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基于EFDC模型,构建了广佛珠江感潮河网区三维水动力模型;同时,通过耦合石油类污染物水力输运与悬沙吸附一沉降过程,构建石油类水质数学模型,从而更全面客观地模拟水体石油类污染物的迁移转化过程。通过2001年1月实例模拟及验证,表明模型能较好地模拟再现珠江水体石油类浓度变化过程,为日后珠江水环境质量监控与水质改善、城市河涌整治成果评价及预测等提供技术支持。  相似文献   

介绍了土壤石油污染的成因,危害,通过表面活性剂溶液对石油污染土壤进行静态与动态解吸实验表明,表面活性剂淋洗法是去除土壤中石油类污染物的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

石油勘探开发中的石油类污染及其监测分析技术   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
首先介绍了陆地石油勘探开发过程对环境的影响 ,并总结出这种影响集中体现在油田附近水体和土壤受到石油类的污染。然后针对石油类监测分析方法展开探讨 ,并分水中石油类和土壤中石油类两部分 ,把我国和美国的监测方法进行了对比研究。在此基础上提出了在进行油田环境现状评价和石油类污染物环境变迁规律研究中使用石油类分析方法的建议  相似文献   

介绍了河流重油泄漏事故的应急监测,包括监测方案制定、监测点位设置、分析对象确定、跟踪监测、数据分析等。重油污染可通过监测水体中的石油类进行。监测结果表明,重油泄漏事故在短期内对水环境造成了严重影响,清除完全后,水体可逐步恢复正常。重油污染具有一定的持久性,在事发后需要对水体进行长期的跟踪监测。  相似文献   

将湖泊水体的营养状态看作一个灰色系统,建立用于识别湖泊营养状态属性的灰色聚类综合评价模型,将水质级别作为一个灰类,水质状态作为灰色变量,根据灰色白化权函数聚类方法来确定水体营养状况归类。以太湖为例,基于分布全湖的20个监测点数据,运用灰色聚类法对其进行富营养状态综合评价,结果表明,监测时段太湖大部分水体基本处于中营养水平,局部湖面达到中度富营养状态,客观地反映了太湖湖区水体营养状况。  相似文献   

浅谈我国石油类污染及对其监测分析的注意事项   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国越来越多的石油污染事故,造成了经济损失,生态环境的破坏,人体健康的危害.因此,国家制定相关的法律法规来控制石油类的污染.石油类的监测和分析要求规范化、标准化、现代化,文中列出了石油类监测分析过程中的注意事项.  相似文献   

磷是生物体不可缺少的元素之一,而水体中磷的研究又具有特殊的意义。武义江位于金华江上游,水质常年为V类或劣V类。流域内五金工业非常发达,聚集了大量的表面处理行业。本文通过十个主要监测指标对武义江进行水质监测,结果表明:武义江总磷浓度超出国家地表水环境质量标准(GB3838--2002)中三级标准的1.24倍,已经达到富营养化水平,是武义江水体污染的首要污染物;水体中叶绿素n的含量也达到富营养化水平;表面处理行业中有磷化工序的企业排放的大量含磷废水,是武义江水体污染的首要污染源。目前,当务之急是应加强对磷化相关企业的污染整治,才能从根本上改善武义江水质,促进流域内社会经济的可持续发展,实现水资源的可持续利用.  相似文献   

杭州市钱塘江干支流水质多元统计分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用多元统计方法分析了杭州市钱塘江干支流上26个断面的水质监测指标。利用系统聚类分析方法将断面所在河流分为3组,与钱塘江流域污染空间分布现状基本一致。对各组水质的主成分分析表明,第1组河流水质以有机污染为主,水体中氮、磷营养盐浓度较高,水体污染程度较轻,污染来源相对单一;第2组河流水体受有机物、重金属、石油类等多个污染指标的影响,水体水质较第1组差,污染来源相对复杂;第3组河流水体既有一般有机污染,也有重金属、有毒有害物质的污染,水体水质污染严重。  相似文献   

