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2008年春季呼和浩特沙尘天气与TSP和PM_(10)污染的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用TSP和PM10逐时监测数据,对2008年春季呼和浩特市TSP和PM10浓度的变化及其在沙尘天气过程中的相关性进行了分析,结果表明:(1)2008年春季TSP和PM10浓度值多高于国家环境空气质量二级标准,沙尘天气是影响空气环境质量的主要诱因。(2)TSP和PM10浓度在沙尘暴发生当日及前后几天均会有不同程度的增加,且以沙尘天气发生当日浓度最大。TSP和PM10浓度3月份最低,4月份次之,5月份最高。(3)不同沙尘天气过程中,TSP和PM10浓度相差明显,且TSP与PM10/TSP值随沙尘天气强度的增加而增大,PM10在不同沙尘天气过程中均为主要组成成分。(4)沙尘天气过程中TSP与PM10呈线性相关。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市可吸入颗粒物水溶性离子特征及来源解析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采暖期时在乌鲁木齐市采集了环境空气中的可吸入颗粒物,对可吸入颗粒物质量浓度及8种水溶性离子的特征和来源进行了分析。结果表明,细粒子和粗粒子的月平均质量浓度分别是53.5~233.3μg/m3和38.9~60.9μg/m3;细粒子和粗粒子中水溶性离子主要由SO24-、NH4+和NO3-组成;粗粒子中NH4+与NO3-和SO24-的相关性分别是0.70和0.66,细粒子中NH4+与NO3-和SO24-的相关性分别是0.89和0.93,铵盐是乌鲁木齐可吸入颗粒物主要存在形式;煤烟尘是乌鲁木齐市采暖期可吸入颗粒物的主要来源。  相似文献   

对2021年影响江苏省的沙尘天气过程开展研究,分析受影响的时间、区域特征及环境空气质量特征。结果表明,影响江苏省的沙尘天气过程共计13次,全省累计受影响229 d。从时间分布看,沙尘天气过程多发生在1月、3—5月,2月、11月较少,6—10月和12月无沙尘天气过程。从区域分布看,苏北地区受沙尘天气过程影响较显著,受影响天数>20 d的城市均分布于此。受沙尘天气过程影响,且东北偏北风或东北风输送时,可吸入颗粒物(PM_(10))和细颗粒物(PM_(2.5))较易出现小时高值。沙尘过程造成PM_(10)日均质量浓度超标的天数占比为38.0%,造成PM_(2.5)日均质量浓度超标的天数占比仅为12.7%;扣除沙尘天气过程影响后,PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)年均质量浓度分别较扣除前下降1和6μg/m 3,沙尘天气过程对PM_(10)质量浓度的影响大于对PM_(2.5)质量浓度的影响。受沙尘天气过程影响时,环境空气质量为轻度污染及以上级别占比为45.0%,苏北和苏中地区环境空气质量易达到重度污染及以上级别,苏南地区多为良或轻度污染,少有中度污染。沙尘气团远距离传输使得PM_(10)为首要污染物的特征有所削弱,83.8%的受影响天中首要污染物为PM_(10),其余为二氧化氮(NO_(2))或臭氧(O_(3))。  相似文献   

为了更好地对沙尘信息进行判别,文章综合应用极轨卫星和静止卫星沙尘监测的结果,对静止卫星红外差值沙尘指数产品与极轨气象卫星沙尘强度指数沙尘监测产品进行融合处理,同时结合国家沙尘天气影响环境空气质量监测网点中甘肃省9个监测网点数据和国家自动空气监测站点数据,对观测结果进行对比分析,将静止气象卫星与极轨气象卫星遥感沙尘监测结果进行较好地融合,更加准确地识别沙尘暴发生区域,有助于对沙尘暴的发生过程以及预警进行评估和分析。  相似文献   

一直以来,沙尘天气对兰州市环境空气质量有较大影响。通过分析研究兰州市2010-2015年5a间各月环境空气质量的有关指数,可知兰州市环境空气污染与沙尘天气有直接关系,沙尘天气仍然是目前环境空气污染的主要原因。调查分析来自当地医院呼吸科的相关数据,比对沙尘天气条件下的相关环境空气指数,用科学的统计、计算方法,得出呼吸系统的发病率与环境空气中颗粒物浓度成正比的结论。并对沙尘气溶胶造成人体伤害的具体路径进行了说明与介绍。  相似文献   

