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平顶山市大气PM10、PM2.5 污染调查   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
于2003年12月-2004年11月对平顶山市城区大气PM10、PM2.5污染进行了调查.结果表明,2004年大气PM10、PM2.5质量浓度分别为0.031 mg/m3~0.862 mg/m3、0.019 mg/m3~0.438 mg/m3;年均值分别为0.174 mg/m3、0.114 mg/m3,超标0.74倍、6.60倍.PM10、PM2.5污染的季节变化趋势是以冬季、春季高,秋季次之,夏季最低,细颗粒(PM2.5)约占PM10 65%;As、Pb、Cd、S、Zn、Cu、Mn、Ca等元素是颗粒物中主要污染元素,易在PM2.5中富集.平顶山市大气颗粒物污染的主要来源有煤炭燃烧、汽车尾气、城市基础建设和有色金属冶炼行业.  相似文献   

2013年北京市PM2.5重污染日时空分布特征研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
根据2013年北京市环境保护监测中心监测的PM2.5数据,系统分析了北京市重污染日PM2.5污染的时空分布特征,并利用克里格插值初步统计了全年和重污染日PM2.5不同浓度区间的国土面积。2013年全市PM2.5年均浓度为89.5μg/m3,重污染日平均浓度为218μg/m3,重污染日主要集中在冬季;PM2.5年均浓度呈现明显的南高北低梯度分布特征,而重污染日空间分布较均匀,南部及城六区存在明显的高污染区,平均浓度在180μg/m3以上;2013年北京市重污染日PM2.5平均浓度为150~250μg/m3,其对应的国土面积约为12 656 km2,PM2.5平均浓度在250μg/m3以上的国土面积约为883 km2,而全年无PM2.5平均浓度在150μg/m3以上所对应的国土面积。  相似文献   

重庆市春季不同功能区PM10中多环芳烃的污染特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
2012年4月在重庆市4个不同功能区连续10 d同步采集了大气PM10环境样品,利用气相色谱-质谱法分析测定美国环保局16种优控多环芳烃(PAHs).结果显示,在重庆主城区PM10中检测到16种优控PAHs,总浓度(∑PAHs)范围为31.68~ 189.31 ng/m3,平均浓度为108.05 ng/m3.各个功能区大气PM10中PAHs总浓度存在明显差别:交通区(沙坪坝七中)154.47 ng/m3>工业区(大渡口区政府)132.92 ng/m3>居民区(南岸工商大学)105.58 ng/m3>对照区(缙云山风景区)39.16 ng/m3.根据典型污染来源中PAHs的特征比值综合判断,重庆市春季大气中PM10主要来源于燃煤和交通污染的混合源.  相似文献   

利用苏州市2010—2012年大气污染物逐时质量浓度数据和气象条件资料,分析4类高影响天气对该市大气污染物扩散的影响。研究表明:暴雨对污染物的清除作用主要与降水时间和强度等因子有关,且降水时间的影响大于降水强度;夏季高温日污染物平均质量浓度高于非高温日,PM10、PM2.5、O3、NO2分别增长了29.5%、19.2%、51.3%和13.5%,且O3质量浓度大于321.6μg/m3的日最高气温均在33℃以上;寒潮过境对污染物有很好的清除效应,可对不同污染物影响程度不同;台风带来的大风和降雨能使污染物浓度迅速降低,其来临前的外围下沉气流可能对污染物浓度升高有影响。  相似文献   

