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水质监测是任何水资源管理必不可少的组成部分,水质监测与评价不仅可对水污染问题进行鉴别和评估,而且可以验证污染控制措施是否正确以及污染源是否遵守了相关的环保法规、制度。文章讨论了综合监测系统的对策、网络设计、采样与分析、数据处理与报告,还讨论了必需的科学的组织形式。以4条跨界河流[欧洲的莱茵河(Rhine)和多瑙河(Danube)、南美的拉普拉塔河(La Plata)、东南亚的湄公河(Mekong)]为例阐述了现代意义的监测方法学。对于工业化程度高的流域(如莱茵河和多瑙河),早期预警系统尤为重要。最后探讨了新的性价比好的污染监测方法以及如何避免产生数据很多,但信息量很少的状况。  相似文献   

王灵  郑江  杨永红  张江丽 《干旱环境监测》2012,26(3):145-148,192
通过对乌鲁木齐河近十年(2001—2010年)水质监测数据的分析,结果表明,"十一五"期间乌鲁木齐河上游水质较好,为Ⅰ类或Ⅱ类水质,中下游均受到较为严重的有机污染,为劣Ⅴ类水质,主要污染物为粪大肠菌群、化学需氧量、氨氮、石油类;各监测断面水质总体保持稳定,水质污染形势依然严峻。水污染治理措施取得一定成效。与"十五"相比,"十一五"期间乌鲁木齐河水质明显改善,综合污染指数进一步下降,跃进桥断面水质类别由Ⅱ类水质变为Ⅰ类,英雄桥断面水质类别由Ⅲ类水质变为Ⅱ类。根据分析评价结果,提出了改善水环境质量的对策和建议。  相似文献   

以2016—2020年古泊善后河国家和省级地表水监测网水质例行监测数据为依据,采用水质指数法(WQI)对古泊善后河水质污染状况进行综合评价;基于水质评价结果,选取影响最大的两项指标CODMn和TP,于2020年10月对古泊善后河开展加密监测,调查分析污染来源。结果表明,2016—2020年古泊善后河水质波动变化较大,汛期降雨对水质下降影响明显,CODMn、TP、CODCr、氟化物和BOD5是影响古泊善后河水质的主要指标;加密监测期间,古泊善后河干流水质CODMn和TP指标浓度分别升高28.9%、38.3%,其中宿迁段升幅显著高于连云港段;支流水质超Ⅲ类比例为22.9%,劣Ⅴ比例为6.3%;部分乡镇生活污水直排和持续降雨将农田中高浓度污染物冲刷进河流支浜,是导致水质下降的主要原因。  相似文献   

工业革命以后,欧洲流域的污染事故进入高发期,欧洲各国以流域为单位,共同商讨对策,联合开展治理工作,使流域水环境得到了很大的改善.目前,欧洲对流域的管理已经形成了一套较为科学、成熟的模式.针对中国水环境污染事故频发的状况,总结了莱茵河流域管理模式和多瑙河流域预警系统的发展经验,对构建中国流域范围内环境预警系统提出了相关思...  相似文献   

基于多元统计分析的石头口门水库汇水流域水质综合评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
根据石头口门水库汇水流域的4个监测断面2001~2007年的水质监测数据,应用多元统计分析方法(聚类分析与因子分析)确定主要污染因子并计算权重,从而对流域的水质进行综合评价。结果表明,通过因子分析,提取了3个公因子,第一主因子主要包括溶解氧、氨氮、总氮、高锰酸盐指数、化学需氧量、生化需氧量;第二主因子的主要代表指标是总磷;氟化物、总大肠菌群数对第三主因子贡献明显。由综合评价结果得出,石头口门水库总体属Ⅲ类水质,主要污染因子为总磷;饮马河(烟筒山断面)和岔路河(星星哨水库断面)水质属Ⅲ类,主要受第一主因子影响;双阳河(新安断面)水质属Ⅴ类。流域水质主要受到了农业非点源污染和生活污染的影响。  相似文献   

