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克拉玛依是一座典型的资源型城市,正处于工业化、城市化快速发展的阶段,能源消费和CO2排放持续增长将成为克拉玛依经济发展的硬约束。本文以2002—2013年克拉玛依市统计年鉴中的产业结构、人口、能源消费和经济数据为基础,分析了克拉玛依市的产业结构、能源消费、CO2排放情况,提出了发展低碳城市的思考。  相似文献   

使用基于地形坡度的土壤侵蚀要素提取方法,选择大别山区商城县为研究区,利用TM/OLI和SPOT 5/GF-1数据得到植被覆盖度和土地利用类型图,并结合DEM数据生成的地形坡度因子,基于GIS/RS提取土壤侵蚀信息及其时空变化量。结果显示,研究区2011年和2016年的土壤侵蚀主要分布在南部中低山地区,以轻度侵蚀为主,分别占总侵蚀面积的81.13%和83.97%;土壤侵蚀主要发生在坡度为5°~25°的区域,且随着坡度增大土壤侵蚀越严重;耕地的土壤侵蚀最严重;2011—2016年间虽然大部分区域土壤侵蚀状况不变,但整体有所加重。  相似文献   

以克拉玛依市4个区2012年的大气自动监测数据为样本,基于分形求和模型,分析大气污染物的分布特征,利用分维数确定污染物浓度分布的随机程度,计算 SO2、NO2、PM10的大气环境背景值与标准值,确定适合于评价区域的ORAQI指数计算公式,并与 API指数作对比。ORAQI指数计算结果显示,克拉玛依市全年环境空气质量基本呈现“U”字形变化,春夏季大气质量好于秋冬季,全年空气质量有明显的季节变化,4个区中克拉玛依区空气质量相对较差,乌尔禾区空气质量最好。相对于 API指数的均匀分布结果,ORAQI指数具有更好的次要污染物体现能力,可以综合体现所评价的各项污染因子的贡献。  相似文献   

源水氯化消毒目前仍是广泛而经济的消毒方法。消毒过程可产生三氯甲烷、一溴二氯甲烷和二溴一氯甲烷等挥发性卤代烃类污染物,这些物质对人体具有潜在危害。对此,本文采用静态顶空气相色谱法对克拉玛依市居民自来水中的三卤甲烷进行了定性定量检测和评价,经质谱定性自来水中存在三氯甲烷、一溴二氯甲烷和二溴一氯甲烷。对28个水样的检测结果表明,克拉玛依市自来水中的三氯甲烷、一溴二氯甲烷和二溴一氯甲烷均符合国家生活饮用水标准。  相似文献   

以河南省大别山水土保持国家重点生态功能区为研究区,基于RS与GIS获取2012年和2017年研究区植被覆盖、土地利用、土壤侵蚀等遥感解译数据,从生态功能、生态结构和生态压力3个方面,采用综合指数法,对研究区生态状况进行动态监测与评价。结果表明,2012—2017年间,研究区土地利用结构发生较明显的变化,林草地覆盖率上升9.85%,耕地和建设用地面积比上升13.23%,水域湿地面积比变化不大;植被覆盖指数上升 62.74%,中度以上土壤侵蚀面积比略有增加;生态状况变化度ΔF=4.95,整体生态状况等级由良变为优,生态状况变化度评级为显著变好。  相似文献   

根据开封市生态环境现状,利用不同的评价方法,对开封市的土壤侵蚀敏感性、生态功能重要性进行了评价.依据生态功能区划编制技术方案,得出了开封市生态功能区划结果.  相似文献   

为研究克拉玛依市空气质量特征,对2015年克拉玛依市空气自动站监测数据进行分析。结果表明,克拉玛依市空气质量整体较为清洁,优良天数占有效监测天数的91.5%,PM_(2.5)平均浓度为31μg/m~3,PM_(10)平均浓度为64μg/m~3,PM_(2.5)在PM_(10)中占比近半;SO_2和NO_2浓度相对不高,NO_2/SO_2比值为2.4,流动源问题相对突出;对各项污染物的综合指数分担率分析发现,克拉玛依市PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)为综合指数分担率最高的因子,不足四分之一,O_3排第三位,超过五分之一,SO_2最低,仅为3.6%。  相似文献   

