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美国危险废弃物的管理与处理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简要介绍了美国各行业废戏物的排放及早期废弃物对环境的污染概况,针对废弃物的管理所制定的有关法律,对废弃物依法进行处置;为我国贯彻国家环保法及有关废弃物防治法,废弃物的管理,处置有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

目前,我国工业废水排放的监督和管理,是以理化分析为主,这虽能快速地定量测定某些废水中污染物含量,但对于组分复杂的工业废水,就难以用理化分析方法阐明其组分对环境的影响.本研究以淡水生物中有代表性的鱼类,(氵蚤)类作为试验生物,首次对南京市14个行业24家工厂排放废水进行了水生生物急性、慢性毒性试验.探讨了水生生物毒性试验在工业废水监测、管理以及污染物总量控制方面的使用途径.以期为控制水环境的毒物污染和强化工业污染源管理提供有效手段.  相似文献   

通过调查与分析苏州市重点监控行业企业VOCs的产生和排放特征,调研典型企业,重点关注其涉及VOCs产生的工艺环节、原辅材料、排放浓度。结果表明:苏州市涉及VOCs排放企业行业众多,尤其以电子信息最多,其次为塑料橡胶制品行业、石油化工行业、纺织印染行业等。重点监控VOCs排放企业使用了大量有机溶剂,生产工艺中涉及VOCs排放的环节多,排放的VOCs种类多、成分复杂,具有行业特征。  相似文献   

通过对萧山市羽绒行业中典型企业--浙江三弘国际羽绒有限公司排放废水的监测分析,计算其羽绒废水中各污染物的排放量,由此确定羽绒行业污染物排放系数和排污总量,为污染物排放总量的控制管理提供了有效依据。  相似文献   

定型机废气中油烟监测方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
印染行业中定型机废气的主要污染物之一是其中的工业油烟,由于当前我国没有工业油烟排放监测分析的国家标准,在实际监测过程中主要参照饮食业油烟的监测方法,但是工业油烟和饮食业油烟之间存在性质等方面的较大差异,导致两者在监测过程中也存在区别。通过对定型机排放废气中油烟多次监测分析,探讨在当前条件下,符合定型机废气中油烟监测的方法。  相似文献   

生物监测可以系统反映污染物对生物生长的影响及其在生物体内的转化和迁移,在水环境监测与生态健康管理中的重要性日益突出。伴随着工业化的快速发展,中国水环境污染问题依然严峻,工业废水治理和排放问题仍旧突出。为进一步保障工业废水出水及受纳水体水质安全,迫切需要在工业废水监测中引入生物监测技术。对传统微生物群落监测法、水生生物毒性监测法和基于分子生物学技术的微生群落监测法等在工业废水监测领域的研究及应用进行了综述,并对存在的问题进行了总结。建议后续进一步完善工业废水生物监测体系时,参考国外成熟经验,制定出符合国内需求及特征的工业废水生物监测方法与评价标准,以便更好地掌握工业区整体环境健康及污染状况。  相似文献   

固定源排污许可证监测管理制度研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
依靠排污许可证管理,固定源执行由行业排放标准为主正逐步过渡到"国家行业排放标准——单一源排放标准"双层排放标准,并以执行更全面和精准的单一源排放标准为主,对应的监测要求及考核方式更加多样化。对监测管理制度进行设计,明确固定源制定自行监测方案和守法监测的主体责任,厘清许可证核发部门、属地监测、执法部门的监管职责。系统设计"固定源制定并提交自行监测方案-核发部门审核-方案纳入排污许可证中成为规定-依规定自行监测和记录-固定源提交执行报告-监管部门审计式审核-执法监测和执法检查"的全过程管理机制,设计标准化的监管计划程序落实证后监管与执法监测,明晰监管部门的有限责任。  相似文献   

三峡地区工业行业环境与经济行为特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对三峡地区工业污染物产生强度和排放强度分析表明,三峡地区的产生强度和排放强度均高于东部先进水平和全国平均水平,指出了三峡地区的污染防治需从源头控制和末端治理双管齐下进行;引入"环境协调指数EHI(行业的经济贡献率与污染贡献率的比值)"分析行业的环境与经济行为特征,指明了三峡地区COD和氨氮相对污染重、经济效益差的行业.为区域产业结构调整提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

本文选取了新疆5家产量和规模较大的电解铝企业,对其排放的废水废气状况进行了监测分析,结果显示5家电解铝企业均存在不同程度的超标排放情况。电解铝行业在快速发展的背景下,相关环境污染问题也较为突出,生态环境保护部门还需加大管理力度。  相似文献   

从实际的恶臭监测分析出发,结合执行《恶臭污染物排放标准》过程中的各种体会,从标准的适用范围、浓度排放限值以及采样环节等三个方面,对《恶臭污染物排放标准》的修订提出了若干意见.建议对排放标准的适用范围进行调整,增加行业排放标准,对有组织排放增加浓度排放限值规定,对采样气象条件、采样点位、采样频率进行明确,并引入背景值或本底值的测量,对测量结果进行修正.  相似文献   

