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拉萨市大气污染分布特征及气象影响因子分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以2001~2006年拉萨市的空气环境质量自动监测结果为基础数据,阐明拉萨市区主要大气污染物SO2、NO2、PM10的逐日变化、季节变化以及年变化特征.在此基础上,分析了大气污染物浓度与气象条件的关系.结果表明,除NO2日夜差别不大之外,SO2与PM10质量浓度分别存在典型的单峰、双峰变化;各污染物质量浓度具有冬强夏弱的季节变化规律;就年平均而言,SO2浓度增加,PM10浓度降低,NO2浓度变化不显著,各污染物有明显的突变现象.大多数气象要素与污染物浓度具有较好的负相关,即满足降水量增加、温度升高、相对湿度增大会导致污染物浓度减小的规律,气象要素量级与大气污染天数多少也存在密切关系.  相似文献   

为了研究北京地区PM2.5与空气污染物的质量浓度关系。从PM2.5监测网收集2013-04-01~2014-05-15期间PM2.5、PM10、SO2、NO2、CO、O3等主要空气污染物数据,用多元线性回归模型建立PM2.5与空气污染物的质量浓度关系。结果表明:北京地区PM2.5与空气污染物PM10、SO2、NO2、CO、O3的质量浓度相关系数分别为0.9172、0.6332、0.7683、0.8166和-0.1797,优化的拟合方程为:[PM2.5]=-22.5925+0.569109×[PM10]+23.94913×[CO]+0.113025×[BPM2.5],模型的估算值与观测值相关系数为0.9426,此方程能较好地模拟北京地区的PM2.5质量浓度。  相似文献   

结合2003—2014年南京城区春节除夕前后主要空气污染物监测数据,分析烟花爆竹集中燃放时空气污染指数及PM10、SO2、NO2质量浓度的变化趋势。指出除夕燃放烟花爆竹会引起PM10、SO2、NO2质量浓度上升,在大气扩散条件不佳的情况下影响了环境空气质量。建议在大中城市城区采取适当的禁放措施,并加快研制安全环保型的烟花爆竹替代产品。  相似文献   

重庆市区灰霾天气变化及特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了近15年重庆市区灰霾的时间变化特征以及主要大气污染物与能见度的相关性。1997—2012年,灰霾天气占41.2%,发生天数没有明显变化,严重程度有所减缓。灰霾在冬季发生的天数最多,持续时间长,且容易发生重度的持续灰霾。夏季灰霾天数最少,程度最轻。PM10、PM2.5、SO2、NO2浓度随灰霾的加重而增加,其中PM2.5浓度增幅最大,O3浓度随灰霾的加重而降低。灰霾对能见度的影响大于降水天气对其的影响。灰霾天气下能见度受PM2.5的影响较大,非灰霾天气下,能见度主要受O3的影响。  相似文献   

通过对吐鲁番市城市环境质量三项大气主要污染物变化趋势进行调查分析,结果表明:吐鲁番市环境空气质量呈恶化趋势,大气污染物中PM10浓度呈上升趋势,SO 2呈略微上升趋势,NO2无显著变化。 PM10浓度在冬季采暖期和春秋季(4月)较高,为防治吐鲁番市空气质量变劣,急需采取积极有效的预防措施,切实保护好吐鲁番市人民赖以生存的空气环境。  相似文献   

上海市环境空气质量时间变化规律及其成因分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对上海市9个环境空气监测国控点2001-2003年的SO2、NO2和PM10监测数据,按时间段进行统计分析,并对3种空气污染物的日变化趋势和规律进行归纳分析。指出对环境空气质量和空气污染物时间变化产生影响的主要原因为大气扩散条件的时间变化影响和污染源排放的时间变化影响。  相似文献   

2001年~2008年及奥运会期间天津市大气污染特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据天津市大气质量监测数据,对2001年~2008年及奥运会期间天津市大气污染特征和主要大气污染物的变化规律进行了分析。结果表明,2001年~2008年天津市的PM10、SO2和NO2污染总体呈下降趋势,但质量浓度仍相对较高。2008年8月奥运会期间天津市PM10和SO2质量浓度达到国家空气质量二级标准,NO2质量浓度达到国家空气质量一级标准,空气质量良好。天津市PM10污染相对稳定,SO2和NO2的污染分布呈现明显的季节性,时间上表现为冬强夏弱。气象条件对污染物浓度影响明显,沙尘、大雾等天气可使污染物浓度急剧升高。  相似文献   

