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昌吉州和鄂尔多斯市的国土面积、人口总数及自然资源类型比较类似,在经济发展的基础条件上都具备煤炭开采及延伸产业开发的良好条件。通过对比2个地区在等量GDP条件下,不同污染物排放水平及排放总量指标的差异,分析两地污染物总量指标时间和空间分配的差距,可以为今后昌吉州在煤电、煤化工产业建设项目的环境保护管理方面提供技术参考和经验借鉴,为昌吉州争取更大的污染物排放总量指标和昌吉州今后经济跨越式发展做好有力的技术保障,为昌吉州煤电、煤化工及相关产业的合理发展提供更大的空间。  相似文献   

本文综述了将收集的二氧化碳经过提纯、液化后用于驱动地下原油,提高低渗透油采收率、助力生物柴油发展、水污染治理、地质封存以及综合利用等方面的研究与进展,为缓解气候变化,改善环境和用二氧化碳做工业原料等方面进行了讨论。开阔了减少碳排放的思路和利用价值。  相似文献   

本文结合昌吉州环境监测应急监测组织机构,人员配备,应急监测仪器配备等情况,在开展日常工作过程基础上,分析昌吉州应急监测能力现状及以后努力方向,针对性提出建议及对策.  相似文献   

为掌握昌吉州煤矿废水排放及水质特征现状,通过实地调查监测,分析了昌吉州煤矿分布及矿井废水的排放量和水质特征.结果显示,昌吉州5县2市共有井下开采煤矿74家,以9万t以上煤矿为主;2007年排放矿井废水264.608万t,排放量小于5万t的煤矿占大多数;煤矿废水具有呈弱碱性、低毒、盐分含量高的特点,主要超标污染物为总悬浮物和化学需氧量;全州约三分之二的矿井废水总悬浮物超标.  相似文献   

陈忠梅  赵延昌 《干旱环境监测》2001,15(3):162-164,178
通过对昌吉州近年生态环境保护工作及建设的概述,并对“八五”末期和“九五”末期生态环境现状的对比,说明昌吉州生态环境存在的问题,为生态环境保护规划和生态建设决策提供可靠的依据。  相似文献   

通过对昌吉州农田地膜使用现状进行调查,阐述了地膜污染的危害,并提出了适期揭膜、残膜回收、推广新型生物膜等措施与防治对策。  相似文献   

大气指挥中心结合网格化监管是近年来大气污染防治主要的治理手段,昌吉州为实现污染防治从监测、监管到治理的转变,于2018年底开始组建大气污染防治指挥中心,建立"三级网格、四级管理"的运行机制,州县二级指挥中心相互配合、协调推进大气污染防治工作,有效治理扬尘污染、交通污染等主要环境污染问题,开展重污染应急管控,为打赢自治区、全州蓝天保卫战提供有力的技术支撑。本文对大气污染防治指挥中心指挥调度机制在昌吉州环境保护工作中的应用进行了总结,为今后开展大气污染防治工作提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

通过分析新疆准东经济技术开发区各行业的二氧化碳排放量及排放特征,研究新疆准东经济技术开发区碳达峰碳中和的实现路径。分析结果显示,准东经济技术开发区最主要的二氧化碳排放源是化石燃料燃烧,其对二氧化碳排放量的贡献比例在95.2%以上。能源活动二氧化碳排放量占总排放量的98.5%以上;工业生产过程排放的二氧化碳较少,占比在1.5%以下。新疆准东经济技术开发区主要二氧化碳排放行业是煤电、电解铝、煤化工、硅基新材料。在此基础上,结合各行业特点,提出发展园区循环经济、制定低碳行业标准和培育低碳产业等详细对策。  相似文献   

以中原城市群核心发展区为研究对象,选取1980—2020年间4期遥感影像解译数据,结合DEM数据和SPOT-5高分影像数据,从数量、结构和空间布局等方面对中原城市群“三生”功能识别及时空演化展开分析。结果表明,40年来农业生产用地、牧草和其他生态用地面积大幅减少,城镇和乡村生活用地、工矿生产用地增长较快。城镇和乡村生活用地及农业生产用地的空间分布对人类社会经济活动影响较大。研究区内159个区县“三生”空间演化存在显著差异,以农业生产用地转生活用地、生态用地转农业生产用地两种转移类型最为显著。此外,农业生产用地转生态用地及生活用地转农业生产用地占比也较高。  相似文献   