Disposal of untreated municipal solid waste leads to gaseous emissions as well as liquid degradation products. In situ aeration is an emerging means for remediation of abandoned landfills. It aims at an accelerated mineralization and stabilization of waste organic matter and thus reduces significantly the emission potential of the site. In order to prove the success of the technique, evaluation of the biological stability of the aerated material has been suggested. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) provides comprehensive information on the chemical composition of solid waste samples. Different stages of organic matter degradation are reflected by changes in the infrared spectral pattern. In the present study the feasibility of applying FT-IR for assessment of the stability of waste material derived from abandoned landfills and for in situ aeration process control was investigated. Waste samples derived in the course of pilot-scale and lab-scale aeration experiments were characterized by FT-IR (4000-400 cm(-1), KBr-technique, transmission mode) and a set of conventional parameters describing biological stability. The occurrence of distinct indicator bands was correlated with chemical and biological waste properties using 206 solid waste samples. Visual spectra interpretation was found to be appropriate in proving a reduced emission potential of initially rather reactive waste (respiration activity over 4 days (RA(4)) > 7 mg O(2) g(-1) DM) during aeration. Furthermore, cluster analysis was applied successfully to differentiate between original and aerated waste samples, even for rather stable material (RA(4) < 7 mg O(2) g(-1) DM), when visual spectra interpretation was limited.  相似文献   

In Vietnam, most of municipal solid waste (MSW) is disposed of at open dumping and landfill sites, and the methane gas from waste is the un-ignorable source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission. It is indispensable to explore the possibility for GHG mitigation in MSW management. The objective of this study was to estimate alternative waste treatment practices towards the GHG emission mitigation, energy consumption and generation, reduction of landfill volume, and various benefits for proposing the appropriate selection by scenario analyses for representative Vietnam’s cities. Impacts were calculated by utilizing life cycle assessment (LCA) method. A literature review survey on the current applicability of LCA database for assessing impacts from waste sector in developing countries, especially for Vietnam, was carried out. This study assessed the contribution of alternative solid waste treatment practices. The result showed that, except investment and operation costs, incineration with energy recovery seems the suitable alternative for treating waste from representative cities of Vietnam according to reduction of GHG emission and waste burden to landfill sites and energy recovery and generation. Besides, MSW composition was identified as an important factor directly influencing to impacts as well as other products and benefits of waste treatment alternatives. Reliable data on waste composition are indispensable for assessing to choose, improve, or plan the waste treatment practices towards sustainable development.  相似文献   

选取石河子市1996—2005年经济与环境数据,建立人均GDP与工业“三废”排放量之间的计量模型,对经济发展与环境质量关系进行计量分析,得出石河子市环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)特征。研究表明:石河子市经济增长与环境污染程度之间不完全符合典型的EKC特征,废气与固体废物的环境质量改善转折点尚未到来。因此,应倡导发展循环经济,加大治污力度,实现地区经济发展与环境保护的双赢。  相似文献   

The increasing municipal solid waste (MSW) generation along with the high fraction of organic waste and a common disposal of open dumping is the current scenario in many areas in Thailand. As a response to this problem, the country’s Pollution Control Department (PCD) aims to reduce the MSW generation rate to less than 1 kg/capita/day, increase the collection efficiency, and improve the recovery of recyclables. For many years, more than 60% of the solid waste disposal system in Thailand has been carried out by open dumping. According to the survey conducted by this study, in 2004 there were 425 disposal sites (95 landfills; 330 open dumps) in Thailand and an estimated methane emission of 115.4 Gg/year was generated based on this practice. It has been estimated that the anticipated methane emission in Thailand will rise from 115.4 Gg/year to 118.5 Gg/year if the largest open dumpsites in provinces with no existing landfill are upgraded to sanitary landfill; and it will increase to 193.5 Gg/year if the existing sanitary landfill is upgraded to integrated waste management facilities. Moreover, Bangkok metropolitan have the highest methane emission (54.83 Gg/year) among all the regions in Thailand. The methane emission forecast of 339 Gg/year by 2020 (based on LandGEM methodology) provides a stimulus to create a comprehensive plan to capture and utilize methane as an energy source.  相似文献   

以某典型钢铁企业为研究对象,测定企业废气、废水、固废汞排放水平,并分析汞排放特征。研究表明,球团、烧结、高炉工艺废气排口烟尘中汞排放浓度和排放速率明显低于烟气;汞主要以气态形式排放,烧结工艺排口废气汞最高浓度分别是其他2个排口的7倍和3倍。球团、烧结、高炉、电炉四工艺环节中,烧结汞排放速率占四工艺汞排放速率总和的87%。半干法脱硫、氨法脱硫、石灰石石膏脱硫对废气中汞的去除效率分别为90.0%、78.7%和29.9%。企业废水排放未检出汞,脱硫产生固废汞含量明显高于除尘产生固废汞含量,脱硫灰汞含量是脱硫石膏的15倍。  相似文献   

