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双排气管汽油车进行尾气检测时,环保监管部门的监管要求与环保尾气检测机构的实际操作常存在分歧。对于双排气管汽油车究竟插入几个取样探头测试,才能准确、科学地检测出尾气中的含量浓度,从而对尾气检测结果做出公正准确的判断,从检测标准要求、比对实验方法验证、排气管构造图解析3个方面对该问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

通过对宝鸡市区机动车尾气排放检测数据的比较分析,基本摸清了机动车尾气排放现状及规律,并对尾气超标原因作了分析,提出了控制和减少尾气污染的对策.  相似文献   

在用机动车尾气检测新技术亮相   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
既能够检测出汽车排放污染物的总量,又能够最终实现网络实时监测,且成本适中,这就是新型在用机动车尾气检测技术——简易瞬态工况检测法(即V mas)。在2007年6月3日召开的“在用机动车尾气检测新技术恳谈会”上,我国在用车尾气检测知名专家一致认为,为了有效控制在用车污染物排放总量、确保空气质量不再恶化并逐步好转,国家应尽快推动这一技术的普遍应用。  相似文献   

机动车尾气排放检测方法对比分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
通过怠速、双怠速法对机动车尾气检测试验和数据对比分析表明,不同车龄段的电喷型轿车采用怠速法检测尾气达标率在73.3%~93.5%之间;双怠速法检测尾气达标率在40.0%~82.6%之间.不同车龄段的化油器型轿车采用怠速法检测尾气达标率在25.0%~57.1%之间;双怠速法检测尾气达标率在18.8%~57.1%之间.指出双怠速法对化油器车辆尾气控制同样有效果,双怠速法对筛选高污染车辆比怠速法更严格和科学.  相似文献   

针对简易瞬态工况法机动车尾气排放检测过程中层出不穷的违规检测现象,为对其检测过程实施有效监管,通过分析简易瞬态工况法的检测原理,筛选出可用于监管的车辆基准质量、(CO+CO_(2))浓度、O_(2)浓度、实时检测尾气流量4个参数,分析其用于监管的原理和理由,并通过五气分析仪漏气实验和实测尾气流量异常案例验证其监管可行性,以期为监管部门提供可运用于实际监管工作的有效策略。  相似文献   

20 0 0年 9月 15日温州市为了缓解机动车尾气污染加剧和道路交通拥挤的局面 ,决定禁止在市区内销售排气污染超标二冲程摩托车 ,同时尾气检测不合格的二冲程摩托车也不能在市区上牌 ,此次活动取得满意的效果。温州市环境监测中心站对销售的二冲程摩托车进行检测  相似文献   

本文概述了柴油机尾气中PAHs的分析方法,着重论述了采样及预处理方法,特别对预处理方法进行了深入的探讨。另外,通过对柴油机两种不同工况下产生的尾气进行分析后发现,柴油机转速越高,其排放尾气中PAHs的含量就越低。  相似文献   

近日,成都市环境监测中心站为进一步摸清成都市区机动车尾气对大气环境的污染程度,按照《成都市区机动车尾气污染现状调查实施方案》,于2005年4月14日全面开展了机动车尾气污染监测工作。此次监测共布设点位11个,出动专业技术人员40余人,  相似文献   

19辆机动车尾气激光遥感监测车近日投入到北京市18个区县和经济技术开发区的控制机动车污染工作中。据北京市环保局副局长杜少中介绍,激光遥感监测机动车尾气排放技术的应用,提升了全市对机动车污染排放的监测能力,使北京在全国率先实现了对上路行驶机动车尾气排放的大规模动态监测。  相似文献   

城市机动车尾气污染与控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了城市机动车保有量持续上升,城市地区的大气污染向机动车尾气型污染转化,光化学烟雾发生的机率增大的情况及控制机动车尾气污染的几种途径。  相似文献   

