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通过对浙江省生活垃圾焚烧炉排放烟气中重金属的监测,分析生活垃圾焚烧烟气中重金属排放水平。结果表明,汞及其化合物的检出率最高,为95.7%,其次为铬和锰,检出率均为60%,且在不同的焚烧炉中重金属排放浓度差异较大,检出率最低的为铊和镉,且排放浓度均较低;焚烧炉排放烟气中汞及其化合物、镉+铊及其化合物、锑+砷+铅+铬+钴+铜+锰+镍及其化合物排放浓度均低于国标排放限值,最大占标率分别为76%、4%、21.9%。焚烧烟气中的重金属含量与焚烧垃圾中的重金属含量有关,烟气通过废气处理设施,可有效地减少重金属等污染物的排放。  相似文献   

餐饮业油烟排放具有排放浓度不稳定、波动较大、排放时间短等特性,存在瞬时排放高值现象,油烟"看得见"和"闻得着"的问题依然存在,因此对油烟实现快速、及时、直读监测尤为必要。基于一种浓度可控且稳定的油烟产生技术,对直读激光散射法与经典手工称重法测定油烟颗粒物浓度值的数据线性关系进行了分析,发现2种方法数值的相关系数达0.99,通过直读修正激光散射法可以有效地测定油烟颗粒物浓度,并测定了不同水汽含量下油烟颗粒物排放情况,发现当相对湿度超过70%时,油烟颗粒物浓度测定值会发生突变。使用便携式氢火焰离子化检测器法(FID)和光离子化检测器法(PID)测定了不同油温下油烟中非甲烷总烃(NMHC)浓度,发现FID对油烟中NMHC的变化反应及时,能够较好地测定油烟中挥发性有机物的排放量。  相似文献   

重金属铅由于其对人体健康的影响而广受关注。利用在线单颗粒气溶胶质谱仪对2012年发生在华南地区的一次金属铅污染事故中的含铅颗粒物的质谱特征、粒径分布及排放规律进行了分析。监测发现A、B两个监测点位的含铅颗粒物比例多在夜间或凌晨达到高峰,高峰时刻含铅颗粒物数浓度占比最高可达67%,对比广州市区、鹤山超级站的含铅颗粒物浓度占比,可知该地区含铅颗粒物的污染程度较高。两监测点位的含铅颗粒物质谱特征及粒径分布情况非常相似,可能存在相同的排放源或具有相同的形成机制。质谱中都均含有明显的铅、元素碳、硫、硫酸盐等信号,可能来自于燃煤源的排放。通过进一步对比分析燃煤烟气排放的含铅颗粒物质谱特征,判断其为燃煤源排放。  相似文献   

采用预浓缩、气相色谱-质谱联用及脉冲火焰光度检测的方法对石化污水处理场排放的废气污染物进行了定性与定量分析,并采用相应的污染物排放标准及其人体感知嗅阈值进行了污染程度评价.结果表明,污水处理场在各个采样点位均有挥发性有机污染物和恶臭污染物检出,其中以污水进口最为严重.从检出物的浓度水平而言,苯系物和恶臭污染物均存在超标现象,而且检出的恶臭污染物浓度水平远高于人体感知嗅阈值.  相似文献   

以某典型钢铁企业为研究对象,测定企业废气、废水、固废汞排放水平,并分析汞排放特征。研究表明,球团、烧结、高炉工艺废气排口烟尘中汞排放浓度和排放速率明显低于烟气;汞主要以气态形式排放,烧结工艺排口废气汞最高浓度分别是其他2个排口的7倍和3倍。球团、烧结、高炉、电炉四工艺环节中,烧结汞排放速率占四工艺汞排放速率总和的87%。半干法脱硫、氨法脱硫、石灰石石膏脱硫对废气中汞的去除效率分别为90.0%、78.7%和29.9%。企业废水排放未检出汞,脱硫产生固废汞含量明显高于除尘产生固废汞含量,脱硫灰汞含量是脱硫石膏的15倍。  相似文献   

