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This study reports evidence of increased chlorpyrifos contamination in sediment and water in Lake Naivasha following its intensive application in the horticultural farms in the catchment area. Analytical results show that levels of chlorpyrifos residues were influenced by climate-induced rainfall pattern with higher levels reported during period of heavy precipitation with significant decrease during low rainfall. On average, the levels ranged between 14.8 and 32.8 ng g?1 in sediment during rainy season compared to a range of 8.5–16.6 ng g?1 in the dry season. Additionally, the mean concentration of chlorpyrifos in water ranged between 8.61 and 22.4 μg L?1 during rainy season and below detection limit (bdl) ?13.6 μg L?1 in dry season as quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Meanwhile, independent t test analysis indicated that there was significant difference in concentration at p?≤?0.05 between the seasons with respect to sediment and water samples. This demonstrated that climate-induced variations had considerable influence on contamination. While diazinon and carbofuran were equally applied intensively, their levels were below the detection limit in the all the samples analyzed. ELISA results were validated by the capillary-HPLC photodiode-array detector instrument analysis, and statistical comparison showed no significant difference between them. It was evident that chlorpyrifos residues determination in water and sediment by ELISA can be a useful strategy in environmental management and monitoring program, and a complimentary analytical tool to high performance liquid chromatography. Levels of chlorpyrifos detected in sediment and water were found to exceed recommended criteria for protection of aquatic life and preservation of water quality and may be hazardous if not regularly monitored.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of the treatment process for the removal of pesticides in the final water supplies in Delhi has been evaluated. Samples were collected during 2000–2005 from five water treatment plants (WTPs). Analysis was carried out to identify pesticides, which are more commonly encountered in treated drinking water. In most of the treatment plants, the concentrations of lindane, total endosulphan and total DDT were significantly less in the finished water. Monitoring of these less soluble pesticide in the finished water from WTPs was done quarterly to arrive at the quality trends and to plan for the mitigation action, in case the concentration of the parameter exceeded at any site or time.  相似文献   

The extensive use of the broad range of pesticides employed to maintain golf courses has prompted serious environmental concerns in Japan since courses tend to be located in mountainous regions, often in close proximity to virgin water sources. Since older empirical methods are not appropriate for substance identification and determination of substance concentrations on the ppb order, gas chromatographyquadrupole mass spectrometry (GC/QPMS) can be employed. A simple extraction of 500 ml of drainage pond water gives a sample which allows identification of pesticides with quantitation on the ppb order using selected ion monitoring (SIM). A sample of drainage pond water from a golf course revealed fenitrothion, funitrothion, chlorothalonil and isoprothiolane in concentrations of 120.1, 20.7, 45.6 and 130.5 ppb, respectively.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the bacterial contaminations in drinking water in Nyala city, South Darfur, Sudan with special reference to the internally displaced people camps (IDPs). Two hundred and forty water samples from different sites and sources including bore holes, hand pumps, dug wells, water points, water reservoir and household storage containers were collected in 2009. The most probable number method was used to detect and count the total coliform, faecal coliform and faecal enterococci. Results revealed that the three indicators bacteria were abundant in all sources except water points. Percentages of the three indicators bacteria count above the permissible limits for drinking water in all samples were 46.4% total coliform, 45.2% faecal coliform and 25.4% faecal enterococci whereas the highest count of the indicators bacteria observed was 1,600 U/100 ml water. Enteric bacteria isolated were Escherichia coli (22.5%), Enterococcus faecalis (20.42%), Klebsiella (15.00%), Citrobacter (2.1%) and Enterobacter (3.33%). The highest contamination of water sources was observed in household storage containers (20%) followed by boreholes (11.25%), reservoirs (6.24%), hand pumps (5.42%) and dug wells (2.49%). Contamination varied from season to season with the highest level in autumn (18.33%) followed by winter (13.75%) and summer (13.32%), respectively. All sources of water in IDP camps except water points were contaminated. Data suggested the importance of greater attention for household contamination, environmental sanitation control and the raise of awareness about water contamination.  相似文献   

