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贵州三水库冬季浮游生物分布及影响因子分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为揭示喀斯特地区深水水库冬季的浮游生物群落结构及其影响因子,于2010年2月对贵州红枫湖、百花湖和阿哈水库进行采样分析。共鉴定出红枫湖、百花湖和阿哈水库的浮游植物分别为66、70、60种,浮游植物丰度范围分别为0.34×106~2.25×106、3.03×106~12.72×106、5.3×106~13.3×106 cells/L,后生浮游动物分别为22、16、24种,丰度变化范围分别为1.1~36.5、7.3~408、27~135 ind/L。Jaccard相似系数显示红枫湖/百花湖(0.381)>百花湖/阿哈水库(0.371)>红枫湖/阿哈水库(0.274)。典范对应分析(CCA)显示3个水库冬季的浮游植物的分布主要受透明度、温度、喜冷中镖水蚤、右突新镖水蚤、pH、舞跃无柄轮虫的影响,后生浮游动物的分布主要受透明度、温度、DO、沼泽颤藻、单角盘星藻具孔变种、TN和颗粒直连藻极狭变种螺旋变形的影响。  相似文献   

红枫湖水体中碳的时空分布特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2013年8月、10月、11月及2014年3月在红枫湖5个表层水样采集点、3个分层水样采集点测定的总碳、无机碳、总有机碳及二氧化碳数据,结合当时的气象数据对碳的时空分布特征讨论分析。结果表明,虽然调查期间同时间相同水层各个水样采集点的上述4个指标差异并不明显,但同一时间不同分层水体及各水样采集点不同季节在碳分布上存在一定差异。温度越高,光照越长,生物活性越强,湖体碳被生物利用的比例越大,总碳、无机碳、总有机碳含量就越低,较强的生物活性也伴随更多的二氧化碳产生。上、下层水体因光与温度差异所导致的碳分布差异会因季节性翻湖而消失。  相似文献   

根据“七五”期间全国14个城市湖泊富营养化调查拟定和筛选出的总氮、总磷、生化耗氧量、透明度和叶绿素a的含量五个评价参数,用评分法对我区三个主要湖(库)富营养化现状进行评价.柴窝堡湖和红岩水库已达富营养水平,乌拉泊水库达中营养水平.  相似文献   

深圳市饮用水源中CODMn与TOC的相关性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对深圳市饮用水源中CODMn和TOC测定结果的相关性分析,结果表明,水库内监测点位及监测区域CODMn与TOC相关性良好,水库外监测点位及监测区域CODMn与TOC相关性不显著,而整个监测区域的CODMn与总有机碳相关性令人满意。因此,提出了TOC值可直接作为饮用水源在线监测有机污染物的综合评价指标,同时也实现了湿式氧化法测定TOC在地表水监测中的应用。  相似文献   

为了解大通湖主要污染物TN、TP和NH3-N的空间分布特征及污染来源,于2017年9月对大通湖及周边河流进行采样分析。结果表明,大通湖周边入湖河流的ρ(TN)为0. 74~2. 18 mg/L,ρ(NH3-N)为0. 094~0. 874 mg/L,ρ(TP)为0. 02~0. 243 mg/L;湖体ρ(TN)为0. 82~1. 47 mg/L,呈现湖体中间低、四周高的特征,ρ(NH3-N)为0. 14~0. 42 mg/L,但整体差异较大,高值区主要在大通湖西南及东部,ρ(TP)为0. 160~0. 289 mg/L,水质为Ⅴ类或劣Ⅴ类,TP为湖体的主要污染物,湖体的ρ(TP)变化呈现出从四周向中部增加的趋势,高值区主要集中在大通湖正南及湖心处;根据2016年大通湖区域污染源统计及入湖污染物计算,大通湖水环境的TP污染负荷大小排序为农田径流畜禽养殖生活污水工业污染网箱养鱼旅游服务。  相似文献   

研究了厦门湖边水库、石兜-坂头水库水体颗粒物的分布特征及其与环境因子之间的关系。结果表明:(1)水体颗粒物平均含量以坂头库区最高,石兜库区次之,湖边水库最低,平均含量分别为31.9、27.7和23.1mg/L;在空间分布上,不同水库或库区、不同采样站位间,由于水体颗粒物的来源成因不同,其分布规律呈现出明显的差异。(2)从水体颗粒物与环境因子的关联度分析,湖边水库及石兜-坂头水库两个库区的水体颗粒物与总氮和总磷都有较大关联性。(3)利用Pearson积矩相关系数(两尾)进行检验,湖边水库及石兜-坂头水库两个库区的水体颗粒物均与总氮呈显著或极显著相关,与透明度呈显著负相关,与叶绿素a均呈负相关,与其它因子的相关规律性不明显。(4)水体颗粒物与环境因子的逐步回归分析表明,在不同的水库或库区,对水体颗粒物有显著影响的环境因子各不相同,湖边水库是高锰酸盐指数和总氮,石兜库区是高锰酸盐指数、总氮和总磷,坂头库区是pH、溶解氧和总磷。  相似文献   

