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依据唐山市大气中TSP、PMl0监测数据、TSP源解析研究结果、对比实验结果及气象资料,分析了唐山市中心区大气颗粒物的结构组成和时空变化规律、颗粒物的粒径与空间分布及天气背景与大气颗粒物浓度的关系,得出唐山市中心区大气颗粒物的结构组成和污染特征,并提出了污染控制对策。  相似文献   

选取上海市7家未安装气-气换热器的国控燃煤电厂作为研究对象,从煤质、除尘器、脱硫协同脱除作用以及锅炉工况负荷等方面探讨对颗粒物浓度排放系数 K值产生的影响,得出上述因素通过改变脱硫进口颗粒物浓度值影响 K值,当脱硫进口颗粒物浓度较低、波动范围较小时,其 K值也维持相对稳定的状态;当脱硫进口颗粒物浓度较高、波动范围较大时,其 K值也会发生较大的变化等结论。  相似文献   

基于2022年9月5—11日江苏省发生臭氧连续超标,细颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度同步上升的一次典型复合污染过程,利用颗粒物激光雷达组网对江苏省6个城市的大气垂直剖面进行了连续监测,并结合近地面污染物浓度和气象要素观测数据分析了此次污染过程的成因。结果表明,污染过程期间各城市呈现高温、小风、强太阳辐射的特征,造成日间二次生成的颗粒物在本地积聚。各城市颗粒物浓度的小时变化趋势大致相同,颗粒物浓度大幅升高期间,ρ(PM2.5)/ρ(PM10)值也同步上升,以PM2.5生成为主导。激光雷达探测结果显示,1 km以内的355 nm消光系数显著增强,表明此次污染过程是由于强大气氧化性导致以极细颗粒物为主导的PM2.5大量二次生成,无明显的区域传输,同时夜间伴随边界层高度降低,白天生成的高浓度PM2.5沉降至地面,期间淮安市、扬州市和镇江市受浮尘、扬尘等粗粒子影响,边界层内粗颗粒物浓度也较高。  相似文献   

以福州市西三环快速路某路段为实验靶区,利用微型环境检测仪采集路边细颗粒物(PM2.5)、亚微米颗粒物(PM1.0)和黑碳(BC)的空间分布样本,解析其在道路绿化带前后(绿化带前是指干道和辅道外边缘线位置,其他位置均视为绿化带后)的变化特征及原因。结果表明:(1)颗粒物浓度随着采样点远离干道而整体趋于递减,呈现BC>PM2.5>PM1.0的衰减率变化特征,且植被稠密的路边环境对应更大的颗粒物浓度降幅。(2)夏季绿化带后的颗粒物浓度降幅高于冬季,冬季绿化带后部分采样点的PM1.0和PM2.5浓度甚至有所抬升。在植被茂密的路边环境下,风自干道吹向绿化带情景的路边空气质量介于风自绿化带吹向干道情景和风平行于干道情景之间。(3)BC对交通变化的敏感性高于PM2.5和PM1.0,植被茂密的绿化带后的颗粒物浓度降幅会因交通强度的上升而增大。风自干道吹向绿化带时,绿化带对颗粒物的调节作用会随交通源强和季节的变化而不同...  相似文献   

PM10颗粒物采样器对比测试方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在参考了美国国家环保局相关文献的基础上。提出了颗粒物监测仪器对比分析方法,有效地消除了时空对PM10采样器的影响。为颗粒物采样器的研制提供了参考。  相似文献   

徐州市地处四省交界,大气污染物来源复杂,颗粒物污染在气象条件不利时较为显著。通过地面观测数据、颗粒物组分连续观测、源解析及轨迹溯源等方法,对徐州市2019—2021年颗粒物变化特征进行了全面分析,以定量解析各类污染源的贡献,识别对颗粒物贡献显著的化学成分。结果表明:PM2.5各组分质量占比中二次无机盐和有机碳相对较高,其中二次无机盐SNA(SO■、NO-3、NH+4)占比达到59.1%~62.7%;水溶性离子总浓度逐年降低,但Mg2+和Ca2+浓度2021年分别同比增加2%和12.5%,说明扬尘污染存在反弹。秋冬季水溶性离子明显较高,Cl-浓度明显高于其他季节,表明徐州市秋冬季受移动源、燃煤源和二次有机气溶胶共同影响。PM2.5中OC与EC质量浓度比为4.88~8.40,说明徐州市颗粒物受多源影响,柴油、汽油机动车尾气排放以及燃煤排放对颗粒物贡献较大。后向轨迹分析表明,污染严重的1月污染物主...  相似文献   

