable development is poor solid waste management, which results in environmental pollution. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the quantity, composition, sources of waste generated, their current disposal practices, and to recommend appropriate management technologies. The total waste generated daily in Jimma city was ca. 88,000 kg, and the average per capita generation rate was 0.55?±?0.17 kg/capita/day. Eighty-seven percent of the waste was produced by households and 13% by institutions, and a negligible fraction (0.1%) was generated by street sweepings. During the rainy season, 40% more waste was generated than in the dry season because of the increased availability of agricultural food product. Further analysis showed that biodegradable organic waste constitutes 54% by weight with an average moisture content of 60% that falls within the required limits for composting. The nonbiodegradable components constitute 46% of which 30% of it was nonrecyclable material. Only 25% of the community uses municipal containers for disposal at the selected landfill site. Fifty-one percent of the households disposed their waste in individually chosen spots, whereas 22% burned their waste. Finally 2% of households use private waste collectors. The socioeconomic analysis showed that higher family income and educational status is associated more with private or municipal waste collection and less with the application of backyard or open dumping. These insights into generated waste and management practice in Jimma city allow making suggestions for improved collection, treatment, and disposal methods. A primary conclusion is that the biodegradable waste is a major fraction having suitable properties for recycling. As such an economic benefit can be obtained from this waste while avoiding the need for disposal.  相似文献   

农村生活垃圾产生特征及分类收集模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以南京市高淳县的一个村为研究对象,依托新建的农村生活垃圾分类收集系统,对该区域生活垃圾的产生量、组成成分及其动态变化进行了调查研究,从垃圾分类收集模式的运行效果和经济可行性对其进行了分析。结果表明,该地区农村人均垃圾产生量为0.4 kg/d ,但随季节有一定的波动,这主要是由食品类消费的季节性变动而引起。垃圾组成以有机垃圾为主,约占55%,可回收垃圾、其他垃圾和有害垃圾所占比例分别为30.5%、14.2%和0.34%。通过认真的宣传和指导,村民在较短的时间内基本都可以做到正确分类;垃圾分类收集系统的户均建设成本为21元,运行费用比分类收集前每户每月增加3.2元 。  相似文献   

强化突发性环境污染事故应急监测管理   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
对建立健全突发性环境污染事故应急监测与处置技术支持系统、强化突发性环境污染事故应急监测管理方面进行的一系列研究和指导性工作进行了总结.  相似文献   

The increasing municipal solid waste (MSW) generation along with the high fraction of organic waste and a common disposal of open dumping is the current scenario in many areas in Thailand. As a response to this problem, the country’s Pollution Control Department (PCD) aims to reduce the MSW generation rate to less than 1 kg/capita/day, increase the collection efficiency, and improve the recovery of recyclables. For many years, more than 60% of the solid waste disposal system in Thailand has been carried out by open dumping. According to the survey conducted by this study, in 2004 there were 425 disposal sites (95 landfills; 330 open dumps) in Thailand and an estimated methane emission of 115.4 Gg/year was generated based on this practice. It has been estimated that the anticipated methane emission in Thailand will rise from 115.4 Gg/year to 118.5 Gg/year if the largest open dumpsites in provinces with no existing landfill are upgraded to sanitary landfill; and it will increase to 193.5 Gg/year if the existing sanitary landfill is upgraded to integrated waste management facilities. Moreover, Bangkok metropolitan have the highest methane emission (54.83 Gg/year) among all the regions in Thailand. The methane emission forecast of 339 Gg/year by 2020 (based on LandGEM methodology) provides a stimulus to create a comprehensive plan to capture and utilize methane as an energy source.  相似文献   

Ensenada health officials lack pertinent information on the sustainable management of solid waste, as do health officials from other developing countries. The aims of this research are: (a) to quantify and analyze the household solid wastes generated in the city of Ensenada, Mexico, and (b) to project biogas production and estimate generation of electrical energy. The characterization study was conducted by socioeconomic stratification in two seasonal periods, and the biogas and electrical energy projections were performed using the version 2.0 Mexico Biogas Model. Per capita solid waste generation was 0.779?±?0.019 kg per person per day within a 98 % confidence interval. Waste composition is composed mainly of food scraps at 36.25 %, followed by paper and cardboard at 21.85 %, plastic at 12.30 %, disposable diapers at 6.26 %, and textiles at 6.28 %. The maximum capacity for power generation is projected to be 1.90 MW in 2019. Waste generated could be used as an intermediate in different processes such as recycling (41.04 %) and energy recovery (46.63 %). The electrical energy that could be obtained using the biogas generated at the Ensenada sanitary landfill would provide roughly 60 % of the energy needed for street lighting.  相似文献   

