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依照ISO14001标准的要求,酒钢集团公司圈定了体系建立第一阶段涵盖的范围,决定了先期纳入体系的相关部门和相关厂,明确了各自职责。编制了集团公司《环境管理手册》和20个程序文件,相关厂还制定了近百个作业指导书,产生了300个环境记录。三级文件于7月23日发布,8月12日试验,在体系运行4个多月中,通过2次内审(一次模拟审核、一次管理评审)和2次外审,使体系得到正常运行。体系内的相关部门和相关厂在遵守法律和其他要求中,完成了目标指标和管理方案,实现了污染预防,促进了节能降耗,并在资源综合利用、固体废物分类、信息交流、应急响应以及环境记录的产生和保存等方面都获得了一定绩效。  相似文献   

人和自然的协调发展就是可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
恩格斯是自然辩证法的奠基者,突出强调了人对自然的能运输 人与自然的协调发展,人与自然之间是一种对立统一的辩证关系,人类社会发展的历史事实是:人类一方面由于正确地认识了自然界及其规律并以此来指导人们的实践,取得了改造的胜利,消解了人和自然的对立;另一方面,由于人们没有按照自然规律办事,造成了自然环境的破坏,使自然环境向着不利于人类生存和发展的方向演进,从而激化了人和自然的对立,加剧了人和自然的矛盾  相似文献   

稀土生产废水治理方案综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了稀土生产废水对环境的影响和危害,针对其影响和然害,从回收资源和废水达标排放角度,对稀土生产产生的酸性废水,硫铵废水和氯铵废水的各种处理方法进行了论述,通过对各种处理方法的筛选,优化,确定了最佳处理方案。  相似文献   

减少显色剂中HgCl2,KI的含量,以聚乙烯醇做胶体稳定剂,显著提高了显色剂的稳定度和显色的稳定度,以KOH和酒石酸做缓冲液,保持恒定的显色碱度,同时也隐蔽了金属离子的干扰,从而大大降低了空白吸光度和检测限。废水予处理,通过条件实验,确定了稀释比,稀释水样用絮凝沉淀法或蒸馏法处理,蒸馏时用磷酸盐缓冲液,并降低硼酸吸收液的浓度,提高了回收率。  相似文献   

污水自动监测系统在企业中的实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
阐述了污水自动监测系统的概念,介绍了仪征化纤股份公司污水自动监测系统的组成和管理措施。指出采用污水自动监测系统,转变了传统环境监测模式,提高了工作效率,提高了为环境管理服务的水平,有利于环境应急和减灾,实现了资源共享。建议提高环保仪表生产企业的技术研发能力,降低成本,开发多种形式的数据传输方式,满足环保监督管理的需求。  相似文献   

论述了信息是知识、是资源、是财富,信息是有价值的,其产生和应用是有一定规律的,环境信息与其它信息具有同样的属性,它能对环境决策活动起到了参考和指导作用,能对社会和环境带来明显的效益,因此,环境信息具有价值和使用价值的功能,文中就如何产出较高价值的环境信息提出了具体措施。  相似文献   

随着人类活动不断向深度和广度的加强和扩大,漂浮污染物危害也日趋严重,在污染环境和水质的同时,污染农田,抬高河床,影响行洪,加剧洪水灾害,堵塞涵闸,影响灌溉、供水和发电等等.文中分析了漂浮污染物给八盘峡水电站带来的日益严重危害,提出了防范措施.  相似文献   

推荐了污水和工业废水中COD的快速测定方法,与标准法相比,缩短1.5h的回流时间,节省了水电,以硝酸银代替了硫酸汞,避免了汞污染,扩大了测定范围,具有较好的精密度和准确度,适于大批水样测定,很有推广价值.  相似文献   

长春市地表水环境状况分析与治理对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
随着经济的发展和人口的增长,长春市生活污水和工业废水排放量不断增加,由于经济,技术等各方面原因,废水达标排放率和污水集中处理率均较低,造成了水环境的严重污染。为了改善长春市地表水环境质量,本文在进行了系统诊断的基础上,对水质现状进行了评价与分析,并提出了治理对策。  相似文献   

新疆维吾尔自治区肿瘤医院的一个艳一137治疗源和两个镭一226校验源因故报废,向新疆辐射环境监理站提出送贮的申请。根据这3个放射源未达到有效屏蔽的具体情况,双方共同商定了屏蔽方案,设计并定做了屏蔽体,达到了收贮的要求。1997年11月生日,双方组织了精干的人员,对废放射源进行了认真包装和监测,按照国家环保局的有关规定和操作要求,顺利地将3个废放射源收贮到新疆城市放射性废物库。这3个废放射源的收贮,得到有关方面和群众的好评,保护了环境,安定了人心。新疆辐射环境监理站顺利收贮了三个报废的放射源@刘鄂$新疆辐射环境监…  相似文献   

