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沈阳市室内空气细菌与真菌粒子的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用ANDERSEN生物粒子采样器和平皿沉降法观测了室内空气细菌和真菌粒子浓度、浓度分布、粒度分布、粒数中值直径和沉降量.结果表明,室内空气细菌粒子浓度为真菌粒子浓度的2.5倍,细菌粒数中值直径为真菌粒数中值直径的1.4倍,细菌粒子沉降量为真菌粒子沉降量的5,3倍。<8.2μm的空气细菌和真菌粒子浓度差别不大,而>8.2μm的空气细苗比真苗粒子浓度高4.1倍.<8.2μm的可吸入真菌粒数百分比大于<8.2μm的细菌粒数百分比.在一天的7:00时~22:00时,室内空气细菌和真菌粒子的浓度、沉降量均呈双峰变化;细苗和真菌粒子浓度的相关系数为0.822,细菌和真菌粒子沉降量的相关系数为0.896,均呈明显的正相关关系;细菌和真菌粒数中值直径的相关系数为-0.096,相关关系不大。  相似文献   

大气微生物的研究──大气细菌粒数中值直径及粒度分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文用ANDERSEN生物粒子采样器在沈阳市对大气细菌粒数中值直径(CMD)及粒度分布进行了一年的观测。结果表明,沈阳市大气细菌年平均粒数中值直径为7.5μm。夏季大,为8.1μm;冬季小,7.1μm。不同地点的大气细菌粒数中值直径变化范围是6.6~9.0μm。一天内变化不大,7:OO时较大,为7.6μm;夜间l:00时较小,6.8μm。大气细菌粒子的粒度分布是从1~6级粒数百分比逐级减小.  相似文献   

北京某垃圾填埋区空气细菌浓度及粒径分布特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以北京市某垃圾填埋区中作业区和覆盖区的空气细菌为主要研究对象,研究四个季节空气细菌浓度及粒径分布特征,得出了以下结论:垃圾填埋区作业区空气细菌浓度四季变化特征较覆盖区显著,且空气细菌浓度高于覆盖区。垃圾填埋区作业区和覆盖区四季的空气细菌粒子主要分布在前4级中,且在第Ⅵ级(<1.0μm)中分布比例最小,但分布规律不完全相同。秋季作业区最易感染人体的空气细菌浓度最高。垃圾填埋区作业区和覆盖区空气细菌中值直径最小值均出现在夏季,最大值均出现在冬季。  相似文献   

初析有关CO采样的几个问题唐士豹(四川攀枝花市环境保护科学研究所,617000)1.问题的提出分析空气中CO的浓度有两种方法:一是将仪器移至现场连续测定,另一种是将现场采集的样本带回实验室分析。目前国内多采用后者。文献[‘-’1未提及样本取样时间,实...  相似文献   

吐鲁番市空气微生物浓度状况   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对吐鲁番市空气微生物进行了初步测定。结果表明,室外平均空气细菌(B)、真菌(F)、总菌(T)的浓度及F/T分别为33106.3、0、33106.3CFU/m3及0,说明室外空气处于中度微生物污染状态.一些室外测点的空气已受到微生物的严重污染。室内平均空气细菌浓度为9982.2 CFU/m3,说明室内空气污染较重。室内外均未测到空气真菌。本文对吐鲁番市空气微生物浓度指标的时空分布状态作了分析。  相似文献   

空气中挥发性有机化合物的采样及分析方法进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
空气中挥发性有机化合物的采样及分析方法进展①徐东群崔九思(中国预防医学科学院环境卫生监测所,北京100021)挥发性有机化合物(以下简称VOCS)是指沸点范围在50-260℃的化合物,这类化合物普遍存在于室内外空气中,且室内空气中的浓度明显高于室外。...  相似文献   

