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机动车排气污染对城市道路空气质量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对南京市珠江路道路空气质量的监测,掌握了机动车排气污染对街道空气质量的影响,分析了道路中NOx、NO2、CO的变化规律,以及污染物与车流量和大气扩散条件的关系.并通过与城市大气自动监测国控点监测数据的比较,得出国控点NOx、NO2浓度和道路中NOx、NO2浓度变化趋势一致.  相似文献   

机场大气环境的影响评价——以广州白云机场为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本报告对白云机场在终端容量营运水平下的大气环境影响与美国国际机场进行了类比分析,并采用点源求和法的线源模式对进场路汽车、飞机起降在高峰小时、D类稳定条件下引起的NOx、CO浓度增值进行预测计算,得出白云机场终端容量营运水平飞机与汽车尾气排放的NOx、CO尚能使四周居民的地面一次浓度符合国家大气环境质量二级标准的要求,对四周居民区的影响是较小的。  相似文献   

王灵  郑江  杨永红  张江丽 《干旱环境监测》2012,26(3):145-148,192
通过对乌鲁木齐河近十年(2001—2010年)水质监测数据的分析,结果表明,"十一五"期间乌鲁木齐河上游水质较好,为Ⅰ类或Ⅱ类水质,中下游均受到较为严重的有机污染,为劣Ⅴ类水质,主要污染物为粪大肠菌群、化学需氧量、氨氮、石油类;各监测断面水质总体保持稳定,水质污染形势依然严峻。水污染治理措施取得一定成效。与"十五"相比,"十一五"期间乌鲁木齐河水质明显改善,综合污染指数进一步下降,跃进桥断面水质类别由Ⅱ类水质变为Ⅰ类,英雄桥断面水质类别由Ⅲ类水质变为Ⅱ类。根据分析评价结果,提出了改善水环境质量的对策和建议。  相似文献   

无锡市机动车尾气污染及防治初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
过伟  奚河  吴蔚 《干旱环境监测》2002,16(4):228-229,244
以无锡市市区3种典型道路作为研究对象,通过对道路二侧呼吸带空气中CO、NOx、HC、Pb、TSP等污染物浓度的分析,评述道路交通污染特征和治理效果,从而提出了治理交通污染的对策与建议。  相似文献   

本文通过对影响街道空气中一氧化碳污染的因素进行了大量的监测及综合分析,找出乌鲁木齐市主要街道空气中一氧化碳的污染规律,为控制我市汽车污染提供科学依据.  相似文献   

商业步行街的环境空气污染   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
阐述了商业步行街的环境空气污染对人群健康造成危害的原因,通过在广州市北京路和下九路,以及周围交通街道模拟行人行走方式的采样和分析,得出在广州市商业步行街及其周围交通街道空气中,除了含有有毒有害的挥发性有机物、PM10、和CO等,芳香烃类等化合物的浓度水平也普遍较高,特别是苯和甲苯。另外,周围交通街道上的机动车尾气排放对商业步行街的环境空气质量也有影响。  相似文献   

为研究交通源空气污染状况,通过采用自动监测系统,于2009年春季期间,对在聊城市主干道附近布设的6个监测点的空气质量进行监测,获得了其空气污染物浓度特征:(1)所有监测点SO2、NOx日均值与O3小时均值均未超标,且O3污染指数很低,表明二次污染甚微;(2)CO是首要污染物,PM10次之,两者日均值超标率均为100%。分析了超标污染物与交通流量的关系,结果表明,PM10浓度与交通量有较高的线性相关性,而CO浓度与交通流量无显著相关性。  相似文献   

臭氧(O3)污染形成机制复杂,其治理研究已成为热点。文章分别对光化学反应过程中氮氧化物(NOx)、一氧化碳(CO)、挥发性有机物(VOCs)、颗粒物及气象条件与O3形成之间的关系进行了综述,以期为臭氧污染防治提供参考依据。  相似文献   

通过对影响街道空气中一氧化碳污染的因素进行了大量的监测及综合分析,找出了兰州市区街道空气中一氧化碳的污染规律,为今后汽车尾气污染的控制及预测提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

沙尘暴对大连市空气质量影响的判别研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用二次因子分析法对大连市区5个大气自动监测点住所测的四种污染因子(CO、SO2、NOx、PM10)和风速(1997~2004年)资料数据进行分析,分析了当地污染排放累积和外来输送两种主要原因,对大连市空气质量的影响.通过进一步对CO、NOx、PM10因子得分之差(FS2-FS1)的分析,找出了适合确定沙尘暴对大连市空气质量影响的判据,即(FS2-FS1)>0  相似文献   

兰州市汽车尾气污染状况调查   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过对兰州市汽车尾气污染状况的调查与分析,认为兰州市街道空气污染较重,CO、NOx、SO2、TSP、Pb各项污染均超标,其污染程度与车流强度、时间、季节、路面宽度、风速及不同形式的交通路口相关。汽车尾气排放已成为兰州市空气污染的重要来源。  相似文献   