生态补水对玄武湖水质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析南京玄武湖1997年-2010年的水质变化,以及生态补水与玄武湖水质变化的关系。结果表明,玄武湖于1998年实施生态补水,随着生态补水的持续运行和生态补水量的不断增加,玄武湖水质得以显著改善,其水质类别由生态补水前的劣V类水体转为V类水体,并接近于Ⅳ类水体,富营养化程度由重度富营养化水平转为轻度富营养化水平。目前玄武湖主要营养物质来源于生态补水,相关性分析显示各湖区TN浓度与生态补水中TN浓度呈显著相关关系。  相似文献   

使用F2000型红外光度测油仪,以四氯化碳作为参比溶液测定水体中石油类,由于是以未经过与水样相同的步骤萃取的四氯化碳作为参比溶液以及F2000型红外光度测油仪是直接显示水样中石油类的浓度,所得的水样浓度并未扣除水样萃取过程中可能存在的干扰,因此,笔者认为用经活性炭吸附处理过的超纯水,通过与水样相同的操作步骤所得的萃取液作为测定水样时的参比溶液,测定的结果更加贴近实际,能够更好的反映水体受石油类污染的情况。  相似文献   

河口水中矿物油分析的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紫外分光光度法在河口水中矿物油测定中,存在着标准油品的选择、水样萃取的乳化处理及河口水样测定方法选择等问题。提出了解决存在问题的可行方法,进一步完善测定方法。  相似文献   

对色泽较深,含杂质量较高的废水加硅油I以抑制测定中蒸馏产生的泡沫.结果表明,在250ml水样中加硅油IO.10~1.25ml,即可收到理想效果.硅油I性质稳定,不随水蒸汽蒸出,对测定无干扰.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study in which integrated forensic oil fingerprinting and data interpretation techniques were used to characterize the chemical compositions and determine the source of the 2009 Sarnia (Ontario) oil spill incident. The diagnostic fingerprinting techniques include determination of hydrocarbon groups and semi-quantitative product-type screening via gas chromatography (GC), analysis of oil-characteristic biomarkers and the extended suite of parent and alkylated PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) homologous series via gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), determination and comparison of a variety of diagnostic ratios of "source-specific marker" compounds, and determination of the weathering degree of the spilled oil, and whether the spilled oil hydrocarbons have been mixed with any other "background" chemicals (biogenic and/or pyrogenic hydrocarbons). The detailed chemical fingerprinting data and results reveal the following: (1) all four samples are mixtures of diesel and lubricating oil with varying percentages of diesel to lube oil. Both samples 1460 and 1462 are majority diesel-range oil mixed with a smaller portion of lube oil. Sample 1461 contains slightly less diesel-range oil. Sample 1463 is majority lubricating-range oil. (2) The diesel in the four diesel/lube oil mixture samples was most likely the same diesel and from the same source. (3) The spill sample 1460 and the suspected-source sample 1462 have nearly identical concentrations and distribution patterns of target analytes including TPHs, n-alkane, PAHs and biomarker compounds; and have nearly identical diagnostic ratios of target compounds as well. Furthermore, a perfect "positive match" correlation line (with all normalized ratio data points falling into the straight correlation line) is clearly demonstrated. It is concluded that the spill oil water sample 1460 (#1, from the water around the vessel enclosed by a boom) matches with the suspected source sample 1462 (#3, from the vessel engine room bilge pump). (4) From the n-alkane and PAH analysis, it appears that the oil in the spill sample 1460 is slightly more weathered in comparison with sample 1462. The minor differences in fingerprints of two samples were most likely caused by weathering effects. (5) Sample 1461 (#2, from the vessel engine room bilge) and sample 1463 (#4, from the vessel bilge waste collection tank) demonstrated significantly different fingerprints and diagnostic ratios of target compounds from that of spill sample 1460. This was caused most likely by percentages of diesel to lube oil in these two samples different from that in spill sample 1460.  相似文献   

本文将气相色谱法与紫外分光光度法相结合,提出地面水中石油类项目测定所用油标的选择方法,并用0#柴油代替大港原油作油标,进行水样测定,结果与实际状况较为相符。  相似文献   