南京市空气质量时间变化规律及其成因   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
对南京市工业区——迈皋桥、居民区——草场门、清洁区——玄武湖3个监测点连续1年的SO2、NO2、PM103种空气污染物监测数据按时间段进行了统计,分析了3种空气污染物日变化规律及相互关系。指出大气扩散条件的日变化和污染物排放的日变化是造成空气污染物日变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市大气污染时空分布规律研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
李沫 《干旱环境监测》2009,23(4):223-226
为掌握乌鲁木齐市大气污染时空分布规律,利用近年乌鲁木齐市大气污染物的浓度最新资料,详尽分析了其空气质量的年际变化和空间分布特征。统计了2008年各污染物日、月变化规律。结果表明,近年乌鲁木齐市城区大气污染物质量浓度具有明显时空分布规律,即大气污染物质量浓度冬春季大于夏秋季,PM10和SO2浓度夜间大于白天。在空间分布上,PM10和SO2南部区域最高,中部次之,市区北部最轻,NO2则呈现出由北向南逐渐升高的分布特征。  相似文献   

贵阳市民居室内外空气污染物分布及来源研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对贵阳市部分家庭室内外空气污染物进行了监测,并对其来源进行了分析.结果表明,除了CO浓度未超标外,SO2、NO2、PM10、CO2、甲醛和氨均出现不同程度的超标,超标率在0.5%~38%,最大超标倍数1.1~2.7,其中PM10的超标率和甲醛的超标倍数最明显.室内空气污染物中,PM10、CO、CO2和甲醛主要来自室内源的贡献,SO2则受室外源的影响大.污染物在室内不同房间之间具有较高的相关关系.  相似文献   

Ambient air quality data, including atmospheric visibility, of Foshan city, a highly polluted city in the Pearl River Delta (PRD), and data obtained by the On-line Air Pollutant Exhaust Monitoring Network (OAPEMN), recently established by the National Emission Monitoring and Control Network for major industrial enterprises, were analyzed and are reported here for the first time, revealing the change in air pollution patterns and its impact on visibility degradation in the last decade. Reduced visibility of less than 8 km (after elimination of rainy and foggy periods) was found 22% of the time from 1998 to 2008, accompanied by elevated levels of pollutants, especially SO2 and PM10, in comparison with that of other developed cities. However, PM10 showed a steady decreasing trend (0.004 mg m???3 year???1) during 2001?C2008, in contrast to the noticeable increase in ambient NO2 concentrations from ~0.020 mg m???3 before 2005 to above 0.050 mg m???3 afterward. Multiple regression analysis revealed that the percentage of reduced visibility strongly correlated with PM10 concentration, suggesting that visibility degradation was directly proportional to the loading of particles. Moreover, the fairly significant correlation between reduced visibility and NO2 concentration also implied that the impact of primary emissions of NO2 and enhanced secondary pollutants, formed via photochemical processes in the atmosphere, could not be ignored. The decreased PM10 levels were obviously the predominant factor for the improvement in visibility (5.0% per 0.01 mg m???3) and were likely due to the implementation of stricter air pollution control measures for industrial exhaust, which also resulted in reduced SO2 pollution levels in the recent 2 years. In particular, the OAPEMN records showed an overall enhanced SO2 removal by 64% in major industrial sectors. The continuous increase in road traffic and lack of efficient NO x control strategies in the PRD region, however, caused an increase in ambient NO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

In this paper, the applicability of a Long-Path Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (LP-DOAS) system was checked for the feasibility of the simultaneous measurement of trace gases (such as O3, NO2, SO2, and HCHO) and atmospheric visibility (light extinction by aerosols) in Asian urban areas. Field studies show that an LP-DOAS system can simultaneously measure the key pollutants (such as O3, NO2, SO2, and HCHO) at detection limits in the ppb/sub-ppb range as well as the Mie extinction coefficient with an uncertainty of 0.1 km–1 at time resolution of a few minutes. It is thus concluded that the use of LP-DOAS system is feasible for simultaneous measurement of gaseous pollutants as well as an atmospheric extinction coefficient which is tightly bound to fine particulate concentration.  相似文献   