2002—2012年京津唐PM10变化规律及差异   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对2002年6月—2012年5月京津唐城市群大气可吸入颗粒物(PM10)质量浓度的长期监测数据进行分析,结合3市的地理、气候气象条件,分析了京津唐城市群大气颗粒物质量浓度的变化特征;根据3市PM10相互之间的发散系数,定量分析了3市PM10变化的差异。结果表明,2002—2012年北京市的PM10质量浓度变化范围为0.012~0.600 mg/m3,天津、唐山2市的PM10质量浓度变化范围分别为0.014~0.600、0.019~0.452 mg/m3。2008、2011年天津市PM10质量浓度年平均值达到二级标准,唐山市从2008年后PM10质量浓度年平均值达到二级标准;北京市PM10质量浓度总体变化趋势为春季秋季冬季夏季,天津、唐山市均为冬季春季秋季夏季,但不同年份的变化趋势略不同;北京-唐山、北京-天津、天津-唐山之间PM10的月度发散系数范围分别为0.402 7~0.159 2、0.406 8~0.142 9、0.323 1~0.107 8,说明空间距离最近的天津-唐山之间大气污染的相互影响较北京-天津、北京-唐山之间大。  相似文献   

2014年4月,应用热/光碳分析仪测定合肥市春季大气PM10和PM2.5中的有机碳(OC)、元素碳(EC)。结果显示,PM10、PM2.5的平均质量浓度分别为(124.0±34.3)μg/m3和(96.3±29.2) μg/m3,PM10中OC、EC的平均质量浓度分别为(15.1±5.5)μg/m3和(6.0±2.1) μg/m3,PM2.5中OC、EC的平均质量浓度分别为(12.1±3.5)μg/m3和(5.5±2.1) μg/m3。OC、EC在PM2.5中所占的比例均高于在PM10中的比例,说明合肥市春季PM2.5中碳的含量更高。通过分析8个碳组分及OC/EC比值,发现燃煤、机动车尾气和生物质燃烧是主要贡献源; OC易形成二次污染,EC排放以焦炭为主。  相似文献   

内蒙古半干旱草原区大气气溶胶浓度以及散射等特性对生态环境、气候变化与预测研究有重要意义,文利用2009年1~4月在锡林浩特观象台草原站的观测资料,分析了冬、春季背景大气气溶胶质量浓度、黑碳质量浓度、散射系数的分布特征。研究发现,背景天气下,PM10、PM2.5、PM1.0浓度值都较低,平均值分别为22.7、9.5、6.1μg/m3,3种PM浓度值间的相关性不同;黑碳浓度平均值为0.59μg/m3,小粒子中的含量较高,其日分布规律受人类活动影响较大,与各PM浓度分布有较大不同;散射系数平均值为31.2Mm-1,与PM10、PM2.5、PM1.0、黑碳质量浓度都显著相关。三种PM中,PM2.5对散射和吸收的影响最大。风速、相对湿度对不同粒径的PM以及黑碳浓度、散射系数的影响有所不同。  相似文献   

兰州市大气颗粒物污染特征分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对兰州市2011—2012年大气颗粒物污染状况进行了研究,在主导风向上设置采样点,分别连续监测PM10、TSP、风速、能见度。结果表明,兰州市颗粒物浓度的峰值出现在2—4月,TSP浓度最大值可达到2.465 mg/m3,PM10最大值可达到2.079 mg/m3;颗粒物污染的季节性强,以3、4月出现的频率最高,发生时间具有随机性;2012年兰州市全年颗粒物(PM10和TSP)平均小时浓度值低于2011年,沙尘天气发生频次较2011年有所降低,环境空气质量有所改善。  相似文献   

广州市PM_(10)与气象要素的关系分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
广州的PM10污染状况较为严重.PM10是大气颗粒物中对环境和人体健康危害最大的一类,PM10与医院就诊率、呼吸器官疾病发病率乃至死亡率等关系密切.PM10污染与气象条件关系密切,研究气象条件对PM10污染的影响,对改善城市空气质量条件有重要意义.文章利用2001~2004年广州市PM10和同期地面气象要素的监测资料,定量分析PM10与降雨量、相对湿度、平均温度和气压之间的关系:不同等级的降雨对PM10污染均有一定的清除作用;PM.0日平均质量浓度的改变量随着降雨量的增大而增大;1mm降雨量对PM10的清除能力按春、夏、秋、冬依次递增.春、夏、秋三个季节均为当日平均相对湿度低于季平均相对湿度时容易出现PM10污染天气,冬季则相反.春、秋两季均为当日平均气温在季平均值附近徘徊时,较易出现PM10污染,冬季则相反,夏季较少出现PM10污染.较高气压下PM10污染日的出现频率明显高于非污染日.  相似文献   

