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河西走廊的生态环境战略和建设   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
河西走廊是甘肃省主要的经济区之一,是国家下世纪初大规模开发大西北的纽带与依托,本文分析了该区生态环境现状及区域经济特征,提出了“合理规划利用水土资源,边发展经济、边治理环境,实行资源节约发展”的生态环境战略,经济增长与环境整治同步协调进行,以及生态环境建设的措施。  相似文献   

全国空气质量监测点位的数据直联网工作涉及近4 000个地方站点,面临数据格式和传输规范不统一、网络通信工具定制开发、网络环境异构等多种资源条件约束以及实施人员力量紧缺、协调困难、任务变动等不确定性因素。基于关键链的项目进度管理办法考虑了时间和资源的双重约束,克服了传统进度计划管理的局限性,借助聚合原理缩短项目工期,利用配置缓冲区域消除不确定性,通过对缓冲区的管理实现对项目进度的管控。该文提出了采用三点估计的关键链管理方法,通过"2+26"城市空气质量自动站数据直联工作实例论证了关键链管理是一种切实可行的项目管理方法,可以在未来全国环境监测数据联网工作中得到应用。  相似文献   

风景区道路建设项目环境影响评价应注意的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了风景旅游资源开发道路建设项目环境影响评价应注意的几个问题,论述了生态和景观环境影响评价的要点,提出了;固体废弃物对景观环境的污染治理及管理措施,指出要最大限度地协调风景资源开发和环境保护的关系,使风景资源得以持续利用。  相似文献   

江苏省环境监测中心承担的国家八六三项目“环境遥感监测软件开发及业务运行示范”课题日前顺利通过国家八六三计划信息获取与处理技术主题专家组在北京主持的验收。江苏省环境监测中心作为主要参加单位之一,承担了该课题的需求分析、环境质量数据库设计、现场同步光谱测试、网络硬件环境建设、系统测试、业务运行示范等研究和协调工作。该项目技术路线先进合理,完成了预定的研究目标,开发的软件系统是国内环保领域首个实现业务化运行的环境遥感监测软件系统,可为开展流域水环境与区域生态状况遥感监测及信息的集成处理提供强有力的支持,形成的技术成果能为“十一五”期间环境与减灾小卫星系统建设提供较好的经验借鉴。  相似文献   

1 环境保护机制拉格朗德河水利工程被称为“世纪工程”。1971年加拿大魁北克省通过《詹姆斯湾地区开发法案》成立詹姆斯湾开发公司(SE-BJ)。依据法案,SEBJ必须进行与水电开发项目有关的环境研究,提出环境报告,协调与政府的关系,将环境因素纳入总体决策。1.1 环境专家组专家组的作用是在工程各阶段进行干预  相似文献   

甘谷县在贫困山区推广的以旱地农业种植、畜牧养殖为主的农户开发项目,是一项可持续发展的生态工程,项目内容适宜于当地条件,其开发模式已经在干旱山区的阳山生态村取得成功,这种养殖业与种植业相互结合,相互促进的生产方式,不仅能够创造出可观的经济效益,而且具有良好的生态效益,有利于改善当选脆弱的生态环境,是一项极为可行的发展项目。  相似文献   

新疆水能、风能、光能资源丰富,合理开发利用资源,大力开发新能源、可再生能源和节能、提高能效是新疆实施可持续发展的需要。开发清洁发展机制(CDM)项目有着巨大潜力,对降低一次能源消耗,减少环境污染,促进节能减排具有重要意义。本文对此进行了论述。  相似文献   

探讨了新疆盐湖资源的利用现状,提出多元化开发盐湖资源的思想,分3个方向利用资源,特别是要大力开发旅游资源。对湖泊旅游的开发模式及未来发展方向进行了总结,并结合新疆目前第一个盐湖旅游资源开发项目——乌鲁木齐达坂城东盐湖生态旅游的开发,分析了新疆盐湖旅游资源开发的优势和劣势,最终提出了盐湖的旅游资源开发模式和4种发展方向。  相似文献   

我国中西部地区幅员辽阔,拥有丰富的生物和矿产资源。随着西部大开发战略的实施以及我国“十五”计划和2010年远景发展目标的提出,西部的发展越来越成为世人瞩目的焦点,如何利用中西部地区丰富的土地资源,以实现该地区农业的可持续发展是本文关注的话题。提出了中西部地区土地资源的基本特点及其制约经济发展的客观原因,并提出了保护和开发中西部地土地资源的几种可行性手段。  相似文献   

对2013年度新疆环境申报统计的创新工作方法进行了较详细的总结。通过统一工作部署,整合统计申报报表制度,严格执行数据质量核查制度,开发“污染源管理系统”,形成了较完善的工作体系,对今后申报统计工作质量的提高提出了思考与建议。  相似文献   

We evaluated the relative performance of electrofishing and visual surveys (snorkeling) for estimating the abundance of combinations of fish species and size classes in rivers. We also assessed the effect of environmental conditions on potential differences between the results obtained using these two sampling methods. Sampling sites were distributed in the Laurentian region of Québec. Both methods were used while sections were blocked. Three snorkelers swam the river sections upstream while identifying and counting fish of each species and size classes. Three-pass electrofishing was performed in the same sites and abundances were estimated with a maximum likelihood depletion model. Greater abundances of fish were observed by snorkeling than by electrofishing at all sites. Snorkeling species richness was higher or equal to electrofishing richness in, respectively, 60 % and 40 % of sampled sites. Differences in the fish communities observed by both sampling methods were not related to environmental conditions. The results of our work are therefore contrary to that of most published studies that suggested the use of electrofishing over visual surveys. This study highlights that conclusions derived from previous work on sampling gear comparisons may not be generalisable; rather survey methods might benefit from being selected based on fish community composition.  相似文献   

