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介绍了ICP-AES在环境监测中的应用.重点介绍了USEPA、APHA-AWWA-WPCE和JIS采用的ICP-AES的方法。并对近几年发展起来的ICP-MS、MIP和MIP-MS法进行了概述。引用1986年~1993年的主要文献共14篇。  相似文献   

GEMS/Water介绍(2)朱玉栋(中国环境监测总站,北京100012)GEMS/Water于1990年8月在前苏联的列宁格勒(圣彼得堡)召开了专家会议。对GEMS/Water自开始以来的第一阶段工作进行了总结,并对从1991年至2000年的第二阶...  相似文献   

EM制剂在净化污水和养老上的应用试验   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用EM制剂 对兰州市和总管污水和豆腐厂高浓度有机废水进行净化处理,COD的平均去除率分别为81.8%和95.0%;EM制剂用在养猪上可以改善猪场(舍)环境、消除粪便的恶臭气味、减少蚊蝇、增强猪的抗病能力,提高母猪的坐胎率,产仔率和仔猪的存活率;对用EM制剂饲喂的猪屠宰后进行肉质分析表明:肥瘦鲜肉混合样的蛋白质含量比一般猪肉的蛋白质含量提高了29.1%,脂肪降低了40.9%,瘦肉率为54.9%,胴体  相似文献   

本文门高效液相色谱(HPLC)对工业废水中硫化促进剂M进行监测,并用高分子多孔树脂做吸附剂,使废水的COD值明显下降。得到三种树脂的动态吸附曲线及最大吸附量、始漏量等重要数据。  相似文献   

无铝箔复膜复合玻璃纤维风管安全性能的监测   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文采用S2700型扫描电镜(SEM)对无铝箔复膜复合玻璃钢空调通风管道玻璃纤维污染进行了观测,并采用QP5000型色谱/质谱联用仪(GC/MS)对通风管道在火灾中焚烧产生的烟气进行了分析,模拟试验的监测结果表明,通风管道空气流中玻璃纤维浓度为320350根/立方米,焚烧烟气中检出了2甲基丙烯酰苯胺,这是一种有害物质。  相似文献   

控制造纸废水对水源污染的调查报告   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用常规综合指标结合GC/MS技术对某造纸厂造纸废水的产生、治理和排放情况进行了调查与分析,讨论了控制造纸废水对水源污染的措施。  相似文献   

液相催化氧化法烟气脱硫热态试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用液相催化氧化法和穿流式筛板吸收塔进行了规模为1000m3/h烟气脱硫热态试验。结果表明,当吸收液为浓度01M的Fe2++Mn2+水溶液,烟气风量在818~1418m3/h,液气比为1L/m3,SO2入口浓度在787~7821PPm范围内脱硫率可达49~69%。穿流式筛板塔具有处理能力大、阻力小、不易堵塞、结构简单、传质效果好等特点  相似文献   

沈阳市大气污染综合指数预报   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
沈阳市大气污染综合指数预报李薏兰谢兵刘从荣张健李有顺(辽宁省沈阳市环境监测站,沈阳110015)本文对日本的数值预报产品进行了研究与应用。吸取了MOS(模式输出)预报方法的优点,结合我国实际情况增加了部分前期因子,提出了适合我市应用的MOS统计预报法...  相似文献   

陈宏  陈平 《干旱环境监测》1995,9(4):224-225
使用经过仔细调整的MAT-281UF6质谱计进行六氟化铀中烃、含氯烃和部分取代卤代烃的分析,给出了一种半定量的分析方法,等效于美国ASTMC761-83的标准方法。  相似文献   

GC/MS法测定自来水中挥发性有机化合物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用GC/MS联用仪对自来水中挥发性有机化合物进行了测定,实现了了吹扫-捕集装置与联用仪的连接,并由DPFC控制,使整个过程自动化。检测的自来水样中,主要有氯甲烷类,溴氯甲烷类和苯类等挥发性化合物。  相似文献   

Heavy Metal Availability in Soil Amended with Composted Urban Solid Wastes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A study was performed to evaluate the pH and the availability of Zn, Cu, Mn, Pb, and Ni in soil amended with increasing doses of composted solid wastes, collected in Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro State and in Coimbra, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The influence of the time elapsed between compost application to the soil and the sampling of the plant growth substrate (soil + compost) for pH and metal availability analyses was also examined. The availability of heavy metals in the soil, in the compost and in the substrate was evaluated using DTPA solution for metal extraction. The increase of the compost doses added to the soil resulted in the increase of the pH in the substrate. The addition of the compost from the bigger city, Rio de Janeiro, resulted in higher increase in soil pH and available Zn, Cu, Pb, and Ni levels as compared to the addition of the compost from the smaller city, Coimbra. Increasing the time elapsed between the compost application to the soil and the sampling of the mixture resulted in higher available Zn, Cu, Mn, and Pb levels. The addition of the compost from Rio de Janeiro resulted in substrate metal concentrations in the order Zn > Pb > Ni > Cu > Mn and for the Coimbra compost the metal concentrations in the substrate was Zn > Pb > Cu > Ni > Mn. The higher values of pH and available metals obtained for the bigger city were attributed to the greatest metal contamination of its compost.  相似文献   

