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X射线荧光光谱分析空气滤膜颗粒物中多种元素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用X射线荧光光谱分析空气滤膜采集悬浮颗粒物中的多种元素,样品不需要前处理,不使用试剂,测量1个样品中40余种元素约耗时1 h。重复测量10次NIST SRM 2783空气滤膜标准样品,多数元素的测量值与标准值基本一致,测量值的标准偏差较小;测量20个空气滤膜实际样品,并与ICP-MS法作比对,大多数元素两种方法测量结果的相对偏差较小,测量值基本一致。  相似文献   

北京市PM2.5质量浓度特征及组分化学质量闭合研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2013年7—9月分2次在北京市朝阳区的4个采样点(来广营、垡头、奥体和建外)进行PM2.5手工采样,共获得164个有效滤膜样品。以石英滤膜为例,这4个采样点的均值分别为85、94、81、86 μg/m3。数据显示PM2.5质量浓度呈"南高北低"的特点。化学质量闭合研究表明:碳质组分(OM+EC)和二次无机离子是PM2.5的主要组成;碳质组分对夏季PM2.5的质量浓度贡献比较稳定,2次采样对PM2.5的贡献均在1/3左右,与采样时间和地点无关;二次无机离子的贡献则与采样时间有关,对PM2.5的贡献在第一和第二次采样时间分别约为30%和20%。4个采样点中,最南端的垡头PM2.5质量浓度最高,有机颗粒物、SO42-、NO3-和NH4+的质量浓度平均值最高,分别为26、18.2、10.5、5.9 μg/m3。  相似文献   

宁波市区冬季大气颗粒物及其主要组分的污染特征分析   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
为了更好地研究影响宁波市区环境空气质量的污染物变化特征,于2010年1月20—30日进行了加强监测。研究结果表明,宁波市区大气中PM10和PM2.5质量浓度较高,其中PM2.5/PM10为0.5~0.85。对PM10和PM2.5采样膜分析,水溶性粒子和含碳组分分别占PM10和PM2.5质量浓度的56.7%和66.9%,其中二次污染的水溶性离子SO42-、NO3-和NH4+是PM10和PM2.5中浓度较高的离子组分;PM2.5样品中OC与EC的相关性较好,表明OC与EC的来源相对一致,可能主要来自机动车尾气的贡献;但PM10样品中OC与EC的相关性较差,表明其来源相对复杂;其中SOC的浓度占OC的13%~35%,说明宁波市区冬季导致二次污染的光化学反应不活跃。  相似文献   

郑州市大气PM2.5的污染特征及源解析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
为全面解析郑州市环境空气PM2.5的化学特征及来源,按照城市功能分区的差异,在郑州市沿主导风向选择4个监测点位,采用大流量采样器分别在采暖季和非采暖季采集40个PM2.5样品。监测数据表明,郑州市环境空气PM2.5在采暖季和非采暖季的浓度范围均值高达197、173μg/m3,已属于严重污染;PM2.5成分分析结果表明,Zn、Pb、Cu、Mn等是PM2.5中的主要污染元素,其富集系数分别为110、94.9、10.9和5.0;主成分分析结果表明,建筑扬尘、土壤尘及道路扬尘、汽车尾气、煤炭燃烧是郑州市PM2.5的主要来源,其累计贡献率超过90%。  相似文献   

杭州市大气PM2.5和PM10污染特征及来源解析   总被引:36,自引:12,他引:24  
2006年在杭州市两个环境受体点位采集不同季节大气中PM2.5和PM10样品,同时采集了多种颗粒物源类样品,分析了其质量浓度和多种化学成分,包括21种无机元素、5种无机水溶性离子以及有机碳和元素碳等,并据此构建了杭州市PM2.5和PM10的源与受体化学成分谱;用化学质量平衡(CMB)受体模型解析其来源。结果表明,杭州市PM2.5和PM10污染较严重,其年均浓度分别为77.5μg/m3和111.0μg/m3;各主要源类对PM2.5的贡献率依次为机动车尾气尘21.6%、硫酸盐18.8%、煤烟尘16.7%、燃油尘10.2%、硝酸盐9.9%、土壤尘8.2%、建筑水泥尘4.0%、海盐粒子1.5%。各主要源类对PM10贡献率依次为土壤尘17.0%、机动车尾气尘16.9%、硫酸盐14.3%、煤烟尘13.9%、硝酸盐粒8.2%、建筑水泥尘8.0%、燃油尘5.5%、海盐粒子3.4%、冶金尘3.2%。  相似文献   

