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平原感潮河网地区非点源污染监测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
平原感潮河网地区非点源污染严重以及交叉污染等特性,造成了严重的环境污染和环境安全问题。由于非点源污染监测资料不完善,相关研究的深度、广度以及监测管理存在不足,确定非点源污染大小、少资料区域污染定量化预测等问题都是亟待解决的难点。以南通平原感潮河网地区为例,对非点源污染中的不确定性及监测方法进行探讨,提出分别针对平原河网圩区和平原河网非圩区的非点源污染监测方法。  相似文献   

为精准治理流域非点源氮磷污染,基于SWAT模型,运用本地区第二次全国污染源普查数据和2000—2019年流域水文、水质数据,开展湘江永州流域非点源氮磷污染模拟。结果表明:湘江永州流域建立的SWAT模型具有较好的模拟效果,流域2005—2019年的总氮月均污染负荷为383.40~17 998.70 t/m;总磷月均污染负荷为64.62~567.86 t/m,总氮和总磷各月污染负荷均与各月降雨量呈显著相关关系;农田和林地是本流域总氮、总磷污染负荷总量最大的2种用地类型,但两者之间单位面积输出的污染负荷强度却相反,林地对流域水污染防控具有正面效应,农田种植面源污染是非点源氮磷污染治理的重点。  相似文献   

应用SWAT模型对朱顺屯—大顶子山断面(66 km)的松花江流域进行小区域径流模拟,选取2010—2013年的月实测数据进行参数的率定和验证,并对模型几个重要参数敏感性分析,总结参数取值变化对模拟结果的影响规律。结果表明:模拟结果的相对误差(Re)、相关系数(R2)和月径流模拟效率系数(Ens)分别为0.09、0.84、0.78,均在保证值范围内,说明SWAT模型适用于小范围流域内分布式水文模型的建立,对松花江哈尔滨段水文模型的建立具有指导作用。  相似文献   

平原感潮河网地区非点源污染严重,同时由于本身具有的交叉污染等特性,造成了整个平原河网存在严重的环境污染和环境安全问题。文章在南通平原河网地区选择圩区作为典型区,以野外观测和室内分析相结合的方法开展野外原位试验,研究平原河网典型圩区各形态污染物随降雨径流的迁移特征,建立了稻季农田营养盐的迁移通量与径流通量、施肥量及降雨距施肥时间间隔三者之间的定量化关系。  相似文献   

北京市水环境非点源污染监测与负荷估算研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
文章对北京全市域范围开展水环境非点源污染监测以及污染负荷估算研究。监测结果表明,天然降雨氨氮、总氮污染程度高;城区典型下垫面降雨径流的有机污染十分严重,其中屋面降雨径流总氮和氨氮污染最严重,路面降雨径流COD和总磷污染最严重;下垫面降雨径流汇入城市排水管网后,由于冲洗下水道中的沉积物,使得水质污染进一步恶化。农业典型小流域面源污染对水质影响也很明显。城市非点源污染负荷估算选用SWMM暴雨径流模型,农业非点源污染负荷模型选用改进的输出系数模型,估算结果表明:城市非点源污染主要来自大气湿沉降、综合用地、路面和屋面等,农业非点源污染主要来自耕地和林地;全市污染物排放总量中,点源排放总量与非点源排放总量基本各占50%左右。为进一步挖掘污染减排空间,完善总量减排体系提供了依据。  相似文献   

农业面源污染模型研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了农业面源污染模型国内外研究进展,介绍了常用的面源污染模型概念与适用范围,明确"3S"技术与SWAT、AGNPS等模型有机结合是当今面源污染模型的研究热点。提出我国面源污染模型未来研究的重点是围绕水质改善目标,建立面向全流域尺度的面源污染负荷估算方法,构建完整的基础监测数据网络,为建立符合我国流域特性的面源污染模型提供支撑。  相似文献   

平原感潮河网地区非点源污染严重,由于具有交叉污染等特性,造成了整个平原河网存在严重的环境污染和环境安全问题。构建了大尺度非点源污染负荷匡算模型,对南通平原河网地区非点源污染负荷进行了匡算。根据不同的产污方式,将非点源污染分为城镇降雨径流污染、畜禽养殖污染、农田降雨径流污染、农村生活污染和水产养殖污染等5种类型,分别计算其流失过程。  相似文献   