上海市城区典型居民住宅区PM2.5和PM10监测结果比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在上海市环境空气质量连续自动监测网络中的一个城市居民住宅区监测点进行了为期一年的PM2.5和PM10的同步监测,监测结果表明:PM2.5和PM10日平均浓度之间的比值范围为0.194~0.889,月平均浓度之间的比值范围为0.420~0.667;冬季颗粒物中小粒径颗粒物PM2.5的比例较高,春季则较低;随着相对湿度的上升;颗粒物中小粒径颗粒物PM2.5的比例缓慢升高;比值变化的风向特征与监测点周围环境情况有关;PM2.5和PM10监测结果月均值之间和各月的日均值之间均线性相关,回归直线关系存在。  相似文献   

中国4城市空气颗粒物元素的因子分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
因子分析在研究空气颗粒物来源上得到了广泛的应用。本文应用最大方差旋转因子分析法对中国4城市空气中粗、细颗粒物元素的来源进行了分析。结果指出粗、细颗粒物因子大致可分为土壤源因子和工业污染源因子两大类。粗颗粒物主要来自土壤源,细颗粒物主要来自工业污染源,并指出土壤源因子对粗颗粒物的贡献大于对细颗粒物的贡献。  相似文献   

将样品中的颗粒物分离出来,向样品加入适量硝酸根,除去生成的氯化银沉淀,再将预先分离的颗粒物合并到水样中,混匀后测定,经过这样处理,既去除了水样中的Cl,以保留了水样中原来的组份,保证了COD测定结果的准确性。  相似文献   

将样品中的颗粒物分离出来后,向样品中加入适量硝酸银,除去生成的氯化银沉淀,再将预先分离的颗粒物合并到水样中,混匀后测定。经过这样处理,既去除了水样中的Cl-,又保留了水样中原来的组份,保证了COD测定结果的准确性。  相似文献   

Quality of life in urban space has become an increasingly common problem arising from cooperation between various stakeholders, especially in the context of increasing odour nuisance. That is why it is extremely important to know and shape the expectations and perceptions of residents regarding quality of life by accepting the place of residence, especially in the context of the development of cities and urban areas.The analysis of the previous research has revealed a research gap that results from the imperfections of existing odour measurement methods and the lack of an objective measurement methodology that would allow for objectification of the subjective feelings of people to the extent of perception of unpleasant odours.The purpose of this article is to verify the hypothesis about the possibility of objectifying the assessment of odour nuisance based on the comparison of quantitative research results based on the opinions of residents and sensory tests. The specific objective is to verify residents' assessments of odour nuisance by an expert team and identify a gap in those assessments.The analysis of discrepancies gives the opportunity to identify the imperfections of various research methods and look for ways to improve them. The analysis of compliance of results, on the other hand, gives the opportunity to objectify measurements and build a methodology that may be used for the purpose of assessing odour nuisance by various stakeholders.Systematic measurement of odours in a public space may serve the basis for resolving local conflicts, creating maps of odour nuisance, assessing the attractiveness of places to live, work, spending free time and tourist value, as well as conscious actions of public authorities in shaping local policies in a specific area.  相似文献   