北京西北城区春季PM10单颗粒形貌类型及成分特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
主要对北京西北城区2010年度春季大气可吸入颗粒物的理化特征进行分析研究,通过利用高分辨率场发射扫描电镜和图像分析技术研究了区内可吸入颗粒物的微观形貌类型及百分含量特征,利用扫描电镜及能谱分析研究矿物颗粒的元素组成及富集类型。结果表明,在西北城区春季大气PM10中可识别出烟尘集合体、球形颗粒、矿物和其他未知颗粒等4种单颗粒类型,沙尘暴天气对矿物颗粒的数量比例影响较大,同时影响颗粒物粒度分布。矿物颗粒按成分可分为"富Si"、"富Ca"、"富Fe"、"富S"、"富Na"、"富Ti"、"富Al"、"富Cl"和"富Mg"颗粒九大类,沙尘天气与非沙尘天气的矿物颗粒均以"富Si"颗粒、"富Ca"颗粒、"富Fe"颗粒、"富S"颗粒等为主。  相似文献   

近年来,新疆境内连续发生多次区域性春季沙尘暴,影响南疆和东疆地区十几个城市,其发生时间之早、频率之高、范围之广、强度之大为50年来所罕见。依据近3年南疆及东疆春季爆发的区域性沙尘暴天气的应急监测结果,分析了区域性沙尘暴对南疆及东疆城市环境空气质量的影响,并提出应对措施。  相似文献   

依据沙尘天气判定条件分析2018年春季(2—4月)陕西省西安市环境空气质量小时监测数据,共识别9 d受沙尘影响。研究基于K-means聚类沙尘天气分析方法,分析沙尘天气监测数据特征,并对沙尘识别聚类模型进行优化研究,识别的沙尘影响天气与传统方法一致。分析表明,聚类方法可用于沙尘天气监测数据的识别,与传统方法相比较,基于K-means聚类方法能够快速、准确识别沙尘影响天气。  相似文献   

大气可吸入颗粒物(PM10)中矿物组分的X射线衍射研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用X射线衍射技术对北京2002春季和夏季的可吸入颗粒物进行了研究.结果表明,北京春季和夏季可吸入颗粒物的矿物组成明显不同,春季可吸入颗粒物中的矿物以硅铝酸盐为主,同时存在碳酸盐、硫酸盐、硫化物、铁的氧化物、粘土矿物以及难以鉴定的矿物;在夏季的样品中,矿物的种类有所减少,却有新的物种出现,如氯化氨、硫酸氨等.XRD定量分析显示,在沙尘天气时,可吸入颗粒物中石英和粘土矿物以及非晶质分别占到24.1%、28.5%和2 0%,斜长石和方解石分别占到10.4%和8.1%,其他矿物总共不到10%.矿物组分的确定对可吸入颗粒物来源的识别有一定的指导作用.  相似文献   

本研究利用大气超级站对乌鲁木齐市4月9日至10日沙尘天气过程,粒径谱、离子和重金属组成及变化进行分析。研究结果表明激光雷达观测结果与环境空气质量监测基本一致;小粒径颗粒在沙尘和非沙尘时段含量最多,但在沙尘时段大粒径颗粒的增长幅度远大于小粒径;沙尘过程中的离子主要来源于土壤一次源;沙尘过程中地壳元素浓度及占比均显著升高,会稀释环境空气中人为污染元素。  相似文献   

Surface coal mining creates more air pollution problems with respect to dust than underground mining . An investigation was conducted to evaluate the characteristics of the airborne dust created by surface coal mining in the Jharia Coalfield. Work zone air quality monitoring was conducted at six locations, and ambient air quality monitoring was conducted at five locations, for a period of 1 year. Total suspended particulate matter (TSP) concentration was found to be as high as 3,723 μg/m3, respirable particulate matter (PM10) 780 μg/m3, and benzene soluble matter was up to 32% in TSP in work zone air. In ambient air, the average maximum level of TSP was 837 μg/m3, PM10 170 μg/m3 and benzene soluble matter was up to 30%. Particle size analysis of TSP revealed that they were more respirable in nature and the median diameter was around 20 μm. Work zone air was found to have higher levels of TSP, PM10 and benzene soluble materials than ambient air. Variations in weight percentages for different size particles are discussed on the basis of mining activities. Anionic concentration in TSP was also determined. This paper concludes that more stringent air quality standards should be adopted for coal mining areas and due consideration should be given on particle size distribution of the air-borne dust while designing control equipment.  相似文献   