Link Emissions Models estimate traffic-related air pollution emissions at the individual road link level and inform governmental policies for air quality management. The current South Australian Link Emissions Model (CLEM) assumes constant spatiotemporal traffic flow at a single fixed mean speed, a potential limitation as the variability of exhaust emissions with vehicle speed has been established in the literature.We extend CLEM to eliminate the assumption of constant traffic flow, through the derivation of mean Australian vehicle speed distributions for different road types. Specifically, we successfully model the vehicle speed profile data from the second National In-Service Emissions study using Nearest Neighbour Kernel Density Estimation. We propose a mean speed Distribution Link Emissions Model (DLEM) for exhaust emission estimation based on the derived mean speed distributions. DLEM is an augmented, enhanced version of CLEM, accommodating a range of vehicle speeds and road types. The performance of the extended model, DLEM, is analysed in comparison to the current model, CLEM, through a case study analysis of vehicle exhaust emissions on a typical arterial road in Adelaide, South Australia. Results indicate use of DLEM and, by extension, mean vehicle speed distributions, has a strong impact on emission estimation. In particular, the fixed speed model, CLEM, may be substantially underestimating exhaust emissions of carbon monoxide, non-methane volatile organic compounds and particulate matter less than 2.5 μm in diameter. These are common exhaust pollutants that have been extensively linked with adverse health effects including respiratory morbidity and premature mortality.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a system dynamics model for simulating the impact of different strategies on urban traffic’s energy consumption and carbon emissions. Based on a case study in Beijing, the model includes three subsystems: (1) urban traffic, (2) population and economy, and (3) energy consumption and carbon emissions. First, the model is used to decompose the impact of different vehicles on energy consumption and carbon emissions. Decomposition results show that private cars have the most significant impact on urban traffic’s energy consumption and carbon emissions; however, total vehicle kilometers traveled by private cars are the smallest among four trip modes. Then, the model is used to simulate different urban traffic policies. Policies are categorized as follows: (a) driving restrictions on vehicle registration numbers, (b) a scheme for vehicle registrations via a lottery system, and (c) development of public transportation infrastructures. Scenario simulation results show that all those measures can reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions. Though the last strategy (c) contains several delays, its effect is more stable and far-reaching. Finally, some recommendations about easing traffic pressure and reducing traffic emissions are given.  相似文献   

A remote sensing study was conducted in year 2006 in four locations of the Metropolitan Area of Mexico City (MAMC). Two of the sites were the same studied back by us in year 2000 and by others in year 1994. A database was compiled containing 11,289 valid measurements for the carbon monoxide (CO), total hydrocarbons (THC), and nitric oxide (NO) exhaust vehicles emissions. Valid measurements were binned for each pollutant by the vehicle specific power (between −5 and 20 kW tonne−1) for the 2000 and 2006 databases. The mean average CO, THC, and NO emissions for year 2006 were determined to be 1.10 ± 0.18 vol.%, 299 ± 88.4 ppm, and 610 ± 115.0 ppm, respectively. Matching the vehicle driving patterns of the fleet measured in year 2000 with the emissions factors obtained in this work, allows estimating the trends in the exhaust emissions of vehicles in the MAMC. The adjusted results of the remote sensing study performed in year 2006 shows that the fleet has decrease 22% in CO and 17% in NO emissions, with small change in total hydrocarbons emissions. The improvements could be related with the introduction in year 2001 of vehicles that met tighter emissions standards, particularly for nitrogen oxides.  相似文献   

国内外VOCs排放管理控制历程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了挥发性有机污染物(VOCs)的定义、来源和危害,回顾了国内外VOCs监测技术、观测浓度、排放标准及规范,概括了欧美等发达国家宏观层面上的VOCs排放管理控制战略、经验及效果.建议我国建立VOCs在线监测网络,开展VOCs排放清单计算工作,进一步加强机动车尾气排放VOCs控制,初步制定宏观层面的VOCs总体控制战略...  相似文献   