北京大气气溶胶元素组分及粒度分布的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用分8级的撞击式采样器进行大气气溶胶采样,用质子激发x荧光分析(PIXE)法进行了分析,获得了近20种元素的质量浓度及其粒径分布;求得了各种元素的质量中值空气动力学直径,对粗粒子和细粒子分别计算了元素的富集因子,并进行了关联和聚类分析,对元素的产生源和北京地区大气气溶胶的特征进行了讨论。  相似文献   

天水市空气微生物含量分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
用平皿沉降法测定了天水市空气微生物含量,结果证实其空气细菌、真菌及总菌的平均含量分别为5312.3、13.1和5325.4CFU/m3.空气真菌占总菌量的0.2%左右,空气微生物以细菌为主十分明显,所测风景区空气细菌含量与城区的平均水平间差异很大,说明天水市空气已受到较轻的中度污染,闹市区的一些测点空气污染已相当严重。  相似文献   

在兰州市选取环保科技大厦室内和室外进行微生物气溶胶取样,研究室内、外环境的微生物气溶胶最佳采样时间,为下一步研究兰州市城区不同季节及各功能区空气微生物气溶胶污染特征奠定基础。结果表明,室内细菌气溶胶最佳采样时间为9min,真(霉)菌气溶胶和放线菌气溶胶最佳采样时间均为7min;室外细菌气溶胶和真(霉)菌气溶胶最佳采样时间均为25min,放线菌气溶胶最佳采样时间为20min。  相似文献   

对空气中甲醛测定的采样方法进行了探讨 ,分别用水和稀硫酸作吸收液对空气甲醛进行采样研究。结果表明 ,用 0 .0 0 5mol LH2 SO4 作吸收液的采样方法 ,可有效、稳定地延长样品的保存时间 ,且又符合方法灵敏度和精密度的要求。  相似文献   

An investigation of the variability in the size distribution of particle adsorbed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on an inner city sampling site showed differences depending on the wind direction. Particle size distributions of PAHs from outdoor air sampling were measured in Munich from 1994 to 1997. The sampling site is located northeast of a crossing with heavy traffic and southwest of a large inner city park. Depending on the wind direction, three different size distributions of particle adsorbed PAHs were observed. The maximum PAH concentration on very small particles (geometric mean diameter 75 nm) was observed with wind from west to southwest coming directly from the crossing area or the roads with heavy traffic. The maximum PAH concentration on particles with geometric mean diameter of 260 nm was found on days with wind from the built-up area north of the sampling site. On particles with geometric mean diameter of 920 nm the maximum PAH concentration was found on days with main wind directions from northeast to east. On these days the wind is blowing from the direction of the city park nearby. The distribution of particle adsorbed PAHs within different particle size classes is substantially influenced by the distance of the sampling site from strong sources of PAH loaded particulate matter.  相似文献   

Particles in a dental office can be generated by a number of instruments, such as air-turbine handpieces, low-speed handpieces, ultrasonic scalers, bicarbonate polishers, polishing cups, as well as drilling and air sprays inside the oral cavity. This study examined the generation of particles during dental drilling and measured particle size, mass, and trace elements. The air sampling techniques included both continuous and integrated methods. The following particle continuous measurements were taken every minute: (1) size-selective particle number concentration (Climet); (2) total particle number concentration (PTRAK), and; (3) particle mass concentration (DustTrak). Integrated particle samples were collected for about 5 h on each of five sampling days, using a PM2.5 sampler (ChemComb) for elemental/organic carbon analysis, and a PM10 sampler (Harvard Impactor) for mass and elemental analyses. There was strong evidence that these procedures result in particle concentrations above background. The dental procedures produced number concentrations of relatively small particles (<0.5 μm) that were much higher than concentrations produced for the relatively larger particles (>0.5 μm). Also, these dental procedures caused significant elevation above background of certain trace elements (measured by X-ray fluorescence) but did not cause any elevation of elemental carbon (measured by thermal optical reflectance). Dental drilling procedures aerosolize saliva and products of drilling, producing particles small enough to penetrate deep into the lungs. The potential health impacts of the exposure of dental personnel to such particles need to be evaluated. Increased ventilation and personal breathing protection could be used to minimize harmful effects.  相似文献   

