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简述了实验室信息管理系统(LIMS)的概念和建设LIMS的现实意义,着重介绍了上海市环境监测中心实施LIMS的过程和体会,分析了环境监测实验室在LIMS选型和实施过程中需要注意的问题及LIMS对现行工作的影响,并对需进一步完善的功能提出了建议.  相似文献   

北京市冬季大气细粒子数浓度的粒径分布特征   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
考虑到对人体的健康危害,大气颗粒物的数浓度值可能比质量浓度值更重要.通过对北京市交通道路边、生活区和远郊背景点大气细粒子数浓度的监测,对北京市大气细粒子数浓度的主要来源、浓度和粒径分布特征进行研究.文章认为交通源是城市大气细粒子数浓度的主要来源.城市生活区的大气细粒子主要是污染源稀释后扩散而来.远郊区既可能存在气象污染物光化学成核生成的超细颗粒物,也存在外部运移而来的细粒子.与国外其他城市相比,北京市大气细粒子数浓度在道路边处于中等偏下水平,但生活区和背景点处于相当或偏高的水平.  相似文献   

固体废物排放统计对象应覆盖固体废物从原材料到最终处置的整个生命周期的各个环节(机构),即矿业--加工制造业--产品流通领域--用户--固体废物收运体系--固体废物中间处理厂--固体废物最终处置场.统计指标体系包括固体废物排放统计指标和排放管理指标;统计指标区分为指标、主要参数和辅助参数,既便于理解也便于管理.根据固体废物排放量和已知的固体废物资源化技术,对固体废物重新分类、统计并分类填埋,以便将来实现再利用.固体废物排放控制统计的对象主要是规模以上的污染源,实施统计的污染源的规模应当是全国统一的.  相似文献   

基于GIS空间插值方法的长湖水质评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对各插值方法选择后取反距离加权法与克立格法对长湖的污染现状进行分析,结果表明大部分水域水质处于Ⅴ类和劣Ⅴ类,只有主要出水口习家口和刘岺闸附近的部分水域的水质可以达到Ⅳ类水质标准.同时发现反距离加权法与克立格法均具有较高的精度,但克立格法优于反距离加权法,这两种方法评价湖泊水质都能取得比较好的效果.  相似文献   

介绍了南京市环境监测中心站近年来在拓展监测能力,提升监测现代化水平,优化资源配置,加强队伍建设,强化制度建设,实施目标管理等方面采取的举措,指出在我国环境保护发生历史性转变的关键时期,环境监测站应在社会、经济、环境的协调发展中,充分发挥为管理服务的前瞻性、监测信息上报的及时性及实施环境决策的支持性作用,积极推进环境监测事业持续发展.  相似文献   

正随着新财政年度的开始,澳大利亚2012年7月1日正式实施具有巨大争议的碳税法。澳大利亚政府称,实施碳税法是澳大利亚应对气候变化的义务。澳大利亚是发达国家中人均污染最严重的国家。澳大利亚反对党强烈抵制工党政府的碳税政策。自由党-国家党联盟领袖艾伯特说,征收碳税不但推高物价,加重民众的生活负担,还会造成企业因成本上升而削减就业机会。由于担心碳税法对生活和就业的影响,很多民众也极力反对碳  相似文献   

以厌氧填埋场中垃圾的降解过程为依托点,从渗滤液的水质特征和填埋气的组成两个方面筛选出判断指标,最后建立判断填埋垃圾降解阶段的指标体系.结果表明,ρ(BOD5)/ρ(COD)可以反映出渗滤液的可生化性,从而间接反映出填埋垃圾所处的降解阶段,是判断填埋垃圾降解阶段的重要定量指标.  相似文献   

为提高工作效率,《中国环境监测》编辑部网上采编系统现已使用,形成了籍于稿件处理过程中录用信息、版面费、发票等情况查询一体的业务流程。投稿时,请作者登录《中国环境监测》编辑部网站(http://www.cnemce.cn),注册后按页面提示进行操作。本刊今后将不再接收以邮寄或Email方式投递的稿件,请相互转告。您的文章发表后,我们会将稿费、发票、样刊(2份)等按期寄达第一作者(除特别说明外,有通讯作者的按惯例寄给通讯作者),请您投稿时留下通信联系人的详细地址和便于联络的电话,并注明所需发票的单位全称。目前审稿周期为2~3个月左右,文章刊发时间为半年以上。  相似文献   

针对填埋场室内模拟试验往往忽略降雨径流和初损的问题,提出运用SCS模型确定室内模拟试验日注水量的方法,并将计算结果应用于成都长安填埋场室内模拟试验中.结果表明,采用SCS模型计算所得的日入渗量进行注水的模拟柱渗滤液产量和水质变化能够更准确的模拟填埋场实际情况.  相似文献   

