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利用固相萃取-高效液相色谱串联质谱法(SPE-HPLC-MS/MS)对广西九洲江地区的6个污水处理厂的进水和出水中的喹诺酮类抗生素(QNs)进行检测,分析不同处理工艺对QNs的去除情况,并对检出的QNs进行冗余分析,探究其与环境变量之间的相关性。结果表明,污水处理厂进水中诺氟沙星(NFX)检出浓度最高,其次是环丙沙星(CPX)、氧氟沙星(OFX)和恩诺沙星(EFX),QNs在进水和出水时的质量浓度分别为252.1~1 374.9 ng/L和44.4~147.1 ng/L;污水中QNs的总去除率为66.6%~92.5%;Na+、K+和总有机碳(TOC)与多数QNs呈正相关关系,Ca2+、Mg2+、pH值与多数QNs呈负相关关系。  相似文献   

为了研究生物急性监测方法对监测典型化工污水处理厂废水的适用性,选择2家常州市典型的化工园区污水处理厂("常A"和"常B"),进行了发光细菌、藻类、大型溞和斑马鱼卵4种不同层次受试生物的急性毒性检测。研究表明,发光细菌急性毒性、藻类叶绿素荧光毒性在2个污水处理厂中均被检测到,发光细菌急性毒性通常进水大于出水,但在投放大量氧化消毒剂时,出水表现出剧毒。藻类叶绿素荧光毒性最高值出现在常B进水中。大型溞和斑马鱼卵急性毒性仅在常B进出水样中有检出,受纳河道下游水样虽未表现出急性毒性,但可观察到斑马鱼卵各类发育畸形。4种生物急性毒性检测方法中,发光细菌适用范围最广,藻类、大型溞和斑马鱼卵急性毒性方法可根据监测目的和工业园区特点相应选择。实验结论可为化工污水处理厂尾水排放过程中生物毒性监测的常态化提供方法选择,为管理部门制定排放标准提供依据。  相似文献   

焦化废水中的溶解性有机物(DOM)作为废水污染物和毒性的主要来源受到广泛关注。厌氧-缺氧-好氧(A-A-O)生物法联合混凝沉淀工艺在焦化废水处理中被广泛应用。于2018年4,7和11月分别采集4座焦化废水处理厂废水,采用光谱学分析手段和水生生物急性毒性试验对A-A-O联合混凝沉淀处理过程中焦化废水的DOM和毒性变化进行分析。结果表明,焦化废水中含有大量不饱和芳香性物质,其中类色氨酸、络氨酸物质占主导,其次为类溶解性微生物代谢产物、类富里酸物质和类腐殖酸类物质;未经处理的焦化废水对藻类和大型溞的急性毒性等级为中毒至高毒。A-A-O联合混凝沉淀处理可去除90%以上的类色氨酸、络氨酸和类富里酸物质,但对类腐殖酸类物质去除率相对较低,仅为约80%,关键去除段为缺氧段和好氧段;该工艺对焦化废水急性毒性削减率为80.51%~94.30%,关键削减段为厌氧段。Pearson相关性分析结果显示,焦化废水溶解性总有机碳(TOC)、类腐殖酸类物质荧光组分C1和类富里酸类物质荧光组分C4与废水急性毒性存在显著正相关关系,可利用其作为水样急性毒性初筛的指示性指标。可为焦化废水生化处理的效能优化和废水毒性控制及安全评估提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

工业废水毒性评估方法与应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对中国缺乏规范的工业废水毒性评估体系的现状,系统归纳了国外在毒性检测、毒性评价标准与方法方面的成功经验。在明确了工业废水急性毒性检测的重要性基础上,重点分析了美国全废水毒性测试法(WET)及其在工业废水评价中的应用;并结合对毒性评价标准的阐述,系统总结了发展较成熟的毒性鉴别评价法(TIE)和效应导向分析法(EDA)的流程与应用实例,以期为中国工业废水毒性检测评估和监管提供参考。  相似文献   