The X-ray microprobe system was applied to ultra trace characterization of single Kosa aerosols and non-Kosa aerosols simultaneously collected at Yasaka, Japan and TaeAnn, Korea. We demonstrated remarkable mass increase of heavy metals as well as soil components in individual particles during the Kosa event compared with the non-Kosa period at Yasaka. Backward trajectory analysis suggested that the Kosa samples were in the mixing state of mineral components and anthropogenic heavy elements. Double thin film method was applied to investigate the seasonal change of the mixing states of single sea-salt aerosols associated with chlorine loss due to the heterogeneous reactions between sea-salt particles and acidic gases. It was revealed that the percentages of both chloride-nitrate mixed particles and sulfate-nitrate ones were larger in wintertime than those in summertime and fraction of chloride-nitrate mixed particles increased with an increase of particle size. Comparison between the size-segregated bulk analysis and the single particle analysis demonstrated that remarkable chloride depletion occurred in coarse particles sampled on May in the former analysis, while chloride depletion in coarse particles was not marked in the latter analysis. The discrepancy attributes to the difference of the sampling time between both analyses because significant change of air mass route occurred during the bulk sampling after completion of the single particle sampling.  相似文献   

The majority of particles that adhere to hands are <63 μm in diameter yet risk assessments for soil remediation are typically based on soil samples sieved to <250 μm. The objective of our study was to determine if there is a significant difference in metal concentration by particle size in both house dust and soil. We obtained indoor dust and yard soil samples from 10 houses in Tucson, Arizona. All samples were sieved to <63 μm and 63 to <150 μm and analyzed for 30 elements via ICP-MS following nitric acid digestion. We conducted t-tests of the log-transformed data to assess for significant differences that were adjusted with a Bonferroni correction to account for multiple comparisons. In house dust, significant differences in concentration were observed for Be, Al, and Mo between particles sizes, with a higher concentration observed in the smaller particle sizes. Significant differences were also determined for Mg, Ca, Cr, Co, Cu, Ge, Zr, Ag, Ba, and Pb concentration in yard soil samples, with the higher concentration observed in the smaller particles size for each element. The results of this exploratory study indicate that current risk assessment practices for soil remediation may under estimate non-dietary ingestion exposure. This is of particular concern for young children who are more vulnerable to this exposure route due to their high hand mouthing frequencies. Additional studies with a greater number of samples and wider geographic distribution with different climates and soil types should be completed to determine the most relevant sampling practices for risk assessment.  相似文献   

The size, morphology and chemical composition of 8405 particles on moss surfaces (Hylocomium splendens) was investigated by scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis. Two moss samples from three locations in Southern Norway (Alg?rd, Birkeland, Neslandsvatn) and two sampling years (1977 and 2005) each were selected leading to a total of 12 samples investigated. At all three locations, particle deposition decreased substantially with time. The major particle groups encountered include silicates, iron-rich silicates, metal oxides/hydroxides, iron oxides/hydroxides, carbonates, carbon-rich particles, silicate fly ashes, iron-rich silicate fly ashes, and iron oxide fly ashes. Between 1977 and 2005, the relative number abundance of the three fly ash groups decreased substantially from approximately 30-60% to 10-18% for the small particles (equivalent projected area diameter <1 microm), and from 10-35% to 2-9% for large particles with diameters ≥1 microm. This decrease of fly ash particles with time was overlooked in previous papers on atmospheric input of pollutants into ecosystems in Southern Norway. In general, the presence of fly ash particles is ignored in most source apportionment studies based on bulk chemical analysis. Consequently, the geogenic component (crustal component) derived from principal component analysis is overestimated systematically, as it has a similar chemical composition as the fly ash particles. The high abundance of fly ashes demonstrates the need to complement source apportionment based on bulk chemistry by scanning electron microscopy in order to avoid misclassification of this important anthropogenic aerosol component.  相似文献   