Natural water from six sources in Mytilene, Greece, was chlorinated in order to identify and quantify some of the organic by-products formed. The compounds examined were trihalomethanes, haloacetic acids, haloacetonitriles, haloketones, chloral hydrate and chloropicrin. The factors tested were time and chlorine dose. The presence of bromide ion in some of the waters studied resulted in significant changes in the by-product speciation, with enhanced brominated species formation. In addition, UV absorbance, measured at three wavelengths, led to correlation of organic matter content with the concentrations of by-products produced. The species formed, varying among different water sources, increased with increasing chlorine dose. Most of the species also increased with increasing contact time, although there were some exceptions due to hydrolysis reactions.  相似文献   

通过2018年1月的污染天和非污染天在上海人民广场地铁站对装有屏蔽门系统的1号线站台和装有安全门系统的2号线站台上的颗粒物数量浓度进行监测并作对比研究,结果表明:污染天和非污染天,安装屏蔽门系统的站台颗粒物数量浓度相对于安全门系统分别降低2.08%~35.44%和5.69%~51.31%。屏蔽门站台的颗粒物浓度表现为后站台>前站台>中站台;安全门系统颗粒物浓度无规律。屏蔽门系统站台的颗粒物在人体内的沉积量要低于安全门系统,站台两端的颗粒物在人体内的沉积量高于站台中间。  相似文献   

采用正压、负压、大气平衡3种进样方式,研究了VOCs在线监测系统对非甲烷总烃测定的影响。探讨在大气平衡进样方式下定量环内压力、平衡时间、进样流量对非甲烷总烃测定的影响,研究结果表明:采用正压进样方式,定量环内正压增大,非甲烷总烃质量浓度偏高;采用负压进样方式,定量环内负压增大,非甲烷总烃质量浓度降低;采用大气平衡进样方式,定量环内压力、平衡时间、进样流量的增大或减小对非甲烷总烃测定没有明显影响。比较3种进样方式,大气平衡进样方式的VOCs在线监测系统能够提高非甲烷总烃在线监测结果的准确性和可靠性,更适用于污染源废气在线监测。  相似文献   

经过条件优化试验,研制出氯气检测管。检测管显色长度与氯气浓度呈线性相关,对氯气标气7次测定的变异系数为13.8%,平均相对误差为5.2%,小于15%;一次测定最大相对误差为20%,小于25%,符合国家标准GB7230-87的要求。与化学法比较,2种方法测试结果无显著性差异。干扰物有溴和氯化氢气体以及高浓度二氧化氮。检测管寿命为1a。  相似文献   

Accidents are among the main problems in the oil product supply chain. The most important effective factors in these events are the kind of trucks used and their health, safety, and environment (HSE) condition. The aim of this study was to present a conceptual pattern of the HSE performance of oil trucks in oil industries. In this study, 20 truck models (with fixed tanks), in use over different periods of time, were investigated. In this regard, the criteria and sub-criteria were first determined in two parts—carrier and tank—and weighted by fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP). The results showed that the most important sub-criteria regarding the HSE factors of the carrier were resistance and strength of the front and rear shields, the brake system, and the ventilation system. The most important sub-criteria regarding the HSE factors of the tank were tank shell thickness and a good tank design shape with respect to portable material. It should be noted that the weight of the criteria with each other and sub-criteria with each other are not equal. This issue is important for decision-making. The main reason for the use of trucks with the lowest score in developing countries is the lack of attention by managers to safety issues and international standards and agreements such as the ADR.  相似文献   

The present investigation deals with limnobiotic status of the Almatti reservoir from February, 2003 to January, 2005. The study revealed that there exists a fluctuations of the physical factors viz., rainfall, humidity, air and water temperature, pH and electrical conductivity (EC), and chemical factors viz., dissolved oxygen (DO), free carbon dioxide, total alkalinity, total hardness, calcium, magnesium, chloride, nitrate, phosphate, sulphate, bicarbonate and total dissolved solids (TDS). From the data it was also apparent that correlations between the physico-chemical factors and dynamics of phytoplankton could be seen. The simple correlation coefficient test revealed that the cyanophytes number was positively correlated with DO, nitrate, phosphate and negatively significant with total hardness, total alkalinity, EC, calcium, magnesium, sulphate, bicarbonate and TDS. They are inversely correlated with pH, chloride, rainfall and humidity. Bacillariphyceae are correlated with total alkalinity, bicarbonates, magnesium and TDS, whereas inverse correlation was found with rainfall, humidity, pH and phosphate. Desmids showed positive correlation with nitrates, while it was inversely correlated with chloride, rainfall and humidity. Dinophytes density was positively correlated with total alkalinity, EC, total hardness, calcium, bicarbonate, while it showed inverse correlation with rainfall, humidity and phosphate. However, it is obvious that the absence of significant difference between sampling stations for all these parameters in the Almatti reservoir indicated fairly homogeneous conditions and the water quality is also found to be homogeneous.  相似文献   

