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辽河流域浑河沈阳段地表水重点控制有机污染物的筛选   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
采用美国环保局工业环境实验室提出的化学物质的“潜在危害指数法”,对辽河流域浑河沈阳段地表水和底质中检出的有机污染物的潜在危害进行了排序,参考国内外有毒化学品优先控制名单的筛选原则和方法,结合本流域的实际情况,制定出重点控制有机污染物的评分标准,提出辽河流域浑河沈阳段重点控制有机污染物名单。考虑到个别有机污染物在水中的浓度很低,但在底质中相对含量较高,所以将底质的检测结果也纳入评分标准。  相似文献   

对浑河沈阳段七台子桥地表水进行了水生生物毒性实验,参照Bulichi等人提出的"环境水样的综合危害性评估方法",评估了该河段地表水对水生生物安全的影响,并结合同期地表水基本项目的监测结果,分析了产生水生生物急性毒性的原因。  相似文献   

综述了欧盟水框架指令和水政策环境质量标准指令框架下,水环境优先污染物和优先危害物质的确定方法、程序和清单,以及地表水质量标准与生物体质量标准的制定方法及监测要求。提出,我国可借鉴欧盟水框架指令和水政策环境质量标准指令,明确水环境管理和污染物控制目标,制定优先污染物筛选评估技术规范及质量标准,持续评估确定地表水优先污染物,同时,建立潜在高风险物质监测监控制度,进一步完善地表水环境质量标准的指标体系,使得水环境的保护更加科学合理。  相似文献   

发光菌监测浑河(抚顺段)底泥的生物毒性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用发光茵对浑河(抚顺段)底泥进行了生物毒性测试.结果表明,浑河(抚顺段)主断面底泥均为低毒性,七条支流中以将军河底泥毒性最大,为重毒级,其它支流为低毒级.  相似文献   

按照地表水监测技术规范(HJ/T91-2002),对驻马店市地表水体进行采样,用等离子体发射光谱法两条铝分析线,对所采各个断面水样中的铝浓度进行分析测定,分析得出了流域内地表水中铝含量的一般特征,为下一步地表水体环境质量标准中增设铝项目的管理提供技术支持。  相似文献   

日本地表水环境质量标准体系构成分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
简要论述了目前日本地表水质量标准体系的构成,主要包括地表水环境质量标准体系的内涵和作用,以及监测调查方法和评价技术方法.  相似文献   

为增强水质评价结果的直观性,以湖南省地表水为研究对象,根据地表水水体形状的特点和地表水水质监测断面设置的情况,用ArcGIS Engine对空间数据进行读取和展现,用GDI+技术对河流型水质实现连续渐变的可视化,用反距离插值法实现湖库型水质的可视化。在Visual Stdio.Net平台上,将GIS技术、GDI+技术和地统计插值技术等有机融合,建立了地表水水质可视化系统,实现了在电子地图上对各地表水水质监测断面综合评价结果的可视化表征。该系统具有操作简单、运行效率较高的特点,显著增强了水环境质量表征的直观性,为水环境质量管理和污染防控提供了最直接的科学依据。  相似文献   

地表水水质自动监测数据技术评估   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
对地表水水质自动监测站取水口直接采样和模拟水样,用自动监测和实验室方法监测相应的指标,对两者的监测结果进行比较,研究和分析两者之间差异的原因,评估自动监测数据,提出建议。  相似文献   

分析地表水环境质量标准68项有机指标分析方法的不足,概述其分析方法整合优化的研究现状,并归纳总结目前地表水中68项有机指标的最新分析方法,结合经典分析方法,将68项有机指标的分析方法由40余种整合为20种。  相似文献   

采用国产高分子多孔树脂对地表水进行吸附富集,然后用溶剂洗脱、真空浓缩、最后用气相色谱/质量检测器/计算机联用技术鉴定有机污染物。对南京市秦淮河某断面水样分离出101种污染物,对其中相对含量较高、毒性较大的75种化合物进行了计算机自动检索和人工解析确认。  相似文献   

有机污染物水排放标准推荐值的确定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对我国《污水综合排放标准》GB8978-1996存在的问题,根据以毒理学实验数据为基础的水环境目标值和排放目标值,参考美国EPA推荐的水质量标准、GB8978-1996《污水综合排放标准》、GB3838-2002《地面水质量标准》和实测的环境数据,提出重点控制有机污染物水排放标准推荐值。  相似文献   

456 water samples collected from 152 water sources in 2006 were analyzed for 21 volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Concentrations of 21 VOCs ranged from below method detection limits of the laboratory to 7.65 ??g/L (toluene), but seldom exceeded the concentration limits set in the National Drinking Water Quality Standards (GB5749-2006) or the National Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB3838-2002) of China. Of the 21 individual VOCs analyzed, 11 VOCs were detected in at least one sample at or above 1.0 ??g/L; 6.6% of the water samples had a detection of at least one VOC at or above 1.0 ??g/L, and 2.6% had a detection of at least two VOCs at or above 1.0 ??g/L. Based on the statistical data of detection frequencies above the method detection limits, 75% of the samples detected at least one VOC, and 65% of the samples detected at least two VOCs. Chloroform, toluene, and 1,2-dichloroethene were the three most frequently detected VOCs, with detection frequencies of 76.97%, 68.42%, and 44.08%, respectively. Volatile halogenated hydrocarbons and gasoline components were the two most frequently detected VOC groups.  相似文献   