选取不同类型的环境和污染源水样开展了发光细菌毒性测试,针对不同环境管理目标,探讨了急性毒性定量表征方式。发光细菌急性毒性测试在环境应急监测、水源早期生物预警中,采用绘制毒性预警基线图的方式比较可行。在污染源监督监测中,对于发光抑制率低于60%、无法求出EC50的样品,采用等效毒性参照物的质量浓度表征废水的毒性;对于发光抑制率高于60%,采用稀释因子表示样品的毒性更直观可靠。  相似文献   

在对“厌氧池+跌水充氧接触氧化池+水耕蔬菜型人工湿地”生物生态耦合技术应用于农村生活污水处理进行实证研究的基础上,进一步探讨了生物与生态处理单元各自的主要去除对象和效率,为生物生态技术的合理耦合提供了依据。结果表明:在进水COD、TN、TP质量浓度波动范围为51.20~211.12,28.29~122.12,1.26~5.97mg/L时,出水平均质量浓度为15.80,5.51,0.34mg/L,出水水质达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准(GB 18918—2002)》一级A标准。污水中COD、TN、TP的78%,85%,50%的去除是在生物处理单元完成的,而TP的达标排放还必需生态处理单元的参与。整个处理技术处理效果良好,运行费用低,适合在条件允许的农村地区推广使用。  相似文献   

3种大环内酯类抗生素对海洋发光菌的毒性作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以海洋发光菌为受试生物,研究了红霉素、罗红霉素、乙酰螺旋霉素3种抗生素的单一和联合毒性作用。基于常见的3种联合作用评价方法,对混合体系的联合毒性作用进行了评价研究。结果表明,3种抗生素对发光菌单独作用的半最大效应浓度(EC50)分别为:0.725 9×10-3,1.207 8×10-3和0.633×10-3mol/L;二元联合体系对发光菌的毒性强弱为:红霉素+乙酰螺旋霉素>罗红霉素+红霉素>罗红霉素+乙酰螺旋霉素。3种抗生素联合体系作用类型的不同与每种抗生素不同取代基对微生物生理生化过程的影响有关。在选择的联合研究体系中,以毒性单位法获得参数的数值较大,灵敏度较高。研究大环内酯类抗生素对发光菌的毒性作用可为环境风险评价提供基础数据。  相似文献   

总有机碳(TOC)相对于COD能够更全面地反映水体中有机物的污染程度,用TOC监测代替COD监测有利于实现监测仪器化、自动化.以大庆市东城区污水处理厂进水与出水为研究对象,建立了二者之间的线性回归方程  相似文献   

发光细菌法评价工业废水的毒性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用发光细菌测定法估算了两城市污水对河道水体污染的分担率,评价了工厂排放废水的毒性,并据此确定了污染源监督管理中应优先治理的工厂(车间)废水。  相似文献   

为探究2,2’,4,4’-四溴联苯醚(BDE-47)对斑马鱼的早期神经毒性作用,采用中枢神经特异性标记的转基因斑马鱼Tg(elavl3:EGFP)作为模式生物,研究了BDE-47短期暴露对斑马鱼幼鱼的运动行为轨迹、中枢神经发育和神经发育关键基因表达的影响。结果表明,BDE-47暴露6 d后,5和10μmol/L暴露组斑马鱼幼鱼运动行为和神经发育关键基因(elavl3和mbp)的表达受到显著抑制,同时斑马鱼幼鱼的神经细胞的发育受到显著抑制。结果提示,神经系统特异性标记的转基因斑马鱼可作为一种筛选神经毒性化合物的理想动物模型,BDE-47对斑马鱼具有早期神经发育毒性。  相似文献   