采用单因子评价法、水质类别比例法、平均综合污染指数法、SPSS统计和相关性分析方法,调查分析绛溪河简阳段水环境特征,提出污染防治建议。本次调查结果表明:(1)监测断面氨氮、总磷、化学需氧量达到Ⅲ类水质标准的比例分别为72.2%、11.1%、22.2%,污染最重的因子是总磷;(2)部分断面指标不能完全达标,从上游至下游水质变差;(3)支流海螺河、赤水河对干流污染贡献大;(4)平均综合污染指数与总磷的相关性高于氨氮、化学需氧量,河流污染受磷元素影响最为显著;(5)氨氮与总磷显著相关,河流氨氮、总磷同源性较好。  相似文献   

以1986-2020年苏州河水质监测数据为依据,将水质变化过程划分成1986-1996年、1997-2006年和2007-2020年3个阶段,系统分析了苏州河水质状况及多年时空变化特征。结果表明,在第1阶段(1986-1996年),苏州河整体处于重度污染水平,从上游到下游水质显著恶化,市区段污染严重;在第2阶段(1997-2006年),苏州河市区段水质显著改善,有机污染指标消除劣Ⅴ类,氨氮和总磷仍处于较高污染水平,上下游水质逐渐趋同;在第3阶段(2007-2020年),苏州河水质持续改善,特别是2016年以来改善明显,2020年水质达到34年来的最好水平。苏州河水质改善与上海市实施的全市及苏州河多轮环境综合治理工程、上游来水水质改善等密切相关,反映了苏州河30多年环境综合治理的突出成效,并为城市黑臭水体治理提供经验。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐河水环境质量现状评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁玲  王国朝  张晨 《干旱环境监测》2010,24(4):226-230,244
采用单因子污染指数和综合污染指数相结合的方法,在2007年乌鲁木齐河4个监测断面水质监测点位上,对乌鲁木齐河进行水质分析,并分析了水污染防治存在的问题。结果表明:乌鲁木齐河跃进桥断面和英雄桥断面水质符合地表水源地一级保护区水域功能要求,供电公司桥断面和高家户桥断面水质能达到农业用水标准需求,且能实现Ⅳ类水域功能。有机污染物和营养盐类是跃进桥断面、英雄桥断面的主要污染物,供电公司桥断面和高家户桥断面水质主要受石油类等有机污染物影响。  相似文献   

以2020年1—12月太湖主要入湖河流殷村港水质自动监测站的监测数据及2020年太湖水位资料为依据,构建了一维水量水质耦合数学模型,建立了入河污染负荷通量与入湖控制断面水质响应关系,以入太湖控制断面殷村港站达Ⅲ类水质水为目标,模拟计算了殷村港站主要污染物入湖水质变化过程。结果表明,殷村港站高锰酸盐指数、氨氮、总磷等水质指标浓度最大值均明显的降低,其中氨氮浓度降低幅度相对较大,主要集中于3—6月;高锰酸盐指数和总磷日均入河污染负荷通量变化相对较小,氨氮日均入河污染负荷通量降低幅度相对较大;殷村港站高锰酸盐指数、氨氮、总磷等水质指标年入河污染负荷削减量分别为24.17,41.43,3.87 t。提出,基于核算出的削减量需进一步结合污染负荷通量过程和污染源溯源分析,确定不同水质指标下入河污染负荷控制方向,为科学合理规划殷村港主要污染物的入河污染负荷总量控制提供科学依据。  相似文献   

