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随着可持续发展理念逐渐深入人心,人们对环境保护工作越来越重视,环境监测任务也不断增加。为了提高工作水平、工作效率与员工工作积极性,深圳市环境保护监测站自2002年7月开始实行工作定量化考核管理制度,对环境监测工作进行量化处理,将工作效率、工作质量与岗位津贴挂钩,探索环境监测管理的新模式。  相似文献   

按照甘肃省生态环境厅的工作安排,即将开展第二次全国污染源普查数据动态调查更新工作。文章从一线工作人员的视角出发,对污染源普查的工作流程、工作方法等进行了探索性研究,归纳总结了污染源普查工作中易出现的问题,并分析了如何进一步完善普查方式,以期通过改进污染普查形式,为接下来的污染源动态更新调查工作提供参考。  相似文献   

国家环境保护局文件环监[1994]142号国家环境保护局关于进一步加强环境测监工作的决定各省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市环境保护局:进一步加强环境监测工作,是贯彻本届政府全国环境保护工作纲要,完成各项工作目标,加强队伍建设,抓好基础工作的重要举措。为...  相似文献   

搞好环境监测工作,既要依靠仪器设备、人员素质、监测管理,还要了解职工思想状况,从而有的放矢地做好思想政治工作.近年来的工作和实践,尤其是经过"三讲"教育之后,我们充分认识到思想政治工作虽不是万能的,但是不做思想政治工作却是万万不能的.  相似文献   

同志们:刚刚结束的2009年全国环境监测工作会议,是一次十分重要的会议。会上,周生贤部长、吴晓青副部长作了重要讲话,深刻分析了环境监测工作面临的形势和存在的突出问题,对当前和今后的环境监测工作提出了新的更高的要求,大家一定要认真学习领会。今天,召开全省土壤污染状况调查工作会议,主要是研究安排土壤样品分析测试工作,希望大家按照会议安排和要求抓好落实。借此机会,我主要就贯彻落实全国环境监测工作会议精神,加强全省环境监测工作讲几点意见:  相似文献   

要想有地位 就得有作为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
要想有地位就得有作为*解振华(国家环境保护局,北京100035)总站的领导班子调整之后,新的领导班子工作很努力,很想把全国的环境监测工作,包括总站自身的工作,推上一个新台阶。过去总站的工作,在局里的直接领导之下,在柴站长的带领下,做了很多工作。各省、...  相似文献   

回顾新疆总量减排工作历程,总结以往总量控制工作存在的问题和不足,提出今后"十三五"总量控制工作的几点建议。  相似文献   

结合淮安市环境监测中心站的管理实践,简述了地级市环境监测站的工作目标定位和实现目标的支撑条件、工作质量要求,提出,地级市环境监测站实现环境监测目标的工作路径为管理体制一体化,信息公开共享化,技术手段现代化,日常工作制度化和职能扁平化。  相似文献   

结合淮安市环境监测中心站的管理实践,简述了地级市环境监测站的工作目标定位和实现目标的支撑条件、工作质量要求,提出,地级市环境监测站实现环境监测目标的工作路径为管理体制一体化,信息公开共享化,技术手段现代化,日常工作制度化和职能扁平化。  相似文献   

通过学习全国第四次监测工作会议精神.我们感触较深的是如何摆正监测工作的位置,这是当前乃至今后搞好环境保护工作的一件大事.回顾过去,天津市南郊区环保局在如何对待监测工作上开始理顺了监测与管理的关系,摆正了监测工作的位置,促进了环境管理的不断发展,初步开创了一条依靠环境监测搞好环  相似文献   

The importance of improving the effectiveness of Plan EIA and SEA-type evaluations in China cannot be overstated: at a time when the country's economy is being boosted by a stimulus package worth over RMB 400 trillion – largely for infrastructure – the pressure on China's already strained environment and resource base is bound to increase. The aim is to propose the criteria for plan EIA's effectiveness to raise the awareness of the need to strengthen the performance of the assessment and maximize its potential benefits. The authors first review critically the discourse on the effectiveness of the impact assessment, identifying three dimensions: substantive, procedural and incremental. The resulting conceptual framework allows them to interpret the weaknesses of the Chinese discourse on the effectiveness and of the practice of the Plan EIA to date. The result is the identification of a clear gap, both in terms of the breadth of the concept, and in terms of the quality of the existing criteria, which tend to be very generic to the point of inapplicability. The analysis also reveals a need for transitioning from formal models of the Plan EIA to more strategic approaches, in a gradual manner that is consistent with context-specificities. The proposal of a set of preliminary criteria for effectiveness is therefore structured on three levels. This framework is meant to input into the ongoing debate on how to improve the practice of PEIA and the SEA-type evaluations in China, and provide ideas for a government strategy aimed at maximizing the positive impact of PEIAs on planning, as well as on the context of application.  相似文献   