GC/ MS法测定黄浦江水中挥发性有机化合物   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
采用吹扫捕集装置与GC/MS联用仪的全自动恒流控制,对黄浦江7个断面水样中47种挥发性有机化合物进行了分析。结果表明,被查的47种挥发性有机化合物基本都有检出,其中甲苯、异丙苯的绝对检出量最高。四氯化碳的检出值也较高,吴淞口四氯化碳的平均浓度已经远远超过GB3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》,并且四氯化碳浓度在黄浦江流域各个断面的分布具有一定规律性。  相似文献   

黄河口的水质、底质污染及其变化   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
分析了2001年在黄河口附近所取的3处水样和3处泥样中污染物的含量,并与历史数据进行了比较.利用<地表水环境质量标准>(GB3838-2002)和美国国家海洋大气管理局(NOAA)水体泥沙质量标准等分别对水体和底泥中的重金属(砷)和氮磷污染进行了评价.认为黄河口的水污染严重,主要污染物为汞和氮;泥沙污染尚不严重,但污染物的增长率高;水体中较高的氮含量和泥沙中氮含量的迅速增高可能会对渤海湾的富营养化情况产生影响.  相似文献   

环境质量评价中属性权重确定的一种方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
阐述了环境质量评价中属性权重的客观性。介绍了属性权重和确定属性权重的客观性方法,并以GB 3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》为依据,对河北省邯郸市1998年环境质量报告中的滏阳河张庄桥断面水质的主要属性进行了属性权重确定。  相似文献   

Characterization of heavy metals in water and sediments in Taihu Lake, China   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
To explore a comprehensive status of heavy metals in the Taihu Lake, which is one of the most important waters in China, water and sediment samples were taken throughout the lake during April to May of 2010, and metal elements (Cu, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, Sn, Sb, Zn, Mn) were analyzed in the water column, interstitial water and sediment. Relevant standards were used to assess the sediment and water quality. Results show that, in the lake water column, the average concentration of all metals ranged from 0.047 μg/l (Cd) to 8.778 μg/l (Zn). The concentration in the river water was usually higher than in the lake water for many metals. In the interstitial water Mn was significantly higher than that in water column, and other metals had no significant difference between the two media. In the surface sediment, average metal content ranged from 1.325 mg/kg (Cd) to 798.2 mg/kg (Mn). Spatially, contents of many metals were higher in Zhushan Bay than in other lake areas, and there existed a clear content gradient from the river to the lake for both water and sediment. On the sediment profiles, many metals presented an increasing trend from the depth of 15-20 cm to the top, which is indicative of the impact of increasingly intensive human activities from that period. Quality assessment indicates that metals in water phase are generally safe compared with USEPA "National Recommended Water Quality Criteria," with the exception of Mn in the interstitial water and Sb in the river water. Whereas the sediment is widely contaminated with metals to some extent compared with the "Consensus-Based Sediment Quality Guidelines," and Cu, Cr, and Ni are more likely to raise ecological risks. This work could be a basis for the ongoing China's criteria strategy.  相似文献   

Water Quality Changes in Chini Lake, Pahang, West Malaysia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A study of the water quality changes of Chini Lake was conducted for 12 months, which began in May 2004 and ended in April 2005. Fifteen sampling stations were selected representing the open water body in the lake. A total of 14 water quality parameters were measured and Malaysian Department of Environment Water Quality Index (DOE-WQI) was calculated and classified according to the Interim National Water Quality Standard, Malaysia (INWQS). The physical and chemical variables were temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), conductivity, pH, total dissolved solid (TDS), turbidity, chlorophyll-a, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solid (TSS), ammonia-N, nitrate, phosphate and sulphate. Results show that base on Malaysian WQI, the water in Chini Lake is classified as class II, which is suitable for recreational activities and allows body contact. With respect to the Interim National Water Quality Standard (INWQS), temperature was within the normal range, conductivity, TSS, nitrate, sulphate and TDS are categorized under class I. Parameters for DO, pH, turbidity, BOD, COD and ammonia-N are categorized under class II. Comparison with eutrophic status indicates that chlorophyll-a concentration in the lake was in mesotrophic condition. In general water quality in Chini Lake varied temporally and spatially, and the most affected water quality parameters were TSS, turbidity, chlorophyll-a, sulphate, DO, ammonia-N, pH and conductivity.  相似文献   

基于生态风险评价方法对海水淡化和直流冷却两类海水利用工程排放水中的3类典型有机氯农药进行了环境安全性分析。通过实际监测获得有机氯农药在海水利用排放水中的环境浓度;借助美国环境保护署(EPA)颁布的水质基准,获得有机氯农药在海水中的无影响浓度;采用商值法对海水利用排放水中的有机氯农药环境风险进行量化。结果表明:海水利用排放水中七氯和滴滴涕已存在环境风险,其中七氯的污染问题应尤引起重视。  相似文献   

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