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量子点在环境污染物检测中的应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一类理想的荧光探针,量子点近年来在环境污染物定性定量分析方面的应用取得了很大进展,为环境监测提供了一种新的方法和技术,显示出极大的优越性。综述了量子点分子印迹、量子点自组装膜、双色量子点比率荧光传感等新技术在国内外环境污染物检测方面的研究进展,并对其发展前景作了展望。  相似文献   

<正>2017年6月5日下午,由江苏省环境监测中心、国家环境保护地表水环境有机污染物监测分析重点实验室和《环境监控与预警》编辑部联合承办的2017国际环保新技术大会环境监测分析技术研讨会在南京国际博览会议中心顺利召开。此次研讨会由江苏省环境监测中心胡冠九副主任主持,潘良宝副巡视员致辞,并邀请国内外环境监测分析相关领域的知名专家学者作为嘉宾  相似文献   

研究了Windows Mobile智能手机平台上环境监测数据外业采集系统框架,以SQL Server Compact3.5数据库技术存储、管理现场监测数据,通过SQL Server复制技术将数据汇交到监测站的中心数据库中。提出了综合场景信息与业务因子监测数据同步(准同步)采集、一体化管理、关联分析、复合应用的集成应用思路。举例展示了系统配置和软件代码实现。  相似文献   

简述了麦积山彩色泥塑佛像及壁画文物保护与管理监测,以及物联网技术构建文物保护微环境监测系统。针对麦积山石窟环境监测现状和存在的问题,分析了基于物联网应用的监测和传感技术在石窟实施全覆盖、实时监控的方式,以及其优势和可行性。  相似文献   

环境监测是污染治理的前提,并为环境管理、环境规划和环境影响评价等提供科学依据。而可以进行现场快速分析和连续在线监测的生物传感器在环境监测的应用越来越受到关注。本文首先介绍了生物传感器的定义和分类;并以酶基、微生物细胞基、免疫生物传感器和DNA等生物传感器为主,分别介绍其在环境监测中的应用和进展;最后,对生物传感器在环境监测中应用前景和发展趋势进行了阐述。  相似文献   

探究复杂环境介质中有机污染物分析检测新方法,建立复杂环境介质中可疑和非目标化合物的快速筛选及确证方案,已成为环境科学领域的研究热点。高分辨质谱仪(HR-MS)具有质量范围宽、扫描速度快、灵敏度高等优点,使其在环境科学领域得到广泛应用。综述了混合高分辨率质谱(Q-TOF/Q Orbitrap)等HR MS技术的特点和工作原理,基于目标化合物分析、可疑化合物分析以及非目标化合物分析这3类研究策略,阐述了HR-MS在环境研究、药品监管及生物代谢物研究等领域的应用现状,进而分析了现阶段HR MS在环境科学领域中的应用局限性和发展前景。  相似文献   

中国环境监测总站与安捷伦科技公司联合主办的“2 0 0 4中美环境监测技术与质量管理研讨会(暨污染物监测QA QC培训班)”于2 0 0 4年6月2 4日~2 5日在北京国际会议中心成功举办。本次研讨会旨在提高我国环境监测技术水平和能力,加强环境污染物监测过程中的质量管理,进一步增进中美环境分析工作者之间的交流与合作。本次研讨内容经过充分准备,针对目前我国环境监测技术研究的重点———有机污染物的监测分析技术进行研讨,研讨会邀请了美国资深专家,PaceAnalyticalServices的RogerC .Splinter博士、SevernTrentLabs的RichardBurrows博士…  相似文献   

五氯酚标准样品的研制   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
五氯酚是美国EPA公布的129种重点污染物名单以及我国环境优先监测污染物黑名单中的重点污染物,也是环境监测和环境科研工作中的主要对象。本文介绍了这种污染物毒理特性和液体介质标准样品的分析、研究、制备方法。  相似文献   