分别使用微波消解方法和传统的酸煮法对含铅滤筒进行前处理,采用火焰原子吸收法测定废气中的铅.结果表明,微波消解法具有消耗试剂少、效率高、速度快、结果准确等特点.  相似文献   

为了解石家庄市2016年春季大气颗粒物的铅污染特征及来源,利用单颗粒气溶胶质谱仪(SPAMS),分析了大气中含铅颗粒的化学成分。结果表明: 研究期间大气环境中含铅颗粒数浓度共出现11次跳跃式升高,跳跃时间段内石家庄均处于轻度污染过程。从成分分析来看,含铅颗粒分为纯铅颗粒、Pb与K(Pb-K)、OC(Pb-OC)、Cl(Pb-Cl)、混合颗粒等八大类。观测结果表明:Pb-K颗粒最多,占到含铅颗粒的84.4%;其次为纯铅颗粒,占比为13.0%。与石家庄市污染源谱库比对进行来源解析,得到Pb-K颗粒主要来自生活垃圾焚烧源, 纯铅颗粒主要来自工业源。结合石家庄市大气污染源排放清单和后向气流轨迹分析,推测含铅颗粒可能来自市区西南方向某区县的生活垃圾焚烧企业。  相似文献   

本文选取了新疆5家产量和规模较大的电解铝企业,对其排放的废水废气状况进行了监测分析,结果显示5家电解铝企业均存在不同程度的超标排放情况。电解铝行业在快速发展的背景下,相关环境污染问题也较为突出,生态环境保护部门还需加大管理力度。  相似文献   

广东省煤电行业大气铅污染现状分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用基于多排放系数的煤电行业大气铅排放量计算方法,计算2011—2013年广东省铅排放量,并分析铅污染的地区分布和排放特征。结果表明:全省煤电行业每年向大气中排放铅污染物80.6 t,占燃煤中含铅总量的3.72%;燃煤铅排放系数呈逐年下降趋势,平均值为6.33 kg/万t;燃煤机组大气铅排放量由高到低分别为珠三角粤东粤西粤北,东莞、广州和江门3市铅排放量最高;铅集中排放强度高的城市大多为沿海城市,大气污染扩散条件较好;山区城市中梅州铅集中排放强度较高,其余城市较低;珠三角出海口主要大气铅排放点源分布密集,易形成区域污染,存在一定风险。  相似文献   

MetalSafe便携式分析仪快速测定水中重金属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以镉和铅为例,采用MetalSafe便携式分析仪快速测定水中重金属,介绍了基于阳极溶出伏安法的测定原理及仪器操作步骤和技术参数.采用标准加入法,镉和铅的校准曲线线性良好,检出限分别为0.022μg/L和0.025μg/L,两个质量浓度水平的镉和铅标准溶液平行测定的RSD≤0.6%,相对误差<5%.与火焰原子吸收光谱法作...  相似文献   