建设生态经济型的新农村是又好又快发展农业经济的科学选择.文章展望了我国生态经济建设的概况,提出了建设农村生态经济的主要任务,发展农业生态经济的主要措施.  相似文献   

On the optimal control of carbon dioxide emissions: an application of FUND   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents the Climate Framework for Uncertainty, Negotiation and Distribution (FUND), an integrated assessment model of climate change, and discusses selected results. FUND is a nine‐region model of the world economy and its interactions with climate, running in time steps of one year from 1990 to 2200. The model consists of scenarios for economy and population, which are perturbed by climate change and greenhouse gas emission reduction policy. Each region optimizes its net present welfare. Policy variables are energy and carbon efficiency improvement, and sequestering carbon dioxide in forests. It is found that reducing conventional air pollution is a major reason to abate carbon dioxide emissions. Climate change is an additional reason to abate emissions. Reducing and changing energy use is preferred as an option over sequestering carbon. Under non‐cooperation, free riding as well as assurance behaviour is observed in the model. The scope for joint implementation is limited. Under cooperation, optimal emission abatement is (slightly) higher than under non‐cooperation, but the global coalition is not self‐enforcing while side payments are insufficient. Optimal emission control under non‐cooperation is less than currently discussed under the Framework Convention on Climate Change, but higher than observed in practice. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to propose a method for coupling national energy models, to identify the dividends of international cooperation in atmospheric pollution abatement and efficient energy use. It indicates, also, how to solve the resulting large‐scale multinational model. It simulates finally a cooperation of four European countries for curbing their carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.  相似文献   

Given the rapid industrialization and urbanization of China, environmental problems have gradually become major constraints that hinder its sustainable economic development. Moreover, China's pollution abatement and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions have been severely affected by pressures coming from domestic environmental appeals and international environmental diplomacy. By using integrated data from the Chinese Industrial Enterprise and the Chinese Enterprise Environmental Survey and Reporting databases, this study constructs comprehensive indicators of pollutant discharge intensity and carbon emissions index at the enterprise level and uses the panel fixed effect model, Kaya identity, and mediation effect model to assess the effects of environmental regulations on pollution abatement and collaborative emissions reduction from the micro-perspective. Results show that these regulations can abate the pollution emissions of Chinese industrial enterprises and verify the effectiveness of environmental policies. These regulations can also efficiently reduce the carbon dioxide emissions of enterprises through pollution abatement. In other words, environmental regulations facilitate a collaborative emissions reduction of pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions from enterprises. Such collaborative emissions reduction effect is also influenced by the energy structure and consumption of enterprises. This paper presents empirical evidence and policy basis for further improving China's environmental regulation policy system and achieving coordinated progress in China's economic development and environmental governance.  相似文献   

Globally, the transportation industry is one of the leading fields that generate the largest share of greenhouse gas emissions. While undergoing rapid development, countries worldwide aim to solve the problems involved in high energy consumption. Taking China as an example, this paper studies the main factors of carbon emissions in the transport sector and analyses the decoupling states between carbon emission and economic growth, making energy efficiency policies accordingly. In order to better demonstrate the dependence of the economy on the carbon emissions in China's transportation industry comprehensively, combined with the CD production function, this paper develops the decomposition and decoupling technology based on the LMDI approach. Additionally, it quantifies seven effects: energy emission intensity effect, energy structure effect, energy intensity effect, transportation intensity effect, technology state effect, labor input effect and capital input effect. The results show three major points: (1) From 2001 to 2018, the cumulative carbon emissions of China's transportation industry increased by 633.46 million tons, in which the capital input effect is the key factor driving carbon emissions, accounting for 157.70% of the total cumulative increased emissions, followed by energy structure effect at 10.39%. The labor input effect accounted for the smallest proportion at 2.26%. In this case, the technology state effect is the primary factor in restraining carbon emissions. During the study period, it reduced carbon emissions by 292.27 million tons, accounting for 46.14%. To a certain extent, energy intensity effect, transportation intensity effect and energy emission intensity inhibited carbon emissions, representing 16.67%, 5.32% and 2.22%, respectively. (2) During the research period, two decoupling states existed between carbon emissions and economic growth in China's transportation industry, specifically weak decoupling and expansive coupling. (3) The analysis of decomposition and decoupling state of influencing factors of carbon emissions shows that, on the one hand, factors promoting carbon emissions (capital input effect, energy structure effect and labor input effect) hinder the decoupling process. On the other hand, factors restraining carbon emissions (technology state effect, transportation intensity effect, energy intensity effect and energy emission intensity effect) accelerate the decoupling process. The research findings provide a new perspective for achieving carbon emission reduction in the transportation industry and curbing energy consumption growth.  相似文献   

