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有机气体污染物的采集是大气中有机样品测定的第一步.而标准监测方法和较为成熟有针对性的监测方法又比较少.这就给我们的监测工作带来了困难.因此掌握一些有机气体污染物采样的基本原则和各种采样方法是完全必要的.大气中有机气体采集基本上分成两大类:直接(集气)采样和富集采样(浓缩采样).  相似文献   

PUF大气被动采样技术对POPs的采样计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着《斯德哥尔摩公约》的实施,大气中持久性有机污染物(POPs)的大气被动采样(PAS)观测技术得到了快速发展,相比于传统大气主动采样技术,PAS技术具有明显的优势。以应用最为广泛的聚氨酯软性泡沫材料大气被动采样(PUF-PAS)为例,重点阐述和讨论了3种通过大气被动采样技术来计算污染物在空气中的浓度的方法,并对其采样原理和发展趋势进行了简要介绍。  相似文献   

TSP-PM10-PM2.5-2型中流量大气颗粒物采集系统的开发和应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
自行开发并研制了TSP-PM10-PM2.5-2型中流量TSP、PM10、PM2.5大气颗粒物采集系统,是目前中国唯一可以采集TSP、PM10、PM2.5样品并提供足够的样品量进行大气颗粒物化学成分分析的中流量大气颗粒物采集器.该系统精心设计和加工的限流孔可以保持完全固定的流量,保证切割粒径的稳定,减小采样的误差并方便操作.该系统已经成功地应用于20多个城市和地区大气颗粒物的监测和研究中,为研究大气颗粒物的污染状况和来源提供了有效的技术手段和支持.  相似文献   

以四川农业大学成都校区为监测点,采用大气主动采样法(AA)、大气干表面法(ADS)及大气湿表面法(AWS)3种常用干沉降采集方法做大气磷干沉降通量对比试验。结果表明,3种采样方法获得的大气磷干沉降通量间具有显著的差异性及相关性(P0.05),三者间可以进行换算统一;AA法适用于较短采样周期的连续性监测研究,ADS法适用于较长采样周期(5 d)的监测研究,而AWS法更适用于在长采样周期(月)内选取一段时间作为干沉降监测的研究。  相似文献   

分光光度法测定大气中的过氧化物   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用液氮冷冻法采集大气中的过氧化物,并用分光光度法测定其浓度.研究中对大气采样条件和样品测定条件进行了探讨,并将测定结果与高压液相色谱法的测定结果进行了对比.在野外大气监测中应用该方法测定了长江三角洲地区大气中过氧化物浓度及日变化规律.结果表明,分光光度法显色稳定,灵敏度高,检测下限为7.92×10-8mol/L,可用于测定大气中的H2O2和有机过氧化物,是一种操作方便,易于推广的方法.  相似文献   

大气中痕量持久性有机污染物年均值的测定   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
采用以XAD-2树脂为吸附介质的大气被动采样器,在四川卧龙自然保护区设置6个采样点,进行了为期2年(2005年-2007年)的环境大气样品采集。用气相色谱-高分辨质谱方法对HCB,HCHs,DDTs和PCBs测定。结果表明,平行样品的重现性良好,平均相对偏差为9%。POPs检测下限的范围为1.0pg/m^3-5.9pg/m^3。2年的年均值数据表现出较好的一致性和规律性。以XAD-2树脂为吸附介质的大气被动采样器能够便利地采集进而测定半年或一年污染物的平均浓度,可以经济、有效地获得大气中痕量POPs的年均值。ρ(α—HCH)/ρ(γ-HCH)从成都到卧龙的上升的趋势反映的是传输过程中HCH的降解;而卧龙地区跨年度数据所反映出的ρ(α—HCH)/ρ(γ-HCH)下降趋势,可以归因于林丹的使用。  相似文献   

应用13种醛酮类气体标准物质绘制工作曲线,采用超高效液相色谱-二极管阵列检测器(DAD)测定环境空气中13种醛酮类化合物的含量。使用13种醛酮类气体标准物质作为采样对象模拟大气采样,对2,4-二硝基苯肼(DNPH)采样管反应时间、气体环境温度、采样流量等条件进行优化。以气体标准物质为样本,采样体积设定为5 L,在采样温度为25℃、采样流量为0.5 L/min的条件下进行样品采集。采集完毕后,将采样管密封避光保存150 min,随后进行前处理。实验结果显示,大部分化合物的衍生化反应效率可以达到70%以上。该实验条件下,在25~500 nmol/mol浓度范围内绘制工作曲线,所得曲线线性关系良好,相关系数(r)大于0.995。该工作曲线定量方式适用于环境空气中醛酮类化合物的分析。  相似文献   

