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超低排放下燃煤电厂颗粒物排放特征分析研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选取6家经过超低排放改造的燃煤电厂,对湿法脱硫(WFGD)和湿式电除尘器(WESP)进出口烟气中TPM、PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)、PM_1进行测试,分析研究超低排放下燃煤电厂颗粒物的排放特征及电除尘器后净化设备对颗粒物的脱除效果。结果表明,6家电厂TPM、PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)、PM_1排放浓度分别为0.75~2.36、0.71~2.12、0.65~1.96、0.51~1.57 mg/m~3。分析烟气中颗粒物粒径分布可知,除尘器后,PM10占TPM质量比低于40%,且比例随烟气经过WFGD和WESP而逐渐降低。WFGD对PM2.5有较好的脱除效果,而WESP对PM1脱除效果显著。为满足超低排放标准,6家电厂除尘器后脱除设备综合除尘效率大多在85%以上。计算得到6家电厂TPM、PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)、PM_1排放因子,与超低排放改造之前同等级燃煤电厂相比,6家电厂不同粒径颗粒物排放因子均显著降低,也远低于西方发达国家燃煤电厂颗粒物排放因子。  相似文献   

燃煤锅炉湿法脱硫烟气中颗粒物排放特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
选择北京市典型燃煤锅炉进行研究,结果表明:烟气中可凝结颗粒物在总颗粒物中占有较高比例,供热燃煤锅炉总颗粒物排放水平明显高于电厂燃煤锅炉;颗粒物中水溶性离子含量较高,供热燃煤锅炉硫酸根比例尤其显著;烟气总颗粒物中存在大量不稳定的易被氧化的组分;同为燃煤源,不同的烟气净化工艺排放的PM2.5组分特征差异明显;现有标准和技术规范存在不足,无法满足全面、准确监测污染源排放总颗粒物的实际需要。建议建立总颗粒物、可凝结颗粒物的监测技术规范,全面测算燃煤锅炉硫、氮化合物排放情况,科学评估脱硫及脱硝效率。  相似文献   

根据《煤电节能减排升级与改造行动计划》以及《国家环境保护"十三五"规划纲要》,我国燃煤电厂污染物排放浓度应达到现行燃气锅炉标准,现行颗粒物监测仪器需要进行更新。现在市面上有2种污染源颗粒物采样管可对改造后电厂进行颗粒物采样监测,采用平行实验法对这2种采样管所采集的颗粒物质量结果进行分析,同时使用验证实验分析2种采样管颗粒物采集质量结果产生差异的原因,并对如何提升燃煤电厂颗粒物监测的准确性提出建议。  相似文献   

新标准《火电厂大气污染物排放标准》(GB 13223—2011)中现役机组排放限值于2014年7月1日正式执行,与旧标准《火电厂大气污染物排放标准》(GB 13223—2003)相比排放限值大幅趋严,且增加了燃煤电厂汞排放限值。选取具有代表性的电厂锅炉进行手工和在线监测,结果表明,燃煤机组需有高效除尘器和脱硝设施才可稳定达标;燃油机组无法达到标准限值要求,未来应逐步淘汰或改用清洁能源;天然气机组二氧化硫和氮氧化物可以达到该标准要求。建议对燃煤电厂锅炉低负荷下脱硝设施的运行、低浓度下烟尘测定的准确性以及汞排放监测进一步研究。  相似文献   

为了解超低排放改造后工业源烟气颗粒物排放状况及其组分特征,于2020年1—5月对2家垃圾焚烧企业和2家燃煤电厂外排烟气开展了调查,同步采集外排烟气中的可过滤颗粒物(FPM)和可凝结颗粒物(CPM),测定质量浓度及其离子组分、元素组分,对各组分浓度范围及平均值进行统计评价。结果表明:4家企业外排烟气中CPM和FPM质量浓度平均值的比值分别为30.5,10.3,3.0,0.94,CPM的排放不可忽视;离子分析结果发现,烟气处理过程中产生的铵离子和硫酸根离子等水溶性离子,在FPM中基本未检出,在CPM中检出且浓度较高;金属元素分析结果发现,检出的铬(Cr)、镍(Ni)、铅(Pb)3种元素主要存在于FPM中,而砷(As)、汞(Hg)元素则更多地存在于CPM中;CPM中水溶性离子为主要成分,以水溶性离子作为CPM排放的控制因子是可行的。  相似文献   