采用环境一号卫星(HJ1A/1B)的多光谱(CCD)数据,通过影像预处理提取巢湖湖域蓝藻的归一化植被指数(NDVI),对巢湖湖域的蓝藻进行动态遥感监测,在GIS平台上计算蓝藻在研究时段内的平均空间分布、模拟其变化趋势及平均改善速度,结果表明,HJ1A/1B-CCD影像数据具有较高时空分辨率,对巢湖湖域蓝藻的识别能力强;巢湖湖域生态环境总体较好,蓝藻只是在局部湖域暴发,其中蓝藻极高密度区、高密度区呈团状、片状,主要集中分布在巢湖西湖区北部沿岸,并且为楔形向中心延伸;巢湖蓝藻暴发的湖域总体呈现改善趋势,但各区改善的程度、速度差异较大,原因复杂,尤其是西湖区北部沿岸不仅改善速度缓、改善程度不佳,甚至出现退化;巢湖西区应以治理为主、监测为重,东区则以着重监测。  相似文献   

用挂片法比较研究玄武湖周丛动物群落在不同人工基质、不同挂片位置的差异和群集过程,结果表明:在玻璃片、薄膜和有机玻璃上周丛动物群落结构具有良好的相似性,对于不同玻璃片上周丛动物群落具有良好的重复性.同湖中央Ⅱ站相比,挂片位置在湖边Ⅰ站周丛动物群集速度快、密度高.在湖水中不同深度挂片,其周丛动物群落结构无显著性差异.周丛动物不同的外部形态和活动特点决定周丛动物群落的空间层次.八月份周丛动物分为二层:上层由褶累枝虫、四分锤吸管虫等虫体组成,下层主要由钟形钟虫、沟钟虫及各种伪周丛动物组成;十月份只有一层,主要是多态喇叭虫.  相似文献   

洮滆水系湖库富营养化生态风险的特点与比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
茅东水库、长荡湖、涌湖、太湖竺山湾是洮滆水系从上游到下游排列的4大典型湖库,2008年的监测分析表明,氮、磷是该水系湖库富营养化的主要污染因子,并沿流域呈加剧趋势,上下游TP质量浓度为0.081~0.296 mg/L,差异小,而TN质量浓度为0.314~5.67 mg/L,差异大,长荡湖到涌湖是洮滆水系首要污染物TN快...  相似文献   

三峡库区大宁河回水段水华暴发时空分布特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对三峡库区一级支流大宁河巫山段2004年到2008年常规监测、水华期间加密监测以及单个测点水华垂线24小时监测数据进行了统计、分析及评价。结果发现,该河段水华暴发具有明显的时空分布特征,时间上,全年各月份均有出现,但主要集中在3~6月,占观测频次的79%;24小时内叶绿素a含量在下午16:00~18:00时间段内达到最大值;空间上,总体呈现出离入长江口越近暴发的频次越高,回水河湾较平直河道,宽阔河段较狭窄河段更重的趋势,主要集中在大宁河的开阔河段(小三峡三个峡谷之间及其上、下游开阔河段);24小时内水华垂线分布明显,0.5~5m的叶绿素a含量上层高于下层,水面下30m及以下区域叶绿素a含量变化不显著。  相似文献   

The TOC in surface waters and wastewater is an important analytical parameter describing the total content of all organic substances containing carbon. In practice, the TOC originated from natural and anthropogenic sources, and even if it is not directly responsible for dangers on human health, its determination is important for any kind of water that is used by public. The aim of this study was to determine variation of total organic carbon (TOC) and total carbon (TC) content in the stream Harsit, which courses in Eastern Black Sea Region, Turkey. Sampling was fortnightly conducted in each of the four seasons between March 2009 and February 2010. A total of 230 water samples were collected from ten sampling stations along the main branch of the stream Harsit with 143 km of length. Obtained TOC values were evaluated and used to classify the water quality of stream Harsit, according to the Turkish Water Pollution Control Regulation (TWPCR). The annual average TOC content values for the stations were found between 2.33 and 6.97 mg/L. It was seen that the TOC content have increased along the streamcourse of Harsit until the fourth station, where reaches its maximum value. The TOC content, then, has decreased and the minimum value was observed in the eighth station. The results showed that, except in winter season, maximum TOC content observed in many of the water samples were above Class I water standard indicated in TWPCR, which classifies the water resources according to the different area of uses. It was also found that TOC has a small contribution to TC and the highest TOC content in stream waters were measured in Gumushane station where direct discharge of city wastewaters and solid waste dumping to the stream were observed.  相似文献   