选取金昌市2019年3月-2020年2月PM2.5和PM10逐小时观测数据,分析该市颗粒物污染水平的季节差异,并利用HYSPLIT后向轨迹模式和GDAS气象数据,分析不同气流轨迹对金昌市颗粒物浓度的影响及不同季节颗粒物的潜在污染来源.结果表明,2019年金昌市冬季PM2.5污染最严重,春季PM10污染严重;春、秋季PM...  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies typically use monitored air pollution data from a single station or as averaged data from several stations to estimate population exposure. In industrialized urban areas, this approach may present critical issues due to the spatial complexities of air pollutants which are emitted by different sources. This study focused on the city of Taranto, which is one of the most highly industrialized cities in southern Italy. Epidemiological studies have revealed several critical situations in this area, in terms of mortality excess and short-term health effects of air pollution. The aims of this paper are to study the variability of air pollutants in the city of Taranto and to interpret the results in relation to the applicability of the data in assessing population exposure. Meteorological and pollution data (SO2, NO2, PM10), measured simultaneously and continuously during the period 2006–2010 in five air quality stations, were analyzed. Relative and absolute spatial concentration variations were investigated by means of statistical indexes. Results show significant differences among stations. The highest correlation between stations was observed for PM10 concentrations, while critical values were found for NO2. The worst values were observed for the SO2 series. The high values of 90th percentile of differences between pairs of monitoring sites for the three pollutants index suggest that mean concentrations differ by large amounts from site to site. The overall analysis supports the hypothesis that various parts of the city are differently affected by the different emission sources, depending on meteorological conditions. In particular, analysis revealed that the influence of the industrial site may be primarily identified with the series of SO2 data which exhibit higher mean concentration values and positive correlations with wind intensity when the monitoring station is downwind from the industrial site. Results suggest evaluating the population exposure to air pollutants in industrialized cities by taking into account the possible zones of influence of different emission sources. More research is needed to identify an indicator, which ought to be a synthesis of several pollutants, and take into account the meteorological variables.  相似文献   

Determination of O3, NO2, SO2, CO and PM10 measured in Belgrade urban area   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
O(3), NO(2), SO(2), CO and PM(10) concentrations, simultaneously determined for the first time in Belgrade urban area in the autumnal period of 2005, are presented. The obtained results display similar behaviour of SO(2), NO(2), CO, PM(10) opposite from that of O(3). The weekend effect was also investigated showing diminution of average daily concentrations of SO(2), NO(2), PM(10) and CO for 72, 40, 37 and 42% respectively, and increase of the average daily concentration of O(3) for 56%. Influence of meteorological conditions on observed concentration levels was studied, too. The observed influence of wind speed on the O(3) nightly concentration levels was analyzed pointing to the phenomena of O(3) transport during episodic measurements. To make an identification of possible pollution sources and analyse the influence of meteorological parameters on pollution levels, air back trajectories for high level concentrations episodes were calculated and analysed. A multivariate receptor modelling (Principal Component Analysis, Cluster Analysis) has been applied to a set of data in order to determine the contribution of different sources. It was found that the main principal components, extracted from the air pollution data, were related to gasoline combustion, oil combustion and ozone transport.  相似文献   

利用2018年261个乡镇环境空气自动监测站监测数据,结合GIS空间分析技术,对石家庄市PM10和PM2.5的时空污染特征进行了研究。结果表明,石家庄地区PM10和PM2.5污染的空间分布整体表现为西北部山区好于东南部的平原地区,主城区好于周边县(市、区)的特征。采暖期PM10和PM2.5的污染程度明显重于非采暖期。PM2.5稳定性差于PM10,PM10和PM2.5的稳定性与污染程度具有一定的负相关性,表现出污染越轻的区域稳定性越差。两者的日均值浓度变化在时间序列上呈极强正相关,且污染越重的区域时间相关性越强。与日均值相关性不同,污染程度越轻的区域PM10和PM2.5年均值的线性相关性越强。  相似文献   