利用我国31个省会(省府)城市、直辖市站点大气污染物数据,对全国主要城市2020年新冠疫情管控期间以及复工复产后的大气污染状况进行统计学分析。结果表明:叠加疫情管控影响,相比往年,2020年春节假期前后全国主要城市整体上PM10、NO2、SO2、CO平均质量浓度降幅分别达到22.46%、60.13%、13.71%、17.64%;疫情管控期间全国主要城市PM2.5与PM10偏相关系数为0.952,PM2.5与SO2、NO2、CO的偏相关系数分别为0.705、0.791、0.831。复工复产初期相较疫情管控期间仅有NO2平均质量浓度上升;随着复工复产进程深入,PM10、SO2、NO2平均质量浓度则均有大幅度上升。采暖区SO2和CO平均质量浓度在疫情管控期分别为非采暖区的2.6倍及1.6倍,两大区域在复工复产后各大气污染物质量浓度变化情况有所差异,也反映出采暖区与非采暖区的大气污染情况的不同。  相似文献   

根据天津市秋季(2006年10月10日~20日)消光系数(bext)、PM2.5、SO2、NOX、NO2、O3质量浓度及相对湿度监测结果,利用灰色关联分析法分析大气消光系数同空气中的几种主要污染要素的相关性。结果表明,与消光系数有关的几种主要指标的灰关联度序为PM2.5NOXRHNO2O3,其中PM2.5与消光系数的灰关联系数达到0.905,远高于其他相关指标。同时对PM2.5和消光系数相关分析表明,监测期间天津市PM2.5质量消光系数为6.04m2/g。  相似文献   

The variation in air quality was assessed from the ambient concentrations of various air pollutants [total suspended particle (TSP), particulate matter ≤10 μm (PM10), SO2, and NO2] for pre-Diwali, Diwali festival, post-Diwali, and foggy day (October, November, and December), Delhi (India), from 2002 to 2007. The extensive use of fireworks was found to be related to short-term variation in air quality. During the festival, TSP is almost of the same order as compared to the concentration at an industrial site in Delhi in all the years. However, the concentrations of PM10, SO2, and NO2 increased two to six times during the Diwali period when compared to the data reported for an industrial site. Similar trend was observed when the concentrations of pollutants were compared with values obtained for a typical foggy day each year in December. The levels of these pollutants observed during Diwali were found to be higher due to adverse meteorological conditions, i.e., decrease in 24 h average mixing height, temperature, and wind speed. The trend analysis shows that TSP, PM10, NO2, and SO2 concentration increased just before Diwali and reached to a maximum concentration on the day of the festival. The values gradually decreased after the festival. On Diwali day, 24-h values for TSP and PM10 in all the years from 2002 to 2007 and for NO2 in 2004 and 2007 were found to be higher than prescribed limits of National Ambient Air Quality Standards and exceptionally high (3.6 times) for PM10 in 2007. These results indicate that fireworks during the Diwali festival affected the ambient air quality adversely due to emission and accumulation of TSP, PM10, SO2, and NO2.  相似文献   

为研究大同市大气颗粒物质量浓度与水溶性离子组成特征,于2013年2、7、9、12月,分别对大同市及其对照点庞泉沟国家大气背景点进行了PM2.5及PM10的采样,通过超声萃取-IC法测定了样品中的9种水溶性离子,结果表明,大同市大气颗粒物污染1、4季度重于2、3季度,PM2.5季度均值全年均未超标,PM10仅第1季度超标1.4倍,污染状况总体良好,PM2.5与PM10相关系数R为0.75,说明大同市颗粒物污染有较为相近的来源,且不同季节均以粗颗粒物为主;大同市PM2.5中水溶性离子浓度分布为SO2-4、NO-3、NH+4Cl-、Ca2+K+、Na+F-、Mg2+,PM10中Ca2+浓度仅次于SO2-4、NO-3,控制扬尘将有效降低PM10的浓度;PM2.5及PM10中的9种水溶性离子在不同季度的浓度与颗粒物浓度分布规律类似,1、4季度较高,2、3季度较低;由阴阳离子平衡计算结果可知,相关性方程的斜率K为1.045,表明大同市大气颗粒物中阳离子相对亏损,大气细粒子组分偏酸性。NO-3与SO2-4浓度比值均小于1,大同市以硫酸型污染为主,大气中的SO2-4主要来源于人类活动排放。  相似文献   

