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改性泥炭对重金属离子的吸附   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了研究泥炭对重金属离子(Pb^2+、Cu^2+、Cd^2+、Cr^6+、Ni^2+)吸附率的各种影响因素,依次进行了溶液pH、振荡时间、改性泥炭投加量、溶液初始浓度等条件试验。结果表明,改性后的泥炭在最适合的条件下,对这5种金属离子都有较强的去除效果,5种金属离子的最大吸附效率均在9096以上。  相似文献   

通过比对6种吸附剂对氯苯类化合物的吸附性能,同时考察不同废气温度、湿度条件下活性炭对氯苯类化合物的吸附-解吸性能,表明活性炭对氯苯类化合物的吸附性能及在二硫化碳介质中的解吸效能与标准规定的GDX系列无显著性差异。将活性炭管吸附采样用于监测某化工企业厂界无组织排放废气中的氯苯类化合物,结果 1,4-二氯苯和1,2,4,5-四氯苯检出。  相似文献   

混合溶剂解吸土壤中多环芳烃的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对比了水溶性有机溶剂乙醇、正丙醇、丙酮、已戊醇和水对土壤中多环芳烃(PAHs)的解吸效果,结果综合实验效果、安全性和经济等因素,主要采用了乙醇和戊醇作为混合试剂的主要成分。对比了乙醇、戊醇和水不同配比的混合试剂对土壤的解吸效果,最终选用混合试剂(5%戊醇+20%水+75%乙醇)研究污染土壤中PAHs的解吸行为,分别进行了解吸动力实验、分阶段解吸实验和pH值影响实验。结果表明,土壤中PAHs的解吸是一个快速反应,5h基本达到解吸平衡,高环物质(4~6环PAHs)比低环物质(2~3环PAHs)的解吸速率慢。分步解吸率表明,随着环数的增加,第一步解吸率逐渐降低,第二、三步的解吸率则逐渐增大,第二、三步的解吸作用对高环PAHs更为明显。pH值对混合溶剂解吸土壤中PAHs有显著影响,pH值在5 5~7之间时,对土壤中PAHs的解吸影响最明显,碱性环境(pH>7)有利于土壤中PAHs的解吸,酸性环境则不利于解吸实验的进行。  相似文献   

使铍在碱性溶液中与铬天青S、氯化十六烷基吡啶生成胶束络合物,EDTA作掩蔽剂。用活性炭吸附分离富集。盐酸将铍解脱后,用铬天青S,氯化十六烷基吡啶三元络合物体系在pH值为5的溶液中分光光度测定铍。  相似文献   

在不同比例空心莲子草粗根(TR)和细根(FR)分泌物均质化条件下,研究膨润土和高岭土对四环素(TC)的等温吸附特征,并分析pH值、温度和离子浓度对TC吸附的影响.结果表明,分泌物均质化后黏土对TC的吸附符合Henry模型,FR均质化对TC吸附的促进作用比TR均质化更强,高岭土对TC吸附的增长幅度比膨润土更大;在pH值2...  相似文献   

水体突发性重金属污染胁迫下斑马鱼的行为反应分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了斑马鱼在不同程度突发性的Zn2+和Cr6+胁迫下的行为反应,采用计算机视觉技术量化研究斑马鱼游动行为数据。结果表明,在Zn2+和Cr6+的突发性胁迫中,斑马鱼的行为反应快速且敏感,游动行为与污染物种类、质量浓度和暴露时间直接相关,并表现出比较相似的行为变化规律;随着胁迫程度的增加,斑马鱼游动速度的变化幅度增大,反应时间缩短,且其变化曲线符合生物行为的环境压力模型。斑马鱼的行为变化远远提前于生物的病理损伤或死亡,可利用斑马鱼暴露于污染物时的行为变化实现在线水体突发性重金属污染事故的监测预警。  相似文献   

活性氧化铝去除地下水中微量砷的实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了活性氧化铝对地下水中低浓度砷的吸附效果。结果表明,活性氧化铝对砷的吸附作用与溶液的pH值有关,pH值在5~6之间对砷的吸附率最高,最大活性氧化铝砷吸附量为75mg/g。活性氧化铝不仅对砷有吸附作用,对氟化物也有较强的吸附作用。  相似文献   

浅水湖泊底泥与上覆水间磷迁移规律的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以浅水湖泊中磷在底泥与上覆水间的迁移规律为研究对象,介绍了风浪扰动、微生物、水体pH值、氧化还原条件、底泥吸附与解吸等环境因素对磷的迁移影响.  相似文献   

