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南京市郊区基本农田保护区土壤重金属污染调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
为调查基本农田保护区土壤环境中重金属污染状况,江苏省农业环境监测站于1999年和2001年分别对南京市郊区基本农田土壤环境质量进行了监测,共计布设监测点14个,监项目为镉,铅,砷,汞,铬和pH,结果表明,1999年土壤样品的重金属检出率为97.1%,超标率为5.7%,2001年重金属检出率为100%,超标率为1.4%,1999年土壤样品中超标的重金属元素是镉,超标率为28.6%,2001年超标元素是汞,超标率为7.1%,1999年土壤综合污染指数为1.08,污染等级及污染水平均属轻污染;2001年土壤综合污染指数为0.76,污染等级为警戒线,污染水平达到尚清洁。  相似文献   

为掌握东营市化工聚集区地下水受有机污染的总体程度,对该市三县两区96个调查点位的地下水TOC进行了监测。结果表明:化工聚集区地下水TOC质量浓度分布范围为1.5~19.6 mg/L,87.5%的数据集中在2~10 mg/L区段,其中2~4 mg/L的区段数据最密集,数据分布呈对数正态分布。受区域内外部因素共同影响,地下水超标率和异常值比率分别达到62.5%和18.8%,且由南向北呈明显上升趋势;存在浓度均值超标和异常突变数据的化工聚集区数量分别占调查总量的75%和62.5%。地下水TOC受环境地质分布影响显著,黄泛平原区比山前平原区污染范围和程度更高;河口区和广饶井罐区分别是东营市和广饶县地下水污染最严重的地区,广饶县西北部是东营市地下水TOC水质最好的地区。  相似文献   

为明确地下水污染高风险区环境管控目标,快速识别优先控制污染物,于2022年以典型产业集聚区为研究对象,利用污染源产排污状况和地下水基础环境状况调查结果,将污染评价和环境风险相结合,优选污染源超标率、地下水环境污染等级、生物毒性参数和环境迁移转化参数作为筛选因子,利用层次分析法和综合分析法,计算各污染指标综合得分,建立筛选地下水优先控制污染物的方法体系。筛选结果显示,该产业集聚区的优先控制污染物相关指标包括:硝酸盐、耗氧量、石油类、总硬度、亚硝酸盐、镍、锌、硫酸盐、甲苯、氨氮等。筛选结果与园区主导行业产排污特征和地下水质量现状相符,具有一定的可靠性,可为科学、精准管控高风险区地下水质量提供依据。  相似文献   

地下水在线监测技术可以实现地下水水质的高频监测,是未来发展的重要趋势。梳理国内外地下水在线监测技术研究进展,以上海市典型水文地质特征与环境质量状况为例,探讨地下水在线监测点位布设、指标筛选、监测方式及监测井设计等技术要点。首先,优化监测点位布设,对需要开展高频监测的区域或重点风险源开展在线监测,以代表性点位反映总体地下水环境质量状况。其次,综合筛选监测指标,除常规参数外,优先选取水体中的氨氮、高锰酸盐指数等作为在线监测指标,在具有潜在有机污染的区域,选取水中有机物、水中油等作为有机污染指示性指标。应进一步加强指标之间的相关性分析,为指示性指标的确立提供依据。再次,合理确定监测方式,根据取样方式以及污染源风险等级,设置相应的微型站和小型站。最后,优化监测井设计技术方案,进一步研究不同井管材质对地下水中无机或有机污染物的长期吸附(解吸)作用。  相似文献   

为了解某再生铅企业厂区土壤和浅层地下水重金属污染状况,采集了96个土壤样品和4个地下水样品,定量分析了其Pb,Cd,As的含量及空间分布特征,探讨企业生产对环境造成的影响。结果表明,该区域土壤中Cd、As、Pb超标率分别为67.0%,35.1%,11.7%,在厂区呈现局部富集现象,最大值是土壤背景值的几十倍乃至数千倍;在垂直方向上由于Pb,Cd,As在土壤中迁移率较低,其值随深度增加呈总体下降趋势;该区域地下水中Pb,Cd,As值远低于地下水质量标准值。  相似文献   

