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基于2012年11月至12月上午轨道星Terra共7景MODIS数据,对影响青海省的一次典型沙尘事件进行研究。结果表明,沙尘天气始于2012年11月18日,在12月1日及2日达到高峰,持续到12月18日趋于减弱;沙尘天气影响区域范围较广,主要影响省域西北、东北地区,面积占省域面积的11.26%至43.36%;沙尘天气扩散趋势与路径整体上由西北向东北地区,东部人口密集区沙尘天气出现时间相对西北地区、青南高原地区出现滞后。  相似文献   

2021年,中国北方地区经历了多轮大范围沙尘天气,波及西北、华北、东北甚至黄淮、长三角等地区。其中,3月份出现自2010年以来最强沙尘天气过程。该研究基于Himawari-8静止卫星数据和地面同步空气站点监测数据,分析了2021年3月14—17、27—30日和4月14—15日3次典型沙尘天气过程。分析结果显示:2021年3月14—17日沙尘天气影响范围最广,沙尘分别在不同时间段起源于蒙古国西北部、中国甘肃和青海交界处、新疆和甘肃交界处,大范围沙尘天气是多处尘源综合作用的结果。3月27—30日和4月14—15日沙尘主要起源于蒙古国,沙尘源较单一,影响范围相对集中,但某些时段受影响区域的沙尘强度很高。地面同步空气站点PM10监测数据与卫星数据有很好的一致性。  相似文献   

结合常规污染物监测、PM2.5化学组分监测、激光雷达监测和颗粒物数浓度及粒径监测等手段,对2017年5月影响北京市的一次沙尘天气过程进行分析。结果表明:5月4日凌晨起沙尘天气开始影响北京市,延庆、官园和通州3个站点PM10峰值浓度分别为2 091、2 245、2 590 μg/m3,体现了该次沙尘天气影响程度之重。PM2.5浓度与PM10变化一致,也达到重度污染的水平。沙尘天气移动路径是沿着区域西北至东南方向。沙尘天气主体从3 km左右的高空进入北京市,随后逐渐渗透至1 km高度以及地面,且沙尘层厚度较高,覆盖了地面至3 km的高度。沙尘天气过程中OM和Ca2+组分增幅最大。在沙尘天气影响严重时间段,沙尘天气源与生物质燃烧源比例之和大于50%,最高值为67.6%。沙尘天气过程中颗粒物峰值粒径为0.965~1.037 μm。  相似文献   

对2021年影响江苏省的沙尘天气过程开展研究,分析受影响的时间、区域特征及环境空气质量特征。结果表明,影响江苏省的沙尘天气过程共计13次,全省累计受影响229 d。从时间分布看,沙尘天气过程多发生在1月、3—5月,2月、11月较少,6—10月和12月无沙尘天气过程。从区域分布看,苏北地区受沙尘天气过程影响较显著,受影响天数>20 d的城市均分布于此。受沙尘天气过程影响,且东北偏北风或东北风输送时,可吸入颗粒物(PM_(10))和细颗粒物(PM_(2.5))较易出现小时高值。沙尘过程造成PM_(10)日均质量浓度超标的天数占比为38.0%,造成PM_(2.5)日均质量浓度超标的天数占比仅为12.7%;扣除沙尘天气过程影响后,PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)年均质量浓度分别较扣除前下降1和6μg/m 3,沙尘天气过程对PM_(10)质量浓度的影响大于对PM_(2.5)质量浓度的影响。受沙尘天气过程影响时,环境空气质量为轻度污染及以上级别占比为45.0%,苏北和苏中地区环境空气质量易达到重度污染及以上级别,苏南地区多为良或轻度污染,少有中度污染。沙尘气团远距离传输使得PM_(10)为首要污染物的特征有所削弱,83.8%的受影响天中首要污染物为PM_(10),其余为二氧化氮(NO_(2))或臭氧(O_(3))。  相似文献   

利用微脉冲激光雷达探测技术,结合常规污染物监测以及PM_(2.5)化学组分监测数据,对2017年5月影响济南地区的一次沙尘天气过程进行分析。结果表明:5月4日12:00沙尘天气开始影响济南市,PM_(10)小时浓度大幅升高,至5月5日13:00,PM_(10)小时浓度达到峰值(质量浓度953μg/m~3)。沙尘过境期间近地面1 500 m以下形成消光系数和退偏比极大区,其中5月5日11:00—13:00,300 m处退偏比平均高达0. 19,非球形特性显著。沙尘天气过程中Mg~(2+)组分、Ca~(2+)组分增幅最为明显。后向轨迹模型HYSPLIT显示,此次沙尘起源于内蒙古中西部地区,沿高空西北方向传输至济南地区。  相似文献   