A cost-efficient way to allocate carbon dioxide (CO2) emission reductions among countries or regions is to harmonise their marginal reduction costs. This could be achieved by a market of emission reduction units (ERUs). To model such a market, we use a multi-regional MARKAL-MACRO model. It gives insights into the consequences of co-ordinating CO2 abatement on regional energy systems and economies. As a numerical application, we assess the establishment of a market of ERUs among three European countries for curbing their CO2 emissions.  相似文献   


We examine the dynamic relationships between per capita carbon dioxide emissions, real gross domestic product (GDP), non-hydroelectric renewable energy (NHRE) consumption, agricultural value added (AVA), and agricultural land (AGRL) use for the case of Argentina over the period 1980–2013 by employing the autoregressive distributed lag bound approach to cointegration and Granger causality tests. The Fisher statistics of the Wald test are examined, and the existence of a long-run cointegration between variables is proved. There are long-run bidirectional causalities between all considered variables. The short-run Granger causality suggests bidirectional causality between AVA and agricultural land use, unidirectional causalities running from AGRL to NHRE and from NHRE to AVA. Long-run elasticity estimates suggest that increasing AGRL reduces carbon emissions; increasing AVA increases GDP and reduces pollution, AGRL, and NHRE; and increasing NHRE reduces AVA and AGRL. Thus, it seems that agriculture and renewable energy are substitute activities and compete for land use. We recommend that Argentina should continue to encourage agricultural production. The substitutability between agricultural and non-hydroelectric renewable energy productions, and their competition for agricultural land use, should be at least reduced or even stopped by encouraging research and development in second-generation (or even in third-generation) biofuel production and in new technologies for renewable energy and for agriculture more efficient in land use.


Many trace constituents other than carbon dioxide affect the radiative budget of the atmosphere. The existing international agreement to limit greenhouse gases, the Kyoto Protocol, includes carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and credit for some carbon sinks. We investigate technological options for reducing emissions of these gases and the economic implications of including other greenhouse gases and sinks in the climate change control policy. We conduct an integreated assessment of costs using the MIT Emissions Prediction and Policy Analysis (EPPA) model combined with estimates of abatement costs for non-CO2 greenhouse gases and sinks. We find that failure to take advantage of the other gas and sink flexibility would nearly double aggregate Annex B costs. Including all the GHGs and sinks is actually cheaper than if only CO2 had been included in the Protocol and their inclusion achieves greater overall abatement. There remains considerable uncertainty in these estimates, the magnitude of the savings depends heavily on reference projections of emissions, for example, but these uncertainties do not change the overall conclusion that non-CO2 GHGs are an important part of a climate control policy.  相似文献   

克拉玛依是一座典型的资源型城市,正处于工业化、城市化快速发展的阶段,能源消费和CO2排放持续增长将成为克拉玛依经济发展的硬约束。本文以2002—2013年克拉玛依市统计年鉴中的产业结构、人口、能源消费和经济数据为基础,分析了克拉玛依市的产业结构、能源消费、CO2排放情况,提出了发展低碳城市的思考。  相似文献   

Energy and the environment are closely interconnected. In particular, energy-related carbon dioxide emissions are major contributors to climate change. To analyze options within the energy sector to curb greenhouse gas emissions, or to study alternative climate strategies such as adaptation and geoengineering measures, policy-makers can rely on mathematical decision support models, in particular E3 (economy/energy/environment) models and integrated assessment models (IAMs). This paper reviews some of my recent contributions to climate policy design using different types of E3 models and IAMs.  相似文献   

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