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蚕豆根尖微核技术在工业废水遗传毒性监测中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用蚕豆根尖微核技术监测南京市化工、冶金、印染以及制药等行业废水的遗传毒性,结果表明南京市部分工厂废水存在不同程度的遗传毒性。  相似文献   

根据《环境监测分析方法》规定:测COD的水样保存为加硫酸使pH<2,此时样品可保存七天。鉴于各行业工厂排放的废水性质差异很大,组分极其复杂,必然给样品的保存带来不同的影响。为找出各种废水合适的保存条件及保存效果。我们分别对纺织、印染、制药、食品、化工、农药等23个工厂的水样进行了保存试验。同时对样品进行了加标回收试验,对方法的准确度进行了验证。  相似文献   

由南京市环保局下达,南京市环境监测中心站承担的《水生生物毒性试验在工业污染源(废水)监测中的应用研究》课题,经过课题组同志两年辛勤努力,于1990年底顺利通过鉴定.该课题对南京市14个行业29家工厂40余种废水进行了鱼类、蚤类、藻类及水生寡毛类的实验室急性、慢性毒性测试以及现场毒性测试.根据测试结果,确定了南京市主要工业污染源和  相似文献   

GB8978-96《污水综合排放标准》规定,“第一类污染物一律在车间或车间处理设施排放口采样。”在实际工作中执行这一规定,则必须根据生产排污特点及排水管网配置情况来设置采样点位。1车间和处理设施排放口现状目前,工厂废水排污口较为规范,但一类污染物废水...  相似文献   

铁路机车工厂含油废水处理试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究根据铁路机车工厂含油废水的排放特点,经过静态和生产性动态模型试验,确定了调节隔油沉淀--混凝沉淀--砂滤的处理工艺。混凝沉淀处理后油和COD去除率在90%和80%以上,砂滤出水油和COD去除率分别达95%和90%,出水浊度低于2度。此水质可回用于有关生产车间。静态和动态对比试验表明,静态试验结果可应用于生产性设计、该处理工艺切实可行。  相似文献   

美国环境监测一百年历史回顾及其借鉴 (续三)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
4.2水质监测   4.2.1背景水质污染的形势[18]   70年代是美国水质污染最严重的时期.水体中各项主要污染物浓度居高不下.70年代初美国有30多万家工厂,每年排放废水38亿t以上,这些废水大多数未经充分处理或根本未处理.1977年全美246个排水流域中,95%的水体受污染.连北方的五大湖水系也难逃厄运.……  相似文献   

稀土生产废水治理方案综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了稀土生产废水对环境的影响和危害,针对其影响和然害,从回收资源和废水达标排放角度,对稀土生产产生的酸性废水,硫铵废水和氯铵废水的各种处理方法进行了论述,通过对各种处理方法的筛选,优化,确定了最佳处理方案。  相似文献   

造纸废水灌溉对湿地土壤中有机质含量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以草浆造纸废水灌溉芦苇湿地为题,通过对污灌后土壤中有机质含量的测定,研究了造纸废水对土壤中有机质的影响,为资源化利用造纸废水提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

利用重组双杂交酵母快速检测技术分析了东江下游两个污水厂、8个工业废水排放口和6条受纳河流水体共16个样品中的雌激素效应物质浓度,并按照雌二醇当量(EEQ)计算了水中雌激素效应水平。在被检测废水样品中,排水的EEQ值处于0.3~2.8ng/L之间,其中造纸厂与纸制品厂排水具有明显雌激素效应。采自河涌的6个样品有4个样品检出雌激素活性,雌激素效应水平在1.9~8.8ng EEQ/L之间。结果表明,东江下游行业废水处理厂出水中的EEQ浓度应与河涌水体中的EEQ在相同数量级, 与国内报道的其他地区河流及工厂排水污染水平类似。污染较为严重的河涌水体雌激素水平明显高于污水处理厂及工厂排水,推断污染河涌水体中的雌激素效应物质应来自未经处理的污染源。  相似文献   

堰槽式明渠废水流量监测数据有效性判别技术研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对缺少堰槽明渠废水流量监测数据有效性判别技术的现状,研究了计量检定期间对废水流量计的监督检查技术,设计了现场计量检定项目、流量计运行维护情况、生产工况的变化3个方面检查内容、8项检查指标,并分别提出了检查方法及检查结果的判定与处理,填补了中国废水流量自动数据有效性认定的技术空白,完善了废水流量监测的质控体系。开展的试点工作表明,该文提出废水流量计监督检查技术具有较好的实用性。  相似文献   

