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建筑施工噪声分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
根据近几年对城市建筑施工场界噪声的监测结果,分析了直接引起施工场界噪声超标的主要原因,并针对具体存在的问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

利用北京市环境噪声自动监测系统数据对2007年~2009年春节期间北京市城八区居民区声环境质量进行分析,明确了节日期间鞭炮集中燃放时段,分析了该期间市区居民区噪声值的总体变化趋势;根据监测点周围环境特点将监测点分成4种居民区类型,进而分析了不同类型居民区所受鞭炮噪声的不同特征;通过噪声事件频谱图及事件录音回放,分析了鞭炮及烟花的不同频谱特性。  相似文献   

对兰州交通大学校园环境噪声进行了实地监测,分析了兰州交通大学校园内教学区和学生生活区的环境噪声污染状况,结果表明,兰州交通大学教学区和生活区的噪声值存在不同程度的超标,其中生活区夜间噪声值超标最为严重。最后针对监测中发现的问题提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   

为了解船舶航运噪声对周围环境的影响,南平市环境监测站于2002年对延平湖城区船舶航运的环境噪声进行了监测。结果表明,延平湖现有航运船只产生的噪声均属于高噪声源;昼间船舶航运时,噪声监测值基本可达4类区域标准值;夜间船舶航运时,噪声超标严重,超标率为60%,其中最大超标4.4dB(A);而无船舶航运时,噪声监测值均达标,接近2类区域标准值。  相似文献   

从工业企业扰民噪声居室监则的实例出发,提出了当工业企业厂界与居民住宅相连,厂界噪声测点选取在居民居室时,测量结果应取敏感点监测值。  相似文献   

徐振华  周鹏 《干旱环境监测》1992,6(2):89-91,106
对乌鲁木齐至成都旅客列车车厢内的噪声监测表明,一般情况下车厢内噪声等效A声级不超过铁道部部颁标准要求(TB1932-87).在车厢机械陈旧、路况复杂、隧道、狭谷等情况下,车厢乘务室内噪声等效A声级可达74.9~84.6dB(A),最高超标9.6dB(A),全程超标2.2dB(A).  相似文献   

噪声不仅干扰人们的正常生活,严重时可以危害人的身心健康.随着交通事业的快速发展,一大批高速公路迅速建成,交通噪声污染不容忽视.对西宝高速公路沿线交通噪声进行了实地昼夜监测,结果表明交通噪声夜间超标较为严重,干扰了沿线居民的正常生活.分析了污染现状和原因,并提出了降低道路交通噪声的一些简单措施.  相似文献   

在环境噪声监测中,由于监测人员对国家标准测量方法中布点原则的理解不同,使监测布点存在差异,导致测量结果差异较大。根据国家标准测量方法,结合新疆的一些具体情况,现对环境噪声监测工作中布点方法等问题进行探讨。1工业企业厂界噪声监测国家《业企业厂界噪声测量方法》(GB12349—90)中规定,在法定厂界外1m,高度1.2m以上的噪声敏感处,即应在厂界外有噪声敏感区处布点监测。在测量方法中,对测点数量和间距未作具体规定,因此测点选择可根据《环境监测技术规范(噪声部分)》执行,采用等间隔布点原则。由于新疆地区在具体工作…  相似文献   

迪斯科舞厅噪声监测适用性问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对迪斯科舞厅等娱乐文化场所噪声监测中存在的问题 ,分析了现行噪声标准评价量的局限性及现行厂界噪声测试方法的可操作性 ,对噪声的评价量、脉冲噪声的测量和非周期性非稳态噪声的测量方法提出了建议  相似文献   

根据城市轨道交通噪声时、空分布特点及污染规律,对轨道交通噪声评价量作了分析研究,提出了列车通过时的最大声级作为城市轨道交通噪声的评价量,并根据噪声时问分布特性曲线提出了与之相对应的等效声级简易计算方法.通过对上海轨道交通3号线沿线居民区的主、客观调查,得到主观烦恼度阈值和干扰睡眠阈值,提出了适用于我国城市轨道交通的环境噪声限值(建议).  相似文献   

介绍了燃气轮机设备噪声限值和国家标准对厂界噪声和声环境的要求,燃气轮机设备运行厂界噪声和周围声环境(主要是居民敏感点)的达标方法,以及电厂噪声的测量方法。  相似文献   

针对当前环境噪声监测系统的发展趋势,在分析多种监测方法优缺点的基础上,提出了一种基于DSP与无线通信技术的环境噪声监测系统的设计方法,并将其应用于校园环境噪声监测中,达到了监测的实时性、全天候和稳定性的要求.该设计方法可为同类应用提供借鉴.  相似文献   

