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“十三五”以来,中国工业危废产生量逐年增加,利用处置率总体呈上升趋势。废酸等11类工业危废的产生量累计占比接近85%,化工、有色金属冶炼、焦化和钢铁等行业危废产生量较高,且主要集中在四川、河北等10个省(区、市),呈行业、区域高度集中的特点。工业危废主要由工业企业和危险废物集中处理厂处理,其处理比例约为2∶1。工业企业对工业危废的处理方式主要为再循环(再利用);危险废物集中处理厂主要处理方式为综合利用、焚烧和填埋。除云南、天津等少数省(区、市)工业危废利用或处置潜力不足外,大部分省(区、市)仍有较大潜力。建议高度重视工业危废安全处理和定期风险排查,降低生态环境风险。加强工业危废利用处置技术研发,进一步挖掘工业危废集中处理潜力,不断提高工业危废处理质量效益。  相似文献   

基于环境统计数据分析了长江经济带工业源和生活源总磷污染及治理特征。结果表明,2016—2019年,长江经济带工业源和生活源总磷排放量总体下降,但占全国比例逐年增加。工业源涉磷企业主要分布在江苏、浙江、四川、湖北等省,主要涉及纺织、农副食品、化工、电镀等行业;下游的南通、苏州、宁波、绍兴和杭州等城市"三磷"企业总磷产生量也较大。工业源总磷治理存在污水处理设施建设和现有治理能力不足的问题。四川、江苏、湖南等地的生活源总磷排放量较大,贵州、江西、云南等地的人均总磷排放量较高。长江经济带上游流域、地区生活污水处理率、总磷去除率较低。建议加强工业源涉磷企业监管和治理力度,强化上游地区生活污水处理设施建设和提标改造,减少总磷污染。  相似文献   

危险废物焚烧处置项目竣工环境保护验收监测要点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对危险废物焚烧处置项目竣工环境保护验收监测中尚需明确的要点进行了剖析,并从入炉危废种类及比例、焚烧量的控制、助燃剂加入量、空气过剩系统的把握,以及安全管理检查要点等方面,提出相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

水体颜色是判断水体质量的重要依据,利用遥感技术检测水色异常是进行水质评估和水体污染监测的重要技术手法。基于盐城市废黄河入海口处的GF1-WFV影像数据,利用遥感影像自身光谱特征来构建水色异常判断函数,对研究区域的水色异常进行快速提取和定位,并比较分析了基于单景影像特征和多景影像特征设置判断阈值的提取结果。研究结果表明:该方法完全基于遥感影像光谱特征,可有效提取出未知类型的水色异常信息;与基于单景影像设置的判断阈值相比,基于双景影像设置的判断阈值更合理、更适用,提取速度更快,提取范围更精确,Kappa系数为0.80;另外,采用合适窗口大小进行均值滤波处理能有效防止提取结果细碎和斑块化。  相似文献   

简述了建设项目竣工环境保护验收监测时工况核查的重要性和存在的问题。根据相关标准规范要求和实践经验,对仓储、污水处理、危废集中处置项目等非生产性行业验收监测中的工况核查展开了讨论,提出应完善相关的实施程序和技术规范,使得工况核查有据可依;工况核查差异对待、区别思考以及进一步提高监测人员的工况核查水平等建议,为今后开展此类验收监测工况核查提供借鉴。  相似文献   

通过开展多种前处理技术对18种多氯联苯(PCBs)痕量分析的应用试验,对前处理影响因素和仪器条件进行优化,得出最佳参数,并将其应用于实际危废样品中痕量PCBs的测定。结果表明,以正己烷为萃取溶剂,萃取温度100 ℃,循环2次做加速溶剂萃取,用Si柱作为净化柱,洗脱溶剂体积为8 mL的净化条件下,18种PCBs在500 μg/L~500 μg/L范围内线性良好,方法检出限为004 μg/kg~031 μg/kg,加标样6次测定结果的RSD为45%~104%。实际危废样品测定结果为未检出~426 μg/kg,加标回收率为720%~105%。  相似文献   