鞍山市环境空气颗粒物中重金属元素分布特征   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
研究了鞍山市环境空气中可吸入颗粒物(PM10和PM2.5)中重金属元素分布特征,结果表明鞍山市环境空气可吸入颗粒物中Zn、Pb、Al、Cu四种金属总和所占21种元素比例近85%。重金属元素在不同粒径颗粒物中的浓度水平有明显差别,更易富集在细颗粒物PM2.5上。  相似文献   

采用2015—2017年秋、冬季江苏省环境空气质量监测数据,从空气质量优良(达标)率、首要污染物、主要污染物浓度分析空气质量现状及特点。结果表明,江苏省秋、冬季空气质量优良(达标)率在60%左右,其中沿海地区空气质量达标率最高(71.1%),西北地区达标率最差(52.2%)。污染日的首要污染物主要为PM 2.5,占比高达91.5%。ρ(PM2.5)/ρ(PM 10)存在地区差异,江苏西北地区扬尘源贡献较大,江苏南部地区的二次颗粒物贡献更明显。ρ(NO2)/ρ(SO2)逐年持续升高,表明大气污染类型从燃煤性污染转变为复合型污染。  相似文献   

为研究宁波市大气污染状况及其影响因素,利用2013—2018年宁波市国控站点实时监测污染物数据以及气象数据,探讨分析了宁波市大气污染特征以及所受气象因素的影响概况。结果表明:宁波市颗粒物污染和O3污染呈现典型的季节性特征,颗粒物浓度冬季最高,O3最大滑动8 h平均质量浓度春、秋季最高。宁波市O3污染问题越来越突出,且呈现出春、秋季O3超标天数最多的季节变化特征。O3小时质量浓度与气温和太阳辐射成正相关关系,NO2和颗粒物浓度与气温成负相关关系。NO2与O3浓度成负相关关系,与颗粒物浓度成正相关关系。  相似文献   

The renovation of a building will certainly affect the quality of air in the vicinity of where associated activities were undertaken, this includes the quality of air inside the building. Indoor air pollutants such as particulate matter, heavy metals, and fine fibers are likely to be emitted during renovation work. This study was conducted to determine the concentration of heavy metals, asbestos and suspended particulates in the Biology Building, at the Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia (UKM). Renovation activities were carried out widely in the laboratories which were located in this building. A low-volume sampler was used to collect suspended particulate matter of a diameter size less than 10 μm (PM??) and an air sampling pump, fitted with a cellulose ester membrane filter, were used for asbestos sampling. Dust was collected using a small brush and scope. The concentration of heavy metals was determined through the use of inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy and the fibers were counted through a phase contrast microscope. The concentrations of PM?? recorded in the building during renovation action (ranging from 166 to 542 μg m?3) were higher than the value set by the Department of Safety and Health for respirable dust (150 μg m?3). Additionally, they were higher than the value of PM?? recorded in indoor environments from other studies. The composition of heavy metals in PM?? and indoor dust were found to be dominated by Zn and results also showed that the concentration of heavy metals in indoor dust and PM?? in this study was higher than levels recorded in other similar studies. The asbestos concentration was 0.0038 ± 0.0011 fibers/cc. This was lower than the value set by the Malaysian Department of Occupational, Safety and Health (DOSH) regulations of 0.1 fibers/cc, but higher than the background value usually recorded in indoor environments. This study strongly suggests that renovation issues need to be considered seriously by relevant stakeholders within the university in order to ensure that the associated risks toward humans and indoor environment are eliminated, or where this is not feasible, minimized as far as possible.  相似文献   

为了解石家庄市2016年春季大气颗粒物的铅污染特征及来源,利用单颗粒气溶胶质谱仪(SPAMS),分析了大气中含铅颗粒的化学成分。结果表明: 研究期间大气环境中含铅颗粒数浓度共出现11次跳跃式升高,跳跃时间段内石家庄均处于轻度污染过程。从成分分析来看,含铅颗粒分为纯铅颗粒、Pb与K(Pb-K)、OC(Pb-OC)、Cl(Pb-Cl)、混合颗粒等八大类。观测结果表明:Pb-K颗粒最多,占到含铅颗粒的84.4%;其次为纯铅颗粒,占比为13.0%。与石家庄市污染源谱库比对进行来源解析,得到Pb-K颗粒主要来自生活垃圾焚烧源, 纯铅颗粒主要来自工业源。结合石家庄市大气污染源排放清单和后向气流轨迹分析,推测含铅颗粒可能来自市区西南方向某区县的生活垃圾焚烧企业。  相似文献   