依据实地调查资料,建立了典型小流域地理数据库;应用采样分析数据结果及坡面单元法,确定了定量计算通用土壤流失方程RUSLE因子指标的方法.在地理信息系统ArcGIS支持下,根据USLE/RUSLE土壤侵蚀预测模型对数据库实施运算操作,预测了小流域土壤侵蚀量.结果表明:①流域总体土壤侵蚀为中度,治理难度仍很大;②坡耕地是流...  相似文献   

城市生态环境质量评价初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以新疆乌鲁木齐市、石河子市、克拉玛依市为例,依据城市生态学理论,对城市的生产位、生态位、环境位进行评估,并对评价结果进行综合分析,以确定城市生态环境质量的优劣,以此反映城市经济发展、人类各种活动和环境保护之间的适应程度.  相似文献   

通过介绍克拉玛依市六、九区含油废水的来源、处理现状等情况,从生态、社会和经济效益角度出发,分析了不同用途的水资源化利用的可行性,并进行了经济可行性分析,得到含油废水用于绿化和生态建设的最佳可行方案。  相似文献   

Jialing River is the largest tributary in the catchment area of Three Gorges Reservoir, and it is also one of the important areas of sediment yield in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. In recent years, significant changes of water and sediment characteristics have taken place. The "Long Control" Project implemented since 1989 had greatly changed the surface appearance of the Jialing River Watershed (JRW), and it had made the environments of the watershed sediment yield and sediment transport change significantly. In this research, the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation was selected and used to predict the annual average amount of soil erosion for the special water and sediment environments in the JRW after the implementation of the "Long Control" Project, and then the rainfall–runoff modulus and the time factor of governance were both considered as dynamic factors, the dynamic sediment transport model was built for soil erosion monitoring and forecasting based on the average sediment yield model. According to the dynamic model, the spatial and temporal distribution of soil erosion amount and sediment transport amount of the JRW from 1990 to 2007 was simulated using geographic information system (GIS) technology and space-grid algorithm. Simulation results showed that the average relative error of sediment transport was less than 10% except for the extreme hydrological year. The relationship between water and sediment from 1990 to 2007 showed that sediment interception effects of the soil and water conservation projects were obvious: the annual average sediment discharge reduced from 145.3 to 35 million tons, the decrement of sediment amount was about 111 million tons, and decreasing amplitude was 76%; the sediment concentration was also decreased from 2.01 to 0.578 kg/m3. These data are of great significance for the prediction and estimation of the future changing trends of sediment storage in the Three Gorges Reservoir and the particulate non-point source pollution load carried by sediment transport from watershed surface.  相似文献   

In this paper, an attempt has been made to assess, prognosis and observe dynamism of soil erosion by universal soil loss equation (USLE) method at Penang Island, Malaysia. Multi-source (map-, space- and ground-based) datasets were used to obtain both static and dynamic factors of USLE, and an integrated analysis was carried out in raster format of GIS. A landslide location map was generated on the basis of image elements interpretation from aerial photos, satellite data and field observations and was used to validate soil erosion intensity in the study area. Further, a statistical-based frequency ratio analysis was carried out in the study area for correlation purposes. The results of the statistical correlation showed a satisfactory agreement between the prepared USLE-based soil erosion map and landslide events/locations, and are directly proportional to each other. Prognosis analysis on soil erosion helps the user agencies/decision makers to design proper conservation planning program to reduce soil erosion. Temporal statistics on soil erosion in these dynamic and rapid developments in Penang Island indicate the co-existence and balance of ecosystem.  相似文献   