Mathematical models were developed to simulate the production and dispersion of aerosol phase atmospheric pollutants which are the main cause of the deterioration of monuments of great historical and cultural value. This work focuses on Particulate Matter (PM) considered the primary cause of monument darkening. Road traffic is the greatest contributor to PM in urban areas. Specific emission and dispersion models were used to study typical urban configurations. The area selected for this study was the city of Florence, a suitable test bench considering the magnitude of architectural heritage together with the remarkable effect of the PM pollution from road traffic. The COPERT model, to calculate emissions, and the street canyon model coupled with the CALINE model, to simulate pollutant dispersion, were used. The PM concentrations estimated by the models were compared to actual PM concentration measurements, as well as related to the trend of some meteorological variables. The results obtained may be defined as very encouraging even the models correlated poorly: the estimated concentration trends as daily averages moderately reproduce the same trends of the measured values.  相似文献   

Urban areas are facing increasing fog frequencies that may result due to increased air pollution emanating from variety of sources. The increased pollution levels may lead to the atmospheric reactions resulting into the formation of secondary pollutants that may also lead to increased aerosol number concentrations (ANC) in the atmosphere. This could cause enhanced water aerosols in the presence of favourable meteorological conditions and high relative humidity. This study deals with the atmospheric pollution and visibility during winter season of megacity Delhi in order to assess the relationship between the two specifically during fog episodes. Thus, this study analyses the levels of air pollutants, aerosol spectrum and meteorological conditions during one week each in the winter season of the years 2004 and 2006 in order to have an improved understanding of their role in fog formation in mega-city Delhi. More than 300 h of measurements which included episodes of dense, thick and moderate fogs of about 25 h, were studied. The measurements cover most of the accumulation mode and greater size spectrum of aerosols. Thus, the analysis is performed for the entire period, specifically, before the fog sets up, during and afterwards. In general, the relatively small variations in number concentration show larger variations in visibility prior and post dense fog formation than during dense fog episodes. Preliminary analysis of monthly averaged RSPM (Respirable Suspended particulate Matter or PM(10)) concentration values for four winter months for a period of 6 years (1996-2001) and visibility did not show a good correlation with total occurrences of fog. However, daily averaged RSPM concentration showed a good correlation with the occurrences of thick fog. Diurnal variation of Sulfur-dioxide and Nitrogen dioxide were found to have inverse relationship with visibility during fog which may be due to formation of secondary pollutants such as sulfate and to a lesser extent nitrates. Amongst, the daily averaged concentrations of all the criteria pollutants, RSPM was found to be best correlated with the fog in comparison to other pollutants.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to measure the concentration of some metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Ti) in PM(10) samples collected in one urban and one industrial site and to assess that PM(10) total mass measurement may be not sufficient as air quality index due to its complex composition. Metals were determined by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) and differential pulsed anodic stripping voltammetry (DPASV). The measured concentrations were used to calculate the content of metals in the PM(10) total mass, and to estimate the enrichment factors and the correlations between PM(10), metal concentrations and meteorological data for the two sites. The mean PM10 concentration during the sampling period in the urban site exceeded the annual European Union (EU) standard (40 microg/m(3)) and, for some sampling days, the daily EU standard (50 microg/m(3)) was also exceeded. In opposite, both EU standards were never exceeded in the industrial site. The overall metal content was nearly double in the industrial site compared to the urban one, and the mean Ni concentration exceeded the EU annual limit value (10 ng/m(3)). The metals with the highest enrichment factor were Cd, Cu, Ni and Pb for both sites, suggesting a dominant anthropogenic source for these metals. Metal concentrations were very low and typical of rural background during Christmas holidays, when factories were closed. PM(10) total mass measurement is not a sufficient air quality index since the metal content of PM(10) is not related to its total mass, especially in sites with industrial activities. This measurement should be associated with the analysis of toxic metals.  相似文献   