Toxicity of some organic and inorganic chemicals to microorganisms is an important consideration in assessingtheir environmental impact against their economic benefits.Microorganisms play an important role in several environmentalprocesses, both natural and engineered. Some organic and inorganics at toxic levels have been detected in industrial discharges resulting in plant upsets and discharge permit violations. In addition to this, even though in some cases the effluent wastewater does not exceed the discharge limits,the results of toxicity tests show potential toxicity. Toxicityknowledge of effluents can benefit treatment plant operators inoptimising plant operation, setting pre-treatment standards, and protecting receiving water quality and in establishing sewer discharge permits to safeguard the plant. In the Turkish regulations only toxicity dilution factor (TDF) with fish is part of the toxicity monitoring program of permissible wastewater discharge. In various countries, laboratory studiesinvolving the use of different organisms and protocol for toxicity assessment was conducted involving a number of discharges.In this study, it was aimed to investigate the acute toxicity of textile and metal industry wastewaters by traditional and enrichment toxicity tests and emphasize the importance of toxicity tests in wastewater discharge regulations. The enrichment toxicity tests are novel applications and give anidea whether there is potential toxicity or growth limiting and stimulation conditions. Different organisms were used suchas bacteria (Floc and Coliform bacteria) algae (Chlorella sp.), fish (Lepistes sp.) and protozoan (Vorticella sp.) to represent four tropic levels. The textile industry results showed acute toxicity for at least one organism in 8 out of 23 effluent samples. Acute toxicity for at least two organisms in 7 out of 23 effluent sampling was observed for the metal industry. The toxicity test results were assessed with chemical analyses such as COD, BOD, color and heavy metals. It was observed that the toxicity of the effluents could not be explained by using physicochemical analyses in 5 cases for metal and 4 cases for the textile industries. The results clearly showed that the useof bioassay tests produce additional information about the toxicity potential of industrial discharges and effluents.  相似文献   

采用热带爪蟾胚胎测定江苏省常州市8家典型行业工业废水的发育毒性,结果显示:各行业工业废水对爪蟾胚胎的发育均有不同程度的影响,而印染、啤酒、电镀和化工行业出水的发育毒性更强。试验表明,理化指标并不能完全反映工业废水的综合毒性,而热带爪蟾胚胎可有效地表征其发育毒性。比较各行业工业废水的毒性,初步探讨热带爪蟾胚胎用于工业废水毒性检测的可行性。  相似文献   

As wastewater reclamation and reuse becomes more widespread, risks of exposure to treated wastewater increase. Moreover, an unlimited number of pollutants can be identified in wastewater. Therefore, comprehensive toxicity assessment of treated wastewater is imperative. The objective of this study was to perform a comprehensive toxicity assessment of wastewater treatment systems using stress response bioassays. This powerful tool can comprehensively assess the toxicity of contaminants. In this study, samples from conventional activated sludge treatment, membrane bioreactors (MBRs) with different pore sizes and sludge retention times (SRTs), rapid sand filtration, coagulation, nano-filtration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) were investigated. The results of stress response bioassays confirmed that the secondary effluent showed higher stress response than influent indicating that biological treatment generates toxic compounds. The results obtained from molecular weight fractionation of water samples demonstrated that organic matter with a higher molecular weight fraction (>0.1 μm) causes toxicity in secondary effluent. Furthermore, supernatant from MBR reactors showed toxicity regardless of SRT. On the other hand, stress response was not detected in MBR permeates except for an MBR equipped with a larger pore size membrane (0.4 μm) and with a short SRT (12 days). While rapid sand filtration could not remove the toxic compounds found in secondary effluent, coagulation tests, operated at an appropriate pH, were effective for reducing stress response in the secondary effluent. Experimental findings also showed that stress response was not detected in cases of NF and RO permeate subsequent to MBR treatment.  相似文献   

Whole effluent toxicity (WET) tests, with Daphnia magna and Selenastrum capricornutum, were introduced to evaluate the biological toxicities of effluents from the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Korea. In WET tests of WWTPs effluents, 33.3% (33/99) for D. magna and 92.6% (75/81) for S. capricornutum revealed greater than 1 toxic unit (TU), even though all the treatment plants investigated were operating in compliance with the regulations, as assessed using conventional monitoring methods (i.e., BOD and total concentration of N or P, etc). There were only minor differences in toxicities according to the types of influents (municipal and agro-industrial) in all treatment plants. However, the effluents treated by an activated sludge treatment process were found to exhibit significantly lower toxicity than those treated by rotating biological contactor (RBC) and extended aeration processes. The seasonal variations in the toxicity were lower in the summer compared to winter, which may have been due to the rainfall received to the sewage intake system during the former period. The impact of WET on river water was also investigated based on the discharge volume. At sites A and B, the total impact of toxicity to stream and river waters was observed to be 70.9% and 90.4% for D. magna and S. capricornutum, respectively. The other four small treatment plants (sites F, G, H and I), with relative discharging volumes between 0.001 and 0.002, contribute less than 1% to the total toxicity.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to use higher plants for detecting effluent toxicity. Eight effluent samples were obtained from three industrial sources prior to their entry into a sewer system. The tests were the duckweed reproduction test, and root growth tests using cabbage and millet. The results of repeated phytotoxicity tests were reproducible. Of the three industrial sources, the effluent samples from a specialty chemical industry were the most toxic. For two samples from this source, the IC50 values (the concentrations which caused 50% inhibitory effect) for duckweed were less than 1.6% effluent concentration. The samples from an agricultural product utilization plant were the least toxic. For these samples, root growth tests failed to obtain IC50 values while the duckweed tests showed IC50 values of 91 and 43% effluent concentration. Among the three types of tests conducted, the duckweed reproduction test showed the greatest sensitivity to effluent toxicity, while root growth tests using cabbage and millet had mixed results. Duckweed is recommended as a part of a battery of tests for effluent toxicity.  相似文献   

