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通过对萧山市羽绒行业中典型企业--浙江三弘国际羽绒有限公司排放废水的监测分析,计算其羽绒废水中各污染物的排放量,由此确定羽绒行业污染物排放系数和排污总量,为污染物排放总量的控制管理提供了有效依据。  相似文献   

研究了基于生产排放全过程、多相、多类污染物并举的污染源识别特征成分谱建立技术。首先建立污染源排放完整图谱,包括原辅料、中间物质、产品、各工艺废水污染物、水处理设施进口和出口污染物等。然后从排放完整图谱中解析出特征污染物。对于废水中的常规污染物和金属污染物,采用与受纳水体浓度相比较的方式得到污染源识别特征污染物,建议将浓度超过受纳水体1倍的污染物定为特征污染物。对于有机污染物,将质量分数之和大于90%的污染物集定为特征有机污染物,并按照有机物类别进行分类。最后开发建立动态的水污染源排放数据库。应用该技术建立了石化行业典型企业的排放特征成分谱,发现这些特征组分具有很好的代表性,为水污染源的识别提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

废水中有机硫的测定   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
废水中有机硫的测定王玉平,郑玉兰,艾有平,徐玉琴(辽宁沈阳市环境监测站,110015)测定水和废水中有机硫的总量,对于控制工业废水的排放,实行有机污染物的总量控制有着十分重要的意义。本方法采用自制燃烧装置,使水和废水中的有机硫化合物,在高温氧气流中催...  相似文献   

实施污染物排放总量控制是我国环境管理制度的重大转变。废水监测是实行废水排放总量控制管理支持系统的重要组成部分。本文旨在探讨监测在废水总量控制中的作用、废水总量监测体系及废水总量监测中的关键性工作等几个问题,以帮助人们正确看待废水总量监测,促进废水总量监测技术和管理的研究,使废水总量控制得到科学的,有力支持。  相似文献   

通过对汽车修理养护企业喷烤漆废气排放现状进行调查分析,指出中国目前适用于控制汽车修理养护企业废气排放的标准《大气污染物综合排放标准》(GB 16297-1996)在实际运用中存在的问题。依据《制定地方大气污染物排放标准的技术方法》(GB/T 3840-1991)《大气污染物综合排放标准详解》《工作场所有害因素职业接触限值化学有害因素》(GBZ 2.1-2007)《工业企业设计卫生标准》(TJ 36-1979)、美国环保局多介质环境模型等,用不同方法计算汽车修理养护企业排放的废气中几种挥发性有机物的排放浓度和排放速率限值,并对监测结果进行评价分析,提出编制汽车修理养护企业废气排放控制标准的建议。  相似文献   

修光利    吴应  宋钊    王向明    刘杰  尚玉梅 《环境监控与预警》2020,12(1):9-15
简述了我国涂料、油墨及胶粘剂工业的污染排放现状与特征,对《涂料、油墨及胶粘剂工业大气污染物排放标准》(GB 37824—2019)进行了解读。该标准在我国打赢蓝天保卫战三年行动计划的背景下发布实施,从全过程控制的角度构建了大气污染物排放指标体系,明确了以非甲烷总烃(NMHC)和总挥发性有机物(TVOC)为综合表征,与有毒有害特征污染物协调控制的挥发性有机物(VOCs)排放指标体系;提出了涂料、油墨、胶粘剂工业无组织排放控制要求和监测监控要求。指出,涂料、油墨及胶粘剂工业的VOCs控制以无组织排放为主,因此必须从源头减排入手,强化全过程控制和全生命周期控制,环境与安全协同,逐步实现行业可持续发展。  相似文献   

简述了我国涂料、油墨及胶粘剂工业的污染排放现状与特征,对《涂料、油墨及胶粘剂工业大气污染物排放标准》(GB 37824—2019)进行了解读。该标准在我国打赢蓝天保卫战三年行动计划的背景下发布实施,从全过程控制的角度构建了大气污染物排放指标体系,明确了以非甲烷总烃(NMHC)和总挥发性有机物(TVOC)为综合表征,与有毒有害特征污染物协调控制的挥发性有机物(VOCs)排放指标体系;提出了涂料、油墨、胶粘剂工业无组织排放控制要求和监测监控要求。指出,涂料、油墨及胶粘剂工业的VOCs控制以无组织排放为主,因此必须从源头减排入手,强化全过程控制和全生命周期控制,环境与安全协同,逐步实现行业可持续发展。  相似文献   

正为了最大限度减少工业企业排放的铊、锑污染物对水环境的影响,江苏省 9 月 1 日起实施《钢铁工业废水中铊污染物排放标准》《纺织染整工业废水中锑污染物排放标准》。铊元素以微量形式广泛存在于矿石中,所以钢铁行业在冶炼过程中会产生少量含铊废水,但目前钢铁行业国家污染物排放标准中无铊污染物排放限值要求。江苏省确定钢铁工业废水中,铊污染物在车间或生产设施废水排口的排放限值为  相似文献   

造纸行业是废水污染物减排重点行业。以2011—2014年全国环境统计调查数据为基础,对不同规模造纸企业废水治理运行费用和绩效进行了分析,对COD、氨氮排放强度及减排潜力进行了对比。结果表明,不同规模企业污染治理与排放特征存在差异,大中型企业产排污强度低,废水治理投入大;若造纸行业企业全部达标排放,COD排放量在2014年水平上减排21.4%~47.2%,氨氮排放量降低27.7%。  相似文献   

通过资料收集和现场调研估算苏州高新技术产业园区VOCs排放量,对区内典型行业VOCs污染物特征组分做分析,并简述其区域内典型行业VOCs治理技术的现况,分析了排放现状特征和控制难点。基于对国内外工业VOCs污染控制措施研究,提出对VOCs污染控制的对策和建议。  相似文献   