Bioaerosol concentrations were investigated in a totally indoor composting facility processing fermentable household and green wastes to assess their variability. Stationary samples were collected by filtration close to specific composting operations and then were analysed for cultivable mesophilic bacteria, thermophilic bacteria, mesophilic fungi, thermophilic fungi, endotoxins and total airborne bacteria (DAPI-staining). Indoor concentrations exceeded the background levels, between 500 and 5400 EU m(-3) for endotoxins, 10(4) and 10(6) CFU m(-3) for cultivable bacteria and generally below 10(5) CFU m(-3) for airborne cultivable fungi. No significant (p > 0.05) differences were observed between the indoor composting operations. Successive 30 minute bioaerosol samples were collected to investigate the variation of cultivable mesophilic microorganisms over the work shift. Concentrations of mesophilic bacteria and fungi varied up to 1 log unit depending on the time at which they were collected in the day. Total airborne particles, counted using an optical particle counter, were present at up to 10(8) particles m(-3) and several concentration peaks were noted. Values for total airborne bacteria were roughly 70-fold higher than cultivable bacteria. These results raise the question of the sampling strategy (duration of sampling; number of samples to be collected) used in similar studies. They provide new bioaerosol concentration data in a composting facility and suggest that the filtration sampling method might be a useful tool for exposure measurements in that occupational environment.  相似文献   

重庆城区不同粒径颗粒物元素组分研究及来源识别   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为研究重庆市大气颗粒物的污染特征及其来源,于2010年3—10月在主城区分别采集PM1.0、PM2.5和PM103种粒径的颗粒物样品,利用XRF分析其中的26种元素浓度。结果表明,重庆市主城区S元素在各粒径中含量都较高,细粒子中K的含量较高,粗粒子中Si、Ca和Fe的浓度较大。富集因子分析表明,主城区Cd、S、Se等污染元素的富集系数较大,且粒径越小,富集现象越明显。利用因子分析得出土壤风沙、扬尘、燃煤的燃烧、机动车燃油产生的尾气排放、生物质燃烧排放是重庆市颗粒物污染的主要来源。  相似文献   

解析废气中二噁英监测采样的现状及不足,针对生活垃圾焚烧炉(炉排炉)、蓄热式焚烧炉(RTO)和危险废物焚烧炉(回转窑)3种不同类型焚烧炉,考察了采样过程中烟道类型、采样时间和采样时间间隔不同对二噁英监测的影响。结果表明,在水平烟道和垂直烟道采样测得二噁英排放浓度水平相当,有垂直烟道时,优先在垂直烟道采样;间隔采样和连续采样二噁英测定结果基本一致,为了便于操作,建议均采用连续采样方式;采样时间上,生活垃圾焚烧炉应保证超过1 h,蓄热式焚烧炉以2 h左右为宜;间歇投料危险废物焚烧炉应尽量满足2 h以上,条件不许可时,可通过增加采样流量缩短采样时间保证采样量,并在危险废物完全燃烧前结束采样工作。  相似文献   

Diffusive sampling of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) onto thermal desorption tubes, followed by gas chromatography, is an established technique for area or personal monitoring of typical workplace concentrations and there has been increasing interest in extending the application to environmental levels, particularly for benzene, toluene and xylene (BTX). Diffusive sampling rates for BTX on Chromosorb 106 and Carbograph-1 (a graphitised carbon) were measured over periods of 1-4 weeks in field validation experiments using ambient air and parallel pumped sampling (the reference method) at the HSL site in central Sheffield. The reference method was also used to investigate the possible bias of an open-path spectrophotometer (OPSIS) used by Sheffield City Council. A bias for BTX was suspected from results of a two-week initial exercise in which several diffusive samplers were placed close to the light path. In the full field validation of the diffusive samplers carried out subsequently, the significant bias of BTX concentrations reported by OPSIS were confirmed when compared with concurrent results from the reference method. OPSIS gave benzene and toluene values up to eight times higher than expected from the GC measurements. Xylene discrepancies were smaller, but in one 3-day peak episode, OPSIS demonstrated a negative correlation with GC.  相似文献   

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