The Pearl River Delta (PRD), located in South China and adjacent to the South China Sea, is comprised of a complicated hydrological system; therefore, it was a great challenge to sample adequately to measure fluxes of organic and inorganic materials to the coastal ocean. In this study, several sampling designs, including five-point (the number of sampling points along the river cross-section and three samples collected at the upper, middle, and bottom parts at each vertical line), three-point (at the middle and two other profiles), one-point (at the middle profile), and single-point (upper, middle, or bottom sub-sampling point at the middle profile) methods, were assessed using total organic carbon (TOC) and suspended particulate matter (SPM) as the measurables. Statistical analysis showed that the three- and five-point designs were consistent with one another for TOC measurements (p > 0.05). The three- and one-point sampling methods also yielded similar TOC results (95% of the differences within 10%). Single-point sampling yielded considerably larger errors than the three- and one-point designs, relative to the results from the five-point design, but sampling at the middle sub-point from the middle profile of a river achieved a relatively smaller error than sampling at the upper or bottom sub-point. Comparison of the sampling frequencies of 12 times a year, four times a year, and twice a year indicated that the frequency of twice a year was sufficient to acquire representative TOC data, but larger sample size and higher sampling frequency were deemed necessary to characterize SPM.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to determine the effects of Izmir Big Channel Waste Water Treatment Project on the sediment quality of Izmir Bay. Wastewater treatment improves the water quality. However, sediment does not respond to this treatment as fast as water column. Monitoring of bottom water and sediment quality is necessary for identification of the recovery of the whole ecosystem. For this purpose, bottom water and sediment samples were collected from three stations which are located in the middle and inner parts of the Izmir Bay on a monthly basis between January 2003 and December 2003. Values measured at stations ranged between; 0.54-12.82 microg/L for chlorophyll-a, 0.09-9.32 microg/L for phaeopigment, 0.05-1.91 mg/L for particulate organic carbon in bottom waters, 11.88-100.29 microg/g for chlorophyll degradation products and 1.12-5.39% for organic carbon in sediment samples. In conclusion, it was found that grazing activity explained carbon variations in sediment at station 2, but at station 1 and station 3 carbon variations in sediment were not related to autochthonous biological processes.  相似文献   

为掌握东营市化工聚集区地下水受有机污染的总体程度,对该市三县两区96个调查点位的地下水TOC进行了监测。结果表明:化工聚集区地下水TOC质量浓度分布范围为1.5~19.6 mg/L,87.5%的数据集中在2~10 mg/L区段,其中2~4 mg/L的区段数据最密集,数据分布呈对数正态分布。受区域内外部因素共同影响,地下水超标率和异常值比率分别达到62.5%和18.8%,且由南向北呈明显上升趋势;存在浓度均值超标和异常突变数据的化工聚集区数量分别占调查总量的75%和62.5%。地下水TOC受环境地质分布影响显著,黄泛平原区比山前平原区污染范围和程度更高;河口区和广饶井罐区分别是东营市和广饶县地下水污染最严重的地区,广饶县西北部是东营市地下水TOC水质最好的地区。  相似文献   

The present study used ultraviolet absorption (UVa) and the florescence intensity (FI) to evaluate the coagulation efficiency for removing dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the raw water from Min-Ter, Li-Yu-Ten and Yun-Ho-Shen reservoirs in Taiwan. The results indicated that the ratio of DOC removal rate and FI removal rate was maintained at about 1 at various coagulant dosages. However, the ratio of DOC removal rate and UVa removal rate decreased as the coagulant dosage increased. In addition, after coagulation, the use of florescence intensity instead of total organic carbon (TOC) is better than UVa for measuring the DOC removal rate of the raw waters gathered in different months from the three reservoirs. Furthermore, a good linear relationship between florescence intensity and DOC removal rate was observed, and the DOC/FI ratio of raw water from each reservoir can be used to predict the DOC residual concentration after enhanced coagulation. This result shows that fluorescence analysis can be used for on-line and continuous monitoring the effectiveness of organic matter removal in water treatment.  相似文献   