Qiantang River is a typical river used for drinking water source, flowing through agricultural area in east China. Surface water samples at 45 sampling sites from the river were collected and analyzed for 13 organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) during six surveys in 2 years of 2005–2006. Sediments, soils, farmland runoff water and dry/wet deposition of this region were also measured for their OCPs residue in order to know possible source of OCPs contamination. The total OCPs concentrations in surface water were 7.68–615.2 ng/l. β-HCH, δ-HCH, Aldrin, Heptachlor, Heptachlor epoxide are the major OCPs in water. The maximum levels of OCPs in water were found in July, while significantly lower OCP concentrations were measured in January. Significant linear correlation was found between the concentration of HCH and that of total 13 OCPs in water. The measured OCP concentrations in sediments, soils, farmland runoff water and dry/wet deposition are discussed in relation to concentrations and patterns found in the surface water. Comparison of OCP levels in sediments and soils led to conclusion that erosion of soil contribute significantly to the contamination of water. The OCPs dry and wet deposition to water body was estimated to 0.49 and 0.86 ton/year, respectively. The ratio of α/γ-HCH and (DDE+DDD)/∑DDT in environmental matrix indicated there probably existed new OCPs input of lindane and dicofol into the river.  相似文献   

北京工业废水和城市污水中有机氯农药残留分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了基于HLB固相萃取柱和气相色谱-电子捕获(GC-ECD)测定水体中有机氯农药的方法,并对方法的回收率、灵敏度进行了评价,同时分析了北京市七类典型污染点源50个采样点位有机氯农药的浓度,检测到的有机氯农药包括γ-六六六、β-六六六、4,4’-滴滴涕、α-六六六、δ-六六六、硫丹Ⅰ、4,4’-滴滴伊、艾氏剂和异狄氏剂,它们的检出率分别为90%、60%、50%、46%、26%、8%、6%、2%和2%。主要有机氯农药污染残留为γ-六六六、β-六六六和4,4’-滴滴涕。检出有机氯农药浓度范围是0.20~76.40ng/L。方法对有机氯农药的回收率达到60.93%~141.50%,方法检测限为0.27~2.90ng/L。  相似文献   

Presence of pesticide residues was studied in rain water during 2002 employing multi residue analysis method by gas liquid chromatography equipped with ECD and NPD detectors and capillary columns. The presence of pesticide residues in surface aquatic system triggered the investigation of the presence of pesticides in rain water. A total of 13 pesticides were detected in rain water samples. Among the different groups of pesticides, organochlorines were present in the range of 0.041–7.060 ppb with maximum concentration of p,p’-DDT up to 7.060 μg l−1. Synthetic pyrethroids were present ranging from 0.100 to 1.000 μg l−1 and organophosphates in the range of 0.050–4.000 μg l−1 showing maximum contamination with cypermethrin (1.000 μg l−1) and monocrotophos (4.000 μg l−1) of the respective groups. Almost 80% samples showed the residues above MRL of 0.5 ppb fixed for multi residues and on the basis of single pesticide, 16–50% samples contained residues above the MRL value of 0.1 ppb.  相似文献   

Drinking water samples collected from rural areas of three districts of Haryana during pre-monsoon and post-monsoon periods were analysed for the presence of organochlorine pesticide residues. The main source of drinking water in rural areas, i.e. groundwater in Ambala and Gurgaon districts and surface water supply in Hisar district, was found to be contaminated with isomers of HCH and endosulfan and metabolites of DDT, whereas dieldrin remained below detection limits. During the study period, the mean values observed for total HCH, DDT and endosulfan were 87.6, 848.2, and 27.4 ng/L and 99.8, 275.3 and 164.2 ng/L, respectively, for Ambala and Gurgaon districts. In the case of Hisar district, the values were 78.5, 115.9, and 53.0 ng/L, respectively. During the study period, 37% of the samples exceeded the total pesticide level of 500 ng/L indicated in the EECD directive for drinking water. Seasonal variations of pesticide residues were also observed during the study period.  相似文献   

Modern agriculture practices reveal an increase in use of pesticides and fertilizers to meet the food demand of increasing population which results in contamination of the environment. In India crop production increased to 100% but the cropping area has increased marginally by 20%. Pesticides have played a major role in achieving the maximum crop production, but maximum usage and accumulation of pesticide residues was highly detrimental to aquatic and other ecosystem. The present study was chosen to know the level of organochlorines contamination in ground water of Thiruvallur district, Tamil Nadu, India. The samples were highly contaminated with DDT, HCH, endosulfan and their derivatives. Among the HCH derivatives, Gamma HCH residues was found maximum of 9.8 μg/l in Arumbakkam open wells. Concentrations of pp-DDT and op-DDT were 14.3 μg/l and 0.8 μg/l. The maximum residue (15.9 μg/l) of endosulfan sulfate was recorded in Kandigai village bore well. The study showed that the ground water samples were highly contaminated with organochlorine residues.  相似文献   

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