采用预浓缩、气相色谱-质谱联用及脉冲火焰光度检测的方法对石化污水处理场排放的废气污染物进行了定性与定量分析,并采用相应的污染物排放标准及其人体感知嗅阈值进行了污染程度评价.结果表明,污水处理场在各个采样点位均有挥发性有机污染物和恶臭污染物检出,其中以污水进口最为严重.从检出物的浓度水平而言,苯系物和恶臭污染物均存在超标现象,而且检出的恶臭污染物浓度水平远高于人体感知嗅阈值.  相似文献   

Environmental assessments are often performed for industries due to a lot of issues produced in the processes. However, few studies are reported for environmental assessment of Chinese liquor production. A lot of material consumptions in Chinese liquor industries often bring about serious environmental pollution. Thus, Chinese strong aromatic liquor (CSAL) is taken as a representative for the environmental issues assessment of Chinese liquor industry in view of cleaner production (CP). The assessment is performed for the brewing system of CSAL including three main phases: crude liquor brewing, crude liquor blending, and steam production, which addresses resource and energy consumptions and environmental impacts. The results indicate that, according to the standards of Ministry of Environmental Protection of China, the consumptions of materials and energy are acceptable while the water consumption is higher than the requirement. Moreover, the discharge of chemical oxygen demand (COD) in the brewing phase is above the standard requirement and contributes much to eutrophication. The total environmental impacts in the blending phase are less than those in the brewing and steam production phases. In detail, in the brewing phase, high concentration of volatile organic compounds in the wastewater results in the odor threshold values and photochemical ozone creation. In the blending phase, the main environmental impact is eutrophication owing to the wastewater. In the steam production phase, the most and least significant impacts are global warming and soot emission, respectively, wherein waste gas emission is dominated. Cost analysis reveals that when the water consumption and COD discharge meet the requirements according to the CP option, there are plenty of economic and environmental benefits for the CSAL industry. The results confirm that the reform strategies for the Chinese liquor enterprise should be performed to decrease the water consumption, promote the utilization efficiency of water, improve recycle and reuse of by-products, reduce the pollutant discharge, and enhance waste treatment efficiency.  相似文献   

New environmental standards for protecting aquatic organisms for zinc (e.g., 0.03 mg/L) in surface waters were set in Japan in 2003. Although wastewater effluent might be one of the major pathways of zinc to public water bodies in Japan, current status of concentration of zinc in wastewater effluent was not clear due to higher detection limits (e.g., 0.5 mg/L) than the level required by the new regulations. This study aims at assessing current status of zinc in wastewater effluent in Japan to revise wastewater effluent standards for protecting aquatic organisms. Survey of zinc in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) was carried out in Japan in 2005, setting the detection limits at least 0.01 mg/L. The results of the survey suggested the difficulty to remove zinc (especially dissolved zinc) with conventional activated sludge treatment if concentration of zinc in influent was relatively low. And it was suggested that high concentration of dissolved zinc might be derived from some industries discharging high concentration of zinc. The concentration of zinc in wastewater influent without industrial discharges was about 0.1 mg/L which might be lower than that in wastewater from industries discharging high concentration of zinc. Finally, effluent standards for point sources including WWTPs to public water bodies were set at 2 mg/L in 2006. Based on the results of the survey that it was difficult to remove dissolved zinc discharged from industries at WWTPs, the effluent standards from industries to sewerage were set at the same value of the effluent standards from WWTPs to public water bodies.  相似文献   

Royal Commission Environmental Control Department (RC-ECD) at Yanbu industrial city in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has established a well-defined monitoring program to control the pollution from industrial effluents. The quality of effluent from each facility is monitored round the clock. Different strategic measures have been taken by the RC-ECD to implement the zero discharge policy of RC. Industries are required to pre-treat the effluent to conform pretreatment standards before discharging to central biological treatment plant. Industries are not allowed to discharge any treated or untreated effluent in open channels. After treatment, reclaimed water must have to comply with direct discharge standards before discharge to the sea. Data of industrial wastewater collected from five major industries and central industrial wastewater treatment plant (IWTP) is summarized in this report. During 5-year period, 3,705 samples were collected and analyzed for 43,436 parameters. There were 1,377 violations from pretreatment standards from all the industries. Overall violation percentage was 3.17%. Maximum violations were recorded from one of the petrochemical plants. The results show no significant pollution due to heavy metals. Almost all heavy metals were within RC pretreatment standards. High COD and TOC indicates that major pollution was due to hydrocarbons. Typical compounds identified by GC-MS were branched alkanes, branched alkenes, aliphatic ketones, substituted thiophenes, substituted phenols, aromatics and aromatic alcohols. Quality of treated water was also in compliance with RC direct discharge standards. In order to achieve the zero discharge goal, further studies and measures are in progress.  相似文献   

分析了企业自行监测方案中执行污染物排放标准在适用类别、标准变更、适用范围、涵盖的污染物种类等方面存在的主要问题及原因,并从企业执行排放标准的原则、排放标准变更及(执行)时间变化、工艺特点与排放标准的关系、排放污染物种类的识别等角度,提出了审核时应把握的关键点。  相似文献   

结合重点行业企业用地调查工作实践,分析了我国场地调查土壤中污染物监测分析方法标准现状和存在的问题,包括缺少一些行业特征污染物、重金属形态分析和现场快速检测技术标准,以及部分方法的可比性和适用性较差等,提出了结合污染场地环境调查土壤基质的特点及风险评估与治理修复的需求,加快制定缺失的行业特征污染物和重金属形态分析方法标准,及时修订和完善现行分析方法体系,增强标准的可比性、适用性和可操作性等建议.  相似文献   

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