环境样品采集过程的质量控制是监测工作的薄弱环节.本文研究了采样过程的质量控制,并用定量的方法将采样误差与实验分析误差区分开来.  相似文献   

研究利用主动土壤干燥技术,配合微波消解、原子荧光分光光度法,在短时间内完成大量不同用途土壤,如湿地、山林、农田耕地、沙石地等样品中砷的测定。采集的新鲜土壤样品经初筛,过滤、筛分等处理后,利用主动烘干技术,模拟自然干燥状态,可以快速烘干不同含水量的大量样品。该方法避免了因自然风干产生的实验室间的交叉污染,可以短时间处理大量样品;利用微波消解法进行前处理,再利用原子荧光分光光度法进行样品测定。该研究对52个土壤样品中的砷进行了测定,砷含量在2.70~27.3mg/kg。方法的最低方法检出限可以达0.001mg/kg。  相似文献   

广西一个典型矿业镇环境中重金属污染分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
广西河池市是我国重要的有色金属基地.以该市一个典型的矿业镇作为研究对象,采集了该镇周围23个旱地土壤样品,并在镇里布设两个大气采样点采集了可吸入颗粒物(PM10)样品,运用ICP-MS分析了样品中20种金属元素的含量,采用地积指数法判定旱地土壤和可吸入颗粒物中污染元素及来源.结果表明,这些与人们生活密切的环境介质(旱地土,可吸入颗粒物)均受到了多种重金属元素的复合污染,其共同的污染元素有Cd、As、Sb、Pb、Xn、Cu,而其中致癌元素Cd和As污染最为突出.大气可吸入颗粒物与旱地土壤中各污染元素的污染强度排序相同,均为Cd>As>Sb>Pb>Zn>Cu.经过现场调查和识别,污染源主要来自当地开放性运矿产生的扬尘所致.因此加强该地区矿石运输管理是保护该地区耕地和人群健康的需要.  相似文献   

Exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and related compounds such as PCBs, brominated flame retardants, organochlorine pesticides and PAHs is regarded as an important environmental risk factor for humans. Recently concerns about POPs resulted in the international protocol called the Stockholm Convention on POPs. Air quality standards (indoor, outdoor and occupational) for PAHs and other POPs will also be applied in the EU in the future. This will bring requirements for monitoring, to check for compliance and to reduce human exposures to POPs. This can occur from point sources and in various microenvironments, indoors, outdoors and in workplaces. Monitoring can be undertaken either by an active (pumped) method or using a passive (diffusive) air sampling (PAS) device. To date, PAS for POPs have mainly been used as integrating (long-term) samplers for ambient (outdoor) air. However, there are several reasons to develop PAS for monitoring of POPs in occupational and indoor environments. We discuss the potential advantages, limitations and developments needed, so that PAS can be used reliably and routinely indoors and in occupational settings for POPs.  相似文献   

持久性有机污染物(POPs)监测是开展履行《关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》成效评估的重要内容之一。介绍了履约成效评估POPs监测的要求,综述了我国POPs监测能力建设和履约成效评估全球POPs监测进展。我国自2007年起开展了环境空气、水体和母乳中POPs的监测,所获得的监测数据可为评估我国POPs污染水平和环境与健康风险提供重要的技术支撑。还介绍了国外POPs监测动态,提出借鉴国外经验、建立环境和人体中POPs长效监测机制并开展持续性监测不仅是履约的需求,也可为保护我国生态环境和人体健康提供基础数据。  相似文献   

Natural emissions of Hg are attracting increased interest both for their environmental implications and for possible applications in the exploration of mineral, petroleum and geothermal fields. However, daily and seasonal fluctuations in concentrations of Hg in the atmosphere, caused by meteorological and environmental variables, has made it very difficult to assess Hg anomalies by conventional analytical procedures. Some species of widespread foliose lichens from an abandoned cinnabar mining and smelting area (Mt. Amiata), geothermal fields (Larderello, Bagnore and Piancastagnaio, Central Italy), and active volcanic areas (Mt. Etna and Vulcano, Southern Italy) seem to be very suitable biomonitors of gaseous Hg; especially as lichen thalli have an Hg content which reflects average values measured in air samples. We discuss the advantages of quantitative biological monitoring by lichens with respect to conventional air sampling in large-scale monitoring.  相似文献   