西安市大气颗粒物PM2.5与降水关系的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对西安市2011年的降水及PM2.5进行采样,并对其进行了pH及无机水溶性离子测定。结果表明,西安市酸雨的污染类型以硫酸型污染为主,连续性降水对大气颗粒物的去除效果明显,pH随降水量的增加而减小。对采样日降水前和降水后3 h的PM2.5监测结果表明降水对PM2.5质量浓度与其中的离子有一定去除作用。西安市的PM2.5呈酸性,并且与降水的pH有着很好的相关性;另外降水前PM2.5的质量浓度、SO42-浓度与降水pH呈负相关,NO3-与降水pH的相关性不明显。近几年PM2.5和降水中的SO42-/NO3-当量值变化趋势表明西安市大气污染已步入煤烟和机动车尾气混合型污染类型,且机动车污染对大气污染和酸雨的贡献比例有所增加。  相似文献   

环境空气中PM2.5自动监测方法比较及应用   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:11  
在PM2.5监测受到日益重视的背景下,对β射线法和微振荡天平法(TEOM)这2种主要的PM2.5自动监测方法的工作原理和使用情况进行概述,给出了国内现有β射线法和TEOM法的比对测试结果,对今后开展全面系统的PM2.5自动监测和研究工作提供参考。  相似文献   

西安市环境空气PM2.5污染现状及对策初探   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
文章通过对西安市城市环境空气PM2.5试点监测数据深入分析,初步摸清了区域PM2.5污染水平及分布规律,提出了污染防治对策和建议,对现阶段的环境空气PM2.5污染防治有着重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

利用2018—2021年安徽省空气质量监测数据分析了PM2.5和O3时空分布特征及其引发的健康风险。结果表明:从时间分布来看,2018—2021年安徽省PM2.5年均值下降25.5%,而O3-8 h年均值则保持持平;PM2.5和O3-8 h月均值具有明显的季节变化特征,PM2.5月均质量浓度和超标天数均在冬季达到最大值,O3-8 h月均值和超标天数则在夏季达到最大值。从空间分布来看,PM2.5、O3-8 h年均值和超标天数均为皖北最高,其次为皖中,最后为皖南。夏季O3是主要的健康风险因子,冬季PM2.5是主要的健康风险因子。当PM2.5超标时,除2021年皖北地区外(PM10是主要的健康风险因子),PM2.5均是主要的健康风险因子;当O3-8 h超标时,O3是主要的健康风险因子。  相似文献   

利用2017—2018年全国7个区域10个典型城市环境空气O3和PM2.5浓度数据,统计污染物累积速率,进而采用回归方法拟合污染物浓度及其累积速率的时间序列模型,分析不同区域污染物时序变化特征差异。结果表明:不同区域O3浓度时序曲线拟合程度总体高于PM2.5,石家庄O3拟合程度最高,西安PM2.5拟合程度最高。以07:00、14:00分别作为O3、PM2.5模拟起点是24 h中的最优模型。不同城市夏季O3小时浓度时序变化曲线均为单峰形态,O3浓度及累积速率峰值出现时间可能由城市所处经度决定,太原O3累积最快,西安O3消解最快。各城市间冬季PM2.5小时浓度及其累积速率时序变化曲线形态差异较大,沈阳PM2.5累积和消解均最快。与浓度相比,城市环境空气O3和PM2.5累积速率与光照、扩散条件等有更好的时间相关性。  相似文献   