通过龙门山区域的德阳市6个县市农用地土壤中镉的采样监测,分析了该区域镉的分布特征及区域分异原因,并对其环境生态风险进行了评价。结果表明,德阳市农用地土壤中镉含量总体水平为0.11~4.68 mg/kg,呈现西北到东南逐渐降低的分布特征;西北部绵竹和什邡市农用地土壤中镉出现超标的范围较广,2个城市约62.5%的监测点土壤中镉出现超标,且绵竹市农用地土壤中镉超标程度和生态风险程度最重,绵竹地区约25%的监测点土壤中镉出现了轻中度超标;监测区域土壤中镉出现较重生态风险点共有4个,均出现在绵竹;但较高含量的镉在该区域并非大范围连片存在;区域农用地土壤中镉异常的来源主要为龙门山中段的地质背景和部分以矿石为原料企业的综合影响。  相似文献   

2020年4月29日,第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十七次会议表决通过了新修订的《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》(以下简称《固废法》)。此次修订,进一步巩固并完善了固体废物污染环境防治的基本原则。笔者从法律原则自身的变化和指导法律制度设计2个层面,对几项原则进行深入分析:在减量化、资源化和无害化原则方面,强化固体废物污染防治减量化和资源化的约束性规定同时,突出无害化底线要求;在污染担责原则方面,进一步明确"污染者"内涵和其应承担的责任;在生产者责任延伸原则方面,明确了电器电子、铅蓄电池、车用动力电池等产品实施生产者责任延伸制度的法律地位;在全过程管理原则方面,强化了对工业固废、建筑垃圾等固体废物的全过程监管及信息化监控的要求。还介绍了固体废物污染环境防治原则在发达国家和地区的立法情况,以及在中国的实践情况。  相似文献   

环境质量综合分析是环境监测为环境管理提供技术支持的最重要途径,综合分析应具备信息准确、报送及时、重点突出、透彻有力4个要素.其中,信息准确要素分成数据、评价手段和结论准确3个层次;报送及时要素包含主动服务、捕捉信息、突破创新3类意识;重点突出要素是要求分析报告突出重点和横向比较;透彻有力要素是强调环境质量应与经济社会外...  相似文献   

Intact natural ecosystems are fairly stable objects. In the course of natural selection proceeding against the background of synecological interactions (trophic, competitive, symbiotic, etc.), a respective complex of coadapted species forms, each being maximally accommodated to its habitat. Such a complex is of specific composition and possesses stable structural characteristics. Fairly regular processes of changes in these characteristics, specific to the given type of environmental conditions, are observed in non-stationary cases.We analyze probable causes of the loss of stability in natural systems exposed to man made impacts of a global scale, in particular structural instability, landscape (distributive) instability, and conductive instability.The study of the mechanisms ensuring biosphere sustainability and stability of its elements is a vital ecological problem. There are applied aspects in the problem solution since identification of man-induced instability is feasible only on the basis of precise knowledge of the natural mechanisms of weak points of the relevant natural process. This circumstance makes the problem of stability one of the focal questions of applied ecology.  相似文献   

This paper presents details of the methodology developed by the United Kingdom's Environmental Change Network for the long-term monitoring of macrophytes in rivers and streams. The methodology is based on techniques first proposed by the Standing Committee of Analysts (1987) and later adapted by the National Rivers Authority (NRA) and Environment Agency, but differs in splitting the surveyed 100 m stretch of waterinto sections to provide an objective measure of the frequencyof occurrence of individual species in place of the moresubjective estimation of cover. A pilot study of the ECN methodology took place at five sitesin 1997. The results of this study, including a few practicaldifficulties in the application of the methodology, are presented and discussed. For all but one of the sites strongassociations were found between the number of species observedand the physical characteristics of the watercourse. The most important characteristics were degree of shading, substrate type, depth and clarity. The frequency of occurrence of individual species within sections of the watercourse was foundto be strongly related to the log of the overall estimates of cover. Because the use of sections, rather than a single overall coverestimate, enables variation in the pattern of vegetation over surveyed stretches to be detected and related to watercourse characteristics, the precision with which change can be detected is increased, and the possibility of determining the causes of change is thereby enhanced. Moreover the use of sections allows within-site variation to be calculated and hence the accuracy of estimated changes to be quantified.In general implementation of the ECN methodology was not found to be particularly onerous or difficult. As a result of the pilot study some changes in the ECN methodology have been made, primarily to reduce the workload so that sites can be surveyed comfortably in a single day.  相似文献   