通过长丰河沿岸主要污染源和长丰河水质污染现状的调查,基本查清了长丰河水质污染现状、造成污染的主要原因和重点原,提出了防治对策。  相似文献   

Biological early warning systems represent a set of tools that may be able to respond to certain chemical monitoring requirements of recent European legislation, the Water Framework Directive (WFD2000/60/EC), that aims to improve and protect water quality across Europe. In situ biomonitoring was performed along the rivers Meuse (NL), Aller (GER) and Rhine (F) within the frame of the European Union-funded Project SWIFT-WFD. Gammarus pulex was used as a test organism during the evaluation of the Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitor(R) (MFB), an online biomonitor to quantitatively record different behaviour patterns of animals. At the river Meuse G. pulex reacted to pulse exposure of either a mixture of trace metals or of several organic xenobiotics, by showing up to 20% decreased locomotory activity (already at the 1st pulse) and increased mortality (at 2nd or 3rd pulse only). G. pulex deployed within the MFB system were observed to survive well at the monitoring station on the Aller (100%) and monitoring did not result in the measurement of chemical irregularities. In contrast, deployment at the monitoring station on the Rhine river demonstrated that the test organism was able to detect chemical irregularities by up to 20% decreased locomotory activity in the animals. The MFB proved to be an alert system for water quality monitoring at sensitive sites and sites with accidental pollution.  相似文献   

In most European member states, more or less completely new monitoring networks and assessment methods had to be developed as basic technical tools for the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). In the river basin of the Stever, the largest tributary to the river Lippe (River Rhine, Northrhine-Westphalia, Germany), a WFD-monitoring network was developed, and new German biological methods for rivers, developed for the purposes of the WFD, have been applied. Like most rivers in the German lowland areas, nearly all the river courses of the Stever system are altered by hydro-morphological degradation (straightening, bank fixation, lack of canopy etc.). In 2005 and 2006, the biological quality components of macroinvertebrates, fish and macrophytes were investigated and evaluated for the assessment of the ecological status of about 50 surface water bodies within the whole Stever system. Basic physical and chemical parameters, as well as priority substances, have been analysed in the same period. In this contribution, the design of the new monitoring network, the core principles of the German biological methods, and the most important results of the pilot monitoring will be presented. As main impacts with severe effects on the faunal and floral communities, the many migration barriers and the bad quality of the river morphology could be stated. Organic pollution is no more a severe problem in the Stever. The pilot project was successfully conducted in close collaboration with the water authorities (District Government Münster) and the water association Lippeverband.  相似文献   

Water pollution from point sources has been considerably reduced over the last few decades. Nevertheless, some water quality problems remain, which can be attributed to non-point pollution sources, and in particular to agriculture. In this paper the results of a study intended to assess the consequences, in terms of NO3 water pollution, of growing a crop, whose impact in terms of P pollution is already well known, are presented. The potential consequences, in terms of water pollution from nitrates of a BMP expressly applied to reduce P pollution are also discussed. The study site is the Lake Vico basin, Central Italy, which has suffered a shift in trophic state since the mid 1990s, caused by P compounds used for intensive cultivation of hazelnut trees. The results of the monitoring campaign described in this paper allow to assert that hazelnut tree cropping has probably caused a considerable increase in nitrate concentration in the groundwater, although not in the lake water, because of the specific hydrogeological characteristics of the basin. The main conclusion is that monitoring is essential to single out environmental characteristics peculiar of a specific area, which even the most sophisticated model would not have been able to highlight. This is why monitoring and model simulations should be integrated.  相似文献   

水质监测是开展水生态环境评价、监管的基础性工作之一。随着对水生态环境保护与管理要求的提高,人工水质监测与自动水质监测相结合的模式应用越来越普遍。以船舶为载体的水质自动监测系统开展巡测,可实现高密度样品采集、检测及信息的实时传输,在长江泸州以下干流水域的实践中取得了良好效果。系统的应用可弥补常规监测断面间距过大、人工监测频次低、固定站房式水质自动监测站近岸取样等不足,对人工监测和自动监测形成有效补充;船载水质自动监测系统能够实现定点、定深、定时监测,可以在河流污染带监测、入河排污行为的监管以及偷排行为的溯源、水污染应急动态监测等工作中发挥有效作用,既可应用于长江干流等河道较宽且水质可能存在岸别差异的河流,也可应用于滇池、太湖、丹江口等大型湖泊、水库水生态环境监管。  相似文献   