原广州氮肥厂地块地下水环境质量评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
对原广州氮肥厂遗留地块浅层地下水环境质量进行调查与评价。结果表明,其整个地块浅层地下水被污染,特别是硫酸车间和造气车间为地下水污染最重区域。主要污染项目为Mn、NH3-N、亚硝酸盐、Fe、总硬度、IMn、SO2-、F-。提出,在作土壤开挖、修复和新建工程项目过程中,工程施工排水应处理后方可排放,以减少对周围环境水体的影响;建筑工人应避免直接接触地下水,施工时佩带手套,做好保护措施,减少皮肤暴露。  相似文献   

为了老城区河道的合理整治,采用总有机碳(TOC)分析仪对常州市老城区3条河流及区域内浅层地下水的14个采样点水样进行3个月的总有机碳含量检测。老城区水环境受到不同程度的有机污染,某些地下水的TOC含量高于地表水,原因为地表水补给地下水,且老城区水体污染源主要来源于周边地区的生活污水,并受到关河、雨水等的影响,这为常州市老城区水污染治理提供了依据。  相似文献   

钦州湾近岸海域水质状况及富营养化分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
2012年5月钦州湾近岸海域水质监测结果表明,钦州湾近岸水温、盐度、pH、溶解氧等基本环境参数均有利于亚热带海洋生物的生长繁殖;溶解无机氮(DIN)和活性硅酸盐(SiO2-3-Si)均显示过剩,但溶解无机磷(DIP)具有低磷特征,高的氮磷比值使PO3-4-P可能成为浮游植物生长的潜在限制因子,且COD部分站位出现超标现象。污染指数(A)和单因子污染指数(Pi)结果显示,近期整个钦州湾近岸水域污染程度达到2级,属于开始受到污染,水质受到化学耗氧有机物不同程度的污染,超标率达到30%。富营养状态指数结果表明,钦州湾近岸海域总体尚未达到富营养化,但局部区域已出现富营养化状况。COD对富营养化的贡献率平均值及范围为72.46%(67.36%~83.96%),COD已成为影响钦州湾近岸海域富营养化的重要因素。  相似文献   

杭州市主城区浅层地下水水质现状   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
调查了杭州市主城区浅层地下水水质现状。结果表明,杭州市主城区浅层地下水污染较重,"三氮"超标现象普遍,而主要污染项目为NH3-N、NO2--N、IMn和总大肠菌群及细菌总数。指出,农业面源污染和生活污水,是造成杭州市主城区浅层地下水氮污染的主要原因。提出分析了地下水水质污染的成因。指出应加强地下水保护以及地下水资源的质量管理。进行科学、合理地开发利用,实现地下水水资源的可持续利用,支持杭州市国民经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐河流域浅层地下水防污性能评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地下水防污性能的评价是确定地下水资源保护措施是否可行的关键。本文根据乌鲁木齐河流域浅层地下水水文地质状况,采用DRASTIC模型,选取包气带岩性、厚度与结构、地形作为评价因子,在乌鲁木齐河流域地下水污染现状评价的基础上,用模糊综合评判法评价了地下水防污性能,从而为乌鲁木齐河流域地下水污染防治提供了依据。  相似文献   

