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水质监测是开展水生态环境评价、监管的基础性工作之一。随着对水生态环境保护与管理要求的提高,人工水质监测与自动水质监测相结合的模式应用越来越普遍。以船舶为载体的水质自动监测系统开展巡测,可实现高密度样品采集、检测及信息的实时传输,在长江泸州以下干流水域的实践中取得了良好效果。系统的应用可弥补常规监测断面间距过大、人工监测频次低、固定站房式水质自动监测站近岸取样等不足,对人工监测和自动监测形成有效补充;船载水质自动监测系统能够实现定点、定深、定时监测,可以在河流污染带监测、入河排污行为的监管以及偷排行为的溯源、水污染应急动态监测等工作中发挥有效作用,既可应用于长江干流等河道较宽且水质可能存在岸别差异的河流,也可应用于滇池、太湖、丹江口等大型湖泊、水库水生态环境监管。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市饮用水状况卫生监测分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了评价乌鲁木齐市居民饮用水卫生状况,对该市6个自来水厂的出厂水,末梢水和二次供水的水质及卫生设施进行监督监测。结果表明,该市居民供水水质基本符合国家生活饮水卫生标准规定,但末梢水和二次供水中余氯合格率偏低,分别为61.02%和45%。二次供水设施使用的防水材料均未按国家规定输涉及水产品卫生许可批件。  相似文献   

为了解淮安市区饮用水源水质状况,江苏省水环境监测中心淮宿分中心于1998年—2002年对淮安市区饮用水源地水质进行了监测,结果表明,二河闸水质达Ⅱ类水标准,五毒项目未检出;杨庄闸上游废黄河水质除1999年达Ⅲ类水标准外,其他年份水质均达Ⅱ类水标准,五毒项目未检出;京杭大运河淮安市区段及里运河水质较差,主要是氨氮超标严重,近5年水质基本都是劣于V类水标准。指出,淮河污染问题还没有根本解决,沿淮上游积蓄的污水,时常以小流量下泄,并不时有所增大,经常发生水污染事故;淮阴第二抽水站抽水流量超过40m^3/s时,京杭大运河及里运河污水对淮安市区北京路地面水厂、淮阴区地面水厂两取水口水质产生一定的影响。  相似文献   

利用1990-1995年水源地水质监测资料,运用数理统计方法,研究了水源地水质现状及分布类型,定量分析了水质指标时间分布特征及变化趋势,最后提出了水源水质良好,未受到严重污染。  相似文献   

通过对乌鲁木齐市雨(雪)水出路问题的分析,结合乌鲁木齐市雨(雪)水水质和该市主客观条件,提出了解决乌鲁木齐市城市雨(雪)水问题的基本思路。  相似文献   

窖水的水质分析及水质特点   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过对修建的不同地点的水窖窖水进行为期一年的跟踪调查及较全面的水质分析,并参照国家饮用水标准对窖水作为水质比较,调查的重点是雨水系统的卫生状况(周边环境),测试内容主要包括,总氮,癖磷,挥发性酚,氯化物,金属离子,化学需氧量,大肠杆菌及水温,pH浊度,残渣等,结果表明,绝大多数窖水中各种物质的含量基本符合国家饮用水标准,只有紧靠公路边修建的水窖水质较差,化学需氧量,总磷,硒,汞,大肠杆菌的含量均超出饮用水标准,其中大肠杆菌群的量超出指标数10倍,为改善窖水水质,须对雨水采用更为合理,科学的收集方法,并相应地进行水质净化处理。  相似文献   

“十二五”期间,中国流域治理将由行政区管理向流域水生态管理转变、由水质达标管理向生态健康管理转变.在实施水生态功能分区的基础上,科学开展水生态监测和评价是实现流域水质目标的重要基础工作.对水生态监测技术路线选择与业务化运行关键问题进行研究,包括水生态表征及监测指标选择、水生态质量参照点的确定及评价分级标准的确定、水生态评价方法的确定以及水生态监测业务化运行体系构建.  相似文献   

影响淀山湖水质变化的因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
就1996-1998年淀册湖全湖水质均值变化情况作了评述,对影响淀山湖水质变化的因素进行了分析和探讨。针对淀山湖水质受到太湖来水水质影响的情况,提出了在今后的工作中进一步加大保护淀册湖水质的建议和措施。  相似文献   

新疆农村饮水卫生监测及评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为评价我区农村改水后饮水质量,对全区2191个饮水工程卫生及水质进行监测,结果表明,改水后农村居民饮水质量有较大提高,饮用I,II,III级水及不合格水人数的百分比分别为33.08%,14.21%,17.13%和35.58%。  相似文献   