采用活性炭-沸石双滤料对含4mg·L^-1Cr(Ⅵ)模拟废水进行去除试验,静态试验研究了pH值、两种滤料配比、接触时间对去除效果的影响。结果表明,在室温条件下,pH=5、活性炭与沸石的质量配比为3:1,接触时间为20min,Cr(Ⅵ)的去除率达到100%;用11.25g活性炭和3.75g沸石作为固定床层,进行动态试验,结果表明,1h后吸附剂穿透,推算出试验条件下,单位质量滤料的工作吸附量为0.2384mgCr(Ⅵ)/g滤料。  相似文献   

利用化学氧化法合成了苯胺-邻氨基酚共聚物,通过静态吸附实验研究了该材料对水中Cr(Ⅵ)的吸附性能。结果表明,该共聚物对水中Cr(Ⅵ)有良好的去除效果,25°C时其吸附容量可达200.6 mg/g;该吸附过程为自发吸热反应,吸附等温线符合Langmuir单层吸附模型;动力学过程符合准二级动力学方程。溶液pH对吸附性能影响较大,pH 2.0~5.0范围内吸附效果较好。利用1mol/L HNO_3洗脱液对吸附之后的共聚物进行脱附,脱附效率可达94.2%。  相似文献   

在pH<1的溶液中,用甲基异丁酮(MIBK)与磷酸三丁酯(TBP)混合作为萃取剂,萃取废水中的铬时,六价铬的分配比为108.6,而三价铬几乎不被萃取。用原子吸收分光光度计测定有机相中的六价铬具有很好的选择性,且干扰少,灵敏度高。工作曲线的最佳浓度范围是:0.04~4.00mg/L。  相似文献   

A novel nanomaterial has been developed for speciation of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in water and soil samples. In this study, a new type of alumina-coated magnetite nanoparticles (Fe3O4/Al2O3 NPs) modified by the surfactant Triton X-114 has been successfully synthesized and used in magnetic mixed hemimicelles solid-phase extraction procedure. The procedure was based on the reaction of chromium(III) with 1-(2-pyridilazo)-2-naphtol as a ligand, yielding a complex, which was entrapped “in situ” in the surfactant hemimicelles. The concentration of chromium(III) was determined using flame atomic absorption spectrometry. After reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) by ascorbic acid, the system was applied to the total chromium. Cr(VI) was then calculated as the difference between the total Cr and the Cr(III) content. This method can also be used for complicated matrices such as soil samples without any special pretreatment. Under the optimum conditions of parameters, the recoveries of Cr(III) by analyzing the spiked water and soil samples were between 98.6 and 100.8 % and between 96.5 and 100.7 %, respectively. Detection limits of Cr(III) were between 1.4 and 3.6 ng?mL?1 for water samples and 5.6 ng?mg?1 for soil samples.  相似文献   

Effects of clay minerals on Cr(VI) reduction by organic compounds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of this study is to examine the effect of clayminerals (illite, montmorillonite, and kaolinite) on chromate (Cr(VI)) reduction by several low molecular weightorganic compounds. Batch experiments at pH ranging from 3.0 to6.0 and 25 °C showed that 2:1 layered clays illite andsmectite catalyzed Cr(VI) reduction by oxalate. The catalyticeffect increased as pH was decreased. The 1:1 clay kaolinite hadno catalytic effect under comparable conditions. Direct Cr(VI)reduction by reactive moieties associated with illite andmontmorillonite was observed, but at a much slower rate than thecatalytic pathway. Cr(VI) reduction by glyoxylic acid, glycolicacid, lactic acid, and mandelic acid was accelerated by illite,although aqueous phase reduction might occur in parallel. Theseresults suggest that Cr(VI) reduction rates in subsurfaceenvironments rich in organic compounds may be elevated throughcatalysis of surface-bound metals and/or soluble species from theclay minerals, and as a result, higher than those expected fromaqueous phase reaction alone. Such rate enhancement for Cr(VI)reduction needs to be accounted for when developing new remedialtechniques for chromium site remediation or assessing its naturalattenuation.  相似文献   

Dissolved hexavalent chromium concentrations were determined in river, estuarine and coastal waters of the Humber catchment in north-east England. Samples were collected, filtered, extracted on site and after storage for up to eight days. Hexavalent chromium concentrations did not change by more than 0.05 microg l(-1) (not significant, p = 0.05) over this period. Total chromium concentrations in the catchment were less than 1.0 microg l(-1). This is low in relation to the proposed Environmental Quality Standard. Hexavalent chromium accounted for between 27% and 100% of the total dissolved concentration, with an average of approximately 50%. The proportion of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in the rivers and estuary were of the same range as previously measured in 1993. The addition of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) to fresh and saline water samples illustrates the complexity of the factors controlling chromium speciation in natural waters. The presence of oxidisable organic matter and the stabilising role of complexing organic ligands are proposed as the main controlling influences of redox speciation in filtered samples.  相似文献   