In this article a comprehensive approach for the evaluation of possible health effects in an environmental impact assessment (EIA) is described, illustrated with the example of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. Unlike many EIAs, we estimated quantitatively the impact of aircraft-related pollution in terms of the number of affected people for aircraft noise annoyance, odour annoyance and hypertension. In addition, an analysis of health registry data on cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and a short survey on annoyance and risk perception were carried out. The scope of a health impact assessment depends on the situation, available knowledge and data, concern in the population about the impact and the number of people concerned. It is important to pay attention to the perception of risks and concerns from all parties involved. Moreover, the results demonstrate that far more people outside the area for which standards apply were affected than inside.  相似文献   

Public transport in Delhi was amended by the Supreme Court of India to use Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) instead of diesel or petrol. After the implementation of CNG since April 2001, Delhi has the highest fraction of CNG-run public vehicles in the world and most of them were introduced within 20 months. In the present study, the concentrations of various criteria air pollutants (SPM, PM10, CO, SO2 and NOx) and organic pollutants such as benzene, toluene, xylene (BTX) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were assessed before and after the implementation of CNG. A decreasing trend was found for PAHs, SO2 and CO concentrations, while the NOx level was increased in comparison to those before the implementation of CNG. Further, SPM, PM10, and BTX concentrations showed no significant change after the implementation of CNG. However, the BTX concentration demonstrated a clear relation with the benzene content of gasoline. In addition to the impact of the introduction of CNG the daily variation in PAHs levels was also studied and the PAHs concentrations were observed to be relatively high between 10 pm to 6 am, which gives a proof of a relation with the limited day entry and movement of heavy vehicles in Delhi.  相似文献   

马鞍山市酸雨污染分析及控制对策研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从马鞍山市降水常规监测数据资料入手 ,比较详细地分析了该市酸雨时空分布特征、原因以及降水酸度和酸雨频率年度变化情况 ,并结合马鞍山市有关环境资料对该市酸雨发展趋势作了较深的分析 ,也对酸雨污染控制对策作了一定的研究探讨。研究结果表明 ,该市存在酸雨污染问题 ,上半年比下半年污染重 ,主要集中在一中点 ,二氧化硫是影响降水酸度的主要因素 ,酸雨类型以硫酸型为主。随着经济发展 ,酸雨污染有扩大趋势 ,必须采取果断措施进行治理。  相似文献   

Towards the aim of improving the air quality in the urban environment via the application of innovative TiO2 based photocatalytic coverings, a field campaign took place within the frame of the EU PICADA project () to asses the expected depollution efficiency of such materials under realistic conditions. Furthermore, extensive numerical modeling was performed via the application of the RANS CFD code for microscale applications MIMO, in an effort to asses the sensitivity of the developing flow field and the corresponding dispersion mechanism and hence of the depollution efficiency of the PICADA products on a wide range of factors, with most notably the length of the street canyon, the thermal exchange between the heated street canyon walls and the air and the approaching wind direction. For the needs of the PICADA project a new, simple module had to be implemented into MIMO to be able to model the removal of NOx from a street canyon whose walls have been treated with a photocatalytic product. The model simulations results presented in this paper, show that MIMO is indeed capable of predicting the effectiveness of the photocatalytic products in question. At the same time, they reveal a strong dependence of the developing flow and concentration fields inside the field site street canyon configuration on most of the aforementioned factors with most notably the direction of the approaching wind.
N. MoussiopoulosEmail:

This paper presents the chemical speciation and retention behavior of chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), and cadmium (Cd) prior to and after the electrokinetic remediation in glacial till soil. The speciation of the metals was predicted using the chemical speciation program MINEQL+. The simulations were performed for single-contaminant with only Cr(VI) or Ni, and multi-contaminants consisting of: (1) Cr(VI), Ni, and Cd; (2) Cr(III), Ni and Cd; (3) Cr(VI), Cr(III), Ni and Cd; (4) Cr(VI), Ni, and Cd with reducing agents; and (5) Cr(III), Ni, and Cd with oxidizing agent (Mn). The results showed that the speciation and distribution of cationic metals [Ni, Cd, and Cr(III)] in glacial till soil remain unaffected or slightly affected during electrokinetics. This is attributed to the high pH buffering capacity of the glacial till, leading the metals to precipitate in the soil prior to and after electrokinetics. This study showed that during electrokinetics, Cr(VI) existed as anionic complex and migrated towards the anode and the migration is maximum in case of a single-contaminant system. The study also showed that near the anode in the absence of any reducing and oxidizing agent, Cr(VI) mostly adsorbed, and some of Cr(VI) reduced to Cr(III) and migrated towards the cathode and finally precipitated due to high pH conditions. Ni and Cd remain adsorbed or precipitated due to the high pH conditions throughout the soil. Among the reducing agents, the sulfide had significant effect on the migration of metals compared to ferrous ions. While in the presence of oxidizing agent (Mn), no noticeable Cr(VI) was found in the soil sample indicating the reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) and the predominance of reducing conditions due to the presence of naturally occurring iron in the glacial till soil. Overall, this study provides a reasonable explanation of the speciation and distribution of chromium, nickel and cadmium during the electrokinetic remediation of glacial till soil.  相似文献   

介绍珠三角及佛山市新标准监测网络结构,从拓宽网络有效覆盖范围、提升网络对污染研究的支撑能力、以及巩固数据实时发布工作基础等多角度分析了网络完善需求,提出了下一阶段网络建设的重点措施建议,并介绍了佛山市目前计划进行的网络完善工作。  相似文献   

We studied the steady-state behavior of a mathematical model of a nitrifying trickling filter. In particular, we studied the effect of the operating conditions of the filter on the complete and safe nitrification. We presented the results with the help of the operating diagram of the system and we determined the range of operating conditions resulting in optimal operation. We also computed biofilm thickness along the filter depth and concentration profiles inside the biofilm, and compared them with experimental results found in the literature. The comparison shows very good qualitative agreement between model predictions and experimental data.  相似文献   

This article details the results of an investigation into the application of geostatistical data analysis to two environmentalradiometric time series. The data series employed consist of 99Tc values for seaweed (Fucus vesiculosus) and seawater samples taken as part of a marine monitoring program conducted on the coast of northern Norway by the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority. Geostatistical methods were selected in order to provide information on values of the variables at unsampled times and to investigate the temporalcorrelation exhibited by the data sets. This information is ofuse in the optimisation of future sampling schemes and for providing information on the temporal behaviour of the variablesin question that may not be obtained during a cursory analysis.The results indicate a high degree of temporal correlation withinthe data sets, the correlation for the seawater and seaweed databeing modelled with an exponential and linear function,respectively. The semi-variogram for the seawater data indicatesa temporal range of correlation of approximately 395 days with noapparent random component to the overall variance structure and was described best by an exponential function. The temporal structure of the seaweed data was best modelled by a linear function with a small nugget component. Evidence of drift was present in both semi-variograms. Interpolation of the data setsusing the fitted models and a simple kriging procedure were compared, using a cross-validation procedure, with simple linearinterpolation. Results of this exercise indicate that, for theseawater data, the kriging procedure outperformed the simpleinterpolation with respect to error distribution andcorrelation of estimates with actual values. Using theunbounded linear model with the seaweed data produced estimatesthat were only marginally better than those produced by thesimple interpolation.  相似文献   

We grew leek (Allium porrum) in soils of two shooting ranges heavily contaminated with heavy metals in the towns of Zuchwil and Oberuzwil in Switzerland as a bioassay to test theactivity of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in these soils.Soil samples were taken from (1) front of the shooting house(HOUSE), (2) the area between house and target (FIELD) and (3) the berm (BACKSTOP). Samples of Ribwort plantain (Plantagolanceolata) growing naturally within the shooting ranges werealso collected and the colonization of its roots by mycorrhizalfungi was measured. The number of AM spores in the soils wassignificantly reduced concomitant with the increase in thedegree of soil contamination with metals. In Zuchwil,mycorrhizal fungi equally colonized roots of Ribwort plantainsampled from BACKSTOP and HOUSE. In Oberuzwil, however, plantsfrom BACKSTOP had lower colonization when compared with thosesampled from HOUSE. Colonization of leek was strongly reducedin the BACKSTOP soil of Zuchwil and slightly reduced in theBACKSTOP soil of Oberuzwil when compared with plants grown inrespective HOUSE soil. Concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb andZn in the leaves of leek grown in the BACKSTOP soil was withinthe range considered toxic for human consumption. This pointsto the high degree of bio-availability of these metal in thesesoils. Significant decrease in the number of mycorrhizal sporesin the BACKSTOP soils in Zuchwil and the low colonization ofleek roots grown in these soils point to possible changes inthe species diversity of mycorrhizal fungi in these soils.  相似文献   

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