陆丰22-1是中国第一个正式弃置的海上油田,处于南海330m深水区.分析开发前期、中期及末期油田附近海域表层海水、表层沉积物和底栖甲壳类体内石油烃含量数据,结果表明油田附近海域环境质量较好,油田开发对环境的主要污染影响是表层海水和底栖生物体内石油类污染物质含量有所升高,尚未见生活污水和食品废弃物的排放对环境造成影响的迹...  相似文献   

低浓度石油类测定过程中的问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分析了影响低浓度石油类测定的一些因素,通过合理的方法克服这些影响因素之后,测定结果才能准确可靠。试验测得1000ml水样直接萃取法测定石油类的方法检出限为0.01mg/L,证明用该方法可以定量测定石油类浓度在0.05mg/L附近的低浓度水样。  相似文献   

精选了一种新油标。采用这种油标,可使紫外分光光度法测地表水中石油类的令人满意,省工省时。  相似文献   

A mid-lake sample is the conventional sampling strategy used in lake chemistry monitoring programs. Hence, addressing the question of how representative a mid-lake sample is of in-lake conditions is important for interpreting changes in long-term monitoring programs. Our hypotheses were that; (i) the location of a sampling site within a lake will affect its representativity and (ii) a mid-lake sample could be considered representative of average surface water physico-chemistry. We focused on the surface water chemistry in 34 Swedish lakes. To obtain a wide diversity of lake types, the lakes were classified according to mean depth, water residence time, and three main ecoregions. Two sampling seasons were selected, representative of high and low biological activity and stratified and non-stratified conditions, respectively. Ten samples were collected in each lake. The mid-lake samples differed significantly from the nine remaining samples in less than 4% of the total number of two-sample t-tests performed. Samples collected close to lake inlets differed from the other samples more often than samples collected in the central parts of the lakes. We concluded that the location of a sampling site within a lake may affect the sample's representativity of lake water chemistry, and that a mid-lake surface water sample could be considered representative of surface water chemistry.  相似文献   

Produced water is water trapped in underground formations that is brought to the surface along with oil or gas production. Oilfield impacted soil is the most common environmental problem associated with oil production. The produced water associated with oil-production contaminates the soil and causes the outright death of plants, and the subsequent erosion of topsoil. Also, impacted soil serves to contaminate surface waters and shallow aquifers. This paper is intended to provide an approach for full characterization of contaminated soil by produced water, by means of analysis of both the produced water and the impacted soil using several recommended analytical techniques and then identify and assay the main constituents that cause contamination of the soil. Gialo-59 oilfield (29N, 21E), Libya, has been chosen as the case study of this work. The field has a long history of petroleum production since 1959, where about 300,000 bbl of produced water be discharged into open pit. Test samples of contaminated soil were collected from one of the disposal pits. Samples of produced water were collected from different points throughout the oil production process, and the analyses were carried out at the labs of Libyan Petroleum Institute, Tripoli, Libya. The results are compared with the local environmental limiting constituents in order to prepare for a plan of soil remediation. The results showed that the main constituents (pollutants) that impact the soil are salts and hydrocarbon compounds. Accordingly; an action of soil remediation has been proposed to remove the salts and degradation of hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

The article describes a method for screening for the risk of chronic surface water pollution which was developed at the T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute. The approach, which is based on exotoxicological analyses, can be classed as a rapid method of assessment. The degree of risk of chronic effects surface water pollution is determined from an evaluation of two major parameters—toxicity and genotoxicity. As the method utilizes relative simple procedures for sample collection, pretreatment of the sample, chemical analyses, bioassays and results assessment, this approach is suitable for widespread practical use. Extensive utilization of this approach for assessing river basins in the Czech Republic has proved its suitability for a more sophisticated detection of the biological impact of surface water pollution. This is documented in the article where the method is used in a study of the Bílina River, and in the overview of the results of the risk assessment of chronic effects of surface water pollution in selected sections of three international river basins in the Czech Republic.  相似文献   

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