The concentration of As, Cr and Ni and their speciation (As3+;5+, Cr3+;6+ and Ni0;2+) in milled coal, bottom ash and ash collected by electrostatic precipitator (ESP) from a coal fired-power plant in western Canada were determined using HGAAS, ICP-AES and XANES. The chemical fractionation of these elements was also determined by a sequential leaching procedure, using deionized water, NH4OAC and HCI as extracting agents. The leachate was analyzed by ICP-AES. Arsenic in the milled coal is mostly associated with organic matter, and 67% of this arsenic is removed by ammonium acetate. This element is totally removed from milled coal after extraction with HCI. Arsenic occurs in both the As3+ and the As5+ oxidation states in the milled coal, while virtually all (>90%) of the arsenic in bottom ash and fly ash appears to be in the less toxic arsenate (As5+) form. Both Ni and Cr in the milled coal are extracted by HCI, indicating that water can mobilize Ni and Cr in an acidic environment. The chromium is leached by water from fly ash as a result of the high pH of the water, which is induced during the leaching. Ammonium acetate removes Ni from bottom ash through an ion exchange process. Chromium in milled coal is present entirely as Cr3+, which is an essential human trace nutrient. The Cr speciation in bottom ash is a more accentuated version of the milled coal and consists mostly of the Cr3+ species. Chromium in fly ash is mostly Cr3+, with significant contamination by stainless-steel from the installation itself.  相似文献   

This paper presents the chemical speciation and retention behavior of chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), and cadmium (Cd) prior to and after the electrokinetic remediation in glacial till soil. The speciation of the metals was predicted using the chemical speciation program MINEQL+. The simulations were performed for single-contaminant with only Cr(VI) or Ni, and multi-contaminants consisting of: (1) Cr(VI), Ni, and Cd; (2) Cr(III), Ni and Cd; (3) Cr(VI), Cr(III), Ni and Cd; (4) Cr(VI), Ni, and Cd with reducing agents; and (5) Cr(III), Ni, and Cd with oxidizing agent (Mn). The results showed that the speciation and distribution of cationic metals [Ni, Cd, and Cr(III)] in glacial till soil remain unaffected or slightly affected during electrokinetics. This is attributed to the high pH buffering capacity of the glacial till, leading the metals to precipitate in the soil prior to and after electrokinetics. This study showed that during electrokinetics, Cr(VI) existed as anionic complex and migrated towards the anode and the migration is maximum in case of a single-contaminant system. The study also showed that near the anode in the absence of any reducing and oxidizing agent, Cr(VI) mostly adsorbed, and some of Cr(VI) reduced to Cr(III) and migrated towards the cathode and finally precipitated due to high pH conditions. Ni and Cd remain adsorbed or precipitated due to the high pH conditions throughout the soil. Among the reducing agents, the sulfide had significant effect on the migration of metals compared to ferrous ions. While in the presence of oxidizing agent (Mn), no noticeable Cr(VI) was found in the soil sample indicating the reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) and the predominance of reducing conditions due to the presence of naturally occurring iron in the glacial till soil. Overall, this study provides a reasonable explanation of the speciation and distribution of chromium, nickel and cadmium during the electrokinetic remediation of glacial till soil.  相似文献   

The present study on heavy metal contamination in soil and their accumulation in edible part (leaves) and roots of Spinacia oleracea (Spinach) on irrigation with paper mill effluent (PME)/sewage revealed that there was significant increase in the nickel (Ni, +227.17 %) content of the soil irrigated with PME, whereas in the soil irrigated with sewage chromium (Cr, +274.84 %), iron (Fe, +149.56 %), and cadmium (Cd, +133.39 %), contents were increased appreciably. The value of enrichment factor (EF) for Ni (3.27) indicated moderate enrichment in PME-irrigated soil. The EF of Fe, zinc (Zn), Cd, and Cr were <2 in PME effluent-irrigated soil which showed deficiency of minimal enrichment. In sewage irrigated soil, EF value for Cr, Fe, and Cd indicated moderate enrichment, while the values for Zn and Ni indicated deficiency of minimal enrichment. Among various metallic concentrations, the maximum concentration of Fe was observed in leaves (400.12?±?11.47 mg/kg) and root (301.41?±?13.14 mg/kg) of S. oleracea after irrigation with PME, whereas the maximum concentrations of Fe was found in leaves (400.49?±?5.97 mg/kg) and root (363.94?±?11.37 mg/kg) of S. oleracea after irrigation with sewage for 60 days. The bioaccumulation factor value was found maximum for Cd (2.23) in the plants irrigated with PME while that of Fe (0.90) in the plants irrigated with sewage. The undiluted use of PME/sewage for irrigation increased the concentration of Cr, Cd, Zn, Ni, and Fe metals which were accumulated in S. oleracea, posing a potential threat to human health from this practice of irrigation.  相似文献   