合肥市环巢湖地区种植业面源污染监测与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过2016-2018年在合肥市环巢湖5个县区主要农田周边沟渠中采集水样,监测农田氮磷流失浓度,并评价该区域种植业面源污染状况。结果表明,这3年该区域种植业TN、TP流失的平均质量浓度分别为3.48 mg/L、0.602 mg/L,均高于地表水Ⅴ类水质标准。2016年与2017年TN、TP浓度差异不大,2018年较前两年TN浓度有所提高,TP浓度相比显著降低。巢湖市农田沟渠水中TP浓度高于其他县区,TN浓度相对较低;NO-3 N浓度庐江县高于其他县区;NH 3 N地区间几乎没有差异。TP和NH 3 N浓度均为秋季高于夏季,TN和NO-3 N浓度均为夏季高于秋季。  相似文献   

利用合肥市臭氧和VOCs连续观测数据分析了合肥市臭氧及其前体物污染特征,并使用NAQPMS模型研究了合肥市不同季节臭氧来源情况。结果表明:O3已经成为影响合肥市环境质量的主要污染因子,O3高值区主要集中在5—6月和9月。合肥市大气VOCs中烷烃含量最丰富,其次是烯烃、芳香烃和炔烃;主要物种为乙烷、丙烷、乙炔、正戊烷、乙烯、环戊烷、异戊烷、正丁烷、异丁烷和甲苯。合肥市O3生成主要受VOCs控制,其中,烯烃是合肥市O3生成贡献最大的关键活性组分,乙烯的OFP贡献率居首位。合肥市不同季节O3来源差异较大,其中,本地排放是主要来源,夏季占比为50%,其余季节占比为30%~45%,O3存在跨省长距离输送特征,主导风向的变化是造成合肥市臭氧来源季节性变化的重要因素。  相似文献   

We examined the levels of cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, mercury, and selenium in four species of birds near Sydney, New South Wales, Australia in January, 1996. Molted contour feathers were collected from silver gull, Larus novaehollandiae (Royal National Park and downtown Sydney), sulphur-crested cockatoo, Cacatua sulphurea (Blue Mountains, Royal National Park, and Sydney), Australian white ibis, Threskiornis molucca (Sydney), and rock dove Columba livia (Royal National Park and Sydney). We tested the null hypothesis that there were no species or locational differences in metal levels. There were significant species differences in all metals, with rock doves having the highest levels of cadmium, chromium, lead, and manganese, and silver gulls having the highest levels of mercury and selenium. Metal levels were generally low in cockatoos, and were lowest in those from the Royal National Park. For silver gulls, cadmium, lead, and chromium levels were highest at Sydney, and there were no locational differences in manganese, mercury, and selenium levels. For rock doves, cadmium, chromium and manganese were higher in Sydney, and there were no locational differences in lead, mercury, and selenium. Overall, cadmium and chromium levels were significantly higher in Sydney than in the Royal National Park for all species, and there were no locational differences in mercury levels. Although the levels of most metals in feathers from these Australian birds were within the ranges reported worldwide, lead levels in ibises and rock doves were among the highest reported worldwide, suggesting a cause for concern.  相似文献   

从新疆某地典型城-郊-乡梯度带采集了77个表层(0~20 cm)土壤样品,基于GIS技术与多元统计分析方法,研究各梯度带表层土壤中Hg、As、V、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb和Sb等10种微量元素的空间分布特征与主要来源。结果表明:Hg元素在城区、郊区和乡村表层土壤中的平均含量均超出研究区土壤背景值,As元素在城区和郊区表层土壤中的平均含量超出背景值,Zn和Pb元素在城区表层土壤中的平均含量超出背景值,其余元素在3个梯度带表层土壤中的平均含量均低于相应的背景值。研究区表层土壤中,V、Co、Ni、Zn、Cd、Pb和Sb等7种元素的空间分布格局基本相似,均呈现沿城市化梯度带分布的地带性格局;As、Cu和Hg等3种元素的空间分布呈现岛状格局。来源分析结果表明,各梯度带表层土壤中的微量元素的来源各不相同。  相似文献   

