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概述了稀释法测定生化需氧量(BOD5)的基本要求,综述了近年来国内生化需氧量测定中有关稀释倍数研究的主要成果,分析评价了稀释法测定生化需氧量的一些数理公式。  相似文献   

根据废水的可生化性,选用废水的K值,算出生化需氧量近似值找出生化需氧量的最佳测定量程,直接投样测定,操作简便,准确可靠,读数直观,并可连续测定,在工业废水中分析中具有广泛的应用价值。  相似文献   

利用生化需氧量测定过程中的已有数据,推导出水样溶解氧的理论计算法。当样品既需知道生化需氧量又需知道溶解氧的时候,我们通过测定生化需氧量,便可利用已有公式计算出水样的溶解氧。这样不仅省时、省力,而且经济实用,特别适用于能够现场测定生化需氧量的水处理厂等。  相似文献   

由于干扰因素很多的原因,生化需氧量(BOD5)往往在实验室中很难取得准确的测定结果。本文以质量控制样品在实验室中的准确测定,间接地控制生化需氧量实际样品在实验室分析结果的准确性。  相似文献   

用YSI—58型溶氧仪测定五日生化需氧量的注意事项   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
YSI—58型溶解氧测定仪,配上带有搅拌器的五日生化需氧量专用探头,可用于五日生化需氧量分析。由于该仪器具有操作快速、简便、干扰少、测定结果准确、运行费用低等特点,深受分析工作者欢迎。美国已列为分析五日生化需氧量的标准方法。在《水与废水监测分析方法(第3版)》也将膜电极法作为测定溶解氧的方法之一。根据几年来的工作经验,在用YSI—58型溶氧仪分析五日生化  相似文献   

五日生化需氧量是衡量水质中有机物质污染程度的一个重要指标,在测定过程中易受到水样的保存、温度和pH值、溶解氧、稀释水等因素的影响,导致检测结果出现误差。文章介绍了五日生化需氧量的测定方法、原理以及测定五日生化需氧量的影响因素,并提出相应的解决方法。  相似文献   

生化需氧量测定中接种液的制备和稀释倍数的确定是2个关键的步骤,本文提出一种可行的制备接种液的方法,根据实践经验,总结出一种稀释倍数计算方法,适合在实际分析中使用。  相似文献   

生化需氧量测定中若干因素探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了生化需氧量的方法建立过程,指出测定生化需氧量时,除了温度对测定有影响外,pH值、无机盐类、微生物种类和数量、稀释度、硝化作用、缓冲剂,以及充分的营养和毒性物质的存在与否都会对测定结果有影响.  相似文献   

通过对“生化需氧量测定图解法及与标准法的比较”一文中优点与不足之处的比较,阐述了本文的观点,证明稀释比的确定是测定BOD5的关键。  相似文献   

无锡地区河水BOD_5的快速测定辛明君(江苏省无锡市环境科学研究所214023)生化需氧量是指水样中可生化降解的有机物被好气性微生物分解,在该生物化学过程中所耗用的溶解氧。生化需氧量除了用于反映有机物的综合污染程度外,还有助于对承纳水体中物质生物降解?..  相似文献   

假定样品经过培养后耗氧率达55%;推导出BOD5稀释倍数K=BOD5/4.4,由稀释程度规定推导出BOD5稀释倍数K=(BOD5-1)/4.0两种方法K基本相同,标准样品,工业废水经上述方法稀释后,测定结果比较满意,尤其对工业废水测定,既缩短了分析时间,又降低了测定误差。  相似文献   

A biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) monitoring system, based on electrochemically-active bacteria in combination with a microbial fuel cell, has been developed for the purpose of on-site, on-line and real-time monitoring of practical wastewater. A microbial fuel cell that had been enriched with electrochemically-active bacteria was used as the basis of the measurement system. When synthetic wastewater was fed to the system, the current generation pattern and its Coulombic yield were found to be dependent on the BOD5 of the synthetic wastewater. A linear correlation between the Coulombic yields and the BOD5 of the synthetic wastewater were established. Real wastewater obtained from a sewage treatment plant also produced a highly linear correlation between the Coulombic yield and BOD5 in the system. To examine on-site, on-line and real-time monitoring capability, the BOD monitoring system was installed at a sewage treatment plant. Over 60 days, the measurement system was successfully operated with high accuracy and good stability with the measuring period for a sample being 45 min. This application showed that the application of the measurement system was a rapid and practical way for the determination of BOD5 in water industries.  相似文献   

污水处理厂活性污泥经过洗涤后,在5 d的时间里其内源呼吸耗氧量线性较好,可以采用处于内源呼吸阶段的活性污泥作为BOD5测定的载体,一方面能够确保测定初期快速启动,另一方面能够提高测量范围,从而减小仪器的系统误差.活性污泥经过洗涤去除吸附的有机物后,将其制成浓度为200 mg/L左右的接种溶液用于低值BOD5测定,测量结果介于采用稀释法测定和差压计直接测定结果之间.当水中BOD5较低时,可以使用本方法进行测定,为测定低值BOD5提供一种新思路和新方法.  相似文献   

A biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) biosensor for effective and expeditious BOD(7) estimations was constructed and the non-steady phase of the output signal was extensively studied. The modelling approach introduced allows response curve reconstruction and a curve fitting procedure of good quality, resulting in parameters indicating the relationship between response and organic substrate concentration and stability properties of the BOD biosensor. Also, the immobilization matrixes of different thicknesses were characterized to determine their suitability for bio-sensing measurements in non-stationary conditions, as well as for the determination of the mechanical durability of the BOD biosensor in time. The non-steady response of the experimental output of the BOD biosensor was fitted according to the developed model that enables to determine the stability of the biosensor output and dependency on biodegradable organic substrate concentration. The calibration range of the studied BOD biosensor in OECD synthetic wastewater was 15-110 mg O(2) L(-1). Repeatability tests showed relative standard deviation (RSD) values of 2.8% and 5.8% for the parameter τ(d), characterizing the transient output of the amperometric oxygen sensor in time, and τ(s), describing the dependency of the transient response of the BOD biosensor on organic substrate concentration, respectively. BOD biosensor experiments for the evaluation of the biochemical oxygen demand of easily degradable and refractory municipal wastewater showed good concurrence with traditional BOD(7) analysis.  相似文献   

微生物电极法快速测定BOD   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用微生物电极法可快速测定生活污水及地表水中的BOD。配制标准溶液和内控溶液进行方法准确度和精密度试验,结果表明相对误差<4%,相对标准差在1%~6%之间,准确度和精密度均较好。对地表水和工业废水样作了加标回收试验,加标回收率在95%~102%之间,回收率较好。为考察该方法的可靠性和适应性,与稀释接种法进行对比试验,相对误差在1%~11%之间,表明两种方法测定结果基本一致。微生物电极法具有灵敏度高、检测限低、简便快速等特点,完全能满足监测需要。  相似文献   

BOD是反映水体有机污染的主要参数,广泛应用于水体监测、污水处理厂的运行以及水与废水处理的教学与研究工作。传统的BOD测量需要5天,耗时费力。因此,开发BOD快速测量方法及仪器十分重要。文章针对一种新型反应器式BOD快速测定仪在仪器化过程中需要解决的一些问题进行了探讨。包括固定化微生物颗粒制备、反应温度的优化、有无搅拌条件、仪器性能等。实验结果表明,最适宜的测量温度为30℃,可以利用微量曝气代替磁力搅拌,以方便仪器的制作。在对150mg/L的GGA标准液进行的5次测定实验中,测量结果的最大偏差≤10%,精密度为4.6%。该仪器的灵敏度与准确性均能满足BOD快速测量要求。  相似文献   

The physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the wastewater of Natural Gas Fertilizer Factory Ltd. Fenchuganj, Sylhet were determined through extensive laboratory tests in the months of March, July, October and December of the year 2005. Concentration of Suspended Solids was within the range of 445 to 950 mg/L. Bangladesh Industrial Effluent Standards for Suspended Solids is 100 mg/L. Suspended Solids were found above the limit in all the samples. Concentration of Dissolved Solids was found to vary from 576 to 1,456 mg/L. Bangladesh Industrial Effluent Standards, for Dissolved Solids is 2,100 mg/L. Dissolved Solids were found within the limit. Concentration of BOD(5) was found to vary from 4.5 to 8.4 mg/L. Bangladesh Industrial Effluent Standards for BOD(5) is 50 mg/L. For the year 2005, the BOD(5) was found below the limit in all the samples. Dissolved Oxygen of the wastewater was found to be between 2.0 to 3.0 mg/L, which do not satisfy the standard (4.5-8 mg/L). Oil and grease concentration were found in the range of 28 to 68 mg/L, whereas the standard is 10 mg/L for discharge into the inland surface water. In 2005, concentration of Cr(+ 6) was found to vary from 0.01 to 0.156 mg/L in the wastewater. Bangladesh Industrial Effluent Standards, for Cr(+6) is 0.1 mg/L. The concentration of chromium was found above the limit in three samples. Concentration of NO(3) was found to vary from 4.5 to 15.2 mg/L in the wastewater. Bangladesh Industrial Effluent Standards for nitrate is 10 mg/L. The nitrate was found above the limit in three samples. Maximum concentration of ammonia in lagoon 1 was found 1,710 mg/L in month of December. Bangladesh Industrial Effluent Standards for ammonia nitrogen is 100 mg/L. For the year 2005, the ammonia nitrogen was found above the limit in all samples.  相似文献   

The increasing number of potentially harmful pollutants in the wastewater effluent discharge necessitates the need for the development of fast and cost effective analytical techniques for extensive monitoring programmes to assess the effectiveness of the treatment process. This study compared the use of bacterial biosensors to the conventional Daphnia magna assay, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) tests as well as chemical analysis, for monitoring the toxicity of wastewater. The bacterial biosensors constructed in this study, using S. sonnei and E. coli, were found to be sensitive to the toxicity of the wastewater effluents. A linear increase in bioluminescence with increasing concentration of heavy metals and inorganic pollutants in water was observed, with a correlation coefficient (r(2)) as high as 0.995 and 0.997, respectively. No notable correlation between biosensor toxicity and BOD and COD test results was observed. These bacterial biosensors could provide appropriate alternatives for a rapid, sensitive and cost effective detection of wastewater quality. However, the differences in sensitivity obtained for the different systems suggest that the use of a battery of toxicity assays may be required to provide a real ecotoxicological assessment of wastewater samples.  相似文献   

本文讨论了角膜电极测定生化需氧量(BOD5)方法与传统碘量法的比较。两家实验室的验证结果表明,对于地表水和废水的测定,两种方法测得结果没有明显差异,用膜电极法测定BOD5方法的精密度和准确度可以满足实际样品的测定。  相似文献   

在微污染源水生物预处理中,由于生物池内和处理后的出水中含有大量硝化细菌,使BOD5测定结果偏大.提出在测定这类水样时,加入硝化细菌抑制剂,可以消除硝化作用的影响.  相似文献   

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