The estimation of nitrous oxide emissions is complicated by the high degree of uncertainty on the emission factors involved and by the limited acquaintance with all significant nitrous oxide sources. A potentially important source for which emission data are lacking is the sewage system transporting waste water from human activities. For this study an experimental measurement campaign has been carried out on waste water sampled at different sewage treatment plants. The nitrous oxide developing from the water samples was monitored by means of gas chromatography. The methodological analysis was based on the concentration/time curves obtained. Our results indicate that the formation of nitrous oxide from the waste water matrices results from microbiological denitrification. We deduced tentative emission factors for the waste water types studied.  相似文献   

基于2008—2012年污染源环境统计数据,采用Spearman秩相关系数法等分析南水北调中线陕西水源区污废水及污染物年排放总量变化趋势,借助ArcGIS空间分析功能表征水源区污染源排放的空间分布特征。结果表明:2008—2012年水源区污废水和NH_3-N年排放总量呈显著上升趋势,COD、As、Pb、Cd、Cr和Hg年排放总量呈抛物线型变化,总体上COD、Pb、Cd年排放总量增加,As、Cr和Hg年排放总量降低。水源区污废水及污染物排放量空间差异明显,污废水、COD和NH_3-N排放涉及流域所有区县,其排放量从干流到流域边缘呈现较明显的梯度变化,即位于流域中心或地级市行政中心的区县排放量明显高于位于流域边缘的区县;As、Pb、Cd、Cr和Hg排放量呈现明显的区域分布,主要分布在勉县等8个区县。  相似文献   

Waste disposal is an important part of the life cycle of a product and is associated with environmental burdens like any other life-cycle stages. In this study, an integrated assessment for solid waste treatment practices, especially household solid waste, was undertaken to evaluate the impact contribution of household solid waste treatment alternatives towards the sustainable development by using Life Cycle Inventory Assessment method. A case study has been investigated under various possible scenarios, such as (1) landfill without landfill gas recovery, (2) landfill with landfill gas recovery and flaring, (3) landfill with landfill gas recovery and electric generation, (4) composting, and (5) incineration. The evaluation utilized the Life Cycle Inventory Assessment method for multiple assessments based on various aspects, such as greenhouse gas emission/reduction, energy generation/consumption, economic benefit, investment and operating cost, and land use burden. The results showed that incineration was the most efficient alternative for greenhouse gas emission reduction, economic benefit, energy recovery, and land use reduction, although it was identified as the most expensive for investment and operating cost, while composting scenario was also an efficient alternative with quite economic benefit, low investment and operating cost, and high reduction of land use, although it was identified as existing greenhouse gas emission and no energy generation. Furthermore, the aim of this study was also to establish localized assessment methods that waste management agencies, environmental engineers, and environmental policy decision makers can use to quantify and compare the contribution to the impacts from different waste treatment options.  相似文献   

通过对浙江省生活垃圾焚烧炉排放烟气中重金属的监测,分析生活垃圾焚烧烟气中重金属排放水平。结果表明,汞及其化合物的检出率最高,为95.7%,其次为铬和锰,检出率均为60%,且在不同的焚烧炉中重金属排放浓度差异较大,检出率最低的为铊和镉,且排放浓度均较低;焚烧炉排放烟气中汞及其化合物、镉+铊及其化合物、锑+砷+铅+铬+钴+铜+锰+镍及其化合物排放浓度均低于国标排放限值,最大占标率分别为76%、4%、21.9%。焚烧烟气中的重金属含量与焚烧垃圾中的重金属含量有关,烟气通过废气处理设施,可有效地减少重金属等污染物的排放。  相似文献   

Leachate emission from uncontrolled municipal solid waste landfills (referred to as waste sites in the present study) is a major threat to the environment and living beings in its vicinity. Surface water contamination potential resulting from leachate may be used as one of the criteria for prioritization of sites for remediation purposes. The existing hazard rating systems that prioritize waste sites considering surface water contamination potential as one of the criteria are mainly suited for the developed countries where these were developed initially. In developing countries like India, the set of conditions differ from those in developed countries, and therefore the existing systems may not be suitable for developing countries. Thus in the present study, an improved system is proposed to assess surface water contamination potential from MSW sites. The system is based on the concept of Source, Pathway and Receptor. The proposed system employs parameters derived from the review of existing rating systems and selects their best and worst values based on literature review, design standards and field conditions. The importance weights of the system parameters have been decided based on expert judgment using Delphi technique. Sensitivity analysis of the system shows that the improved system is more sensitive than the existing systems for the site conditions encountered in developing countries. Monte Carlo analysis of the proposed system confirms the spread of the scores obtained from the system over the full scale of 0–1000. The improved system is compared with existing systems by applying it to waste sites from metropolitan cities of India and performing clustering analysis on the rating scores. The clustering analysis shows that the rating scores from the improved system are less clustered as compared to the scores from the existing systems. This demonstrates that the improved system makes a better tool to distinctly prioritize the waste sites for remediation purpose.  相似文献   

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