近年来,随着城市化进程推,城市生态环境正逐步恶化。徐州作为老矿业城市,情况尤其不为乐观,以徐州市区为例作生态评价分析。按照代表性、可操作性、适应性、可比性和方便性原则,选取了植被覆盖度、生物丰度、水网密度、人均绿地面积、城市环境污染负荷指数和环境质量综合指数作为评价指标来进行生态环境质量指数的计算。根据评价指标,选用1994年、2000年和2007年三个时相徐州市TM影像,对土地利用、河流水库、植被、人均绿地等方面进行遥感动态监测,然后对该地区13年来生态环境演变做了定量评价分析。评价结果表明,徐州市区生态环境质量由1994年的良好水平退化为一般水平,且有逐年下降恶化趋势,这与该区城市化进程一致。  相似文献   

Starting with the intensification of irrigation activities in the beginning of 1980s in Abaya and Chamo lakes area, the decreasing water inflow to the lakes caused denudation of the wetlands. The ecological situation in the lake region changed significantly during last four decades. The lakes and associated wetlands change have been studied using Landsat MSS (1973), Landsat TM (1986), and Ladsat ETM (2000) satellite imagery. Along with satellite imagery, other hydro-meteorological data were collected and hydro-meteorological data analyses were done to assess the variability of wetlands. From these data, lakes morphometric property estimation at different time series and water balance analysis for both lakes were done. Wetlands are mapped from the TCT image and these maps are subject to change detection to see the temporal and spatial variability of the wetlands. Moreover, the lake-morphometric area and volume variation have been studied. The result showed that between 1986 and 2000, a significant reduction has been observed but lesser than the previous decades (6.4 km(2)). The identified reason behind this change is that the free settlement and shoreline cultivation of the wetlands causing the soil erosion and eventually adds the sediment to the wetlands.  相似文献   

Because of their intense vegetation and the fact that they include areas of coastline, deltas situated in the vicinity of big cities are areas of great attraction for people who wish to get away from in a crowded city. However, coasts, with their fertile soil and unique flora and fauna, need to be protected. In order for the use of such areas to be planned in a sustainable way by local authorities, there is a need for detailed data about these regions. In this study, the changes in land use of the area between Topburnu and Uçburun Musa Bey Harbour on the Çe?me peninsula, which is to the immediate west of Turkey’s third largest city ?zmir, from 1976 up to the present day, were investigated. In the study, using aerial photographs taken in 1976, 1995 and 2000 and an IKONOS satellite image from the year 2007, the natural and cultural characteristics of the region and changes in the coastline were determined spatially. Using aerial photographs from 1976, 1995 and 2000 and an IKONOS satellite image from the year 2007, together with “1/25,000 scale Conservation-Oriented Development Plans” prepared in 1979, 1990 and 2000 by the committee for the Preservation of Natural and Cultural Entities attached to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Turkish Republic, the natural and cultural characteristics of the region and the land use changes and their connection with conservation rulings were determined spatially. In this study, spatial changes in land use over the years were compared with changing conservation rulings over the years and the emerging results have brought a new perspective to the subject in contrast to other similar studies.  相似文献   

利用地理信息系统技术,在空间数据库平台的支持下,对四川省20世纪90年代中期到2000年间的草地动态变化特征、草地动态变化的背景特征及其空间分布特征进行了分析。研究表明,净增草地部分主要来源于耕地,净减草地部分的主要去向是林地。总体上,净增草地面积3812公顷,净增草地部分主要是在轻度土壤侵蚀区、中度土壤侵蚀区、剧烈土壤侵蚀区和强度土壤侵蚀区,坡度等级5、6和1的区域,环境等级5、6、4和1的区域;净减草地部分主要是在微度土壤侵蚀区和极强土壤侵蚀区,坡度等级3、2和4的区域,环境质量等级7和8的区域。净增草地的区域为川西北高原、丘陵和川西南山区,净增草地面积的前四个地州市是遂宁市、泸州市、巴中地区和广安市,净减少草地的区域为盆周山地和平原,净减少草地面积的前四个地州市是广元市、绵阳市、达川市和宜宾市。  相似文献   