流量是研究城市非点源污染负荷和雨水径流污染物迁移转化规律的一项基本参数。针对明渠雨水径流流量测量问题,设计了改进的巴歇尔槽模型,通过水力特性试验率定该模型的水力参数,拟合出自由出流条件下水深-流量公式及上游水位与模型水头损失之间的关系,结合1∶2长度比尺缩小模型对改进槽型使用弗劳德模型律进行验证。结果表明,所建立的改进巴歇尔槽模型其拟合曲线R20.990,相对误差的绝对值5%,精确度较好,改进之后的槽型用于雨水明渠流量测量十分有效。  相似文献   

基于大数据分析的大气网格化监测质控技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于对现阶段中国环境空气的污染特征及监测手段进行分析,研究了如何采用传感器技术进行大气污染防治网格化监测。对标物校准、训化校准、自适应校准、传递校准等校准质控技术进行了充分研究并基于此建立了自主学习神经网络算法的校准体系。为解决传感器应用过程中零点漂移、温度和湿度漂移、时间漂移等问题,利用大数据、基因算法成功开发出了智能数据修正模型,实现了低成本、高稳定、具有相当精度且可自动化运行的网格化监测体系。  相似文献   

从中国的卫星遥感技术现状出发,提出了中国的环境遥感应用不能只停留在研究水平,应根据我国环境监测的实际需要,与地面环境监测相结合,建立一套卫星遥感环境业务化监测应用平台,使遥感技术进入环境保护领域的实用化阶段。文章指出卫星遥感环境业务化监测应用平台建设主要包括卫星遥感环境业务化监测指标与监测、运行技术规范体系的建立、卫星遥感环境监测目标的确定、卫星遥感环境业务化监测目标的波谱数据库的建立、卫星遥感环境业务监测应用平台的业务内容、关键技术研究等内容,深化了我国的卫星遥感在环境领域中的应用,具有很高的实用价值。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated how different meteorology data sets impacts nitrogen fate and transport responses in the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model. We used two meteorology data sets: National Climatic Data Center (observed) and Mesoscale Model 5/Weather Research and Forecasting (simulated). The SWAT model was applied to two 10-digit hydrologic unit code watersheds in the Coastal Plain and Piedmont zones of North Carolina. Nitrogen cycling and loading response to these meteorological data were investigated by exploring 19 SWAT nitrogen outputs relating to landscape delivery, biogeochemical assimilation, and atmospheric deposition. The largest difference in model output using both meteorology data sets was for large loads/fluxes. Landscape delivery outputs (e.g., NO? 3 watershed discharge, groundwater NO? 3 flux, soil NO? 3 percolation) showed the largest difference across all values. Use of the two weather data sources resulted in a nearly twofold difference in NO? 3 watershed discharge and groundwater NO? 3 flux. Differences for many nitrogen outputs were greater than those for sub-basin flow. Nitrogen outputs showed the greatest difference for agricultural land covers and there was no flow-related pattern in output differences across sub-basins or over time (years). In general, nitrogen parameter models that had a greater number of nitrate concentration, flow, and temperature terms (equation variables) in each transport model showed the greatest difference between both meteorology applications.  相似文献   

Mixed-integer linear programs are proposed for siting development and conservation areas in watersheds, addressing economic objectives (development perimeter and proximity) and ecological objectives. Links between watershed hydrology and ecology need not be well defined. Parameters for the linear programs are obtained from linearization of the SWAT hydrologic model.  相似文献   

Effective water resources management programs have always incorporated detailed analyses of hydrological and water quality processes in the upland watershed and downstream waterbody. We have integrated two powerful hydrological and water quality models (SWAT and CE-QUAL-W2) to simulate the combined processes of water quantity and quality both in the upland watershed and downstream waterbody. Whereas the SWAT model outputs water quality variables in its entirety, the CE-QUAL-W2 model requires inputs in various pools of organic matter contents. An intermediate program was developed to extract outputs from SWAT at required subbasin and reach outlets and converts them into acceptable CE-QUAL-W2 inputs. The CE-QUAL-W2 model was later calibrated for various hydrodynamic and water quality simulations in the Cedar Creek Reservoir, TX, USA. The results indicate that the two models are compatible and can be used to assess and manage water resources in complex watersheds comprised of upland watershed and downstream waterbodies.  相似文献   

