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对宁波市11个湖库水质进行了调研,包括浮游藻类和理化指标。从浮游藻类的生物量、优势种以及藻类群落组成等指标评价了水质;还用修正的营养状态指数法评价了水质。结果表明,部分湖库已经出现富营养化。用浮游藻类评价与修正的营养状态指数法评价这些湖库,结果不完全一致,对此做了原因分析。同时提出防止湖库受污染的几点建议。  相似文献   

2012年1月—2013年12月在鸭河口水库设南河店、安庄、库心、坝下4个监测站,在其下游白河盆窑段面设1个监测站,进行水质的生物监测和理化监测。按水样采集标准方法采样,采用营养状态指数法和污水生物系统法对鸭河口水库水质进行营养状态评价。结果表明,浮游藻类有7门40科90属208种(含变种),其硅藻、绿藻和蓝藻所占的百分比依次为57.79%、23.60%和11.62%;浮游藻类污染指示种5门19科25属36种(含变种),中污型藻类指示种占污染指示种的80.56%;浮游动物有28科30属36种(含变种),仅检出1种β-中污型指示种;除总氮超标外,其他理化指标和微生学指标均符合Ⅰ类水质标准。综合评定,南阳市饮用水水源区水质处于中营养状态。  相似文献   

冰封期呼伦湖浮游藻类群落结构及其与水环境因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨冰封状态下呼伦湖的水生态系统演变过程,2015年12月—2016年3月环湖设置6个采样点进行浮游藻类及湖水水质的监测。浮游藻类以绿藻门Chlorophyta种类最多(52.5%),其次为硅藻门Bacillariophyta(29.8%),蓝藻门Cyanophyta(10.5%)。物种丰富度和3种生物多样性指数(Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Margalef丰富度指数、Pielou均匀度指数)从12月至次年3月呈下降趋势。浮游藻类丰度自12月至次年3月呈现上升趋势。典范对应分析(CCA)排序结果表明:NH3-N、TN、TP、电导率、DO、BOD5、CODMn和pH是影响呼伦湖浮游藻类群落结构特征的主要环境因子,其中,NH3-N、TN和TP分别对硅藻门、绿藻门和蓝藻门的影响较大。  相似文献   

江阴市主要河流夏季浮游藻类的群落结构及多样性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
2011年6—8月采集江阴市6条河流的浮游藻类样品,分析其群落结构及物种多样性,并利用多样性指数、指示性类群和硅藻商对水质进行了生物学评价。共检出浮游藻类6门137属种,平均生物量2.38 mg/L,蓝藻、绿藻、硅藻分别占72.3%、10.2%和8.41%。Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Margalef丰富度指数和Pielou均匀度指数的变幅分别为3.34~3.59、4.75~6.40和0.73~0.75,硅藻商变幅为8.3~16.4。多样性指数评价结果表明,水体处于轻或无污染状态;指示性浮游植物类群和硅藻商评价结果表明,河流处于α中污带-β中污滞-多污滞。相关分析表明,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数与理化水质因子不显著相关,与悬浮物SS显著负相关,与总有机碳显著正相关。研究认为,指示性浮游植物类群或硅藻商更适于作为城市河流水质评价的生物指标。  相似文献   

2008年5月至2009年4月对升钟水库的浮游植物群落结构进行了研究.结果表明,升钟水库浮游植物共计8门69属219种(含变种和变型),种群结构主要以蓝藻、绿藻和硅藻为主.浮游植物的生物多样性指数平均为1.059,均匀度指数平均为0.192,平均藻类密度为33.41×10 5个/L,标志升钟水库的水体营养程度较高.  相似文献   

以南昌市红角洲景观渠为研究对象,通过水生生境调查、水质监测、水生生物资源调查等方式对其水生态现状进行了综合评价。研究发现,红角洲景观渠为劣Ⅴ类水体,主要超标指标为总氮、氨氮、总磷,各渠道的综合营养状态指数在52.28~68.20之间,达到了轻度-中度富营养化水平。红角洲景观渠共检测到90种浮游植物、48种浮游动物、10种鱼类,优势藻类为硅藻、绿藻和蓝藻,优势浮游动物为原生动物和轮虫,优势鱼类为杂食性鱼类。红角洲景观渠存在生境多样性低、水体自净能力受损、生物群落结构简单等水生态问题,建议从截污控源、生境改善、水力调控、群落构建等4个层面尽快开展水生态修复。  相似文献   