A comparison between the sampling and analytical methods used by Canadian (IADN) and German (OSPAR) regional monitoring networks for persistent organic pollutants was conducted from September 2002 to October 2003 at a rural site in Ontario, Canada. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and the currently-used pesticide lindane were measured in precipitation and ambient air samples. Overall the two networks sampling and analytical methods agreed well in their results of deposition (wet and dry particulate). Lindane concentrations between the two networks agreed well in the air samples while too few precipitation samples could be compared to conclude on agreement. The lindane seasonal profile with a peak in spring-early summer was consistent with previous results pointing to the continued use of this pesticide in 2002-2003 in Canada. Annual lindane wet depositions were comparable between the two network methodologies. PAHs concentrations in precipitation and in gas phase agreed well while there was a discrepancy for particulate PAHs in air. This study confirmed that the use of data from the two regional POPs monitoring networks for hemispherical modelling studies is warranted.  相似文献   

全球POPs监测计划实施进展及我国开展POPs监测实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
持久性有机污染物(POPs)因其具有高毒性、持久性以及远距离迁移性而引起国际社会的广泛关注,各国家和地区持续开展了一系列POPs监测活动。文章介绍了国际上一些影响重大的区域和跨区域POPs监测计划及其特点,并结合国内外POPs监测进展,提出我国开展POPs监测的对策与建议。  相似文献   

Passive sampling devices have been used since the 1970s to measure time-weighted average (TWA) or equilibrium concentrations of pollutants in various environmental matrices (e.g. air, soils and sediments and water). In recent years the popularity of using such samplers has increased and the technology in now well established for the measurement of atmospheric pollutants. This sector has a long experience of using passive samplers in the short- and long-term assessment of air quality in the local environment and on a global scale (e.g. within the United Nations Stockholm Convention on the trans-boundary movement of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) where large networks of samplers on a continental scale have been established). In comparison, the use of passive samplers for monitoring the aquatic environment has been slower to take off. There has, however, been a recent research drive to develop devices for measuring the wide range of pollutants that can be found in environmental waters (e.g. ground, surface, and marine). It is now being recognised that passive samplers can play a valuable role in monitoring water quality within a legislative framework such as the European Union's Water Framework Directive (WFD). The data from these devices can be used alongside the results obtained from conventional spot or bottle sampling to improve risk assessments and to inform decisions on undertaking potentially expensive remedial actions. Such monitoring techniques may have uses within the European Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation & restriction of CHemicals (REACH) Directive and the forthcoming European Marine Strategy Directive. It is expected that the aquatic monitoring sector will follow a transition similar to that which occurred in air monitoring where data obtained from passive samplers can use used within a legal framework. There has also been increased interest in extending the role of passive samplers to both the measurement of equilibrium concentrations and investigating the movement and release of the dissolved fraction of various pollutants in the pore water of sediments and soils.  相似文献   

将挥发性有机污染物在线监测系统与实验室内SUMMA罐采样气质联用法(GC-MS)的挥发性有机物分析进行了标准气体和实际空气样品的分析比对,并对偏差原因作分析,提出在线监测系统的维护建议。结果表明,挥发性有机物在线监测系统的监测结果与实验室方法有一定的可比性,可用于大气中挥发性有机污染物的在线监测。  相似文献   

持久性有机污染物(POPs)的环境问题与研究进展   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
对持久性有机污染物(persistentorganicpollutants:POPs)的定义、来源和特征进行了介绍。阐述了POPs对环境安全性构成威胁的原因。分析了持久性有机污染物,特别是12类优先控制的"dirtydozen"的环境污染状况,并分析了这些物质在全球大气、水体和土壤中存在的量和来源。这些物质在不同生物体内的浓度存在差异,反映出它们在食物链上的生物累积和放大,也加剧了对环境和人体的毒害作用。总结回顾了有关POPs的相关基础研究,并对将来继续深入研究和对环境监测的指导意义进行了展望。  相似文献   

博物馆室内微环境中碱性气体的被动采样方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
针对博物馆微环境中的碱性污染气体-氨气,采用自行研制的被动采样器,建立了一套适合博物馆馆藏文物保存环境中氨气含量分析的被动采样-离子色谱检测方法,应用于博物馆的实地采样分析,通过与主动法采样对照,获得了被动采样器在博物馆微环境中氨的吸收系数,从而获得采样点空气中氨气的浓度,为博物馆文物保存环境监测提供了可行方法。  相似文献   

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