This study focused on investigation of treatment alternativesfor COD wastewater from academic laboratories, using a number oftechnologies including chemical reduction/precipitation, ion exchange and adsorption by chitosan. Results showed that highconcentrations of 375 mg l-1 chromium, 1,740 mg l-1mercury and 993 mg l-1 silver in COD wastewater can be reduced to 2.34 mg l-1, 3.65 mg l-1 and 1.89 mg l-1 respectively, by the chemical reduction/precipitationprocess. Results from ion exchange at a flowrate of 20 ml min-1 showed breakthrough effluent concentrations obtainedat 0.59 mg l-1 chromium, 3.92 g l-1 mercury and 0.65 mg l-1 silver corresponding to 75.6 l at 63 hr, 40.8 l at 34 hr and 33.6 l at 28 hr respectively. Kinetic and isotherm studies revealed that chitosan can adsorb Cr6+, Hg2+ and Ag+ ions most effectively at a flowrate of 20 ml min-1 and the optimum pH for feed solution is 4. Chitosan column experiments indicated that average effluent concentrations at breakthrough point for chromium, mercury andsilver are 0.76 mg l-1, 6.04 mg l-1 and 0.51 mg l-1 respectively with throughput volumes and retention times of 120 l at 100 hr, 60 l at 50 hr and 48 l at 40 hr. Results of solidification experiments for chemical sludge and residual chitosan based on compressive strength and metal leachabilitytests showed, that the acceptable ranges of the solidificationparameters were: sludge/cement = 0.1–1.0 (weight/weight), water/cement = 0.5–0.6 (weight/weight) and sand/cement = 0.5–3.0 (weight/weight). Operating cost per litre of COD wastewater treated, based on the current prices in Thailand wasfound to be Baht 19.95 for the chemical reduction/precipitationprocess, Baht 96.35 for ion exchange treatment and Baht 18.29 forchitosan adsorption.  相似文献   

工业废水急性毒性污染的监测,以鱼类毒性试验的应用最为普及。与毒性达标控制的监测监管相比,毒性现状测定更有助于支持毒性污染预警监管的实施。通过对已知物质毒性试验结果的多次验证,证实由鱼类种类决定的方法检出限、实验中使用鱼类的种类形式、同种试验鱼的不同来源和依照"预实验"线性对现状进行的反推等4方面因素中除试验鱼的来源问题外,其余3因素已构成了对实验结果的决定性影响。3种宏观质量影响因素中,反推影响更难于实施质量控制。以现状表述为主要目标的毒性试验应尽可能回避稀释过程。  相似文献   

发光菌毒性试验在项目竣工环保验收监测中的应用   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
某敏感化工技改项目曾因超标排污引发跨地区厂群纠纷被责令停产整改,为考察该项目整改后废水处理设施的运行效果,保障水生生物安全,在该项目竣工环境保护验收监测时,采用发光细菌毒性试验检测废水的急性毒性.结果表明,达标排放的废水对生物的急性毒性为低毒,试验结果与常规验收监测结果有可比性,发光细菌毒性试验可用于必须公示的敏感项目竣工环境保护验收监测.  相似文献   

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