阐述了环境监测实验室质量监督的重要性及加强质量监督的组织保证、制度建设、工作程序和如何发挥监督作用的思考,以期改善忽视质量监督的局面,进一步提高监测工作质量.  相似文献   

南昌市一次降水自动监测结果的综合分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用降水自动监测仪和空气自动监测系统的同步监测结果,分析了一次34 5mm连续降水中全过程的pH、EC和同期SO2、PM10、NO2的变化情况。降水中pH值为7 23~4 08、EC为488 8~7 6μS cm,pH、EC在降水初期变化较大。pH与EC、SO2呈现负相关趋势,降水过程中PM10、NO2基本保持较低水平,SO2变化较大。  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to present a model for generating synthetic rainfall totals on various timescales to be applicable for a variety of uses. Many large-scale ecological and water resource models require daily, monthly and yearly rainfall data as input to the model. As historical data provides only one realisation, synthetic generated rainfall totals are needed to assess the impact of rainfall variability on water resources systems (Srikanthan, In: MODSIM2005, Melbourne, Dec. 2005, pp. 1915–1921, 2005). Thus, our preferred model should simulate rainfall for yearly, monthly and daily periods. We believe that, for water supply issues, no higher resolution is needed, although higher resolution would be useful in models designed to measure the risk of local flooding. The critical factors are daily, monthly and yearly totals and daily, monthly and yearly variation. A model for generating yearly totals will be described using traditional time series methods. This model, along with a similarly constructed daily generation model by Piantadosi et al. (A New Model for Correlated Daily Rainfall, 2008), will be cascaded to start with a synthetic yearly total, then generate a synthetic sequence of monthly totals (through selection from a large number of realisations) that match the yearly total, and subsequently perform a similar operation for sequences of daily totals to match the required monthly totals. We present a new model for the generation of synthetic monthly rainfall data, which we demonstrate for Parafield in Adelaide, South Australia. The rainfall for each month of the year is modelled as a non-negative random variable from a mixed distribution with either a zero outcome or a strictly positive outcome. We use maximum likelihood to find parameters for both the probability of a zero outcome and the gamma distribution that best matches the observed probability density for the strictly positive outcomes. We describe a new model that generates correlated monthly rainfall totals using a diagonal band copula with a single parameter to generate lag-1 correlated random numbers. Our model preserves the marginal monthly distributions and, hence, also preserves the monthly and yearly means. We show that, for Parafield, the correlation between rainfall totals for successive months is not significant, and so, it is reasonable to assume independence. This is, however, not true for daily rainfall. We describe a new model that generates correlated daily rainfall totals using a diagonal band copula with a single parameter to generate lag-1 correlated random numbers. This is an extended version of a paper presented at the 17th Biennial Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Christchurch, New Zealand, December 2007.  相似文献   

降雨对坡面产沙及土壤养分流失的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究天然降雨条件下坡面产沙及土壤养分流失的变化规律,根据当地不同的种植模式,在野外标准径流小区进行试验.结果表明,采用玉米顺垄耕作坡面产沙量同I30关系最为密切,产沙量随I30的增大而增多;采用玉米横垄的耕作方式时,坡面产沙量同降雨量和降雨强度没有明显的变化规律.降雨量对径流中土壤养分流失量的影响不明显,而径流中土壤...  相似文献   

选取北京市近5年夏半年(4—9月)的降雨数据及相关噪声自动监测小时等效声级,利用数学统计软件进行有雨-无雨声级差异性分析、声级-降雨相关性分析及平均声级-雨量变化趋势分析等,提出降雨确实对噪声自动监测小时数据有一定贡献,不同雨量对不同功能区噪声影响不同,建议噪声自动监测系统建设时应考虑雨噪声影响,以保证对声环境质量评价的科学性和准确性。  相似文献   

Wastewater sludges are used in agriculture as soil amendment and fertilizer, with regard to their organic matter and nutrient content. However, availability of nitrogen and phosphorus from sludge-amended soils and their transfer in runoff may lead to eutrophication of downstream surface water. The aim of this study is to establish and compare the effect of two different sludges on these transfers: an anaerobically digested and thermically stabilised sludge (Seine-Aval treatment plant, sludge no. 1), and a limed sludge (Saint-Quentin treatment plant, sludge no. 2). Experiments were performed on 12 sloping micro-plots (1 m × 1 m) submitted to sludge spreading and controlled rainfall simulation. Runoff water was sampled and analysed for concentrations in nitrogen species and phosphorus. Results show that spreading of sludge no. 1 increased both ammonium nitrogen (mean of 1.1 mg L–1 N-NH4 vs. 0.2 mg L–1 N-NH4 for control micro-plots) and particulate phosphorus concentrations (mean of 2 mg L–1 P vs. 1.1 mg L–1 P for control micro-plots) in runoff water. On the other hand, sludge no. 2 did not induce any significant effect on nutrient concentrations in runoff. These results are related to chemical composition and physical treatment of sludges. This study underlines the existence of a short-term risk of nutrient mobilisation by runoff after sludge spreading on soil, and the need to check precisely the impact of this practice on water quality.  相似文献   