基于融合化学发光原理、生物亲和反应原理和光纤生物传感原理,设计了一种化学发光光纤免疫传感分析仪,建立了小分子有机污染物的现场快速灵敏检测技术。以双酚A(BPA)为例,结合间接竞争免疫反应原理,通过研发惰性蛋白卵清蛋白偶联的包被抗原(BPA-OVA)功能化的光纤探头,建立了BPA现场快速检测的化学发光免疫分析新方法。结果表明,其线性检测范围为0.95~100.9μg/L,检测限为0.15μg/L。实际水样加标回收实验表明,该方法回收率为94.5%~116.0%,标准偏差<10%。该方法具有很好的精密度和准确度,能够用于实际水样中BPA的检测。利用其他小分子有机污染物包被抗原功能化的光纤探头和相应的荧光标记抗体,化学发光光纤免疫传感分析仪即可用于其他小分子有机污染物的现场快速检测。  相似文献   

GIS在环境科学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章结合地理信息系统(GIS)和环境科学的特点,阐述了GIS在环境管理、环境规划、环境决策、环境评价及环境监测等多方面的应用,对GIS在环境科学中的应用及其发展趋势作了简要论述.由于GIS技术和环境科学在研究对象上的相似性和互补性,GIS广泛应用于环境科学领域必将会推动环境科学的迅猛发展.  相似文献   

Recent developments in wireless sensor technology afford the opportunity to rapidly and easily deploy large-scale, low-cost, and low-power sensor networks across relatively sizeable environmental regions. Furthermore, the advancement of increasingly smaller and less expensive wireless hardware is further complemented by the rapid development of open-source software components. These software protocols allow for interfacing with the hardware to program and configure the onboard processing and communication settings. In general, a wireless sensor network topology consists of an array of microprocessor boards, referred to as motes, which can engage in two-way communication among each other as well as with a base station that relays the mote data to a host computer. The information can then be either logged and displayed on the local host or directed to an http server for network monitoring remote from the site. A number of wireless sensor products are available that offer off-the-shelf network hardware as well as sensor solutions for environmental monitoring that are compatible with the TinyOS open-source software platform. This paper presents an introduction to wireless sensing and to the use of external antennas for increasing the antenna radiation intensity and shaping signal directivity for monitoring applications requiring larger mote-to-mote communication distances.  相似文献   

Environmental security is one of the fundamental requirements of our well being. However, it still remains a major global challenge. Therefore, in addition to reducing and/or eliminating the amounts of toxic discharges into the environment, there is need to develop techniques that can detect and monitor these environmental pollutants in a sensitive and selective manner to enable effective remediation. Because of their integrated nature, biosensors are ideal for environmental monitoring and detection as they can be portable and provide selective and sensitive rapid responses in real time. In this review we discuss the main concepts behind the development of biosensors that have most relevant applications in the field of environmental monitoring and detection. We also review and document recent trends and challenges in biosensor research and development particularly in the detection of species of environmental significance such as organophosphate nerve agents, heavy metals, organic contaminants, pathogenic microorganisms and their toxins. Special focus will be given to the trends that have the most promising applications in environmental security. We conclude by highlighting the directions towards which future biosensors research in environmental security sector might proceed.  相似文献   

The advancement in miniaturization and microfabrication technology has led to the development of sensitive and selective electrochemical devices for field-based and in situ environmental monitoring. Electrochemical sensing devices have a major impact upon the monitoring of priority pollutants by allowing the instrument to be taken to the sample (rather than the traditional way of bringing the sample to the laboratory). Such devices can perform automated chemical analyses in complex matrices and provide rapid, reliable and inexpensive measurements of a variety of inorganic and organic pollutants. Although not exhaustive due to the vast amounts of new and exciting electrochemical research, this review addresses many important advances in electrochemical sensor design and development for environmental monitoring purposes. Critical design factors and development issues including analytical improvements (e.g. detection limits), microfabrication and remote communication are presented. In addition, modern environmental applications will be discussed and future perspectives considered.  相似文献   