Personal and area samples for airborne lead were taken at a lead mine concentrator mill, and at a lead-acid battery recycler. Lead is mined as its sulfidic ore, galena, which is often associated with zinc and silver. The ore typically is concentrated, and partially separated, on site by crushing and differential froth flotation of the ore minerals before being sent to a primary smelter. Besides lead, zinc and iron are also present in the airborne dusts, together with insignificant levels of copper and silver, and, in one area, manganese. The disposal of used lead-acid batteries presents environmental issues, and is also a waste of recoverable materials. Recycling operations allow for the recovery of lead, which can then be sold back to battery manufacturers to form a closed loop. At the recycling facility lead is the chief airborne metal, together with minor antimony and tin, but several other metals are generally present in much smaller quantities, including copper, chromium, manganese and cadmium. Samplers used in these studies included the closed-face 37 mm filter cassette (the current US standard method for lead sampling), the 37 mm GSP or "cone" sampler, the 25 mm Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) inhalable sampler, the 25 mm Button sampler, and the open-face 25 mm cassette. Mixed cellulose-ester filters were used in all samplers. The filters were analyzed after sampling for their content of the various metals, particularly lead, that could be analyzed by the specific portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer under study, and then were extracted with acid and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). The 25 mm filters were analyzed using a single XRF reading, while three readings on different parts of the filter were taken from the 37 mm filters. For lead at the mine concentrate mill, all five samplers gave good correlations (r2 > 0.96) between the two analytical methods over the entire range of found lead mass, which encompassed the permissible exposure limit of 150 mg m(-3) enforced in the USA by the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA). Linear regression on the results from most samplers gave almost 1 ratio 1 correlations without additional correction, indicating an absence of matrix effects from the presence of iron and zinc in the samples. An approximately 10% negative bias was found for the slope of the Button sampler regression, in line with other studies, but it did not significantly affect the accuracy as all XRF results from this sampler were within 20% of the corresponding ICP values. As in previous studies, the best results were obtained with the GSP sampler using the average of three readings, with all XRF results within 20% of the corresponding ICP values and a slope close to 1 (0.99). Greater than 95% of XRF results were within 20% of the corresponding ICP values for the closed-face 37 mm cassette using the OSHA algorithm, and the IOM sampler using a sample area of 3.46 cm2. As in previous studies, considerable material was found on the interior walls of all samplers that possess an internal surface for deposition, at approximately the same proportion for all samplers. At the lead-acid battery recycler all five samplers in their optimal configurations gave good correlations (r2 > 0.92) between the two analytical methods over the entire range of found lead mass, which included the permissible exposure limit enforced in the USA by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Linear regression on the results from most samplers gave almost 1 ratio 1 correlations (except for the Button sampler), indicating an absence of matrix effects from the presence of the smaller quantities of the other metals in the samples. A negative bias was found for the slope of the button sampler regression, in line with other studies. Even though very high concentrations of lead were encountered (up to almost 6 mg m(-3)) no saturation of the detector was observed. Most samplers performed well, with >90% of XRF results within +/- 25% of the corresponding ICP results for the optimum configurations. The OSHA algorithm for the CFC worked best without including the back-up pad with the filter.  相似文献   

Former battery factories have created environmental and health problems for years and the exposure to lead in surface soils has been underestimated. Nonetheless, the identification of lead contamination and its spatial distribution is crucial. The determination of heavy metals in soils can be performed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). However, alternative techniques such as X-ray fluorescence (XRF) have been used lately in environmental studies since measurements can be taken in the field in a prompt manner, despite its lower accuracy. In this study, a former battery factory site in Monterrey, Mexico, has been studied in order to detect lead contamination. Soil samples were assessed for contamination by using an analytical hybrid method that comprises both analytical techniques, namely, ICP-MS and XRF. Samples were taken in 215 locations and, after a simple homogenization process, they were analyzed by using a portable XRF device. Within those 215 sampling points, 25 samples were analyzed concurrently by using ICP-MS according to international sampling guidelines. Results obtained were adjusted in order to define an analytical hybrid method, which encompasses the advantages of each technique. An improved characterization was achieved by using the proposed analytical hybrid method since maps of lead distribution and calculated areas of concern showed better predictability. The combination of spectroscopic techniques is of great applicability for environmental agencies and decision makers.  相似文献   