汽车废气中的铅对城市土壤污染状况调查   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
通过现场调查,定量分析了乌鲁木齐市市区交通主干道二侧土壤中铅、镉等6种元素的含量,初步掌握了重金属元素的分布情况。调查结果表明,在交通密集易形成堵车的路段,土壤中重金属富集的量较高,在交通顺畅或车流量少的路段,土壤中重金属含量相对较低。铅污染的主要来源是汽车尾气。  相似文献   

监测结果表明,梅梁湖水体TP,TN含量分别为0.1mg/L和3.4mg/L藻类生物量达9-13亿个细胞/L,富营养化相当严重,污染的主要原因,工农业,渔业,畜牧业和生活污水的直接排放,使水全营养盐含量较高,藻类大量繁殖,可采用“控源截汛”,“清除淤泥”,“调水搞活”及生物治理等综合性措施,对梅梁湖的富营养化进行了治理。  相似文献   

Titanium dioxide is the most important photocatalysts used for purifying applications. If a TiO2- containing material is left outdoors as a form of flat panels, it is activated by sunlight to remove harmful NOx gases during the day. The photocatalytic efficiency of a TiO2-treated mortar for removal of NOx was investigated in the frame of this work. For this purpose a fully equipped monitoring system was designed at a pilot site. This system allows the in situ evaluation of the de-polluting properties of a photocatalytic material by taking into account the climatologic phenomena in street canyons, accurate measurements of pollution level and full registration of meteorological data The pilot site involved three artificial canyon streets, a pollution source, continuous NOx measurements inside the canyons and the source as well as background and meteorological measurements. Significant differences on the NOx concentration level were observed between the TiO2 treated and the reference canyon. NOx values in TiO2 canyon were 36.7 to 82.0% lower than the ones observed in the reference one. Data arising from this study could be used to assess the impact of the photocatalytic material on the purification of the urban environment.  相似文献   

以 SoundPLAN 软件为依托,将罗湖区城市主干道路及周边地物进行概化、建模,并根据实际监测数据调试参数,制作出罗湖区主干道路噪声分布地图,并对噪声污染严重路段防护措施进行效果模拟,为罗湖区道路交通噪声控制规划和整治以及建设项目审批管理等提供依据。  相似文献   

Rapid industrialization and urbanization in Turkey, especially over the last twenty five years, has provided better living standards to its residents, but it also caused a decrease in environmental quality. In late 1970's, air quality monitoring activities were started in some major cities by individual researchers in Turkey. It was just around the 1990's that a countrywide program on continuous air pollution monitoring in major province centers and selected large towns was launched. The impact of air pollution on people depend on various factors, such as existence and magnitude of coal powered energy generation plants, type of urban heating and their efficiency, and the numbers and specifications of vehicles. In this study, current Turkish urban air quality over the turn of the Millennium (1992–2001) is studied in the light of the country's worst cities in terms of outdoor air quality, the number of upper respiratory diseases, sinusitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia cases in these provinces reported by the state medical treatment facilities in 2001. The population that is under outdoor urban air pollution hazard was computed. A comparative analysis between the provinces that use natural gas and others that use fossil fuels was also completed in order to project monetary gains if the studied provinces will transform their indoor heating and industrial operations to be run by natural gas or other cleaner energy sources. If natural gas use in air polluted urban centers could be realized in the near future, approximately 212 to 350 million US dollars per annum could to be saved just by reducing health related problems caused by outdoor air pollution.  相似文献   

该此研究分别于5月和8月在广州市主要的交通干道进行空气样品采集,并运用吹扫-捕集GC-MSD系统对其进行定性和定量分析。文章对样品中的四氯化碳、三氯乙烯和四氯乙烯等卤代烃化合物在街道微环境中的浓度水平;化合物含量的月、周末与非周末、上午与下午等的时间变化和新旧城区的空间分布特征进行了探讨。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市汽车尾气排污现状及防治对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对乌鲁木齐市在用车辆进行了路抽检调查,通过大量数据分析,得出乌鲁木齐市目前汽车尾气排放情况仍令人担忧,治理工作不容忽视。  相似文献   

The acquisition of a comprehensive air quality dataset for a small city environment is described for use in statistical modelling of dispersion processes and micro-scale assessment of polluted zones. The dataset is based on a nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube survey for Cambridge where up to 80 roadside and background sites have been monitored continuously over two years, using a two week exposure period. Site categories are defined by their function within the urban landscape. Spatial and temporal features of the data set are explained in terms of urban location, street geometry, meteorology and traffic behaviour. The highest levels of NO2 are found in central canyon streets which are narrow with enclosing architecture and slow-moving traffic. In contrast lower levels are found for the wider, more open radial routes where traffic is free-flowing. The influence of street geometry on NO2 levels for central streets is demonstrated, where canyon sections adjacent to open sections having the same traffic flow record higher concentrations. Whilst all roadside sites are affected by a photochemical pollution 'episode', the greater potential for elevated NO2 concentrations within the canyon sections is significant. The close proximity of low background levels of NO2 to roadside 'hot-spots' is important for public exposure assessment. The variation in background levels across the urban landscape is very small and unrelated to location; whether central, suburban or outer city. Seasonal variation, not seen in roadside data, is clearly apparent in background data with a winter maximum and summer minimum.  相似文献   

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