随着经济快速发展,工业固废、非正规垃圾、未覆盖建筑渣土等固体废物急剧增加,对区域生态环境造成极大威胁。固废堆场具有面积小、分布散等特点,目前国内仍缺少针对各类固废堆场的遥感自动识别研究。为此,基于国产高分辨率卫星遥感数据,根据野外实地光谱采集结果,分别开展了未覆盖建筑渣土、工业固废及非正规垃圾的自动识别方法研究,提取研究区各类固废堆场。结果表明:未覆盖建筑渣土在蓝波段与绿波段分别存在"吸收谷"与"反射峰",基于该特征构建的比值指数模型,结合直方图双峰法阈值分割可以有效提取未覆盖建筑渣土区域;工业固废、非正规垃圾2种固废类型多样,光谱反射率没有明显规律,结合其纹理、色调等特征,采用面向对象多尺度分割、支持向量机监督分类方法能够较好地识别2种类型固废;基于自动化提取技术并结合人机交互判读方法,提取的研究区未覆盖建筑渣土、工业固废及非正规垃圾等3种固废堆场的精度分别达到96.83%、88.26%、85.71%,各类固体废物遥感识别精度较高,极大提高了固废监测效率。  相似文献   

电镀企业产生的漂洗水中含有大量的重金属,处理后生成的电镀重金属污泥属于危废,国家有相关的处置规定,若处置不当,会对环境造成二次污染,并且造成重金属的流失。介绍了利用离子交换法、电解法、膜分离技术、电去离子法等相关方法回收电镀漂洗废水中重金属的国内外的研究进展;从源头抓起,减少了电镀企业重金属元素的排放量,同时对废水的合理回用提供一些可行性方案。  相似文献   

以习近平长江经济带发展思路和实施国家大数据战略为背景,简要介绍了南京市长江大保护和大数据融合工作的现状与特点。在对标分析武汉市长江大保护和贵州省大数据融合先进工作经验的基础上,针对当前南京市大数据应用水平不高,难以为生态环境重要决策提供有效支撑的情况,从树立创新思维摸清沿江污染底数、树立法治思维推进大数据融合共享、树立融入思维推进社会化服务、树立数字思维适应信息化和“互联网+”发展等方面,对南京市如何深度整合利用现有大数据资源,构建具有南京特色的长江大保护“生态眼”监管系统提出对策和建议。  相似文献   

从“数字环保”到“智慧环保”   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
简述了“数字环保”到“智慧环保”的概念与发展背景.指出环境信息化要实现从“数字环保”到“智慧环保”的跨越,物联网技术是实现跨越的基础.提出,构建立体化、智能化的覆盖全国的环保领域物联网平台,实现由“数字环保”向“智慧环保”的转化,将是一个系统、长期的工程.“十二五”期间,从总量减排四项约束性指标和固废、危废监管等重点领...  相似文献   

简述了印染废水处理污泥危险废物鉴别过程中有毒污染物的迁移转化及鉴别因子筛选。以采用活性染料的印染企业为例,从常用的原辅材料、使用的生产工艺、常用的废水处理工艺等几个方面来对印染废水处理污泥危险废物鉴别过程中有毒污染物的迁移及转化进行分析。提出危险废物鉴别工作任重而道远,危险废物鉴别的关键在于日常监管。  相似文献   

One of India's major concerns is the increasing level of land pollution largely due to the uncontrolled disposal of industrialsolid and hazardous waste. With rapid industrialization, thegeneration of industrial solid and hazardous waste has increasedappreciably and the nature of waste generated has become complex.Their impacts on the ecological bodies are noticeable. The article describes the details of studies conducted using Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure, to estimate the toxicity effects of the metals viz., chromium, zinc, manganese,iron, nickel, cobalt and copper by the Zero Headspace Extractorfor the sludges generated from effluent treatment plant of steeltube, wire and plating industries on environment constituentslike groundwater, surface water and land. Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure determines the mobility of organic and inorganic analytes of liquid, solid or multiphase waste from hazardous solid wastes in the form of primary and secondary extracts. These extracts are mixed in equal volumeproportion and analyzed by Direct Reading 2000 spectrophotometer.The amount of heavy metals observed during the studies in theleachates were found and the results were compared with HazardousWaste categories as per Indian Standards, TCLP regulatory limitsgiven by United States Environment Protection Agency (USEPA) andGermany Leachate Quality Standards and it was observed that theywere on higher side, needing a proper preventive concept of sludge management including handling, treatment, recovery and disposal.  相似文献   

Agricultural wastes (AW) are produced in huge quantities worldwide and may cause detrimental effects on environmental quality, affecting soil, water, and air quality. Given the growing soil degradation worldwide, the need for more food of good quality and therefore the intensified agriculture, it is important to develop recycling plans even for those types of treated AW (e.g., composts) that are not considered hazardous. Two strategic approaches for safe and sustainable landspreading of organic wastes are proposed, depending on wastes properties and hazard potential, i.e., an approach appropriate for traditionally used wastes (manures and composts) and another approach for wastes that are potentially hazardous or hazardous and should only be reused under specific restrictions. Both approaches foresee concrete steps, require close cooperation between farmers and local/regional authorities, and are appropriate to ensure environmental sustainability at AW recycling or disposal areas. Desktop and web application tools are also presented that are anticipated to assist authorities in implementing their monitoring strategies.  相似文献   