A method based on headspace (HS) sampling coupling with portable gas chromatography (GC) with photo ionization detector (PID) was developed for rapid determination of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) in soils. Optimal conditions for HS gas sampling procedure were determined, and the influence of soil organic matter on the recovery of BTEX from soil was investigated using five representative Chinese soils. The results showed that the HS-portable-GC-PID method could be effectively operated at ambient temperature, and the addition of 15 ml of saturated NaCl solution in a 40-ml sampling vial and 60 s of shaking time for sample solution were optimum for the HS gas sampling procedure. The recoveries of each BTEX in soils ranged from 87.2 to 105.1 %, with relative standard deviations varying from 5.3 to 7.8 %. Good linearity was obtained for all BTEX compounds, and the detection limits were in the 0.1 to 0.8 μg kg?1 range. Soil organic matter was identified as one of the principal elements that affect the HS gas sampling of BTEX in soils. The HS-portable-GC-PID method was successfully applied for field determination of benzene and toluene in soils of a former chemical plant in Jilin City, northeast China. Considering its satisfactory repeatability and reproducibility and particular suitability to be operated in ambient environment, HS sampling coupling with portable GC-PID is, therefore, recommended to be a suitable screening tool for rapid on-site determination of BTEX in soils.  相似文献   

采用HP-INNOWAX毛细管柱、气相色谱氢火焰离子化检测器测定工业废气和废水中的N,N-二甲基甲酰胺,可能共存的丙酮、乙醇和乙酰丙酮均对测试无干扰.方法在0.939 mg/L~75.1 mg/L范围内线性良好,对工业废水、无组织排放工业废气和有组织排放工业废气中N,N-二甲基甲酰胺的检出限分别为0.47 mg/L、0.16 mg/m3和0.31 mg/m3,标准溶液平行测定的RSD为1.9% ~2.2%,废水样品加标回收率为94%~ 97%.  相似文献   

顶空便携式气相色谱—质谱仪现场测定地表水中苯系物   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对顶空便携式气相色谱—质谱仪分析水中的苯、甲苯、乙苯、邻-二甲苯、间-二甲苯、对-二甲苯、异丙苯的方法进行了研究,并讨论了平衡时间、平衡温度、水中含盐量等因素对测定的影响。结果表明,方法的回收率为94.15%~98.67%,相对标准偏差为2.32%~4.88%,最低检出限为0.031~0.094μg/L。该方法快速、准确、重复性好。  相似文献   

The purposes of this study are: (1) to determine whether proficiency analytical test (PAT) materials from the American Industrial Hygiene Association can be used to provide quality data for portable X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) of lead in dust wipe surface samples; (2) to provide data to determine whether the on-site analysis of field dust wipe samples by XRF and the laboratory method of inductively coupled plasma emission analysis (ICP) are comparable; and (3) to determine if differences exist between different wipe materials. Several wipes meet the ASTM E1792 performance requirements of lead background level less than 5 microg per wipe, be only one layer thick, yield recovery rates of 80- 120% from spiked samples, remain damp throughout the sampling procedure, and do not contain aloe. The wipes used in this study were Pace Wipes, which are used for the PAT materials, and, for the field samples, Palintest Wipes, which were supplied by the instrument manufacturer, and Ghost Wipes, which are popular because they digest in hot, concentrated acid, so that chemical analysis is simplified. Twenty PAT wipe samples were obtained from four different proficiency test rounds. Surface wipe samples were taken at three different locations representing different industry types. All samples were analyzed using a portable XRF spectrometer and by ICP. Strong linear relationships were found for the analysis of wipe samples by ICP and by portable XRF. For the PAT samples, the results from the ICP and XRF analysis were not statistically equivalent, which indicates a bias in the ICP analysis. The bias was not excessive, since all ICP analyses fell within the acceptable range for the proficiency samples. The good correlation between the proficiency sample reference values and the XRF determinations is not surprising considering similar proficiency samples were used to calibrate the instrument response. Users of this portable XRF analyzer could enroll in the proficiency test program as part of their quality assurance program. For field samples, the relationship was strongest for Palintest wipes, and the values found for all three industries could be combined. However, the results from the ICP and XRF analysis were not statistically equivalent using the correction factor in the calculation algorithm as supplied with the instrument, and a new coefficient was derived. The mean relative error for the XRF analysis versus the ICP analysis was greater than 25%, such that the method falls within the realm of screening procedures. For Ghost Wipe samples, the precision was different for different industries, and the results could not be pooled. Differences between the two wipe materials may be related to the number of folds required for analysis.  相似文献   