于桥水库浮游植物群落特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
于桥水库是天津市惟一饮用水水源地,为了研究该水库浮游植物群落特征,于2012年春、夏、秋对于桥水库浮游植物进行了监测分析。结果表明:该水库共鉴定出绿藻(Chlorophyta)、蓝藻(Cyanophyta)、硅藻(Diatoms)、裸藻(Euglenophyta)、甲藻(Pyrrophyta)、隐藻(Cryptophyta)和黄藻(Xanthophyta)7门114种,群落组成以绿藻-硅藻门为主;浮游植物细胞密度具有明显的季节变化规律,表现为春季较低,夏季急剧增长,到了秋季又有所回落。优势种对于桥水库水质的评价结果表明,春季为中营养水体,夏季为富营养化水体,秋季为中富营养水体。春、夏、秋季于桥水库香农-韦弗多样性指数平均值分别为3.22、2.51和3.17,说明2012年于桥水库春季、秋季为贫营养水体,夏季为中营养水体,且有暴发水华的危险。  相似文献   

阳澄湖浮游藻类现状调查及水质评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对苏州阳澄湖2009年-2011年的浮游藻类现状进行调查,采用硅藻指数和Shannon-wiener指数两种生物学指数评价阳澄湖水体污染状况.结果表明,在阳澄湖发现浮游藻类219种(包括变种),秋季的浮游藻类种类数多于春季;阳澄湖水质尚好,东湖南富营养化程度较为严重.目前阳澄湖的有机污染处于缓慢上升的态势,富营养化水平也不断提高.  相似文献   

三峡库区重庆段浮游藻类调查及水质评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对三峡库区重庆段的浮游藻类的种类、种群密度和生物量进行了调查和分析,采用指示生物法和生物多样性指数法对三峡库区重庆段水体水质进行了评价。评价结果表明,三峡库区重庆段水体水质总体属轻度污染,并根据当地情况提出了保护水质的建议。  相似文献   

于2018年—2019年在鄱阳湖区周边选取4个县(区)10个村庄的典型门塘开展浮游藻类采样调查。研究共鉴定出藻类6门83种,以蓝藻门、绿藻门和硅藻门为主;浮游藻类细胞密度全年范围为7.30×104个/L~2.78×1011个/L,年均值为1.4×1010个/L,其中夏季细胞密度最大,冬季细胞密度最小;优势种主要有小环藻、微囊藻、铜绿微囊藻、卵形隐藻等,且具有较为明显的季节演替,全年优势种为小环藻;藻类多样性指数(H′)年均值为1.49,丰富度指数(M)年均值为1.92,全年水体生物学评价结果为中度污染。  相似文献   

蠡湖综合整治十年来水环境变化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对蠡湖2002-2012年湖体水质、富营养化状况和浮游植物种群进行了研究.结果表明,经过十年蠡湖综合整治工程,蠡湖水环境有了显著改善.TN、TP、NH3-N、CODMn和Chl-a浓度分别下降85.2%、70.4%、96.2%、55.3%和81.6%;TLI由70.9降至52.0,水体由中度富营养好转为轻度富营养;浮游植物种群结构有所演变,近二年种群结构呈现明显季节性差异,夏季蓝藻中的微囊藻成优势种,约占整个水体藻类密度的90%以上.蠡湖水质显著改善的同时,藻类水华情况未得到本质好转,在适宜的水文气象条件下易发生藻类水华.建议提高水体透明度,增加水体流动性,为进一步改善蠡湖水环境,乃至改善湖河小流域水环境起积极作用.  相似文献   