水生态监测能够为水生态环境监督、管理和保护提供重要的数据和技术支撑。加强黄河水生态监测,维护流域水生态系统健康,对促进黄河流域高质量发展具有重要意义。从常规水质监测、生境监测和生物监测3个方面,分析了中国水生态监测方法的研究进展及在黄河流域的应用实践。结合黄河流域水生态监测尤其是生物监测相对滞后的现状,探讨了流域水生态监测的发展方向。建议加快黄河流域水生态监测能力建设,建立适用于黄河流域的水生态监测与评价标准体系,探索新兴监测技术与传统技术的有机结合。  相似文献   

为了研究生物急性监测方法对监测典型化工污水处理厂废水的适用性,选择2家常州市典型的化工园区污水处理厂("常A"和"常B"),进行了发光细菌、藻类、大型溞和斑马鱼卵4种不同层次受试生物的急性毒性检测。研究表明,发光细菌急性毒性、藻类叶绿素荧光毒性在2个污水处理厂中均被检测到,发光细菌急性毒性通常进水大于出水,但在投放大量氧化消毒剂时,出水表现出剧毒。藻类叶绿素荧光毒性最高值出现在常B进水中。大型溞和斑马鱼卵急性毒性仅在常B进出水样中有检出,受纳河道下游水样虽未表现出急性毒性,但可观察到斑马鱼卵各类发育畸形。4种生物急性毒性检测方法中,发光细菌适用范围最广,藻类、大型溞和斑马鱼卵急性毒性方法可根据监测目的和工业园区特点相应选择。实验结论可为化工污水处理厂尾水排放过程中生物毒性监测的常态化提供方法选择,为管理部门制定排放标准提供依据。  相似文献   

In this paper, the movement behavior of Daphnia magna was studied as a bio-indicator of organophosphorous pesticide (OP) contamination, using an on-line bio-monitoring method, the Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitor. A static test of acute toxicity test revealed the 24-h and 48-h LC(50) values (95% confidence limit) for Daphnia magna to be respectively 0.45 microg/l and 0.21 microg/l for dipterex 3.80 microg/l and 0.90 microg/l for malathion, and 1.25 microg/l and 0.38 microg/l for parathion. The behavior strength of Daphnia magna was a sensitive indicator of sublethal OP stress and resulted in significant concentration-response relationships for the three OPs. Increasing OP concentration will result in more intensive behavioral responses of Daphnia magna and shorter response time, which could be described by the Stepwise Stress Model (SSM). Therefore movement behavior can be effectively applied in early warning of environment quality by on-line bio-monitoring. The intensive changes in behavior strength of Daphnia magna over a short time follow the SSM concept and can be used as an indicator of early stress response to OP accidental contamination.  相似文献   

大型蚤在线生物监测系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,世界范围内突发性废水泄漏事件频发,在引起人们对水质问题恐慌的同时,也促进了饮用水在线监测与早期污染预警系统的发展。生物监测可以对污染环境下多污染物的联合毒性进行有效评估,具有传统化学监测所不具备的优点,已成为判定水质是否对水生生物存在影响、是否符合人类安全饮用的有效依据和手段。介绍了大型蚤在线生物监测系统的多通道流通生物测试室和生物传感器系统,并对世界范围内的研究与应用情况做了研究综述。目前,采用大型蚤作为指示生物的在线监测系统已在饮用水水质监测方面成功实现,但其在工业废水接管过程中毒性评估和早期预警的研究和应用上尚有不足,有待更加深入地探讨与研究。  相似文献   

The seasonal dynamics of Daphnia populations vary regionally throughout the United States. Within the general pattern, Daphnia increase in abundance after the initiation of the spring algal bloom in all lakes, but their subsequent seasonal patterns differ in various climatic regions. Lakes in regions with cooler summers have large-bodied Daphnia populations that tend to persist throughout the summer, although the species dominance may shift. Regions with warmer summers tend to have large-bodied Daphnia populations that decline or are absent through much of the summer. Still warmer water bodies tend to have medium- to small-bodied species that are abundant during spring, but absent most of the summer. Many central Florida lakes lack Daphnia; if Daphnia species are present, they tend to be small-bodied. Daphnia abundance in these water bodies varies, but seems to be independent of temperature.If surface water (lake, pond) sampling is done in all regions during July and August, the impression will be that Daphnia are absent from large segments of the United States. This would be erroneous, because Daphnia are important earlier during the spring and early summer but are likely to be absent during midsummer in some U.S. regions. Year-to-year variation will be superimposed on this regional pattern. Because there are differences in the dates when spring and summer occur, it would be useful to have an index period that would standardize the start of the growing season. The use of the terrestrial onset of greenness, based on remote sensing of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, is suggested as a possible index set point.  相似文献   