冒莹  李沫 《干旱环境监测》2009,23(4):243-245
为了解和掌握环境背景噪声对边界噪声监测结果的影响情况,本文就此作了相应的探讨。结果显示:当测量值与背景值的差值超过10dB(A)时,可以忽略背景值对测量结果的影响;当测量值与背景值的差值为3~10dB(A)时,应分段考虑背景值的修正;当测量值与背景值的差值小于3dB(A)时,应重新选择时间进行测定。  相似文献   

The shipbuilding industry of Korea, ranked number one in the world in annual amount of ship orders, has contributed to national economic growth; however, this has resulted in various environmental problems. Characteristics of environmental pollution, such as particulate matters, odor, and noise, which are closely related with public complaints, were evaluated in an industrial shipbuilding complex. The concentrations of PM-10 and TSP were significantly affected by the distance between the measurement site and shipbuilding workplace, as well as the height of the measurement site. Average PM-10 concentrations in the residential area ranged from 40.10 to 44.10 ??g/m3, which were not high in comparison with the ambient air quality standard and those of major cities in Korea. Paint particles could affect a wider area than typical particulate matters due to their generation and transport properties. The properties of odor in the study area were widely affected by the work intensity in shipyards and the temperature. Twenty-five out of total 54 samples collected in the residential area exceeded the dilution factor of 10, which is the tolerable limit adopted in Korea. Noise had an influence on a limited area due to the extinction effect with distance from the shipyards, while severe noise levels higher than 90 dB(A) were frequently found inside the shipyards.  相似文献   

城市道路交通噪声分布模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对梅州市中心城区7条道路的噪声监测,分析了中心城区道路的噪声污染水平。采用道路交通噪声预测模型,以实测交通流数据对中心城区的噪声污染进行模拟和减噪措施评估。结果表明,采用限速措施和安装声屏障措施均有降低噪声污染的效果,为管理部门防治噪声污染提供了参考。  相似文献   

铁路专用线验收噪声监测方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铁路专用线与国铁线路相比,具有流量低、分布不均的特点,《声环境质量标准》(GB3096—2008)中交通干线两侧的铁路不包括铁路专用线,铁路专用线两侧的噪声敏感点应该执行相应功能区噪声标准,与铁路边界的距离无关,以火车通过时最大噪声值与背景值比较,评价对其噪声敏感点的影响。本文通过实测数据对铁路专用线噪声监测方法提出看...  相似文献   

The massive production of microphones for consumer electronics, and the shift from dedicated processing hardware to PC-based systems, opens the way to build affordable, extensive noise measurement networks. Applications include e.g. noise limit and urban soundscape monitoring, and validation of calculated noise maps. Microphones are the critical components of such a network. Therefore, in a first step, some basic characteristics of 8 microphones, distributed over a wide range of price classes, were measured in a standardized way in an anechoic chamber. In a next step, a thorough evaluation was made of the ability of these microphones to be used for environmental noise monitoring. This was done during a continuous, half-year lasting outdoor experiment, characterized by a wide variety of meteorological conditions. While some microphones failed during the course of this test, it was shown that it is possible to identify cheap microphones that highly correlate to the reference microphone during the full test period. When the deviations are expressed in total A-weighted (road traffic) noise levels, values of less than 1 dBA are obtained, in excess to the deviation amongst reference microphones themselves.  相似文献   

The environmental noise level represents one of the key factors of life quality in urban areas of modern cities. A continuous monitoring of the noise levels and the analysis of results have become a necessity when we discuss a possible recovery of those areas with high levels of noise pollution, and particularly, those zones which were designed for specific activities, e.g., areas around hospitals and schools. The city of Nis, Serbia, owing to the permanent long-term noise monitoring, possesses a database containing figures related to the noise levels at relevant locations in the city, which can serve as a basis for an analysis of the change of conditions, their tendencies in the future, and recognizing factors which influence the danger of noise pollution. The paper involves an analysis of the environmental noise level collected during the previous years.  相似文献   

城市环境噪声管理的新探索——环境噪声的总量控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对目前城市环境噪声源的评价方法和管理方法作了研究和阐述,并针对其缺点提出了一种值得尝试的新方法——环境噪声的总量控制:由城市区域环境噪声标准和环境背景噪声计算出环境噪声的容量,并以此为尺度来控制噪声污染源的排放量。文中对此评价方法和管理方法作了必要的阐述和论证。  相似文献   

工业企业噪声监测工作中几个难点问题的探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过举例对噪声监测实践工作中常易遇到的几个具有普遍性的难点问题作一探讨,以提高大家在解决实际问题时对声学理论、噪声标准及测量方法的重视。  相似文献   

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