对南京市8家国控污染源13台(套)燃煤锅炉进行监测,结果表明,燃煤电厂烟气中汞主要以气相部分汞形态存在,其排放值均达标,为0.16~15.9μg/m3,均远低于标准限值;煤质中汞含量与电厂烟气中汞浓度变化曲线的趋势是大致相似,相关系数为0.91;燃煤电厂机组容量、发电负荷越大,汞平均排放因子呈变小趋势;静电除尘器、湿法脱硫和选择性催化还原法的净化配置对汞的脱除效率最高,达到95.4%。  相似文献   

综述了国内外固定污染源可凝结颗粒物(CPM)冲击冷凝法和稀释冷凝法2种采样方法,指出CPM是固定污染源排放颗粒物的重要组成部分,国内对于固定污染源CPM排放的监测和研究尚处于起步阶段,缺乏必要的CPM采样标准方法。通过分析2种采样方法的优缺点,提出冲击冷凝采样法需进一步降低SO_2等水溶性气体的影响,提高气相CPM冷凝效果及超细颗粒态CPM的捕集效率;稀释冷凝法需提高采样装置的便携性实现可过滤颗粒物(FPM)和CPM的分离采样,提高采样管路壁面颗粒物回收率。同时,针对我国固定污染源如燃煤电厂大量使用湿法脱硫设备的情况,CPM采样方法需提高对低温高湿且夹带液滴烟气采样的适用性。  相似文献   

选取新疆16家总装机容量300 MW以上的火力发电站,通过对16家火电排放口污染物手工监测,数据分析结果表明:(1)超低排放改造前后排放水平颗粒物由8.4~24.1 mg/m~3降至3~21 mg/m~3;SO_2由3~92 mg/m~3降至3~21 mg/m~3;NO_x由18~70 mg/m~3降至13~44 mg/m~3。超低排放改造前颗粒物、SO_2、NO_x浓度:北疆火电厂(1~#-9~#)东疆火电厂(10~#-13~#)南疆火电厂(14~#-16~#),改造后为:北疆火电厂(1~#-9~#)南疆火电厂(14~#-16~#)东疆火电厂(10~#-13~#)。(2)在相同负荷、环保设施,不同装机容量的情况下,装机容量较大的电厂较装机容量小的电厂污染物排放浓度有所降低。(3)同台机组,在不同负荷情况下监测结果显示,高负荷排口污染物浓度低于低负荷排口污染物浓度。  相似文献   

燃煤电厂锅炉排放颗粒物浓度的连续测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了燃煤电厂锅炉排放颗粒物质量浓度的连续测定。将美国环境系统公司生产的P5A仪安装在125MW锅炉静电除尘器的出口,与USEPA方法17进行比较,确立两种方法之间的关系,实现了用P5A仪在线监测排放颗粒物的浓度。  相似文献   

通过对我国4座燃煤电厂5台不同容量机组的石灰石-石膏湿法脱硫(WFGD)系统进、出口烟气中颗粒物的实测,计算各电厂湿法脱硫系统对颗粒物的去除效果,并分析其排放特征。结果表明:WFGD系统对烟气中总颗粒物的去除效率介于46.00%~61.70%之间,有较好的去除效果;对PM1的去除效率介于-12.61%~-1.58%之间,对PM2.5的去除效率介于-2.02%~8.50%之间,对PM10的去除效率介于42.63%~58.68%之间,对PM2.5及更小的亚微米颗粒的去除作用非常有限且波动较大,工况不佳易出现逆增长现象。  相似文献   

为掌握超低排放改造后烟气处理装置对汞分布的影响,选择6台有代表性的超低排放火电机组进行现场测试。通过对火电机组入炉煤、炉渣、飞灰、脱硫石膏、末端烟气等样品的测试,得出不同燃烧产物中汞的分布:底渣和湿除出水的汞含量极微;电除尘底灰中的汞所占比重相对较大,平均汞含量占燃烧产物中总汞的比例可达57.97%。依据质量平衡原理,计算出不同超低排放改造工艺路线对汞的协同脱除效率为87.26%~95.60%,并分析了不同污染控制设备对汞排放的影响。  相似文献   

In this study mould damaged materials, including carpet, concrete, gypsum board, insulation, plastic, sand and wood, from 20 different buildings with moisture problems were collected. To study emissions from these materials both conventional methods for sampling, such as collection on Tenax TA, were used as well as complementary methods for sampling a wider spectrum of compounds, such as more volatile VOCs, amines and aldehydes. Analysis was carried out using gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography. Mass spectrometry was used for identification of compounds. Alcohols and ketones were almost exclusively emitted from the materials after they had been wet for a week. Acids were also emitted in large quantities from wet gypsum board and plastic. No primary or secondary amines could be identified, but two tertiary amines, trimethylamine and triethylamine, were emitted from sand contaminated by Bacillus. The most common moulds found were Penicillium and Aspergillus. A multivariate method (partial least squares, PLS) was used to investigate the emission patterns from the materials. Materials with bacterial growth had a different VOC profile to those with only mould growth.  相似文献   