This research had been conducted during year 2012 to review existing data on hospital waste management for some of Khartoum town hospitals and to try to produce appropriate proposals acceptable for waste management and final treatment methods. The overall status of hospital waste management in Khartoum has been assessed through direct visits and designated questionnaires. Eight main hospitals were covered in the study with an overall bed capacity of 2,978. The current waste management practice observed at all studied hospitals was that most of waste, office, general, food, construction debris, and hazardous chemical materials were all mixed together as they are generated, collected, and finally disposed of. Only a small portion of waste in some hospitals (part of potentially infectious, body parts, and sharps) are collected separately and treated in a central incinerator. The estimated value of per bed generation rate in the studied hospitals was found to be 0.87 kg/day, which lies within the range for the low-income countries. In all studied hospitals, it was found that workers were working under very poor unsafe conditions with very low salaries ($35 to $45 per month on average). About 90 % were completely illiterate or had very low education levels. At the national level, no laws considering hospital waste, or even hazardous waste, were found; only some federal general environmental regulations and some procedures from town and city localities for controlling general municipal waste exist. At the hospital level, no policies or rules were found, except in the radiotherapy center, where they manage radioactive wastes under the laws of the Sudanese Atomic Agency. Urgent actions are needed for the remediation and prevention of hazards associated with this type of waste.  相似文献   

Plastic solid waste has become a serious problem when considering the disposal alternatives following the sequential hierarchy of sound solid waste management. This study was undertaken to assess the quantity and composition of household solid waste, especially plastic waste to identify opportunities for waste recycling. A 1-month survey of 130 households was carried out in Can Tho City, the capital city of the Mekong Delta region in southern Vietnam. Household solid waste was collected from each household and classified into ten physical categories; especially plastic waste was sorted into 22 subcategories. The average household solid waste generation rate was 281.27 g/cap/day. The compostable and recyclable shares respectively accounted for high percentage as 80.74% and 11%. Regarding plastic waste, the average plastic waste generation rate was 17.24 g/cap/day; plastic packaging and plastic containers dominated with the high percentage, 95.64% of plastic waste. Plastic shopping bags were especially identified as the major component, accounting for 45.72% of total plastic waste. Relevant factors such as household income and household size were found to have an existing correlation to plastic waste generation in detailed composition. The household habits and behaviors of plastic waste discharge and the aspects of environmental impacts and resource consumption for plastic waste disposal alternatives were also evaluated.  相似文献   

在分析化工园区危险性和特点的基础上,探讨现代化应急管理模式在化工园区应急管理中的应用,研究建立“风险防控、应急队伍、应急平台、应急组织、应急预案、运行机制”的化工园区应急管理模式.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the trend of generation, composition, and management of municipal solid waste, and estimates the carbon emissions arising from municipal solid waste management in Beijing. The correlation analysis conducted shows that the generation of municipal solid waste in Beijing has been growing steadily, showing high correlations (r > 0.9) to the total GDP, per capita income, and the population. Food waste showed an increasing trend since 1990. Compared with the results of an investigation in 1990, ash and woodchips content in 2003 declined from 56% to 17%, while the percentage of paper and plastic increased from 10% to 29% over the same period. The calorific value of the municipal waste also increased, from 2,686 kJ/kg in 1990 to 4,667 kJ/kg in 2003, indicating that the waste is suitable for incineration. Currently, the source separation ratio of municipal waste is approximately 15%. About 94% of all the collected solid waste goes to the landfill while 4% is composted and 2% is incinerated. A moderate garbage collection fee is applied to both permanent and temporary residents in Beijing, but the willingness to pay for solid waste collection and treatment is still low. Under current treatment mode, the total amounts of carbon emission from waste disposal sites and incineration increased with the increase of municipal solid waste, from 29.8 Gg in 1990 to 84.5 Gg in 2003, including 83.3 Gg of CH4 and 22.0 Gg of CO2. The data availability and methodological challenges in monitoring the quantity and characteristics of municipal solid waste are discussed.  相似文献   

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