聚氯乙烯树脂是用途极广的热塑性高分子材料,然而,电石法生产聚氯乙烯树脂(PVC)的过程中会产生大量的危险废物,如处置不当会对环境造成严重污染。本文对电石法生产聚氯乙烯树脂(PVC)过程中产生危险废物的类型、环节和产生特性进行了分析,以供环保部门和相关企业作为针对危险废物环境管理的判定依据。  相似文献   

中国固体废物的环境管理与环境监测技术现状   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
为加强中国固体废物的环境管理和环境监测技术,回顾了中国自1985年以来制定的固体放心物环境管理法规制度以及1984年至1998年颁布的20多年家或行业的固体废物处置标准体系等固体废物的环境管理状况,着重论述了中国固体废物环境监测技术的发展历史与现状。指出经过20多年的努力,在固体废物环境监测技术与方法上初步形成了该领域框架体系,有固体废物的采样与制样技术;危险废物的有害特性试验鉴别方法,固体废物具  相似文献   

Liquid hazardous waste disposal in landfills is usually allowed only after solidification/stabilization. Although various procedures are commonly practiced, little is known about the mechanism(s) of the processes. A particular problem is the interference of organics. Small amounts of organics can interfere with the reaction between inorganic sludges and cementitous matrices. The present communication reports studies of the interaction between selected organic hazardous wastes and Type I Portland cement. Microscopic studies of the structural differences between cements set with water and those set with water plus organic liquids are discussed. In these studies the scanning electron microscope is used to observe samples fractured at 78K. The results provide technical background data on the ultimate stability of critical waste constituents solidified by various binding agents.  相似文献   

危险废物生态毒性鉴别指标研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
生态毒性是危险废物的危险特性鉴别指标之一,生态毒性鉴别指标确定的基础是关于毒性化学物质和固体废物的生态毒理学(评估指标)研究.比较研究了国外毒性物质和危险废物的生态毒性鉴别指标及其制定的方法学,分析了中国的研究现状,对中国危险废物生态毒性鉴别指标制定的方法学提出了建议.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new approach for modeling environmental problem as a bilevel programming problem. To the authors best knowledge, this is the first attempt to use bilivel techniques to tackle such problems. We derive at solution to help decision makers to cope with environmental policy issues. San Francisco, Bay Area is used as a real world example with the solution to their environmental problem.California is presently faced with a serious deficit of solid waste treatment and disposal facilities. Federal legislation has sought to compel the States to assure the capacity to treat and dispose of their own wastes and the California Legislature has enacted laws requiring the counties to initiate programs so that they can treat and dispose of their own wastes. Neither the federal nor the State programs have met with success in California. California continues to ship greater and greater amounts of waste out-of-state, and the majority of California counties have not instituted plans acceptable to the State government regarding the treatment and disposal of their own wastes.In the few cases where sitting and licensing programs have been proposed, the policy-makers charged with their evaluation have proceeded with largely intuitive, non-quantitative evaluation of policy options, often ignoring most of the financial and environmental implication of their decisions.We have developed a strategic management decision model that can evaluate multiple solid waste management options from both economic and environmental standpoints. Examples of problems a quantitative model might evaluate include the economic and environmental impacts of multiple treatment or disposal facilities as opposed to only one site; the environmental impact of taxing dirty waste streams, thus encouraging waste treatment and/or minimization on-site; and the social risk resulting from transportation risks assuming one or more multiple treatment or disposal sites or the use of alternative transportation routes.Because of extensive information presently available for the San Francisco Bay region, we have investigated the regional waste management problem there under several different treatment and disposal scenarios. As appropriate, results from this regional model and from authors earlier work [1] will be applied to California as a whole.  相似文献   

Photographic industry which is extensively used by the medical and film industries heavily depend on silver. The industry produce large quantities of wastewater containing high concentrations of silver compounds. Silver in all forms is regarded as toxic heavy metal and prohibited from discharging into public sewers. Also silver is an expensive commodity and recovery of silver from these wastewaters and recycling improves production cost. Thus makes the process an environmentally friendly operation. This paper gives an insight of an improved silver extraction process developed at the building department of Ngee Ann Polytechnic to effectively recover silver from photographic wastes and to treat the waste water to standards acceptable for disposal, by the Ministry of the Environment.  相似文献   

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