An assay capable of simultaneously measuring both general toxicity and more subtle genotoxicity, in aqueous environmental samples, is described. The assay uses eukaryotic (yeast) cells, genetically modified to express a green fluorescent protein (GFP) whenever DNA damage, as a result of exposure to genotoxic agents, is repaired. A measure of the reduction in cell proliferation is used to characterise general toxicity producing familiar EC(50) and LOEC data. The assay protocol has been developed for proposed use in the field and hence employs dedicated, portable instrumentation, the development of which is described. A range of environmentally relevant substances has been evaluated using the assay, including solutions of metal ions, solvents and pesticides. Preliminary data comparing the yeast assay's response to that of a standard Daphnia test in the analysis of the toxicity of 34 varied industrial waste effluents are also presented. The sensitivity to a wide range of substances and effluents suggests the assay should be useful for environmental toxicity monitoring.  相似文献   

大气降尘量是重要的环境指标之一,可以较客观地反映和评价城市局部地区扬尘污染水平,对评价城市区域环境空气质量、分析大气污染来源和变化具有重要意义。国内外大气降尘监测普遍采用传统的手工监测方法,手工法因时效性差、效率低、能耗大、质控难、误差大等原因已不适应现代环境管理的需求。随着科技与网络的发展,自动监测方法成为发展趋势。文章主要阐述了上海市降尘自动监测技术的研发过程及实际应用,介绍了自主研发的降尘自动监测仪的原理、关键技术和系统组成。通过粉尘舱内实验、降尘自动监测方法与手工重量法比对测试及为期一年的试点应用,分析了降尘自动监测方法的精密度、准确度、相对误差及适用性,并探讨了降尘自动监测的应用前景。  相似文献   

Freshwater cladocera such as Daphnia magna and Ceriodaphnia dubia have been used extensively for freshwater toxicity test worldwide. However, these species may not be indigenous in certain geographical regions, which restrict the utility of these organisms as test species. In the present study, we investigated optimal culture and test conditions for an indigenous freshwater macroinvertebrate of Korea, Moina macrocopa. The culture conditions that were evaluated included water temperature (20°C and 25°C), rearing media (moderately hard water or MHW, with or without selenium supplementation, or Elendt M4), and food density (2.5 × 107 and 5 × 107 cells/mL of Selenastrum capricornutum), and their effects on the life history characteristics of M. macrocopa were determined. Population growth rate of M. macrocopa was maximized at 25°C with 5 × 107 cells/mL of algal food density in MHW. A series of chronic three brood reference toxicant tests were conducted under the ideal culture conditions that were identified here, and the results of the tests indicated reliable reproducibility of the test protocol. Optimal culture and test conditions that were identified for M. macrocopa in the present study are suggested for evaluation of chronic toxicity of chemicals and industrial or municipal discharge.  相似文献   

土壤重金属快速监测技术研究与应用进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
土壤重金属污染已经日益成为社会的主要环境污染问题之一,土壤重金属快速监测技术对于土壤重金属污染的快速有效筛查与监控具有重要意义。介绍了近年来国内外土壤重金属快速监测方法,并阐述了相关土壤重金属快速监测仪器的研究现状。在土壤重金属快速监测领域,X射线荧光光谱技术优势明显,激光诱导击穿光谱技术亦发展迅速,基于免疫学、酶抑制原理的快速监测技术正处于发展阶段。随着快速监测技术理论和方法的不断完善,土壤重金属快速监测仪器朝着高精度、小型化、智能化的方向发展,在区域性土壤重金属含量评估方面的应用将逐步拓展。  相似文献   

The results of a 'BioWise' demonstration project to assess the comparative sensitivity and practicality of seven new assays for the direct assessment of ecotoxicity in industrial effluents are presented. In addition the aim of the project was to validate the results of the new assays against benchmark data generated from non-proprietary, rapid, microplate screening assays using the regulatory species; freshwater crustacean Daphnia magna and green algae Selenastrum capricornutum, chosen in view of their environmental relevance. The new commercial test assays were: Daphnia magna, Selenastrum capricornutum and Thamnocephalus platyurus Toxkits supplied by Vickers Laboratories Ltd, containing dormant, immobilised life stages of the test species; GreenScreen EM, a yeast based assay for genotoxicity and general acute toxicity supplied by Gentronix Ltd; and CellSense a mediated, amperometric whole cell biosensor based on immobilised activated sludge and E. coli. 38 effluent samples supplied by members of SOCSA (Specialised Organic Chemicals Sector Association) were examined over a period of 13 months, in the project co-ordinated by the AstraZeneca Brixham Environmental Laboratory, and part funded by BioWise via the UK Government Department of Trade and Industry.  相似文献   

放射性核素污染及监测   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
由于发达国家的核试验和核电站的建设,放射性核素对环境的污染已引起世界各国的关注。我国目前实施对放射性强度的监测,而对核素监测相对比较薄弱。文章介绍了核设施泄露事故对大气、水和水生生物造成的污染及污染的削减过程,综述了目前发达国家的放射性核素污染水平、监测的核素种类和监测方法。  相似文献   

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