Water quality monitoring using fish and crayfish as bio-indicators requires an understanding of the state of pollution of waters, choice of bio-indicators, physiological and behavioral endpoints of fish and crayfish, and principles of the methodology and their potential applications. Here, we discuss telemetry, acoustic monitoring, vision-based monitoring, measures of ventilatory activity, electrocardiography, and fiber-optic plethysmography. Assessment of water quality must be based, not only on physicochemical characteristics of the current environment as determined by chemical analyses, but also on observations of the physiology and behavior of its inhabitants. Real-time biomonitoring is suggested as the most reliable method, since it incorporates living organisms into the system to serve as biosensors. The potential application of the methods discussed includes use at water treatment plants and water supply stations for prevention of hazardous toxicological events, and, for aquaculture, in ponds, lakes, and aquariums for monitoring growth, population size, and behavior traits.  相似文献   

The objective is to describe and quantify the diel variability of water quality in a tropical coastal system, Guanabara Bay, Brazil. Water samples were collected in spring and neap tide cycles over 24 h periods at three strategic sites. A pollution gradient was evident between the sampling sites. The average fecal coliform values decreased from 106 (site 3, most polluted) to 101 (site 1, less polluted). Organic matter mineralization was found in a similar gradient to organic pollution. However, complete nitrification was only found associated to regions where the water quality was better. Variability in this data set was determined mostly by the pollution gradient observed, and by tidal influence as well. The poor water quality indicates that the bay undergoes severe environmental stress. However water renewal promoted by tidal action was an important mechanism in diluting the pollution, improving water quality even in ebb tides and in the inner channels. The significance of micro-scale changes in water quality assessment in Guanabara Bay was confirmed, as well as the importance of these strategic sampling sites, reinforcing the importance of these measurements in monitoring programs.  相似文献   

滨海新区在大力发展工业的同时,面临水资源紧缺与水环境恶化等问题,基于2020年至2021年滨海新区内15个监测站位的丰水期、枯水期实测数据,通过改进型加拿大水质指数模型对滨海新区地表水进行水质评价,在水质评价的基础上,利用相关性分析与绝对主成分-多元线性回归模型分析影响地表水水质状况的污染源。15个水质监测站位水质评价结果表明:丰水期水质指数为32.27~82.80,良好水质站位1个,中等水质站位6个,较差水质站位7个,差等水质站位1个;枯水期水质指数为47.28~81.36,良好水质站位1个,中等水质站位12个,较差水质站位2个。污染源分析结果表明:丰水期中,污染源为生活污水、农业面源污染、养殖尾水点源污染;枯水期中,主要污染源为工业废水、生活污水、养殖尾水面源污染。  相似文献   

Water ecosystems are threatened by accidental spills of pollution. Rapidity and trueness of information gathering the biological impact of accidental pollution is crucial for the efficiency of the minimisation of possible deterioration of ecosystems and for success in detecting the source of pollution. Due to the randomised occurrence of accidental spills the only way to quickly detect hazardous situations is to perform continuous monitoring of surface water quality. The current situation in the field of early warning in the International Odra (Oder) River basin is not satisfactory. The actual number of monitoring stations and list of routinely continuously monitored parameters are not able to meet the needs of sensitive and rapid detection of biological impact of accidental pollution spills. An effort to change this unfavourable situation was the reason for the offer survey, selection and a model operation of a commercially produced biological monitoring device. This apparatus was located on the border-line profile on the territory of the Czech Republic and represented the first and only one tool of continual biological monitoring of surface water quality in the International Odra (Oder) River Basin. The selected apparatus was the Daphnia Toximeter produced by the firm bbe Moldaenke (Kiel, Germany). This device exploited for rapid detection of changes of biological quality of surface water evaluation of behavioural response of monitoring organisms??daphnids. Five years of model operation proved its suitability for early warning purposes. The apparatus was reliable in function and sensitive enough to detect the deterioration of the biological quality of the river water. The given examples document its applicability not only for detection of accidental spills but also of illegal emissions of pollution, which are very often toxic.  相似文献   

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