利用2020年11月—2021年5月泰州市大气颗粒物自动监测数据,结合激光雷达观测资料、气象资料及后向轨迹模式,研究分析不同类型沙尘天气过程对泰州市空气质量的影响。结果表明,研究时段泰州市受到沙尘天气影响共计12次,影响天数21 d,污染天数占比达42.9%;按照影响时长和影响程度将沙尘天气过程分为直接影响型、移速缓慢型、边缘影响型、入海回流型等4种类型;由于天气形势背景和传输路径差异,不同类型沙尘对泰州市空气质量影响程度差异较大,整体而言,移速缓慢型沙尘、入海回流型沙尘对泰州市空气质量影响更为显著。  相似文献   

广州市春季一次沙尘天气过程综合观测   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
2017年4月21—23日广州市经历了一次远距离传输的沙尘天气过程,为了解沙尘过程对广州市空气质量的影响,基于广州市大气超级站,利用单颗粒气溶胶质谱(SPAMS)、气溶胶激光雷达观测数据并结合HYSPLIT后向轨迹模型分析了沙尘过程细颗粒物组分及污染来源贡献变化和沙尘气溶胶的来源及路径。结果表明:受沙尘过境影响,PM_(10)浓度大幅升高,PM_(2.5)/PM_(10)最小值仅为12.1%;沙尘过境期间影响近地面颗粒物的沙尘高度主要分布在1 km以下区域,近地面颗粒物消光系数均值为100.11 Mm~(-1),探测到最大退偏振比为0.28。SPAMS研究发现沙尘过境期间含硅酸盐颗粒物(SI)的细颗粒物数浓度比例达25.9%,是沙尘过境前的1.4倍;PM_(2.5)中扬尘贡献率明显增大,达到了17.3%,是沙尘过境前的1.9倍。后向轨迹模型HYSPLIT显示此次沙尘为典型的北方沙尘传输,沙尘源自中国西北地区,传输方向为自西北输送至华东地区后,转为东南方向影响广州市。  相似文献   

<正>由于受强冷空气影响,库尔勒市2015年8月15日出现7到8级的大风天气,同时伴有阵雨,气温骤降,库尔勒市17日14:00~23:00出现浮尘天气,可吸入颗粒物浓度值为349~795μg/m3,造成17日持续10小时的浮尘天气,到18日00:00浮尘转弱。2015年8月17日阿克苏市持续出现沙尘天气,造成当日空气质量指数(AQI)达500,空气质量  相似文献   

依据沙尘天气判定条件分析2018年春季(2—4月)陕西省西安市环境空气质量小时监测数据,共识别9 d受沙尘影响。研究基于K-means聚类沙尘天气分析方法,分析沙尘天气监测数据特征,并对沙尘识别聚类模型进行优化研究,识别的沙尘影响天气与传统方法一致。分析表明,聚类方法可用于沙尘天气监测数据的识别,与传统方法相比较,基于K-means聚类方法能够快速、准确识别沙尘影响天气。  相似文献   

2005—2010年沙尘天气影响我国城市环境空气质量分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
根据2005年建成较完整的环保重点城市空气质量日报监测网后的监测数据,分析2005—2010年期间,影响113个环保重点城市空气质量的沙尘天气过程次数范围在每年5~14次之间,平均每年10次左右,总计59次。在此期间,影响113个重点城市空气质量的沙尘天气过程累计的影响时间总计130 d,平均在每年22 d左右。影响环保重点城市的沙尘天气过程主要集中在3—5月,在部分年份的1—2月、6月和11—12月也有出现。受沙尘天气影响,113个重点城市总共的超标天次平均每年在332 d次左右,每年范围在147~546 d次之间。其中,受沙尘暴天气影响的重污染天次平均每年在40 d次左右,每年范围在14~78 d次之间。受沙尘暴天气影响的超标天和重污染天主要出现在3~5月。近年来沙尘天气对我国尤其是北方地区的影响程度很大。每年沙尘天气过程对我国城市空气质量影响的时间不短,尤其在春季对我国东中部地区城市造成了很严重的影响,近年大范围的沙尘天气过程还影响到了我国东南包括台湾地区和香港澳门地区。  相似文献   