This article discusses the generation and migration process of nitrate-N pollution in shallow groundwater caused by agricultural nonpoint source pollution in the catchment area of Shitoukoumen Reservoir in northeast China. By monitoring the shallow groundwater nitrate-N in the low-water period, the normal season, and high-flow period in the study area for a year, it was found that the nitrate-N concentration in the shallow groundwater of this area had a seasonal variation in both spatial and time distribution. In the time distribution, the peak value appeared in July, the high-flow period, and the valley value appeared in April, the low-water period, and showed a significant correlation with the time distribution of fertilization rate and rainfall. In the spatial distribution of nitrate-N pollution, when the distribution in shallow groundwater was analyzed separately in the three different periods (low-water period, the normal season, and high-flow period) and the discipline transference and enrichment of nitrate-N pollution in shallow groundwater was determined, this indicated that the region in the southeast study area where runoff conditions were better was less contaminated, and the region where runoff conditions were poor, as well as the region along the river were seriously polluted. The nitrate-N concentration in shallow groundwater was distributed mainly along the path of groundwater flow and was excreted in the drainage region. This showed that the spatial distribution of nitrate-N concentration in the shallow groundwater of the entire region was mainly controlled by the groundwater flow system. At the same time, in the middle and lower reaches of the study area, the seasonal changes in the recharged–excreted relationship between groundwater and river caused seasonal differences in the spatial distribution of nitrate-N pollution in groundwater. The combined effects of the groundwater mobility and the surface river resulted in a poor correlation between the groundwater nitrate-N concentration and land-use types. Only in the plain area where there was little influence from groundwater runoff and the surface river did the groundwater nitrate-N concentration correlate with land-use types. The spatial and time distribution of nitrate-N concentration in the shallow groundwater of the study area was impacted by agricultural nonpoint source pollution, the groundwater flow system, and the surface river and formed a concentration response system which uses basins as a unit.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the organic pollution status of shallow aquifer sediments and groundwater around Zhoukou landfill. Chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons, monocylic aromatic hydrocarbons, halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons, organochlorine pesticides and other pesticides, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been detected in some water samples. Among the detected eleven PAHs, phenanthrene, fluorine, and fluoranthene are the three dominant in most of the groundwater samples. Analysis of groundwater samples around the landfill revealed concentrations of PAHs ranging from not detected to 2.19 μg/L. The results show that sediments below the waste dump were low in pollution, and the shallow aquifer, at a depth of 18–30 m, was heavily contaminated, particularly during the wet season. An oval-shaped pollution halo has formed, spanning 3 km from west to east and 2 km from south to north, and mainly occurs in groundwater depths of 2–4 m. For PAH source identification, both diagnostic ratios of selected PAHs and principal component analysis were studied, suggesting mixed sources of pyro- and petrogenic derived PAHs in the Zhoukou landfill. Groundwater table fluctuations play an important role in the distribution of organic pollutants within the shallow aquifer. A conceptual model of leachate migration in the Quaternary aquifers surrounding the Zhoukou landfill has been developed to describe the contamination processes based on the major contaminant (PAHs). The groundwater zone contaminated by leachate has been identified surrounding the landfill.  相似文献   

Many developing and threshold countries rely on shallow groundwater wells for their water supply whilst pit latrines are used for sanitation. We employed a unified strategy involving satellite images and environmental monitoring of 16 physico-chemical and microbiological water quality parameters to identify significant land uses that can lead to unacceptable deterioration of source water, in a region with a subtropical climate and seasonally restricted torrential rainfall in Northern Argentina. Agricultural and non-agricultural sources of nitrate were illustrated in satellite images and used to assess the organic load discharged. The estimated human organic load per year was 28.5 BOD(5) tons and the N load was 7.5 tons, while for poultry farms it was 9940-BOD(5) tons and 1037-N tons, respectively. Concentrations of nitrates and organics were significantly different between seasons in well water (p values of 0.026 and 0.039, respectively). The onset of the wet season had an extraordinarily negative impact on well water due in part to the high permeability of soils made up of fine gravels and coarse sand. Discriminant analysis showed that land uses had a pronounced seasonal influence on nitrates and introduced additional microbial contamination, causing nitrification and denitrification in shallow groundwater. P-well was highly impacted by a poultry farm while S-well was affected by anthropogenic pollution and background load, as revealed by Principal Component Analysis. The application of microbial source tracking techniques is recommended to corroborate local sources of human versus animal origin.  相似文献   

A new four-step hierarchy method was constructed and applied to evaluate the groundwater quality and pollution of the Dagujia River Basin. The assessment index system is divided into four types: field test indices, common inorganic chemical indices, inorganic toxicology indices, and trace organic indices. Background values of common inorganic chemical indices and inorganic toxicology indices were estimated with the cumulative-probability curve method, and the results showed that the background values of Mg2+ (51.1 mg L?1), total hardness (TH) (509.4 mg L?1), and NO3 ? (182.4 mg L?1) are all higher than the corresponding grade III values of Quality Standard for Groundwater, indicating that they were poor indicators and therefore were not included in the groundwater quality assessment. The quality assessment results displayed that the field test indices were mainly classified as grade II, accounting for 60.87% of wells sampled. The indices of common inorganic chemical and inorganic toxicology were both mostly in the range of grade III, whereas the trace organic indices were predominantly classified as grade I. The variabilities and excess ratios of the indices were also calculated and evaluated. Spatial distributions showed that the groundwater with poor quality indices was mainly located in the northeast of the basin, which was well-connected with seawater intrusion. Additionally, the pollution assessment revealed that groundwater in well 44 was classified as “moderately polluted,” wells 5 and 8 were “lightly polluted,” and other wells were classified as “unpolluted.”  相似文献   