Total suspended particulate matter and deposition fluxes of particles were investigated in the town of Didouche Mourad which is located 13 km north of Constantine. Samples of air particulate matter were collected at one site located in the heart of the town and situated 3 km north of a cement plant. Samples were collected from 2 November 2002 to 28 April 2003 every 3 days using a high volume air sampler. Sampling intervals were 24 h in all cases. During the same period, samples of dust fallout were collected at the same site. Samples were collected at 30-day intervals. Lead, chromium, manganese, nickel, copper, cobalt and cadmium deposition fluxes were measured and both the soluble and insoluble fractions were determined. Furthermore, the information gathered by this study was correlated with the corresponding hourly weather data provided by a weather station installed at the study station. The possible sources for dust and trace metals were analyzed by comparing average contributions of wind aspects to the concentrations and depositions of mass and chemical species with the average frequencies of wind direction. The mean concentration was 300 μg/m3. The average dust deposition rate through the period of study was 221 mg/(m2.day). Results indicate that anthropogenic sources contribute greatly to trace elements. An exposure assessment to the heavy metals taking into account the inhalation route and soil dust ingestion was carried out and allowed direct comparison of trace metal intakes via these routes.  相似文献   

辽宁省三城市大气颗粒物来源解析研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
针对辽宁省的沈阳、抚顺、葫芦岛三个城市的大气颗粒物来源,应用CMB化学质量平衡模型和二重源解析技术进行了定性和定量解析。识别各源类及其成分谱的特征,分析、比较大气颗粒物的时空分布特征,并计算三城市各源类在不同季节对城市大气颗粒物污染的贡献率,得到辽宁省城市大气颗粒物来源和季节分布特征的一般规律,说明城市扬尘、土壤风沙尘和煤烟尘是城市颗粒物的主要来源,应作为颗粒物污染治理的重点,而抚顺市特有的钢铁尘,葫芦岛市特有的锌尘等源类的污染也不容忽视。  相似文献   

Emission from field burning of agricultural crop residue is a common environmental hazard observed in northern India. It has a significant potential health risk for the rural population due to respirable suspended particulate matter (RSPM). A study on eight stage size segregated mass distribution of RSPM was done for 2 wheat and 3 rice crop seasons. The study was undertaken at rural and agricultural sites of Patiala (India) where the RSPM levels remained close to the National Ambient Air quality standards (NAAQS). Fine particulate matter (PM(2.5)) contributed almost 55% to 64% of the RSPM, showing that, in general, the smaller particles dominated during the whole study period with more contribution during the rice crop as compared to that of wheat crop residue burning. Fine particulate matter content in the total RSPM increased with decrease in temperature. Concentration levels of PM(10) and PM(2.5) were higher during the winter months as compared to that in the summer months. Background concentration levels of PM(10), PM(2.5) and PM(10-2.5) were found to be around 97 ± 21, 57 ± 15 and 40 ± 6 μg m(-3), respectively. The levels increased up to 66, 78 and 71% during rice season and 51, 43 and 61% during wheat crop residue burning, respectively. Extensive statistical analysis of the data was done by using pair t-test. Overall results show that the concentration levels of different size particulate matter are greatly affected by agricultural crop residue burning but the total distribution of the particulate matter remains almost constant.  相似文献   

北京地区不同季节PM2.5和PM10浓度对地面气象因素的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2013年1月—2014年12月北京地区PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)监测数据和同期近地面气象观测数据,采用非参数分析法(Spearman秩相关系数)研究了北京地区PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)的浓度对不同季节地面气象因素的响应。结果表明:北京地区大气颗粒物浓度水平具有明显的季节特征,冬季大气颗粒物污染最严重,夏季最轻。不同季节影响颗粒物浓度水平的气象因素各不相同,其中风速和日照时数为主要影响因素。PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)质量浓度对气象因素变化的响应程度也有较大区别,PM_(2.5)/PM_(10)比值冬季最高,PM_(2.5)影响最大,春季最低,PM_(10)影响最大。这些结论可对制订科学有效的大气污染控制策略提供参考。  相似文献   

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