The USEPA replaced TSP with PM10 as the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for particulate matter. The commercially available PM10 sampler is a high-volume model using quartz fiber filters. In certain investigations, such as source apportionment studies, chemical analysis of the filter is necessary, however, many analyses cannot be run on quartz filters. An alternate filter such as Teflon is amenable to XRF and ion chemical analyses but is not amenable to analysis for carbon. To overcome these problems DRI constructed a medium-volume PM10 sampler that is capable of collecting particulates on both Teflon and quartz fiber filters simultaneously. This paper describes the design of the DRI medium-volume PM10 sampler, discusses a method for determining equivalence of two samplers, the results of applying the method to test the equivalence of the medium-volume sampler and a commerical high-volume sampler, and examines differences between PM10 and TSP measurements in a southwestern desert.  相似文献   

In this study, the relationship between inhalable particulate (PM10), fine particulate (PM2.5), coarse particles (PM2.5 – 10) and meteorological parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, wind speed were statistically analyzed and modelled for urban area of Kolkata during winter months of 2003–2004. Ambient air quality was monitored with a sampling frequency of twenty-four hours at three monitoring sites located near traffic intersections and in an industrial area. The monitoring sites were located 3–5 m above ground near highly trafficked and congested areas. The 24 h average PM10 and PM2.5 samples were collected using Thermo-Andersen high volume samplers and exposed filter papers were extracted and analysed for benzene soluble organic fraction. The ratios between PM2.5 and PM10 were found to be in the range of 0.6 to 0.92 and the highest ratio was found in the most polluted urban site. Statistical analysis has shown a strong positive correlation between PM10 and PM2.5 and inverse correlation was observed between particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) and wind speed. Statistical analysis of air quality data shows that PM10 and PM2.5 are showing poor correlation with temperature, relative humidity and solar radiation. Regression equations for PM10 and PM2.5 and meteorological parameters were developed. The organic fraction of particulate matter soluble in benzene is an indication of poly aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentration present in particulate matter. The relationship between the benzene soluble organic fraction (BSOF) of inhalable particulate (PM10) and fine particulate (PM2.5) were analysed for urban area of Kolkata. Significant positive correlation was observed between benzene soluble organic fraction of PM10 (BSM10) and benzene soluble organic fraction of PM2.5 (BSM2.5). Regression equations for BSM10 and BSM2.5 were developed.  相似文献   

石家庄市大气颗粒物元素组分特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为研究石家庄市大气颗粒物的污染特征及其来源,于2013年4—5月在主城6区分别采集TSP、PM10和PM2.5颗粒物样品,利用ICP-MS分析其中的22种元素浓度。结果表明,石家庄市城区Ca、Fe元素在各粒径颗粒物中含量都较高,PM2.5中的S、K含量较高,PM10和TSP中Mg、Al的浓度相对较高。颗粒物的主要来源为燃煤尘、道路尘和建筑尘,TSP、PM10和PM2.5具有较好的统计相关性和同源性。  相似文献   

The personal exposure of children aged 9 – 11 years to particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) was carried out between January and September 1997 in the London Borough of Barnet. Personal sampling along with home, garden and classroom microenvironmental monitoring was completed for all ten children. Each child was monitored for five days during winter, spring and summer. All children completed daily time activity diaries to provide information on any potential activities that could influence their exposure to particulate matter. Each evening a household activity questionnaire was also completed by the parents. Personal Environmental Monitors were used to sample personal exposure to PM10 and PM2.5. Harvard Impactors were used for the microenvironmental sampling of both size fractions. The children's mean personal exposure concentrations for PM10 during winter, spring and summer were 72, 54 and 35 µg/m3 respectively and for PM2.5 22, 17 and 18 µg/m3 respectively. In order to determine the potential sources of particulate matter, analysis of the Teflon filters has been undertaken. The physical characteristics of the particles have been identified using Scanning Electron Microscopy. The relationships between personal exposure concentrations and the different microenvironments will be discussed.  相似文献   

PM2.5手工监测技术要点探讨   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以重量法为原理的手工监测法是国内外监测环境空气PM2.5质量浓度的标准方法,在空气质量监测中具有重要应用。该文以2012年跨4个季度近150 d的PM2.5手工监测实际操作经验为基础,重点探讨了手工监测法各环节的监测技术要点,如手工监测采样器的操作技术、滤膜种类的选择及前处理要求、滤膜更换技术、滤膜平衡和称重条件、质量保证和质量控制技术等,以期为推广PM2.5手工监测法提供技术参考。  相似文献   