江苏某县地下水邻苯二甲酸酯类的检测与风险评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在江苏某癌症高发区对地下水进行布点,采用固相萃取与气相色谱-质谱联用方法测定深层地下水和浅层地下水中邻苯二甲酸酯类(PAEs)的浓度。检测结果表明,地下水中PAEs污染程度较严重,邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)和邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯(DEHP)均有超标现象,其中,丰水期深层地下水和枯水期浅层地下水中DBP超标率达到100%,最大超标10.7倍。PAEs总质量浓度均值为10 034.56~14 872.91 ng/L,丰水期总浓度均值大于枯水期,浅层地下水的总浓度均值大于深层地下水。采用优化的USEPA风险评价模型,对PAEs进行人体健康风险评价,评价结果表明,该地区52.5% 地下水的PAEs总致癌风险超过10-6的水质监控值,总非致癌风险在可接受范围内。  相似文献   

通过系统整理分析自然资源、水利、生态环境等部门已有地下水监测网,针对广东地下水监测存在的问题和未来地下水环境管理需求,提出较大空间尺度和水质监控的地下水环境监测网建设框架及广东省"三层七级"共237个网点的层级化地下水环境监测网建设方案,并与水文地质单元、浅层地下水功能区划进行了空间叠加分析。结果表明,广东省三大部门监测网在空间上分布总体较为分散,相互补充性好,提出的监测网方案总体上与广东省地下水本底条件、地下水资源开发利用现状、地下水环境功能分区、重点污染源空间分布特征等相匹配,契合地下水饮用水源保护和重点污染源监控两大管理需求,构建的地下水环境监测网框架可为其他地区提供参考,提出的地下水环境监测网建设方案可为广东省地下水环境管理和污染防控提供决策支持。  相似文献   

为查明某地农田灌溉水井水质污染致使作物生长受损事件的污染来源,对研究区10眼水井进行了水质检测分析,并采用多元统计方法判断污染来源。结果表明:研究区水样中全盐量普遍超过农田灌溉水质标准,总硬度、硫酸盐、氨氮和氰化物等也存在不同程度的超标;水样中全盐量、氨氮与氰化物的含量之间存在显著正相关,具有共同的来源,且与河流A补给关系密切;地下水中盐分过高是造成作物受损的主要原因;地下水中全盐量、氨氮及氰化物等主要污染物来源于上游的焦化企业。基于多元统计方法的地下水污染来源分析结果可为当地地下水污染防治及管控提供环境管理依据。  相似文献   

An evaluation of the source of volatile organic compounds in groundwater samples was performed at a landfill in southern California. The 3H (tritium) content of the water in leachate and water from the gas-collection system (condensed water and entrained water droplets) and the delta 13C and 14C content of the inorganic carbon in landfill gas CO2, leachate, and gas-collection system water were used to characterize the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) inside the landfill, while the same parameters were monitored in groundwater samples from affected monitoring wells and an unaffected well. Tritium levels from leachate and gas-collection system condensate ranged from approximately 2000 TU to over 4000 TU, orders of magnitude higher than unaffected groundwater. The average 14C content of DIC in the landfill pore-water samples was 121 pMC and the 14C content of unaffected groundwater DIC was 93 pMC, while the 14C content of the dissolved inorganic carbon in groundwater with VOC detections ranged from 105 to 119 pMC. The delta 13C of DIC in pore water was consistently above 0 per thousand and the delta 13C of unaffected groundwater DIC was -20.3 per thousand, while the delta 13C of DIC in affected groundwater samples was increased from -17.3 to -13.2 per thousand. The increases in both delta 13C and 14C in landfill gas-impacted groundwater DIC generally correlated with the number of volatile organic compounds detected and their concentrations. Based on the tritium and DIC 14C levels in leachate and water from the gas-collection system compared to those of unaffected water, significant increases in the tritium content of the water would be expected to accompany VOC detections and increases in delta 13C and 14C caused by landfill water. The results rule out landfill water as the VOC source, leaving landfill gas as the source. The identities and concentrations of the specific VOCs in affected groundwater samples varied among wells as well as between two leachate samples, ruling out the use of a VOC "fingerprint" for leachate or landfill gas to be compared to groundwater VOC concentrations.  相似文献   

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