钦州湾近岸海域水质状况及富营养化分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
2012年5月钦州湾近岸海域水质监测结果表明,钦州湾近岸水温、盐度、pH、溶解氧等基本环境参数均有利于亚热带海洋生物的生长繁殖;溶解无机氮(DIN)和活性硅酸盐(SiO2-3-Si)均显示过剩,但溶解无机磷(DIP)具有低磷特征,高的氮磷比值使PO3-4-P可能成为浮游植物生长的潜在限制因子,且COD部分站位出现超标现象。污染指数(A)和单因子污染指数(Pi)结果显示,近期整个钦州湾近岸水域污染程度达到2级,属于开始受到污染,水质受到化学耗氧有机物不同程度的污染,超标率达到30%。富营养状态指数结果表明,钦州湾近岸海域总体尚未达到富营养化,但局部区域已出现富营养化状况。COD对富营养化的贡献率平均值及范围为72.46%(67.36%~83.96%),COD已成为影响钦州湾近岸海域富营养化的重要因素。  相似文献   

In order to understand the water quality and the genotoxicity of various surfaces in the Guangzhou section of the Pearl River during January to December of 2008, we investigated and studied the current water situation of the surface microlayer (SML) and the subsurface water (SSW) in Guanzhou section (Zhongda Dock and Yuzhu Dock) of the Pearl River by chemical analysis and biological monitoring method (Vicia faba micronucleus test). The results showed that during these months concentrations of the indexes of the two docks water such as total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), chemical oxygen demand (COD) exceeded the national III level of surface water quality, and the indexes of SML were much higher than the ones of SSW (P?< 0.05), and the exceeding rate of TN, TP of SML was 100%. According to the eutrophic evaluation standard, the water bodies of SML and SSW in the two docks were in a eutrophication during these months. The eutrophication and pollution of SML was more serious, and the highest index of eutrophication (E value) was up to 81.9, which also had obvious difference with COD and TP (P?< 0.05). The water of SML in the two docks enriched to N, P, and chlorophyll a (Chl. a) seriously, and the enrichment factor of SML in Zhongda Dock to N, P, and Chl. a was 0.71 ?? 2.78, 0.98 ?? 1.18, and 0.49 ?? 13.99, respectively, and the one in the Yuzhu Dock was 1.09 ?? 1.52, 1 ?? 1.14, and 0.72 ?? 4.07, respectively. Through inspecting the water genotoxicity of various layers by V. faba micronucleus test, we could know that the average annual MCN?? of SML and SSW in the two docks was 6.09??, 5.53??, 5.57??, and 5.249??, respectively. In general, the above value of SML was a little higher than the one of SSW, but there was not a remarkable difference (P?> 0.05). This research shows that the water quality in a medium to heavy eutrophication in the Guangzhou section of Pearl River belongs to national III ?? IV level, and SML has the capability of enrichment to the pollutants such as N and P and induces the increase of micronucleus rate of V. faba tip cell. The study also indicates that there may be genotoxicity matters such as N, P in water body.  相似文献   

1988-2017年洞庭湖共记录浮游植物8门110属,其中蓝藻门15属、绿藻门45属、硅藻门28属、裸藻门7属、甲藻门4属、隐藻门4属、金藻门5属、黄藻门2属。洞庭湖所出现的物种主要是绿藻门、硅藻门和蓝藻门,分别占全湖种类的40.9%、25.5%和13.6%,而其他5门只占20.0%。洞庭湖浮游植物优势种群从20世纪90年代初的以隐藻和硅藻为主转变为目前以硅藻和绿藻为主,在个别湖区(如大小西湖)已经出现以蓝藻为优势种群的现象,洞庭湖已经到了由中营养到轻度富营养化的转折点。洞庭湖浮游植物密度呈显著上升趋势,由20世纪90年代左右的2.06×104 cells/L上升到目前的32.3×104 cells/L。东洞庭湖浮游植物种类和密度显著高于西洞庭湖和南洞庭湖。近30年来分析表明浮游植物密度和种类都与总氮显著正相关,都与溶解氧显著负相关。  相似文献   

采用微宇宙培养法,分析了不同水动力条件(不循环、水循环和泥循环)对微污染景观水体富营养化模拟过程中藻类演替的影响.结果表明,水循环和泥循环使得水体的TP值前期增加后期减少,前期藻类生长主要受TP影响,而后期浊度成了重要的影响因素;水循环引起的TP值减少及蓝藻聚集状态的破坏,导致了藻类的生长明显减缓,但优势种的演化过程却...  相似文献   