This paper presents the assessment of gaseous and particulate emissions from thermal power plants operating on different combustion technologies. Four thermal power plants operating on heavy furnace oil were selected for the study, among which three were based on diesel engine technology, while the fourth plant was based on oil-fired steam turbine technology. The stack emissions were monitored for critical air pollutants carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, lead, and mercury. The pollutant emissions were measured at optimum load conditions for a period of 6 months with an interval of 1 month. The results of stack emissions were compared with National Environmental Quality Standards of Pakistan and World Bank guidelines for thermal power plants, and few parameters were found higher than the permissible limits of emissions. It was observed that the emissions carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, and particulate matters from diesel engine-based power plants were comparatively higher than the turbine-based power plants. The emissions of sulfur dioxide were high in all the plants, even the plants with different technologies, which was mainly due to high sulfur contents in fuel.  相似文献   

This study aims to estimate the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and nitric oxide (NO) for coal combustion in thermal power plants in India using plant-specific emission factors during the period of 2001/02 to 2009/10. The mass emission factors have been theoretically calculated using the basic principles of combustion under representative prevailing operating conditions in the plants and fuel composition. The results show that from 2001/02 to 2009/10 period, total CO2 emissions have increased from 324 to 499 Mt/year; SO2 emissions have increased from 2,519 to 3,840 kt/year; and NO emissions have increased from 948 to 1,539 kt/year from the Indian coal-fired power plants. National average emissions per unit of electricity from the power plants do not show a noticeable improvement during this period. Emission efficiencies for new plants that use improved technology are found to be better than those of old plants. As per these estimates, the national average of CO2 emissions per unit of electricity varies between 0.91 and 0.95 kg/kWh while SO2 and NO emissions vary in the range of 6.9 to 7.3 and 2.8 to 2.9 g/kWh, respectively. Yamunagar plant in Haryana state showed the highest emission efficiencies with CO2 emissions as 0.58 kg/kWh, SO2 emissions as 3.87 g/kWh, and NO emissions as 1.78 g/kWh, while the Faridabad plant has the lowest emission efficiencies with CO2 emissions as 1.5 kg/kWh, SO2 emissions as 10.56 g/kWh, and NO emissions as 4.85 g/kWh. Emission values at other plants vary between the values of these two plants.  相似文献   

南京某燃煤电厂汞的排放特点及分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择南京某燃煤电厂330 MW机组,对煤、炉渣、粉煤灰、烟尘、石灰石、石膏和烟气中的汞取样测量,探讨煤中汞在燃烧过程中的变化情况,并进一步分析汞的排放特点及分布特征。指出,煤经燃煤锅炉炉内高温燃烧后,炉渣中的汞对环境影响不明显;粉煤灰、烟尘中的汞存在富集现象,且随着粒径变细,富集程度加剧;燃煤锅炉燃烧后,随石膏排放的汞占比较大,应采取相应的防治措施。  相似文献   

The potential for airborne emissions to undergo long-range transport or to be removed from the atmosphere is influenced by their physical-chemical properties. When perfluorooctanate (PFO) enters the environment, its physical-chemical properties can vary significantly, depending on whether it exists as an acid, a salt, or a dissociated ion. A summary of the physical-chemical properties of the three most likely environmental states: ammonium perfluorooctanoate (APFO), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and the dissociated perfluorooctanoate anion (PFO(-)) is presented to illustrate the distinct environmental properties of each. The most volatile species, PFOA, is shown to have a pH-dependent air-water partitioning coefficient (K(aw)). The variability of K(aw) with pH influences the potential for vapor formation from aqueous environments, including rain events. Using the pH-dependent K(aw) and measured rain and air concentrations, it is shown that vapor-phase PFOA is not likely to be present above measurable levels of 0.2 ng m(-3) (12 parts per quadrillion v/v) during a rain event. Because rain concentrations determined in this work are comparable to measurements in other parts of North America, it is unlikely that rain events are a significant source of vapor-phase PFOA for the general North American region. It is shown that PFOA exists primarily in the particle phase in ambient air near direct sources of emissions and is efficiently scavenged by rain droplets, making wet deposition an important removal mechanism for emissions originating as either PFOA or APFO. Washout ratios of particle-associated PFO were determined to range between 1 x 10(5) and 5 x 10(5), in the same range as other semi-volatile compounds for which wet deposition is an important mechanism for atmospheric removal and deposition onto soils and water bodies.  相似文献   

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