大连市臭氧污染特征及典型污染日成因   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对大连市区10个空气监测子站的监测数据进行分析,探讨了大连市臭氧污染的时空分布、气象条件对臭氧污染的影响,对臭氧污染日进行了归类分析。结果表明,大连市臭氧污染主要出现在4—10月。在强紫外辐射、高温、低湿、低压和低风速的气象条件下,监测点位的臭氧浓度较高。臭氧污染日的日变化分为单峰型、双峰型和夜间持续升高型3种类型。通过对2015年的一次高浓度臭氧污染过程的气象条件、污染物浓度和污染气团轨迹进行分析,发现臭氧浓度在夜间持续升高现象与区域输送密切相关。  相似文献   

The Po valley in northern Italy is renowned for its high air pollutant concentrations. Measurements of air pollutants from a background site in Modena, a town of 200 thousand inhabitants within the Po valley, are analysed. These comprise hourly data for CO, NO, NO(2), NO(x), and O(3), and daily gravimetric equivalent data for PM(10) from 1998-2010. The data are analysed in terms of long-term trends, annual, weekly and diurnal cycles, and auto-correlation and cross-correlation functions. CO, NO and NO(2) exhibit a strongly traffic-related pattern, with daily peaks at morning and evening rush hour and lower concentrations over the weekend. Ozone shows an annual cycle with a peak in July due to local production; notwithstanding the diurnal cycle dominated by titration by nitrogen oxide, the decreasing long term trend in NO concentration did not affect the long term trend in O(3), whose mean concentration remained steady over the sampling period. PM(10) shows a strong seasonality with higher concentration in winter and lower concentration in summer and spring. Both PM(10) and ozone show a marked weekly cycle in summer and winter respectively. Regressions of PM(10) upon NO(x) show a consistently greater intercept in winter, representing higher secondary PM(10) in the cooler months of the year. There is a seasonal pattern in primary PM(10) to NO(x) ratios, with lower values in winter and higher values in summer, but the reasons are unclear.  相似文献   

In this study, the relation between sulfur dioxide (SO2) and particulate matter (PM) concentrations periodically measured in the city of Afyon’s atmosphere with meteorological factors such as precipitation, humidity, temperature, wind velocity, and inversion were investigated. The mean values of SO2 and PM concentrations measured during the winter months of October–March 1990–1999 were correlated with the meteorological parameters of the same period. Simple and multiple linear regression analysis were utilized to evaluate the contribution of meteorological variables. The statistical results show that the pollutants, i.e., SO2 and PM are dependent upon humidity, temperature, and inversion at the 1% significance level; while the dependence of both pollutants with temperature is negative when those of humidity and inversion are positive. Two models in which temperature and inversion are dependent with multiple variables are recommended for predicting the contribution of meteorological parameters on SO2 and PM. In addition, the relationship between humidity, temperature, and inversion with pollutants is also determined using nonlinear (polynomial) models.  相似文献   

郑州市 PM2.5和 PM10质量浓度变化特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据郑州市2013年PM2.5和PM10颗粒物连续自动监测数据,对郑州市各国控站点的PM2.5和PM10的达标情况、变化趋势等进行探讨分析。结果表明:2013年郑州市PM10和PM2.5的年均质量浓度均超过了新标准规定的年均值二级标准限值。 PM10和PM2.5月均值峰值出现在1月和10月,谷值出现在8月,各月PM2.5的超标天数都大于PM10。PM10和PM2.5冬季的日均值浓度明显高于其他季节,呈双峰型,夜晚浓度整体高于白天;PM2.5春、夏、秋三季日变化呈单峰型,PM10夏季和秋季呈单峰型,春季呈双峰型。 PM2.5和PM10日均值有着非常显著的线性相关关系,PM2.5和PM10浓度的比值(p)10月最高。  相似文献   

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