The TRIX index used for the assessment of trophic status of coastal waters has been applied in many European seas (Adriatic, Tyrrhenian, Baltic, Black Sea, and North Sea). However, all these waters are characterized by high nutrient levels and phytoplankton biomass; index calibration based on systems that are principally eutrophic may introduce bias to the index scaling. In the present work the TRIX trophic index is evaluated using three standard sets of data characterizing oligotrophy, mesotrophy, and eutrophication in the Aegean (Eastern Mediterranean) marine environment. A natural eutrophication scale based on the TRIX index that is suitable to characterize trophic conditions in oligotrophic Mediterranean water bodies is proposed. This scale was developed into a five-grade water quality classification scheme describing different levels of eutrophication. It is questionable whether this index can form a universal index of eutrophication or the scaling of TRIX should be region specific.  相似文献   

生态工程治理玄武湖水污染效果的监测与评价   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
选取总磷、总氮、叶绿素a、浮游生物、浮游植物等多项环境监测指标,对利用生态工程治疗玄武湖水环境污染的效果进行了环境监测与评价。指出生态工程治理玄武湖水环境污染效果显著,经过治理使湖水中生物多样性大大增加,浮游植物大幅减少,湖水透明度增加,总磷、总氮等主要指标大幅下降,生态工程区中的水环境已从高度富营养化降到中度富营养化。  相似文献   

Dongping Lake is the final adjusting and storing lake in the east route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project in China, and there has been serious concern regarding the water quality. Understanding the process of phytoplankton variation can be particularly useful in water quality improvement and management decisions. In this study, the phytoplankton taxonomic composition, abundance, temporal variations, spatial distribution, and diversity were studied based on a monthly sampling campaign from three sampling stations between May 2010 and May 2011. A total of 132 species (8 phyla, 72 genera), including 64 species of Chlorophyta, 26 species of Bacillariophyta, 21 species of Cyanophyta, 12 species of Euglenophyta, 3 species of Cryptophyta, 2 species of Xanthophyta, 1 species of Pyrrophyta, and 3 species of Chrysophyta were identified. Average phytoplankton diversity index and evenness values were 3.83 and 0.77, respectively, revealing a high biodiversity of phytoplankton community. The phytoplankton abundance averaged 5.11?×?106 cells/L, with Bacillariophyta dominant in winter and spring, but Cyanophyta in summer and autumn. There were 14 predominant species including Pseudanabaena limnetica, Chlamydomonas simplex, Cyclotella stelligera, and Chroomonas acuta. Phytoplankton community structure and water quality variables changed substantially over the survey period; redundancy analysis, Pearson correlations, and regression analysis as an integrated approach were applied to analyze the relationships among them. Total phosphorus and ammonium played governing roles in the phytoplankton dynamics of Dongping Lake during all periods investigated.  相似文献   

Nansi Lake is an important storage lake in the east route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project in China, about which there has been serious concern regarding the water quality. In this study, the phytoplankton taxonomic composition, abundance, temporal variations, spatial distribution, and diversity were studied based on a monthly sampling campaign from five sampling stations between January 2010 and December 2010. A total of 159 species (8 phyla, 79 genera), including 74 species of Chlorophyta, 36 species of Bacillariophyta, 19 species of Cyanophyta (including 2 water bloom causative species), 21 species of Euglenophyta, 3 species of Cryptophyta, 5 species of Xanthophyta, 2 species of Pyrrophyta, and 2 species of Chrysophyta, were identified. Average phytoplankton diversity index and evenness values were 4.33 and 0.81, respectively, revealing high biodiversity of phytoplankton community. The phytoplankton abundance averaged at 9.51?×?106 cells L?1 and was much higher than previous investigations carried out in 1983–1984. The dominant species were Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta in winter and spring, and Chlorophyta and Cyanophyta in summer and atutumn. There were 14 predominant species including Chlorella vulgaris, Cyclotella stelligera, Pseudanabaena limnetica, and Chroomonas acuta. Phytoplankton community structure and environmental variable changed substantially over the survey period. Redundancy Analysis was used to analyze the relationship between them. Temperature was considered to be the key factor driving the change in phytoplankton community composition in Nansi Lake during the 2010 study period.  相似文献   

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