We studied indicators of rangeland health on benchmark sites with long, well documented records of protection from stress by domestic livestock or histories of environmental stress and vegetation change. We measured ecosystem properties (metrics) that were clearly linked to ecosystem processes. We focused on conservation of soil and water as key processes in healthy ecosystems, and on maintenance of biodiversity and productivity as important functions of healthy ecosystems. Measurements from which indicators of rangeland health were derived included: sizes of unvegetated patches, cover and species composition of perennial grasses, cover and species composition of shrubs and herbaceous perennials, soil slaking, and abundance and species composition of the bird fauna. Indicators that provided an interpretable range of values over the gradient from irreversibly degraded sites to healthy sites included: bare patch index, cover of long-lived grasses, palatability index, and weighted soil surface stability index. Indicators for which values above a threshold may serve as an indicator of rangeland health include: cover of plant species toxic to livestock, cover of exotic species, and cover of increaser species. Several other indicator metrics were judged not sensitive nor interpretable. Examples of application of rangeland health indicators to evaluate the success of various restoration efforts supported the contention that a suite of indicators are required to assess rangeland health. Bird species diversity and ant species diversity were not related to the status of the sample site and were judged inadequate as indicators of maintenance of biodiversity.  相似文献   

We examined the feasibility of using changes in spatial patterns of ants-distribution on experimental plots as an indicator of response to environmental stress. We produced contour maps based on relative abundances of the three most common genera of ants based on pit-fall trap captures. Relative abundance of Conomyrma spp. decreased, relative abundance of Solenopsis spp. increased, and relative abundance of Pogonomyrmex spp. remained relatively unchanged. The contour maps showed long-term changes in foraging activity and/or distribution of colonies of ants in response to grazing by domestic livestock. This study demonstrated that analysis of spatial patterns of ant activity derived from relative abundances of ants in pit-fall traps provided interpretable data for developing an indicator of exposure to ecosystem stress.  相似文献   

The use of oxygen releasing solids in passive wells has become of considerable interest in the bioremediation of groundwater contaminated with hydrocarbons and other biodegradable contaminants. Labor, operating, and maintenance costs of this technology are quite competitive with more conventional techniques in many instances. Because of the small rates of mass transport by transverse dispersion, however, a pin-stripe pattern of alternating contaminant and oxygen distribution is expected downgradient of a line of wells which is unacceptable if it extends beyond the point of compliance downgradient. A mathematical model is presented which permits determination of the maximum well spacing in an array of wells which will yield effective remediation within a specified distance of a plume of contaminated groundwater passing through the array. Transverse dispersion of both oxygen and the contaminant is assumed, and biodegradation is modeled by means of Monod kinetics. Longitudinal numerical dispersion is minimized by the use of a asymmetrical upwind algorithm for modeling advection. Modeling results are presented showing the dependence of model behavior on input parameters.  相似文献   

The paper presents the analysis of anthropogenical modifications of the landscape in relation to the course and consequences of floods. The research was conducted in the Otava river basin which represents the core zone of the extreme flood in August 2002 in Central Europe. The analysis was focused on the key indicators of landscape modification potentially affecting the runoff process - the long-term changes of land-use, changes of land cover structure, land drainage, historical shortening of the river network and the modifications of streams and floodplains. The information on intensity and spatial distribution of modifications was derived from different data sources - historical maps, available GIS data, remote sensing and field mapping. The results revealed a high level of spatial diversity of anthropogenical modifications in different parts of the river basin. The intensive modifications in most of indicators were concentrated in the lowland region of the river basin due to its agricultural use; however important changes were also recorded in the headwater region of the basin. The high spatial diversity of the modifications may result in their varying effect on the course and consequences of floods in different parts of the river basin. This effect is demonstrated by the cluster analysis based on the matrix of indicators of stream and floodplain modification, physiogeographical characteristics and geomorphological evidences of the flood in August 2002, derived from the individual thematic layers using GIS.  相似文献   

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