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近年来淮河干流氮污染状况与变化趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对淮河干流1990年至2002年氮污染和溶解氧监测数据的分析表明,沿淮河干流上游至下游氮污染加重,溶解氧含量降低。在一年中的6~9月,淮河干流无机氮和溶解氧浓度为最低。溶解氧的浓度直接影响到氨氮向亚硝酸盐氮和硝酸盐氮转化这一氧化自净过程。  相似文献   

A stream water quality model, QUAL2Kw, was calibrated and validated for the river Bagmati of Nepal. The model represented the field data quite well with some exceptions. The influences of various water quality management strategies have on DO concentrations were examined considering: (i) pollution loads modification; (ii) flow augmentation; (iii) local oxygenation. The study showed the local oxygenation is effective in raising DO levels. The combination of wastewater modification, flow augmentation and local oxygenation is necessary to ensure minimum DO concentrations. This reasonable modeling guarantees the use of QUAL2Kw for future river water quality policy options.  相似文献   

泸沽湖坐落于川滇交界处,是中国典型高原淡水湖泊。对泸沽湖水质的客观评价对于其规划保护及保护成效评估极为重要。鉴于溶解氧常常成为决定泸沽湖水质类别的唯一关键指标,在综合分析泸沽湖2013—2020年连续8年水环境主要指标变化的基础上,着重分析了溶解氧随季节、年际等的变化情况及其主要影响因素。结果表明,溶解氧浓度及饱和率存在明显的季节和年际波动。其中:溶解氧浓度一般是在春季升至全年最高,夏季末降低,并在秋冬季维持低位;溶解氧饱和率则是夏秋季节最高,冬季最低。溶解氧浓度的季节变化与水温显著负相关,而溶解氧饱和率的季节变化和水温、pH显著正相关;溶解氧浓度及饱和率的年际变化与水质主要指标均不存在显著相关关系。受高海拔低气压影响,虽然采取了大气压和温度补偿校准,但泸沽湖溶解氧浓度仍不易达到Ⅰ类水质标准限值(7.5 mg/L);而优良的水质加之茂盛的水生植被使得其溶解氧饱和率长期处于较高水平,可以达到Ⅰ类标准限值(90%)。因此,在自然环境特征类似于泸沽湖的水质优良高原湖泊,优先以饱和率作为溶解氧的评价指标更为合理。  相似文献   

The present report describes some effects of industrial and municipal effluents on the waters of San Vicente Bay. Analyses ofthe main substances contained in the fishing industry effluentsuggest rating criteria based on the oxygen saturation of thewater as an assessment of organic pollution. Six cruises were carried out throughout the Bay, from June to December 1996. Watersamples were analyzed for dissolved oxygen, oil and grease content, and sediment samples for organic matter content. Waterparameters (salinity, temperature) were used to characterize theBay's hydrography, and to calculate values for oxygen saturation. The measurements demonstrated a local broad range of oxygen deficit, with a maximum of 45% in the winter to 95% in the spring. In November more than 65% of the Bay's area showed oxygendeficits greater than 40%. Organic matter was unusually high insediments along the northern sector of the Bay. The results suggest that the oxygen depletion was a representative parameterfor establishing a relative scale of water quality in this Bay.  相似文献   

浙江近岸海域春季表层溶解氧饱和度分布及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2014年春季对浙江省近岸海域溶解氧的调查结果,结合现场的温度和盐度,得出溶解氧饱和度的平面分布,并在此基础上探讨了饱和度与温度、盐度、化学需氧量、浮游植物丰度之间的关系。结果显示,浙江省近岸海域溶解氧饱和度范围为92.1%~120%,均值为100%。总体呈西部沿岸低,东部外海高的平面分布趋势。溶解氧饱和度高值区与浮游植物丰度的高值区一致。低饱和区域化学需氧量含量基本高于1 mg/L。陆源径流和有机物质耗氧分解是沿岸低饱和区域主要控制因素,外海水和浮游植物光合作用是高饱和区域主要控制因素。径流和外海水对有机物质分解和浮游植物光合作用有一定的调控作用。  相似文献   