An innovative approach of mean emission by vehicle type was used in this paper to assess the impact of new vehicle emission standards in Beijing, China during the period of 2000–2005. It was found that CO and NOx emissions decreased by 48% and 23%, respectively, from Type O (before 2000) to Type I (year 2000) vehicles. The reductions from Type O to Type II (year 2002) vehicles were 85% and 73% for CO and NOx, respectively. When all three types of vehicles (Types O, I and II) are combined, the annual per vehicle CO emissions decreased from 586 kg per vehicle per year in 2000 to 324 kg per vehicle per year in 2005, while that of NOx decreased from 66.9 to 43.4 kg per vehicle per year, which was mainly resulted from the impact of stringent new vehicle emission standards implemented in years 2000 and 2002. However, the vehicle population increased by 70% during the same time period, which offset the impact of cleaner vehicles. Thus, the total vehicle emission decreased little for CO (885,000 tons in 2000, 837,000 tons in 2005) and even increased slightly for NOx (101,000 and 112,000 tons in 2000 and 2005, respectively). The ambient concentrations of CO decreased significantly throughout 2000–2005, the same trend was not observed for NO2. Correlation analysis (grey correlation and Pearson correlation) between the annual vehicle emissions and annual concentrations of CO, the annual NOx emission and annual NO2 concentration indicated that the implementation of new vehicle emission standards was associated with the abatement of ambient CO and NO2 concentrations in Beijing.  相似文献   

This paper presents the impact of road user charging (RUC) on vehicle emissions through application of traffic assignment and pollutant emission models. It presents results of an analysis of five RUC schemes on vehicle emissions in Leeds, UK for 2005. The schemes were: a £3 inner ring road cordoncharge; a double cordon with a £2 inner ring road and a £1 outer ring road charge; and distance charges of 2, 10 and 20 p/km levied for travel within the outer cordon. Schemes were compared to a no charge option and results presented here. Emissions are significantly reduced within the inner cordon, whilst beyond the cordon, localised increases and decreases occur. The double cordon exhibits a similar but less marked pattern. Distance charging reduces city-wide emissions by 10% under a 2 p/km charge, 42–49% under a 10 p/km charge and 52–59% under a 20 p/km charge. The higher distance charges reduce emissions within the charge zone, and are also associated with elevated emissions outside the zone, but to a lesser extent than that observed for cordon charging.  相似文献   

易敏 《中国环境监测》2020,36(2):225-234
研究上海市机动车污染的动态排放测算和网格化动态排放清单构建,在实时的交通数据和交通环境监测数据的基础上,结合交通模型、机动车排放清单模型等业务模型和算法,依托大数据存储、可视化和GIS等技术,开发了上海市机动车污染物实时排放预警系统,实现了上海市全市道路的机动车动态排放测算、交通环境政策实施情景模拟和网格化排放清单,更新频率为每30 min一次,包含PM、NOx、CO、SO2、VOCs等污染物和9种车型。系统建成后直接服务于首届中国国际进口博览会,为大气污染排放实时总量跟踪评估、污染源管控措施分析及监测成因分析等提供了有力的实时数据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

南京市机动车污染物减排因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以南京市机动车排污监控系统的实时检测数据为基础,简述了南京市机动车减排效果,在“十二五”期间南京市机动车保有量增长71.8%的背景下,实现了污染物排放量削减18.8%,单车平均排放CO、HC、NOx较3年前分别下降了33%,31%和36%;排放标准和使用年限二因素方差分析表明,其对NOx、CO和HC排放值的影响由大到小排序均为:油品质量〉排放标准〉使用年限。提出,进一步提升油品质量至关重要。  相似文献   

2014年9月1日起,国家试行6年以内的非营运轿车等车辆免检制度。大多数城市根据此规定,对于车辆的排放定期检验也同步实施6年免检。随着汽车保有量的快速增长,车辆尾气排放对大气环境的影响不容忽视。因此,地方环保部门应针对机动车污染排放的管理重点,从管理手段、管理体制机制、管理对策等方面进一步加强对高污染车辆的监管。  相似文献   

以南京市为例,依托机动车环保监管数据库,根据国家机动车排放模型CVEM计算出黄标车主要污染物一氧化碳、碳氢化合物、氮氧化物及颗粒物的年排放量,并系统回顾了近年来为控制黄标车污染所采取的区域限行、淘汰奖补和治理改造等针对性管理措施,分析了政策实施的进展及成效,进一步明确了黄标车治理的必要性。  相似文献   

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