近年来甘肃渭河桦林断面月度水质不稳定达标的问题引起了管理部门的广泛关注,掌握桦林断面汇水范围面源污染现状,对控制流域面源污染和促进水质稳定达标具有重要意义。采用遥感分布式污染估算(DPeRS)面源污染评估模型,对2018年黄河流域甘肃桦林断面汇水区面源污染空间分布特征进行分析,开展多类型污染量产排特征解析。结果表明:农业面源污染量方面,2018年甘肃桦林断面汇水区总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、氨氮(NH+4-N)、重铬酸盐指数(CODCr)面源污染排放量分别为11 591,2 697,7 141和1 458 t,入河量分别为2 184,512,1347,263 t;空间分布上,氮型(TN和NH+4-N)排放负荷高值区主要分布在陇西县、武山县县段和岷县县段;武山县县段TP排放负荷较为突出;CODCr型面源污染高负荷区主要分布在陇西县、渭源县县段和武山县县段。农业面源污染物入河排放负荷空间分布差异明显,氮磷型(TN、NH+4-N和TP)入河高负荷区主要分布在武山县县段、陇西县、临洮县县段;CODCr型面源污染入河高负荷区呈分散分布。漳县西部地区水土流失量较高,漳县西部、陇西县和渭源县县段北部局部地区泥沙负荷量较高。枯水期污染治理仍是保障水质稳定达标的关键期,农田径流是渭河桦林断面所在汇水区氮磷型面源污染的首要污染类型,畜禽养殖是CODCr型面源污染的首要污染类型。  相似文献   

Nonpoint source (NPS) pollution is tightly linked to land use activities that determine the sources and magnitudes of pollutant loadings to stream water. The pollutant loads may also be alleviated within reservoirs because of the physical interception resulting from changed hydrological regimes and other biochemical processes. It is important but challenging to assess the NPS pollution processes with human effects due to the measurement limitations. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of human activities such as land uses and reservoir operation on the hydrological and NPS pollution processes in a highly agricultural area-the Iowa River Basin-using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). The evaluation of model performance at multiple sites reveals that SWAT can consistently simulate the daily streamflow, and monthly/annual sediment and nutrient loads (nitrate nitrogen and mineral phosphorus) in the basin. We also used the calibrated model to estimate the trap efficiencies of sediment (~78%) and nutrients (~30%) in the Coralville Reservoir within the basin. These non-negligible effects emphasize the significance of incorporating the sediment and nutrient removal mechanisms into watershed system studies. The spatial quantification of the critical NPS pollution loads can help identify hot-spot areas that are likely locations for the best management practices.  相似文献   

A model of pesticide transport through the soil profile based on clearance and fugacity paradigms is presented, and an example of its application in a GIS environment is shown. A validation of the model at the field plot scale is presented using data obtained at a crop in a semiarid irrigated agricultural basin which was treated with Lindane. The adequacy at the regional scale is tested by inspection of the model predictions and the measured concentrations of the pesticide obtained from a regional phreatimetric net. The clearance concept is used to obtain estimates of the volumes of some environmental phases. These are further used to solve the equations of thermodynamic equilibrium at equal fugacity and obtain concentration estimates. The model closely reproduces the observed percolation trends, and is consistent with the regional pattern of Lindane distribution in groundwater. An application of the model as unitary module for the simulation of non‐point pesticide sources in a raster GIS frame is shown. Its performance (run time, data needed, etc.) is comparable to that of other existing algorithms, and presents some advantages to planners and evaluators of environmental quality in that it incorporates an explicit 2‐D approach and allows the identification of polluted areas downslope with respect to those directly treated with the pesticides. Further, it can be implemented in a variety of GIS and spatial data processors.  相似文献   

水源地水污染风险等级判别方法及应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以广西柳州市柳南水厂水源地为研究对象,建立了水源地风险等级判别模型,模型主要考虑企业风险等级,以及风险影响后水源地水质超标倍数、水质超标持续时间、污染团到达时间等因子,模型参数根据调查及分析得到。通过风险判别模型,计算得到柳南水厂取水口的风险等级,为该区域进行环境风险管理提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

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