利用2015—2017年春节期间东北地区主要大气污染物(PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)、SO_2、NO_2、CO和O3)质量浓度监测资料及相应气象因子(温度、湿度、风速和气压)观测资料,分析了春节期间烟花爆竹禁燃对东北地区空气质量的影响。结果表明:随着东北地区主要城市禁燃力度的增强,空气质量逐年提升,PM_(2.5)和SO_2浓度逐年大幅度下降。禁燃可明显降低城区PM_(2.5)浓度,而由于春节期间污染源整体减少,城区和城郊监测点PM_(2.5)浓度值差异减小。烟花爆竹对PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)浓度影响高于对气体污染物SO_2、NO_2和CO的影响。此外,气象条件对东北地区春节期间禁燃改善空气质量的效果也有明显影响。因此,结合春节期间的气象条件,在东北地区实施禁燃政策动态调整非常必要。  相似文献   

杭州市大气污染物排放清单及特征   总被引:15,自引:9,他引:6  
以杭州市区为研究区域,通过调查整合多套污染源数据库及其他统计资料,研究文献报道及模型计算的各种污染源排放因子,获得杭州市区各行业PM10、PM2.5、SO2、NOx、CO、VOCs、NH3等污染物的排放量,建立了杭州市区2010年1 km×1 km大气污染物排放清单。结果表明,2010年杭州市区PM10、PM2.5、SO2、NOx、CO、VOCs和NH3的排放总量分别为7.96×104、4.02×104、7.23×104、8.98×104、73.90×104、39.56×104、3.32×104t。从排放源的行业分布来看,机动车尾气排放是杭州市区大气污染物最重要排放源之一,对PM10、PM2.5、NOx、CO和VOCs的贡献分别达到14.4%、27.1%、40.3%、21.4%、31.1%。道路扬尘、电厂锅炉、工业炉窑、植被、畜禽养殖对不同污染物分别有着重要贡献,道路扬尘对PM10和PM2.5的贡献分别为44.6%和20.0%、电厂锅炉对SO2和NOx的贡献分别为37.0%和25.7%、工业炉窑对CO的贡献为41.5%、植被排放对VOCs的贡献为27.1%、畜禽养殖对NH3的贡献为76.5%。从空间分布来看,萧山区和余杭区对SO2、NH3和植被排放BVOC的贡献要显著高于主城区;而主城区机动车对PM2.5、NOx和VOCs的贡献分别达到36.3%、56.0%和47.4%,较市区范围内显著增加,表明机动车尾气排放已成为杭州主城区大气污染最重要的来源之一。  相似文献   

Daily and hourly average data from nine air-quality monitoring stations distributed across central Taiwan, which include ten items (i.e., PM10, PM2.5, wind direction, wind speed, temperature, relative humidity, SO2, NO2, NO, and CO), were collected from 2005 to 2009. Four episode types: long-range transport with dust storms (DS), long-range transport with frontal pollution (FP), river dust (RD), and stagnant weather (SW), and one mixed type of episode were identified. Of these four episode types, the SW was the dominant type, averaging about 70 %. The mean ratio of PM2.5/PM10 was the lowest during the RD episodes (0.42), while the mean ratio of PM2.5/PM10 was the highest during the SW episodes (0.64). Fine aerosol (PM2.5) and coarse aerosol (PM10–2.5) samples were collected by high-volume samplers for chemical composition analysis, from only three stations (Douliou, Lunbei, and Siansi) during the days of SW, RD, DS, and FP. The concentrations of PM2.5 and three ionic species (NH4 +, NO3 ?, and SO4 2?) all showed significant differences among the four episode types. The highest levels of NO3 ? (12.1 μg/m3) and SO4 2? (20.5 μg/m3) were found during the SW and FP episodes, respectively. A comparison on the spatial similarity of aerosol compositions among the episodes and/or non-episodes (control) was characterized by the coefficient of divergence (CD). The results showed higher CD values in PM10–2.5 than in PM2.5, and the CD values between RD episodes and the other three episodes were higher than those between two types of episode for the other three episodes. The ratios of SOR (sulfur oxidation ratio), SO4 2?/EC (elemental carbon), NOR (nitrogen oxidation ratio), and NO3 ?/EC showed that sulfate formation was most rapid during the FP, while nitrate formation was most rapid during the SW.  相似文献   

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