应用卫星遥感影像结合无人机现场核查数据,对2020年江苏省各设区市主城区工地和裸地2类扬尘源的时空分布变化和污染、管控情况开展了连续性监测,为生态环境监测部门业务化应用提供了思路和方法.研究结果显示,遥感解译精度优于95%,扬尘源数量、面积均呈上升趋势,至第4季度总数达1760个、总面积162.53 km2,总体管控情...  相似文献   

为提高沙尘天气的预报准确率,利用ECWMF再分析资料和近地面PM10小时质量浓度监测数据,评估WRFNAQPMS模式对2021年3月15—21日甘肃强沙尘过程的预报能力。结果表明,WRF-NAQPMS能够在一定程度上模拟此次污染过程:WRF对“3· 15”天气系统的模拟与实况整体趋势较为一致,随着预报时效延长,气象模拟场移动偏快,导致沙尘预报场发展偏快、沙尘二次传输影响下游时间提前;近地面风向的局地偏差是导致甘肃中东部地区沙尘浓度出现预报误差的主要气象因素。NAQPMS模式对PM10小时质量浓度的模拟随着预报时效增加和离沙源地距离的增大,预报误差逐步增大:在河西地区,沙尘影响时段和起沙浓度的模拟值均接近监测值,其中嘉峪关、酒泉、张掖的PM10小时质量浓度模拟值与监测值相关系数r>0.8;中部地区城市的沙尘影响时段预报略有偏差,且模拟值低于监测值;受复杂下垫面和气象场预报误差影响,省内其他地区沙尘预报结果参考性较低。  相似文献   

济南市空气中颗粒物来源与防治对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
颗粒物(总悬浮颗粒物TSP及可吸入颗粒物PM10)已成为济南市空气污染的首要污染物,其主要来源为扬尘、煤烟尘和风沙尘.三类尘对TSP和PM10的贡献分别为扬尘:34%和30%、煤烟尘:25%和19%、风沙尘:18%和22%.文中在阐明颗粒物源解析的分析方法及结果基础上,提出了颗粒物污染的防治对策.  相似文献   

青海高原一次沙尘重污染天气成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用常规观测的卫星云图资料、地面资料、探空资料、地面污染物监测数据,结合拉格朗日粒子扩散模型(LPDM)污染源溯源方法,对2018年2月青海高原一次沙尘重污染天气的主要成因以及沙尘传输特征进行了分析。结果表明:此次重污染天气受高空低槽东移影响,在300~700 hPa形成了强烈的辐散下沉,槽后的高空急流随之东移。在其东移过程中,受高空急流动量下传及偏北气流中的冷空气共同作用,青海东部出现了大风沙尘天气。边界层中逆温层的存在是此次污染天气持续的重要原因之一,加之未出现明显降水,不利于大气污染物的扩散。通过运用LPDM对此次污染天气的运动轨迹进行分析来看,气团影响的模拟高度层距离地面100 m,气团层趋势一致。研究区地处青藏高原,海拔较高,0~100 m高度的气团足迹可以反映出PM 10污染气团的输送路径。同时,0~100 m是主要的人为源排放空间,也是对人类活动影响较大的区域。气团足迹与PM 10浓度的变化趋势一致,即青海东部沙尘污染主要是由河西走廊沙尘倒灌进入青海东部导致,这与天气学分析结果一致。  相似文献   

Wind erosion is a phenomenon that is reasonably common in regions where dry winds blow. For the most part, these regions correspond to the dry lands; areas where the soil, generally, is dry and shifting and lacks vegetation for most of the year. The winds are sufficiently strong to lift and move sands and soil particles. The repeated removal of superficial layers by the action of winds can modify the texture of the topsoil, by removing the fine particles and leaving the larger particles. Dust and sandstorm (DSS) is the generic term for a serious environmental phenomenon that involves strong winds that blow a large quantity of dust and fine sand particles away from the ground and carry them over a long distance with significant environmental impacts along the way. In the realm of DSS in Iran country, the people who live in Yazd and Sistan–Baluchestan provinces form a single ecological community due to their geographic proximity and climatic contiguity. The major sources of DSS in the region are believed to be the desert and semidesert areas of the Yazd–Ardakan plain in Yazd province. Both Sistan and Baluchestan are the recipients of this dust. To address the long-range transboundary environmental problem of DSS, a regional cooperation mechanism must be established among the provinces in the region. Yazd–Ardakan plain, with area of about 650,000 ha, is located in the center of Iran, between Yazd and Ardakan cities. The mean annual rainfall is less than 65 mm. Rainfall distribution is a simple modal and more than 70% of it occurs in winter. Plant density varies from 0% to 25%, and Artemisia sieberi is the dominant plant species. The major part of Yazd–Ardakan plain is bare land. According to the recent investigation, more than 20,000-m3 dust with less than 100-μm diameter falls down annually on Yazd city with an area of 7,000 ha. Horizontal visibility is reduced to less than 6 m in stormy days in some parts of Yazd–Ardakan plain. This phenomenon causes car accidents on the main roads of Yazd–Ardakan and can cancel the airplane flights in the stormy days. At present, it is estimated that wind erosion causes more than $6.8 million damages to socioeconomic resources in Yazd plain each year. This paper describes the pattern of occurrence of wind erosion and major contributing factors, summarizes measured rates of wind erosion, outlines the techniques used to mitigate wind erosion hazard, and suggests research priorities. Also, damages of DSS have been estimated and methods for prevention and control are suggested.  相似文献   