In contrast to extensive studies of dissolved organic matters (DOM) in natural lakes, the distributions and the characteristics of DOM in artificial dam reservoirs have not been well documented despite a growing demand for the construction worldwide. For this study, spatial variations in the concentrations and the characteristics of DOM in Lake Paldang, a large river-type dam reservoir, were investigated using the concentrations, the specific UV absorbance (SUVA), the synchronous fluorescence spectra and the molecular weight (MW(w)) values. In addition, environmental factors determining the DOM spatial distribution were examined based on a principal component analysis (PCA). Variations in the DOM characteristics were greater than those for the concentrations (1.1-2.4 mg C/L). In contrast to typical lakes, vertical variations with a depth were much smaller than those observed among horizontal sampling sites within the reservoir. Irrespective of the depth, four individual sampling locations were easily distinguished by comparison of some selected DOM characteristics. The protein-like fluorescence (PLF), MW(w) and SUVA values observed at the location near the dam exceeded the corresponding values for the sampling locations near major influent rivers, suggesting that, even for the river-type dam reservoir, the downstream DOM characteristics may be governed by in-lake DOM production processes such as the release from sediments and algal activities. The results of principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that approximately 61% of the variance in DOM distribution might be explained by allochthonous/autochthonous carbon sources and predominant presence of either total nitrogen or total phosphorous over the other.  相似文献   

Following restoration changes in Antoninek Reservoir physico-chemical and biological processes in the water column and bottom sediments were measured to outline mechanisms of changes in nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter concentrations during water flow through this reservoir. Intensive mineralisation of organic matter in the shallow sediments stimulated primary production and influenced increasing ammonia and nitrite nitrogen concentrations. Two main factors affected concentrations of phosphorus: (1) its presence in the external loads of river waters entering the reservoir, more important in the colder seasons as the water discharge was higher and (2) from the internal loads coming from bottom sediments. The quality of the river water during its flow through this reservoir improved for most parameters and seasons. However, concentrations of nutrients were still high in waters flowing out from the reservoir and in some months they were higher in the outflow than in waters entering the reservoir.  相似文献   

七虎林河源头区地表腐殖质随着径流的冲刷进入水体,形成了天然有机质(NOM),其中,溶解性有机质(DOM)易对河流水质造成影响。为了研究七虎林河中DOM的时空分布特征及其对水质的影响,开展了6次采样,分析了水体及土壤吸收光谱和荧光光谱特征参数,利用平行因子(PARAFAC)算法解析了水体DOM的特性及来源。结果表明:七虎林河上游水体五日生化需氧量(BOD5)、高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)、化学需氧量(COD)、可溶性有机碳(DOC)的浓度分别为1.4 mg/L±0.2 mg/L、6.1 mg/L±3.0 mg/L、21 mg/L±8 mg/L、7.0 mg/L±3.2 mg/L,BOD5/COD平均值为0.08,说明流域内水体DOM的可生化性差,对水质影响较小。光谱特征参数紫外吸收系数(SUVA254)、荧光指数(FI)、腐殖化指数(HIX)、生物源指数(BIX)分析结果表明,七虎林河上游云山水库库上林区河段DOM的物质组成与水库及库下河段差异显著。库上河段DOM的芳香碳含量更高、分子量更大、自生源组分...  相似文献   

The impact of the total organic carbon (TOC), chlorine dosage, water temperature, reaction time, pH, and seasonal variation on the formation of haloacetic acids (HAAs) in the Karoon River in Iran was studied. The results showed that dichloroacetic acid and trichloroacetic acid were the most detected HAA5. The HAA5 formation potential (HAA5FP) levels in the Karoon River water in spring time, when the water TOC content exceeded 4 mg/L, were 1.38 times higher than during the winter season, when the water TOC content was below 3.5 mg/L. There was not a strong correlation between the HAA5FP and the residence time for the Karoon River water. For the range of the water temperatures studied, there was little variation in the HAA5FP in cold water, but in warmer water, the values of the HAA5FP varied quickly.  相似文献   

Krishnagiri reservoir is a hyper-eutrophicated reservoir located in Krishnagiri district which is one of the drought-prone districts in Tamil Nadu, India. The reservoir water is being used for various purposes such as irrigation, drinking, fish rearing, livestock rearing, and recreation. Since there is no an evidence of investigation on bottom sediments in Krishnagiri reservoir, the present study was carried out during southwest monsoon season in 2008. This study examined the physical and chemical characteristics of the bottom sediments such as composition, redox potential, moisture content, organic carbon, organic matter, total phosphorus, and total iron at 15 locations in the reservoir. Phosphorus fractionation study was carried out to find out different fractions such as loosely adsorbed phosphorous, iron and aluminium-bound phosphorus, calcium-bound phosphorous, and organic phosphorous. Results indicated that there was spatial variation in the composition of sediments and low values of redox potential. The significant positive correlation exists between the organic carbon and organic phosphorus concentration. The lacustrine zone of the reservoir showed high accumulation of total phosphorus and total iron when compared to riverine and transition zones. This study concludes an allogenic origin of majority of inorganic phosphorus in the reservoir during the study period and this might have been derived from the catchment during the erosion process. The high concentration of surface sediment phosphorus clearly indicates a greater threat of eutrophication in Krishnagiri reservoir.  相似文献   

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