运用统计分析方法,对近五年(1992-1996年)《干旱环境监测》载文引文情况进行了分析比较,从中析出本刊具有遍布全国24个省、市、自治区、直辖市的热心于环境监测的科研队伍。所载论文内容广泛,几乎覆盖了环境监测研究的各个领域。引文量较高。比我国行业性技术刊物篇均引文量2.8篇高出1.825篇。  相似文献   

论开发项目环境影响经济损益分析的方法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
介绍了环境影响经济损益分析通用的 9项指标及 5种货币化方法 ,并以某煤矿为例 ,作了示范分析。  相似文献   

Forest road decommissioning is a pro-active mechanism for preventing future habitat degradation and for increasing the likelihood of endangered salmonid survival in the western U.S. High implementation costs however preclude many desirable projects from being undertaken, especially on federally owned land. Previous research and real-world applications have demonstrated the cost savings potential of reusing aggregate recovered from forest roads during decommissioning. These cost savings can effectively subsidize decommissioning projects, suggesting an economic benefit associated with improving environmental benefit. We present a mixed integer, multiple objective formulation to identify the efficient trade-off surface between conflicting economic and environmental criteria, where environmental benefit is defined as the hazard weighted length of roads decommissioned. We compare nondominated frontiers identified with and without the opportunity to recycle aggregate. Our results suggest that aggregate recycling promotes a synergistic relationship between cost savings (subsidy) and environmental performance, where subsidies generally increase with increasing environmental performance. Effective subsidy values can reach 31% of total expenditure, at the maximum level of environmental benefit. Transportation managers are therefore able to recover and reuse a nonrenewable resource, while at the same time promoting economic and environmental efficiency.  相似文献   

环境中“新型”持久性有机污染物的质谱分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
“新型”持久性有机污染物逐渐受到环境科研工作者的重视,这类物质包括溴代阻燃剂、全氟化合物、多氯萘、多氯代正构烷烃和药物以及个人护理用品等,综述了目前对这类环境污染物的检测分析技术。  相似文献   

以多年来中国各行业突发环境事故统计数据为基础,选取了对于企业突发环境事件有重大影响的7个因子以及17个指标,采用指标因子分析法对其进行定量,应用层次分析法确定各因子的权重,从而确定企业环境风险水平值。基于"危险物质水平—企业环境风险水平—周边环境受体状况"体系,构建了环境风险源分级矩阵,形成了包括"环境风险源初筛","环境风险源分级"的两步工业园区环境风险源识别与分级方法。该方法提出的工业园区环境风险源识别与分级体系具有科学性和可行性,能为工业园区环境风险管理提供依据。  相似文献   

The spatially and temporally varying environmental quality of a metropolitan area is described by means of empirically derived environmental indices. The approach is based on the principles of benefit analysis and consists of a number of logical steps including the selection, the measurement and determination of the spatial distribution, and the normalization (scaling) of the selected environmental indicators. To derive composite indices, the normalized indicators are weighted, based on the Delphi technique and subsequently aggregated. The results are given by means of isopleths, including single and composite index isopleths plotted by computer on common maps.World Health Organization  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of the overlapping resolution mapping procedure to optimize the separation of priority pollutants by isocratic, reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Three classes of pollutants are considered: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, substituted phenols and phthalate esters. The procedure requires only seven chromatographic runs for each set of pollutants before an optimized mobile phase composition is derived which can satisfactorily resolve all the components in the respective mixtures of pollutants. The main advantage of such a systematic scheme to optimize mobile phase compositions is an improvement in method development times compared to conventional techniques. Another benefit is that expenditures on solvents are reduced.  相似文献   

The West Nile virus (WNV) may post a significant health risk for mammals, including humans and insects. This study examines the spatial–temporal effects of environmental factors on WNV dissemination with a case study of ten counties in the southern California, where the epidemic was recently most prevalent within the USA. WNV surveillance data were obtained from the California Vectorborne Disease Surveillance System and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) techniques were combined to derive environmental variables. Principal component analysis was performed to select the most relevant environmental variables. Two ecological zones were identified based on the selected variables. Identification of risk areas for WNV was limited to a zone with 95% mosquitoes surveillance records. Three time windows, the epidemiological weeks?18–26, 27–35, and 36–44 in each year of 2007–2009, were examined in details with risk area mapping. It is found that the southern part of San Joaquin Valley in Kern County and Los Angeles County (especially its southern part) were the most vulnerable locations for WNV outbreak. Main factors contributing to the WNV propagation included summer mean temperature, annual mean deviation from the mean temperature, land surface temperature, elevation, landscape complexity, landscape diversity, and vegetation water content. The result of this study improves understanding of WNV ecology and provides tools for detecting, tracking, and predicting the epidemic. The holistic approach developed for this study, which integrated remotely sensed, GIS-based, and in situ-measured environmental data with landscape metrics, may be applied to studies of other vector-borne diseases.  相似文献   

长期以来,中国农村环境保护工作基础相对薄弱,国家环保部门于2014年出台《农村环境质量综合评价技术规定(试行)》。研究利用2015—2016年安徽省域的农村环境监测数据,将安徽省重点生态功能区考核县域的数据与其他县域监测数据进行分类整理,采用该技术规定开展农村环境质量综合评价,对评价体系的3个级别指标层面的评价结果进行对比,并通过2组数据的差异性分析,深度剖析评价体系各级指数的结果合理性,验证该评价技术规定的区域适用性;同时,根据各级指标对比中发现的问题,对评价体系的相关指标提出修改完善建议。  相似文献   

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