The Urumqi Institute of Desert Meteorology of the China Meteorological Administration carried out an atmospheric scientific experiment to detect dust weather using a wind-profiling radar in the hinterland of the Taklimakan Desert in April 2010. Based on the wind-profiling data obtained from this experiment, this paper seeks to (a) analyze the characteristics of the horizontal wind field and vertical velocity of a breaking dust weather in a desert hinterland; (b) calculate and give the radar echo intensity and vertical distribution of a dust storm, blowing sand, and floating dust weather; and (c) discuss the atmosphere dust counts/concentration derived from the wind-profiling radar data. Studies show that: (a) A wind-profiling radar is an upper-air atmospheric remote sensing system that effectively detects and monitors dust. It captures the beginning and ending of a dust weather process as well as monitors the sand and dust being transported in the air in terms of height, thickness, and vertical intensity. (b) The echo intensity of a blowing sand and dust storm weather episode in Taklimakan is about ?1~10 dBZ while that of floating dust ?1~?15 dBZ, indicating that the dust echo intensity is significantly weaker than that of precipitation but stronger than that of clear air. (c) The vertical shear of horizontal wind and the maintenance of low-level east wind are usually dynamic factors causing a dust weather process in Taklimakan. The moment that the low-level horizontal wind field finds a shear over time, it often coincides with the onset of a sand blowing and dust storm weather process. (d) When a blowing sand or dust storm weather event occurs, the atmospheric vertical velocity tends to be of upward motion. This vertical upward movement of the atmosphere supported with a fast horizontal wind and a dry underlying surface carries dust particles from the ground up to the air to form blown sand or a dust storm.  相似文献   

Mass concentrations and chemical components (18 elements, 9 ions, organic carbon [OC] and elemental carbon [EC]) in atmospheric PM(10) were measured at five sites in Fushun during heating, non-heating and sand periods in 2006-2007. PM(10) mass concentrations varied from 62.0 to 226.3 μg m(-3), with 21% of the total samples' mass concentrations exceeding the Chinese national secondary standard value of 150 μg m(-3), mainly concentrated in heating and sand periods. Crustal elements, trace elements, water-soluble ions, OC and EC represented 20-47%, 2-9%, 13-34%, 15-34% and 13-25% of the particulate matter mass concentrations, respectively. OC and crustal elements exhibited the highest mass percentages, at 27-34% and 30-47% during heating and sand period. Local agricultural residuals burning may contribute to EC and ion concentrations, as shown by ion temporal variation and OC and EC correlation analysis. Heavy metals (Cr, Ni, Zn, Cu and Mn) from coal combustion and industrial processes should be paid attention to in heating and sand periods. The anion/cation ratios exhibited their highest values for the background site with the influence of stationary sources on its upper wind direction during the sand period. Secondary organic carbon were 1.6-21.7, 1.5-23.0, 0.4-17.0, 0.2-33.0 and 0.2-21.1 μg m(-3), accounting for 20-77%, 44-88%, 4-77%, 8-69% and 4-73% of OC for the five sampling sites ZQ, DZ, XH, WH and SK, respectively. From the temporal and spatial variation analysis of major species, coal combustion, agricultural residual burning and industrial emission including dust re-suspended from raw material storage piles were important sources for atmospheric PM(10) in Fushun at heating, non-heating and sand periods, respectively. It was confirmed by principal component analysis that coal combustion, vehicle emission, industrial activities, soil dust, cement and construction dust and biomass burning were the main sources for PM(10) in this coal-based city.  相似文献   

沙尘暴的成因与防治措施初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对今春我国北方地工百北京连续7次的扬尘和沙尘暴龙击,分析其成因及危害,提出了防治沙尘暴的具体措施及建议,为沙尘暴的有效治理提供一定的科学依据和参考。  相似文献   

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