The observation from previous surveys, that Urtica dioica plants that had grown in metal contaminated soil in the floodplains of the former Rhine estuary in different habitats, but at comparable total soil metal concentrations, showed significant differences in tissue metal concentrations, led to the hypothesis that variation in other environmental characteristics than soil composition and chemical speciation of metals between habitats is also important in determining uptake and translocation of metals in plants. A field survey indicated that differences in root Cd, Cu and Zn concentrations might partly be explained by variation in speciation of metals in different habitats. However, shoot concentrations showed a different pattern that did not relate to variation in soil metal concentrations. In a habitat experiment Urtica dioica plants were grown in artificially contaminated soil in pots that were placed in the four habitats (grassland, pure reed, mixed reed, osier bed) that were also included in the field survey. After seven weeks the plants showed significant differences in Cu and Zn concentrations in roots and aboveground plant parts and in distribution of the metals in the plants between habitats. It was concluded that variation between habitats in environmental characteristics other than soil composition can explain as much variation in plants as can variation in soil metal concentrations and/or speciation. The implications for assessment of soil metal contamination and uptake by plants are discussed.  相似文献   

宁波市颗粒物中多环芳烃浓度水平、分布及来源分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
讨论了2003年宁波市颗粒物中多环芳烃浓度水平、分布及来源,结果表明,PM10中PAHS占TSP中总量的83%,PM2.5中的PAHS占TSP总量的54%,颗粒物中多环芳烃主要存在于小于10μm的颗粒中。颗粒物中多环芳烃季节变化特征明显,夏季最低,冬季最高。汽车尾气对PM10中多环芳烃的贡献率达56%,汽车尾气是颗粒物中多环芳烃的主要来源。  相似文献   

A study of intake of organochlorine compounds (OCs) in children both in utero and at the age of four years has been performed in two cohorts. One encompasses children born in Menorca Island between 1997 and 1998, and the other those born between 1997-1999 in Ribera d'Ebre, an in-land industrial-agricultural area of Catalonia. Comparison of the OC concentrations in serum samples from both populations, including those obtained from cord blood and blood collected at four years, provides information on the influence of local pollution sources in the accumulation of these compounds. Statistically significant differences (p < 0.01) have been found for hexachlorobenzene, indicating that chronic airborne contamination to this compound in Ribera d'Ebre involved higher in utero exposure, which increased in the first four years of growth. Similarly, in the cohort of Menorca, higher in utero exposure to PCBs was observed and this increased subsequently in the first four years of growth. Other compounds encompassing temporal contamination episodes such as gamma-HCH involved higher in utero exposure but strongly diminished in the first four years of growth. Overall, it can be concluded that local chronic pollution by OCs has a direct effect in children living in the surrounding areas. This influence is reflected in higher exposure, both in utero and in the first years of growth, that significantly stands out over the background contamination due to the ubiquity of these compounds.  相似文献   

Concentration and composition of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the typical drinking water sources in Jiangsu Province were studied by scene investigation and physical and chemical analyses as well. Total amount of PCBs in some surface water and surface microlayers exceeded the standard (20 ng/l) in the "Environmental Quality Standard of Surface Water". There were less PCBs in suspended substances and bottom mud. It reflected that there was less PCB pollution in drinking water sources in Jiangsu Province for quite a long period. The main kind of PCBs in the typical drinking water sources was dichlorobiphenyl. Monochlorobiphenyl and trichlorobiphenyl ranked next to dichlorobiphenyl. In the study of PCB distribution in drinking water sources, it was found that the concentration of PCBs in surface microlayer was higher than that in deep water. The concentration of PCBs along the Yangtze River bank was more than that in the middle of Yangtze River. PCBs in the typical drinking water sources mostly came from by-products in industrial production.  相似文献   

基于环境一号卫星CCD数据的巢湖叶绿素a的动态监测   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
环境一号卫星CCD数据具有获取周期短、空间分辨率高等特点,能够及时准确地监测叶绿素a的浓度变化和分布,其在内陆湖泊水质遥感监测方面具有良好的应用前景。文章通过星地同步地面实验,建立起巢湖水体的叶绿素a浓度遥感反演模型,利用2009年4月至2010年3月的环境一号卫星CCD数据,分季节对巢湖叶绿素a行动态监测和分析。结果表明,巢湖叶绿素a具有明显的时空分布特征,夏季叶绿素a浓度最高,冬季最低,秋季高于春季;西半湖湖区叶绿素a浓度一般高于东半湖湖区,西北部和中部湖区空间变化比较大,东部湖区变化较小。  相似文献   