釜溪河为沱江一级支流,在自贡城区段设有国考碳研所断面。收集碳研所断面近10年来水质自动站数据,分析溶解氧(DO)变化特征,采样调查釜溪河自贡城区段水质及河道底泥污染状况,采用相关性分析、数值模拟等,研究分析釜溪河自贡城区段溶解氧分布特征及碳研所断面季节性低氧成因。研究结果表明,碳研所断面的溶解氧质量浓度变化特征呈现春末夏初最低,白天高晚上低的特征。釜溪河碳研所断面河水耗氧类污染物质量浓度较沱江流域内其他断面高,耗氧强度较大,溶解氧质量浓度较沱江流域其他断面偏低;其次,研究河段中釜溪河污水厂以下河段受污水厂低氧水排入和金子凼堰底层低氧水下泄影响,其溶解氧水平整体较污水厂以上河段低;最后,河段底泥有机质含量较高,春夏季气温升高将导致微生物分解活性增强大量消耗溶解氧,同时,闸坝和外来水体排入的水文扰动造成污水厂以下河段水温梯度弱,表层溶解氧易受底层低氧水影响,促使断面形成季节性低氧现象。溶解氧预测模型结果也进一步证实了温度变化和垂向温度梯度弱是碳研所断面溶解氧质量浓度季节性偏低的主要因素。  相似文献   

关于化学需氧量测定中化学反应的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究了高氯样品COD测定中的化学反应,发现测定中产生的白色沉淀是AgCl而不是HgCl2,并推断了Cl-在COD测定中的反应机理.讨论了AgNO3、HgSO4加入量对测定结果的影响,重点分析了当AgNO3不足与过量时的数据.当试样体积20.00ml,按0.4g HgSO4络合2000mg/LCl-的比例,投加HgSO4掩蔽10000mg/L Cl-可取得满意结果.  相似文献   

In an effort to assess current and future water quality of the only perennial river in southeastern Botswana, this study presents water quality monitoring and modeling results for the effluent-dependent Notwane River. The water quality along the Notwane River, pre- and post-implementation of secondary wastewater treatment, was compared and results demonstrated that water quality improved after the new wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) went online. However, stream standards for chemical oxygen demand, total dissolved phosphorous, and fecal coliform were exceeded in most locations and the critical dissolved oxygen (DO) reached concentrations of less than 4 mg L−1. High dissolved P concentrations and intense macrophyte growth at the impounding ponds and at sites within 30 km of the effluent waste stream confluence suggest that eutrophication was a function of P release from the ponds. Results of DO modeling demonstrated that an unpolluted inflow at approximately 10 km downstream of the confluence was responsible for raising DO concentrations by 2.3 mg L−1, while SOD was responsible for a decline in DO concentrations of 1.4 mg L−1 at 6 km downstream of the confluence. Simulations also showed higher DO concentrations during winter months, when water temperatures were lower. Simulations, in which the distributed biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) loading from cattle excrement was decreased, produced nominal increases in DO concentrations. An increase in WWTP BOD loadings to projected 2020 values resulted in a 1.3 mg L−1 decrease in the critical DO concentration. Furthermore, a decrease in treatment plant efficiency, from 94% to 70% BOD removal, produced critical DO concentrations and anoxia along much of the modeled reach. This has significant implications for Gaborone, especially if decreased WWTP efficiency occurs as a result of the expected future increase in pollutant loadings.  相似文献   

A novel technology for the removal of nitrogen from wastewater, autotrophic denitrification process with sulfur particle, has been developed. A respirometer was employed for the monitoring of nitrogen gas produced in the reactor. It was found that the autotrophic denitrification studied by gas production rate and nitrate depletion rate followed a first order reaction from the relationship. The reaction rate constant based on effective volume, kN was ranged from 2.67 to 3.07 h–1. The effective height was around 23.8 and 50% of the total height for 11.8 and 5.9 h of packed bed contact time, respectively. It was assumed that the reaction rate constants were similar in each experimental condition, PBCT = 11.9 and 5.9 h because there was little gradient of biomass concentration within 50% of the total height. The respirometry was found to be a simple and fast way to monitor the denitrification process. The method was especially useful for the determination of kinetic parameters.  相似文献   

崇明风景旅游区负氧离子监测影响因素及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
收集2012年崇明某湿地公园、某森林公园和某湖景公园等风景旅游区的负氧离子浓度监测数据,分析并总结了季节天气、监测点位、风向和空气中PM10等因素对负氧离子浓度监测的影响。  相似文献   

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