The recognition of the hazards to young children of low-level lead intoxication and the widespread distribution of lead in the urban environment have resulted in massive federal, state, and local lead awareness and abatement programs. Two of the most significant exposure routes of lead to young children are the soils and dusts found within the child's home. Most state and federal lead abatement programs deal with lead-based paint contamination but often do not address the issue of soft-surface contamination, such as that of carpets, furniture, and draperies. Carpets can be a reservoir of contaminated soils and dusts; currently, there exists no standard method to test carpeted surfaces for lead contamination. This paper describes a study that uses X-ray fluorescence (XRF) to test carpeted surfaces for lead contamination. XRF technology is the standard technology used in lead-based paint testing and is known to be an accurate technique to test for lead in soils. This study uses a controlled laboratory atmosphere to evaluate this technology; the objectives are to determine: (1) a lower limit of detection for the instrument; and (2) whether soil loading levels can be differentiated by XRF using trace elements also present in the soil. Results indicate that XRF can easily differentiate soil loading levels (g soil/m2 carpet). The lower limit of detection of soil lead concentration on the carpet is a function of both soil lead concentration and soil loading; therefore, lead loading (mg Pb/m2) is a better indicator of detection limit than soil lead concentration. Lead loading detection levels from 108–258 mg Pb/m2 were obtained, as compared to a level of 10 000 mg/m2 (1 mg/cm2) for lead on painted surfaces as required by theLead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act. XRF technology has the potential to be a fast, inexpensive screening technique for the evaluation of lead contamination on carpeted surfaces.  相似文献   

Personal and area air samples were taken at a scrap lead smelter operation in a bullet manufacturing facility. Samples were taken using the 37-mm styrene-acrylonitrile closed-face filter cassette (CFC, the current US standard device for lead sampling), the 37-mm GSP or "cone" sampler, the 25-mm Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) inhalable sampler, and the 25-mm Button sampler (developed at the University of Cincinnati). Polyvinylchloride filters were used for sampling. The filters were pre- and post-weighed, and analyzed for lead content using a field-portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer. The filters were then extracted with dilute nitric acid in an ultrasonic extraction bath and the solutions were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy. The 25-mm filters were analyzed using a single XRF reading, while three readings on different parts of the filter were taken from the 37-mm filters. The single reading from the 25-mm filters was adjusted for the nominal area of the filter to obtain the mass loading, while the three readings from the 37-mm filters were inserted into two different algorithms for calculating the mass loadings, and the algorithms were compared. The IOM sampler was designed for material collected in the body of the sampler to be part of the collected sample as well as that on the filter. Therefore, the IOM sampler cassettes were rinsed separately to determine if wall-loss corrections were necessary. All four samplers gave very good correlations between the two analytical methods above the limit of detection of the XRF procedure. The limit of detection for the 25-mm filters (5 microg) was lower than for the 37-mm filters (10 microg). The percentage of XRF results that were within 25% of the corresponding ICP results was evaluated. In addition, the bias from linear regression was estimated. Linear regression for the Button sampler and the IOM sampler using single readings and the GSP using all tested techniques for total filter loading gave acceptable XRF readings at loadings equivalent to sampling at the OSHA 8-hour Action Level and Permissible Exposure Limit. However, the CFC only had acceptable results when the center reading corrected for filter area was used, which was surprising, and may be a result of a limited data set. In addition to linear regression, simple estimation of bias indicated reasonable agreements between XRF and ICP results for single XRF readings on the Button sampler filters, (82% of the individual results within criterion), and on the IOM sampler filters (77% or 61%--see text), and on the GSP sampler filters using the OSHA algorithm (78%). As a result of this pilot project, all three samplers were considered suitable for inclusion in further field research studies.  相似文献   

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