This article presents results from the particulate monitoringcampaign conducted at Qalabotjha in South Africa during the winter of 1997. Combustion of D-grade domestic coal and low-smoke fuels were compared in a residential neighborhood to evaluate the extent of air quality improvement by switchinghousehold cooking and heating fuels.Comparisons are drawn between the gravimetric results from the two types of filter substrates (Teflon-membrane and quartz-fiber) as well as between the integrated and continuous samplers. It is demonstrated that the quartz-fiber filters reported 5 to 10% greater particulate mass than the Teflon-membrane filters, mainly due to the adsorption of organic gases onto the quartz-fiber filters. Due to heating of sampling stream to 50 °C in the TEOM continuous sampler and the high volatile content of the samples, approximately 15% of the particulate mass was lost during sampling.The USEPA 24-hr PM2.5 and PM10 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) of 65 g m-3 and 150 g m-3, respectively, were exceeded on several occasions during the 30-day field campaign. Average PMconcentrations are highest when D-grade domestic coal was used, and lowest between day 11 and day 20 of the experiment when a majority of the low-smoke fuels were phased in. Source impacts from residential coal combustion are also found to be influenced by changes in meteorology, especially wind velocity.PM2.5 and PM10 mass, elements, water-soluble cations (sodium, potassium, and ammonium), anions (chloride, nitrate, and sulfate), as well as organic and elemental carbonwere measured on 15 selected days during the field campaign. PM2.5 constituted more than 85% of PM10 at three Qalabotjha residential sites, and more than 70% of PM10 at the gradient site in the adjacent community of Villiers. Carbonaceous aerosol is by far the most abundant component, accounting for more than half of PM mass at the three Qalabotjha sites, and for more than a third of PM mass at the gradient site. Secondary aerosols such as sulfate, nitrate,and ammonium are also significant, constituting 8 to 12% of PM mass at the three Qalabotjha sites and 15 to 20% at the Villiers gradient site.  相似文献   

选取燃烧型煤和原煤的典型链条炉,应用自行设计的固定源烟气颗粒物稀释采样系统,现场测试细颗粒物PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)和金属元素的排放特征。结果表明,型煤燃烧细颗粒物的排放比例高于原煤,型煤燃烧除尘器进口、出口PM_(2.5)质量比原煤燃烧分别增加715%和708%。燃烧型煤时,As和Pb在各粒径段的质量比均比原煤大。同时,由于型煤燃烧可吸入颗粒物的排放比例增加,包含或附着在烟尘上的金属元素排放比例也相应增加。  相似文献   

北京地区不同季节PM2.5和PM10浓度对地面气象因素的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2013年1月—2014年12月北京地区PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)监测数据和同期近地面气象观测数据,采用非参数分析法(Spearman秩相关系数)研究了北京地区PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)的浓度对不同季节地面气象因素的响应。结果表明:北京地区大气颗粒物浓度水平具有明显的季节特征,冬季大气颗粒物污染最严重,夏季最轻。不同季节影响颗粒物浓度水平的气象因素各不相同,其中风速和日照时数为主要影响因素。PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)质量浓度对气象因素变化的响应程度也有较大区别,PM_(2.5)/PM_(10)比值冬季最高,PM_(2.5)影响最大,春季最低,PM_(10)影响最大。这些结论可对制订科学有效的大气污染控制策略提供参考。  相似文献   

建立了超声提取-气相色谱质谱法测定大气PM2.5中32种正构烷烃方法,经离子温度优化、前处理比较、空白滤膜考察等获得了最佳的实验条件。研究发现,高、中、低3种浓度标准曲线的相关系数均在0.995以上,3种浓度的空白样品加标回收率分别为72.2%~117.8%、73.5%~104.4%、73.8%~109.5%,精密度均小于10%,实际样品加标回收率为75.7%~108.9%。当采样体积为24 m3时,各目标化合物的方法检出限为0.046~2.6 ng/m~3;经正构烷烃浓度范围为0.17~64.3 ng/m~3的1月及浓度范围为0.53~7.67 ng/m~3的6月的实际样品验证,该方法的检出限和测量范围也可较好的满足实际样品的测定。  相似文献   

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