The increase in aquaculture activities in the last few decades has not been accompanied by a corresponding increase in environmental controls and regulations. In this context, the application of environmental monitoring plans (EMPs) has become necessary to assess the environmental impact associated with fish farming wastes. The objective of this review paper is to evaluate the suitability of experimental and analytical procedures as monitoring tools for inclusion in EMPs for intensive land-based marine fish farms (LBMFFs). The strong hydrodynamics and, in particular, the lack of sediment on the rocky coasts where LBMFFs are usually located, greatly limit the monitoring tools that can be used. We propose EMPs that employ a weight-of-evidence approach to evaluate: contamination, trophic and toxic effects, and ecological integrity. Laboratory tests, in situ bioassays and field surveys of local species are presented as key tools for assessing the impact of LBMFFs on ecosystems. The δ(15)N signal along a spatial gradient is proposed for evaluating exposure to contaminants. Trophic effects can be determined by growth of transplanted macro- and microalgae. Toxic effects can be evaluated by responses at different levels of biological organization, including biochemical and histological changes, physiological alterations and survival, in species from different trophic levels. Fouling tests and analysis of community structures are recommended for assessing ecological integrity. This review contributes to the development of environmental controls for intensive LBMFFs, and for other activities that discharge wastewater to rocky shores.  相似文献   

国内环境遥感监测指标验证方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济的快速发展,我国环境问题日益突出,环境治理已刻不容缓。卫星遥感技术的发展,为环境监测提供了有力的技术手段,并在环境监测领域发挥越来越重要的作用,在生态环境、水环境、大气环境等三个环境领域建立了环境遥感监测指标。然而,环境遥感监测指标验证工作相对较少,缺少规范化与标准化,未形成健全的验证体系。综述了目前国内具有代表性的环境监测指标验证方法,总结了验证中存在的问题,就其今后的发展方向,进行了有益的探讨。  相似文献   

近年来,无人机技术趋于成熟并逐步得到广泛应用,成为一种新的环境监测平台。与传统监测方法相比,无人机监测平台具有快速、灵活、清晰、直观等突出优势。基于以往工作基础,研究并提出一种适用于江苏省的生态环境无人机监测体系,同时进一步讨论无人机在水、气、生态环境监测领域的业务应用思路。  相似文献   

Continuous, in situ monitoring of air, water and land quality is fundamental to most environmental applications. Low cost and non-invasive chemical sensor arrays provide a suitable technique for in situ monitoring. Their ability and performance under realistic conditions is discussed in this paper. Published studies report promising results despite a number of limitations that are associated with both the technology itself and its application in ever changing ambient conditions. Early investigations include the analysis of single substances as well as odour and wastewater organic load monitoring. Reported applications typically highlight the sensitivity of the currently available sensors to changes in temperature, humidity and flow rate. Two types of approaches are recommended to deal with these effects: either working under fixed experimental conditions or measuring the external parameters to numerically compensate for their change. The main challenge associated with the use of non-specific sensor arrays lies in establishing a relationship between the measured multivariate signals and the standards metrics that are traditionally used for quality assessment of gas mixtures. For instance, odour monitoring requires calibration against olfactometric measurements while investigations of wastewater samples still need to be correlated with organic pollution parameters such as BOD, COD or TOC. On the other hand, results obtained in the field have demonstrated how sensor arrays can be readily used as simple alarm devices or as early warning systems based on a general air/water quality index.  相似文献   

简述了国内外遥感监测平台的发展现状,基于湖南省生态环境遥感监测现状进行了分析,指出遥感监测平台存在遥感监测与评估技术缺乏、监测能力薄弱以及监测网络建设不完善等问题。从平台建设架构出发,构建了数据平台,对卫星遥感数据、地面调查/监测资料、无人机航测数据进行管理、存储、分析等;业务平台,主要围绕水、气、土壤等整个生态环境监测体系开展相应的监测和管理,还可针对重点区域,环境督察等业务进行拓展;展示平台,主要是通过各种终端设备和硬件对各类业务进行可视化。提出发射独立高分遥感卫星、深化遥感监测应用研究、加强各部门协同合作等建议,以期为湖南省生态环境遥感监测平台建设与发展提供参考。  相似文献   

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