利用荆门市2001—2010年对城区和石化区的降水监测资料,研究分析了荆门市近十年来的大气降水量、pH及电导率的变化情况。结果表明:荆门市近十年来的年均降水量为793.27 mm,降水主要集中在5—8月,年降水量变化较大,基本呈周期性的波动趋势。荆门市城区降水的pH和电导率比较稳定,没有出现酸雨。石化区的降水年平均pH比城区低,年平均电导率比城区高,有酸雨发生,但污染并不严重。  相似文献   

选取北京市近5年夏半年(4—9月)夜间的降雨数据及相关噪声自动监测小时等效声级,对小时雨量与噪声自动监测数据进行数学统计分析,找出影响噪声监测数据的小时雨量值及不同声级受雨噪声影响的雨量限值,作为降雨对噪声自动监测小时等效声级的有效性判定条件。  相似文献   

基于成渝地区大气污染防控形势的严峻性,选取该区域西南部的乐山市作为研究对象,对2016—2020年人工降雨对该城市环境空气质量的影响进行研究。评估发现:冬季改善效果最好,平均每毫米降雨量可降低环境空气质量指数(AQI)约10,对应的SO2、NO2、CO、O3、PM10、PM2.5浓度分别降低1.8 μg/m3、3.8 μg/m3、0.1 mg/m3、8.1 μg/m3、6.9 μg/m3、8.9 μg/m3;其次是春季,每毫米降雨量可降低AQI约8,对应的6项污染物浓度分别降低1.0 μg/m3、3.3 μg/m3、0.1 mg/m3、8.1 μg/m3、6.1 μg/m3、8.4 μg/m3;再次是夏季,每毫米降雨量可降低AQI约3,对应的6项污染物浓度分别降低0.6 μg/m3、1.6 μg/m3、0.03 mg/m3、6.9 μg/m3、1.2 μg/m3、2.0 μg/m3;秋季每毫米降雨量可降低AQI约1,对应的6项污染物浓度分别降低0.4 μg/m3、0.6 μg/m3、0.01 mg/m3、3.5 μg/m3、0.1 μg/m3、0.1 μg/m3。计算不同季节降雨总量与污染物削减量之间的Pearson相关系数,结果表明,春季人工降雨总量与O3浓度削减总量呈显著正相关,夏、秋两季人工降雨总量与PM2.5浓度削减总量呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

Material Disposal Area G is the primary low-levelradioactive waste disposal site at Los Alamos NationalLaboratory, New Mexico, and is adjacent to Pueblo of SanIldefonso lands. Pueblo residents and Los Alamos scientists areconcerned about radiological doses resulting from uptake of AreaG radionuclides by mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) andRocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus), then consumption ofdeer and elk meat by humans. Tissue samples were collected fromdeer and elk accidentally killed near Area G and were analyzedfor 3H, 90Sr, total U, 238Pu, 239, 240Pu,241Am, and 137Cs. These data were used to estimatehuman doses based on meat consumption of 23 kg y-1. Humandoses were also modeled using RESRAD, and dose rates to deer andelk were estimated with a screening model. Dose estimates tohumans from tissue consumption were 2.9 × 10-3 mSv y-1and 1.6 × 10-3 mSv y-1 from deer and elk, respectively,and RESRAD dose estimates were of the same order of magnitude. Estimated dose rates to deer and elk were 2.1 × 10-4 mGyd-1 and 4.7 × 10-4 mGy d-1, respectively. Allestimated doses were significantly less than established exposurelimits or guidelines.  相似文献   

Metal concentrations in deciduous tree leaves from urban areas in Poland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Accumulation of metals in deciduous tree foliage fromurban areas in western-south Poland was monitored duringthe vegetation season of 2000 year. Concentrations of Al,Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, Ti and Znwere measured in birch, willow, linden and maple leavesusing the ICP-AES method. Seasonal variations of metalconcentrations and their relations with sampling sitewere investigated. The most dynamic accumulation of Al,Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb was observed for examined species. Thehighest differences in element concentrations forinvestigated sites were found for Ba, Cd, Mn and Ni.Interelement correlations were investigated. In allfoliar samples synergistic relationships between Al–Crand Ca-Sr were found. Statistically significant negativecorrelations were observed only for Cd and Ti in birch leaves.  相似文献   

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