Groundwater and water resources management play a key role in conserving the sustainable conditions in arid and semi-arid regions. Applying some techniques that can reveal the critical and hot conditions of water resources seem necessary. In this study, kriging and cokriging methods were evaluated for mapping the groundwater depth across a plain in which has experienced different climatic conditions (dry, wet, and normal) and consequently high variations in groundwater depth in a 12 year led in maximum, minimum, and mean depths. During this period groundwater depth has considerable fluctuations. Results obtained from geostatistical analysis showed that groundwater depth varies spatially in different climatic conditions. Furthermore, the calculated RMSE showed that cokriging approach was more accurate than kriging in mapping the groundwater depth though there was not a distinct difference. As a whole, kriging underestimated the real groundwater depth for dry, wet, and normal conditions by 5.5, 2.2, and 5.3%, while cokriging underestimations were 3.3, 2, and 2.2%, respectively; which showed the unbiasedness in estimations. Results implied that in the study area farming and cultivation in dry conditions needs more attention due to higher variability in groundwater depth in short distances compared to the other climate conditions. It is believed that geostatistical approaches are reliable tools for water resources managers and water authorities to allocate groundwater resources in different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

叶绿素a浓度是反映湖泊富营养化状态的一个重要参数。以MODIS L1B数据为基础,结合叶绿素a浓度实测数据,基于经验分析法实现了西藏典型湖泊叶绿素a浓度反演研究,并探索了西藏典型湖泊2019年春、夏、秋季叶绿素a浓度的时空变化特征。首先,利用叶绿素a浓度实测数据和MODIS L1B影像不同波段的反射率值进行组合试验,选择最佳波段组合建立模型;其次,分别选用2015年、2017年叶绿素a浓度实测值和反演值对模型进行对比验证;最后,利用叶绿素a浓度反演模型对西藏典型湖泊2019年春、夏、秋季叶绿素a浓度的时空变化特征进行分析。结果表明:在空间尺度上,西藏典型湖泊叶绿素a浓度整体上呈现出周围高、中部低的分布特征,且湖岸水体叶绿素a浓度变化较大;在季节尺度上,不同湖泊叶绿素a浓度的季节变化存在较大差异,格仁错和色林错的季节变化幅度较大,纳木错、塔若错和羊卓雍错的季节变化幅度较小。  相似文献   

Cadmium, chromium, iron, manganese, nickel, lead and zinc concentrations were determined in sediment and body tissues, viz. digestive gland, mantle and shell, of the freshwater snail, Angulyagra oxytropis (Benson) (Gastropoda : Viviparidae), from River Barak and one of its floodplain lakes in Cachar district, Assam State, Northeastern India. The concentrations of all the metals except iron are significantly higher in the lake sediment. When compared to their riverine counterparts, the lacustrine snails contain higher concentrations of cadmium, chromium and iron in their mantle; nickel and zinc in digestive gland; manganese in both digestive gland and mantle; and lead in all the three tissues examined. The accumulation patterns of most of the metals varied considerably between the two sites. The implications of these findings in storage, sequestration and detoxification of metals by this animal are discussed. The study also indicates that A. oxytropis may be a potential biological indicator of metal contamination in freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

This study examined possible routes for lead (Pb) accumulation in resident pigeons collected from rural, urban, and four industrial sites in Korea. The accumulation pattern of Pb was comparable to the study sites. The highest Pb concentration was found in the bone, followed by kidney, liver, and lung of pigeons. Highest Pb residues in bones were found in urban (Seoul), and two industrial complex areas (Busan and Ulsan), which were about 15 times higher than rural area (Duckjuk island), and followed by Ansan and Yochon industrial areas. Regional Pb variations in liver, kidney, and lung tissues were also similar pattern with the bone Pb difference. These findings indicate that Pb accumulation in tissues of pigeons may be affected by the Pb exposure in their respective habitats. Crop contents and gizzard materials were investigated as representing the ingested items. No difference of Pb concentration was observed in major foods (maize and/or wheat) of crop contents in the study sites except Busan, whereas variations of Pb levels in gizzard materials were indicative of a similar pattern with tissue Pb differences. The Pb concentration in tissues of pigeons did not correspond well to the atmospheric Pb levels. With regard to possible Pb sources, ingested items especially materials present in the gizzard are important sources for Pb contamination to pigeons because Pb-containing sources may be expected to present in roadside particles, dusts, paint chips and building flakes. However, air Pb value being low may not affect significant as the regional variations in tissues of pigeons.  相似文献   

The stem cuttings of the terrestrial, ornamental plant, Portulaca oleracea, grew well in distilled water by producing adventitious roots and leaves. However, when exposed to various concentrations of sulfate and nitrate salts of copper resulted in a suppression of root growth, increase in initiation time of roots and sprouts and decay of stem cuttings from the cut open end, decrease in number of leaves with an increase in concentration of copper in the growth medium. Accumulation of copper increased with increasing concentrations of both copper sulfate and copper nitrate. However, copper accumulation was greater in copper nitrate than in copper sulfate treatment. Hence, copper in the presence of nitrate is more toxic than in the presence of sulfate. The accumulation factors in all treatment concentrations were greater than 1, hence P. oleracea is a copper accumulator.  相似文献   

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