A study of the elemental leachability and retention capability of compost   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this work a comparison is made between the different approaches that can be taken to evaluate the mobility of elements in compost. The practical consequences of the results obtained are also discussed in terms of methods for cleaning up compost and using compost in environmental remediation. The mobility of potentially toxic elements in compost is evaluated by leaching with four selected eluents, i.e. diluted sulfuric acid, oxalate, citrate and EDTA. In contrast to the chelating agents, diluted sulfuric acid was found to generally have a low leaching capability for removal of heavy metals from compost. This implies that the risk of heavy metal leaching caused by natural rainfall is likely to be low. The results obtained in the leaching experiment were compared with previous results obtained from sequential fractionation. This comparison confirmed that both methods gave similar results for predicting the lability of elements in compost. A non-linear regression analysis of the leaching curves was also conducted. The leaching curves for elements with high lability could be fitted with a two components model. The labile components identified by the kinetic model are approximately in accordance with the fractions obtained from the first step of the sequential extraction method. The kinetic speciation method is shown to be a relatively rapid and simple procedure for compost which gives more information about element lability than simple leaching experiments. The leaching reagents used in this work were not effective enough to be used for cleaning up compost with a high metal content. Compost was however shown to have a high affinity for heavy metals, with the order of affinity of metal for the compost being very similar to that seen for humic acid. Compost may therefore prove to be a good remediation material for metal contaminated waste.  相似文献   

利用SP-2558多功能光谱测量系统,对太湖水、普通自来水和纯水在紫外光激励下产生的荧光光谱及其特性进行了实验研究。结果表明,太湖水在波长290nm左右的紫外光激励下能产生较强的荧光。荧光峰是360nm至510nm范围的宽谱峰,荧光峰值波长在453nm左右;在同一紫外光激励下,三种取样水所产生的荧光光谱有明显的差异。太湖水强而宽的荧光光谱来自于污染物,荧光光谱的差异对应水质污染的情况。研究方法可作为鉴别水质污染的一种有效的手段。  相似文献   

黑龙江流域地处世界三大黑土区之一的中国东北平原,土壤腐殖质含量高,这些腐殖质随着地面径流进入水体,成为流域溶解性有机物(DOM)的自然本底(环境背景)。自然本底的存在导致流域水质有机污染综合指标不能真实反映流域的人为污染,流域背景区内高锰酸盐指数、化学需氧量背景值范围分别为3.0~11.7、14.3~40.5 mg/L。流域部分水质考核断面水质受到有机质背景值的影响。由于叠加人为污染,定量分析高锰酸盐指数、化学需氧量背景值范围存在很大难度。重金属元素相对稳定,相对于"六五"时期重金属背景值,目前水体中重金属含量普遍升高。结合水环境管理需求,背景值研究成果应用于水环境管理还需要进一步深入研究和实践。笔者在综述黑龙江流域水环境背景值研究基础上,总结目前存在的问题,提出水环境背景值研究建议,为科学客观评价流域水质提供参考。  相似文献   

API separator sludge was solidified with various combinations of binders and absorbent soil additives. The binders utilized were Type I Portland Cement, Type C Flyash, and a 1:1 combination of the two. The soil additives used were bentonite, diatomite, Fuller's earth, and two brands of chemically altered bentonites, or organoclays. The effectiveness of the solidification materials was based on their effect on the physical and leaching characteristics of the sludge.It was determined the Portland cement and combination binders provided the sludge with adequate physical and strength characteristics. It was also determined the affinity of each additive for water had an important influence on the physical characteristics of the solidified sludge. The results of the leaching procedure indicated the binders alone reduced the leachability of organic constituents from the sludge by 1/5 to 1/10. It appeared the use of the additives with the binders may have further reduced the leachability of constituents from sludge, with the incorporation of the organoclay additives further reducing leachability by up to 1/2. Also, it appeared the absorbing capacity of the additives was directly related to their ability to reduce the leachability of organic constituents from the sludge.  相似文献   

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