In microorganisms and plants, chromium (Cr) is not essential for any metabolic process, and can ultimately prove highly deleterious. Due to its widespread industrial use, chromium has become a serious pollutant in diverse environmental settings. The presence of Cr leads to the selection of specific algal populations able to tolerate high levels of Cr compounds. The varying Cr-resistance mechanisms displayed by microorganisms include biosorption, diminished accumulation, precipitation, reduction of Cr(6+) to Cr(3+), and chromate efflux. In this paper we describe the effects of Cr(6+) (the most toxic species) on the photosynthetic and photoreceptive apparatus of two fresh water microalgae, Eudorina unicocca and Chlorella kessleri. We measured the effect of this heavy metal by means of in vivo absorption microspectroscopy of both the thylakoid compartments and the eyespot. The decomposition of the overall absorption spectra in pigment constituents indicates that Cr(6+) effects are very different in the two algae. In E. unicocca the metal induced a complete pheophinitization of the chlorophylls and a modification of the carotenoids present in the eyespot after only 120 h of exposition at a concentration equal or greater than 40 microM, which is the limit for total Cr discharge established by US EPA regulations. In C. kessleri, chromium concentrations a hundred times higher than this limit had no effect on the photosynthetic machinery. The different tolerance level of the two algae is suggested to be due to the different properties of the mucilaginous envelope and cell wall covering, respectively, the colonies of Eudorina and the single cells of Chlorella, which binds chromium cations to a different extent.  相似文献   

The presence of heavy metals (Cr, Ni and Fe) in soil and accumulated by herbs, shrubs and trees regenerated naturally on the minewaste-dumps of Sukinda chromite mines (TISCO sector) were investigated. There was significant correlationship between Cr and Fe in the soil where a tree species (Catunaregam spinosa) occurred. Guazuma ulmifolia and Diospyros montana also did show significant correlation between leaf, stem and soil for Cr, Ni and Fe. Among the shrubs (Calotropis gigantea, Chromolaena odorata, Phyllanthus reticulatus and Woodfordia fruticosa) significant and positive correlations were obtained for Cr and Ni in soil and iron and nickel in leaf and chromium and nickel in stem. Among the annual herbs, whole plant of tephrosia purpurea and Borrevia articularis showed significant and positive correlation with chromium and nickel with the maximum correlation coefficient value. It was concluded that the above information would be useful in revegetation programmes in subtropical regions having seasonal rainfall.  相似文献   

Ferti-irrigation response of 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100 % concentrations of the sugar mill effluent (SME) on French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L., cv. Annapurna) in the rainy and summer seasons was investigated. The fertigant concentrations produced significant (P?+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), phosphate (PO4 3?), sulfate (SO4 2?), ferrous (Fe2+), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn), in both seasons. The contents of Cr, Cu, Mn, and Zn except Cd were found to be below the maximum levels permitted for soils in India. The agronomic performance of P. vulgaris was gradually increased at lower concentrations, i.e., from 5 to 25 %, and decreased at higher concentrations, i.e., from 50 to 100 %, of the SME in both seasons when compared to controls. The accumulations of heavy metals were increased in the soil and P. vulgaris from 5 to 100 % concentrations of the SME in both seasons. The contents of Cu, Mn, and Zn except Cd and Cr were noted under the permissible limit of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)/World Health Organization (WHO) standards. Most contents of biochemical components like crude proteins, crude fiber, and total carbohydrates were found with 25 % concentration of the SME in both seasons. The contamination factor (Cf) of various metals was in the order of Cd > Cr > Zn > Mn > Cu for soil and Mn > Zn > Cu > Cr > Cd for P. vulgaris in both seasons after fertigation with SME. Therefore, the SME can be used to improve the soil fertility and yield of P. vulgaris after appropriate dilution.  相似文献   

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