于桥水库浮游植物群落特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
于桥水库是天津市惟一饮用水水源地,为了研究该水库浮游植物群落特征,于2012年春、夏、秋对于桥水库浮游植物进行了监测分析。结果表明:该水库共鉴定出绿藻(Chlorophyta)、蓝藻(Cyanophyta)、硅藻(Diatoms)、裸藻(Euglenophyta)、甲藻(Pyrrophyta)、隐藻(Cryptophyta)和黄藻(Xanthophyta)7门114种,群落组成以绿藻-硅藻门为主;浮游植物细胞密度具有明显的季节变化规律,表现为春季较低,夏季急剧增长,到了秋季又有所回落。优势种对于桥水库水质的评价结果表明,春季为中营养水体,夏季为富营养化水体,秋季为中富营养水体。春、夏、秋季于桥水库香农-韦弗多样性指数平均值分别为3.22、2.51和3.17,说明2012年于桥水库春季、秋季为贫营养水体,夏季为中营养水体,且有暴发水华的危险。  相似文献   

养猪粪污厌氧消化重金属变化特征及影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对太湖流域某典型养猪区域粪污收集后集中厌氧消化处理,分析猪饲料、猪粪和沼肥中重金属总量和形态变化特征,探讨厌氧消化过程重金属形态变化及其影响因素。结果表明,不同养殖阶段中猪饲料重金属含量差异较大,仔猪饲料和猪粪中Cu、Zn和Cd含量较高,而Cr和Ni在生长肥育猪后期饲料和猪粪中含量最高。猪粪中Cu主要以有机结合态、Zn主要以Fe-Mn氧化物结合态、Pb和Cr主要以残渣态、Ni主要以Fe-Mn氧化物态和碳酸盐结合态赋存,沼液中Cu和Zn平均值为猪粪液中含量的1. 59和1. 40倍,沼渣中Cu和Zn平均值为调节池猪粪的1. 58和1. 37倍,厌氧消化后重金属存在"相对浓缩效应",pH值、DOC和OM为厌氧消化过程影响重金属变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

In this paper, we summarize spatial and temporal trends of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) in coastal and marine biota, and further assess human exposure to these brominated flame retardants (BFRs) in Asia-Pacific. The review is based mainly on the studies that were conducted in our laboratory and utilized samples archived in the environmental specimen bank (es-BANK) of Ehime University, Japan. The studies suggest that the target BFRs are ubiquitous in the environment of Asia-Pacific. Examination of spatial trends reveals that concentrations of these contaminants are relatively high in samples from Korea, South China and Japan. In general, the magnitude of environmental contamination by PBDEs in Asia-Pacific, as well as human exposure to these contaminants, seem to be comparable to or slightly higher than in Europe, but lower than in North America. Evaluation of temporal trends in concentrations of BFRs in marine mammals from the coastal waters of Japan and China showed drastic increase during the last 30 years. These changes in BFR levels in samples from Japan were in line with trends in production/use of the commercial formulations. Since the withdrawal of some PBDE products from the Japanese market in the 1990s, concentrations of HBCDs appear to exceed those of PBDEs, reflecting increasing usage of HBCDs over PBDEs. The increasing environmental contamination by BFRs in Chinese coastal waters indicates that contamination by BFRs has already become evident, even in developing countries. In view of the rising environmental levels and the high consumption volume of BFRs in Asia, further efforts should be made to monitor environmental contamination by these chemicals in order to identify sources and reduce emissions.  相似文献   

合肥市环巢湖地区种植业面源污染监测与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过2016-2018年在合肥市环巢湖5个县区主要农田周边沟渠中采集水样,监测农田氮磷流失浓度,并评价该区域种植业面源污染状况。结果表明,这3年该区域种植业TN、TP流失的平均质量浓度分别为3.48 mg/L、0.602 mg/L,均高于地表水Ⅴ类水质标准。2016年与2017年TN、TP浓度差异不大,2018年较前两年TN浓度有所提高,TP浓度相比显著降低。巢湖市农田沟渠水中TP浓度高于其他县区,TN浓度相对较低;NO-3 N浓度庐江县高于其他县区;NH 3 N地区间几乎没有差异。TP和NH 3 N浓度均为秋季高于夏季,TN和NO-3 N浓度均为夏季高于秋季。  相似文献   

Metal concentrations were determined in surface sediments and transplanted mussels in a shallow semi-enclosed bay, Pagassitikos Gulf, Aegean Sea. Cu, Zn, Pb, Hg, and As levels in sediments were enriched close to point sources of pollution, i.e., Volos Port and cement plant. Fe, Mn, Cr, and Ni spatial distributions in sediments were rather uniform with increasing concentrations towards deeper sites, suggesting natural enrichment, whereas levels found in the port, although elevated, were not the highest in the study area. Spatial variations in concentrations of most metals in mussels transplanted nearshore were generally in accordance to those in sediments, with the highest Fe, Mn, Cr, Ni, and Cu levels in the port and the highest Hg levels close to the cement plant. Concentrations of metals in sediments and transplanted mussels were comparable to those reported in Mediterranean areas. Results indicate that pollution point sources contribute to anthropogenic metal enrichment in the study area.  相似文献   

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