罗得河积水区地表径流中铝形态的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国东部地区的罗得河流域遭受严重的酸沉降侵蚀,对流域和内湖生态系统产生致毒影响。监测地表水和土壤水中的铝形态及浓度变化是问题关键。该文应用自行设计的改进MINQL微机模型对该地区地表径流中铝 动力学变化规律了分析,得出有价值的论述。  相似文献   

In recent years, high-molecular-weight anionic polyacrylamide (PAM) have been widely tested on a variety of soils, primarily in water erosion control. However, little information is available regarding the effectiveness of PAM on preventing soil loss from wind erosion. The research adopted room wind tunnel experiment, two kinds of soils were used which were from the agro-pastoral area of Inner Mongolia, the northwest of China, the clay content of soils were 22.0 and 13.7%, respectively. For these tests, all the treatments were performed under the condition of wind velocity of 14 m s(-1) and a blown angle of 8.75%, according to the actual situation of experimented area. The study results indicated that using PAM on the soil surface could enhance the capability of avoiding the wind erosion, at the same time, the effect of controlling wind soil erosion with 4 g m(-2) PAM was better than 2 g m(-2) PAM's. Economically, the 2 g m(-2) PAM used in soil surface can control wind erosion effectively in this region. The prophase PAM accumulated in soil could not improve the capability of avoiding the wind erosion, owing to the degradation of PAM in the soil and the continual tillage year after year. The texture of soil is a main factor influencing the capability of soil avoiding wind erosion. Soil with higher clay content has the higher capability of preventing soil from wind erosion than one with the opposite one under the together action of PAM and water.  相似文献   

Soil erosion is the most important reason of sedimentation load of water reservoirs in the world. In Pakistan, Mangla dam is one of the most important water reservoirs used for the production of electricity and for the supply of water for irrigation purposes. However, the capacity of Mangla dam reservoir has reduced by more than 20% since its construction. This study highlights the impact of rainfall on soil erosion and consequently on sedimentation deposition in Mangla dam reservoir. Sedimentation, annual rainfall, and normal rainfall data of 39 years were used in this study. Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission data were used to calculate the total drainage area of the Mangla watershed region. The sedimentation data of Mangla reservoir from 1967 to 2005 were retrieved from Water and Power Development Authority in Pakistan. The meteorological observatories in the Mangla watershed region are identified. Annual rainfall data from 1967 to 2005 for the meteorological observatories in the Mangla watershed regions were retrieved from Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD). In addition, normal rainfall data for the years 1949 to 1978 and for the years 1979 to 2008 were also retrieved from PMD. The impact of annual rainfall is observed on sedimentation load in Mangla dam. The correlation coefficient between annual rainfall and sedimentation load is 0.94. This study shows that with an increase in rainfall, the soil erosion of the area increases which subsequently is responsible for the increase in the rate of sedimentation load in Mangla dam. This study further demonstrates that better soil management can reduce the sedimentation load in the Mangla reservoir.  相似文献   

以2014年为基准年,以常州市行政边界为研究区域,利用卫星遥感解译的土地利用类型和裸土面积信息,并通过国土、气象等部门提供的土壤类型、气象因子等相关资料获取本地化因子和参数,估算常州市行政区域内裸露地面土壤扬尘中颗粒物的年排放量。结果表明:常州市裸露地面主要分布在金坛市、溧阳市和武进区,市中心区域最少,裸露土地利用类型主要为农田、滩涂、裸露山体、荒地及未硬化或未绿化的空地等;2014年常州市行政区域内裸露地面风蚀扬尘中TSP、PM 10、PM 2.5的年排放量分别为62.66 t、5.63 t、0.24 t,其中,金坛市土壤起尘量最大,其次为武进区,再次为新北区、溧阳市,市中心区域土壤扬尘最少。  相似文献   

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