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在对水磨河水文现状、污染源数量及分布、废水及污染物排放情况、河流水质、流域内排水管网等情况进行认真调查的基础上,对其存在的环境问题进行详细分析,并提出了具体的综合治理建议.  相似文献   

把管理信息系统应用于水质管理,采用一维稳态多河段水质模型,建立了惠济河水质管理信息系统.该系统由水质监测数据的管理、水质的模拟预测和水质评价三部分组成,实现了数据的输入、存储、修改、删除和查询以及生成报表和数据图形的打印等功能,为水污染防治、水资源可持续开发利用和社会经济持续发展提供信息技术支持.  相似文献   

基于数据驱动的水质预测模型存在局限性,对突发水质异常事件的预测效果不佳。该研究选取钱塘江南源流域马戍口监测断面为研究对象,综合采用相关性分析方法对水质异常事件的主要影响因素进行分析,明确流域内、外因及土壤条件对水质异常指标的影响程度,探究造成模型局限性的深层原因。结果表明:异常水质的影响因素及其耦合机制复杂多变,异常浊度受降雨量、径流量的直接影响更大,异常高锰酸盐指数与温度、降雨量相关关系更明显,而总磷、总氮的异常变化与相对湿度、降雨量、径流量具有相关关系。研究结果对于提高气候变化背景下的水质预报能力具有重要的参考价值,可为自然流域水污染防治提供科学参考。  相似文献   

开展国家水环境质量预报预警工作是生态环境治理能力现代化的重要部分,是统筹山水林田湖草系统治理的重要抓手。文章介绍了国内外水质模型的研究进展,并概述了国内外水质预报预警系统研究进展,在此基础上分析目前我国水质预报预警方面存在的不足,并提出了国家水环境质量预报预警业务发展的初步思路。我国水质预报预警体系建设要以技术体系和业务体系为保障,以水质模型和面源污染模型为支撑,依托水环境质量预报预警决策支持平台,开展环境监管业务化应用、治理决策精细化支撑、污染事故科学化处置和数据产品社会化服务4种业务应用,逐步建成架构统一、业务协同、资源共享、上下游联动的全国-流域-省级-城市四级水环境质量预报预警网络。  相似文献   

一维河流水质模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据对流扩散方程推导一维河流水质动态和稳态模型,在此基础上导出多河段一维河流水质模拟(动态和稳态)矩阵公式.在乌鲁木齐地区水磨河上分别对所建模型进行了检验并对检验结果作了简要讨论。  相似文献   

基于GIS技术和线性结构模型的漓江流域水污染状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过在漓江流域布设4个采样点,采集2014年全年水质数据,并作主成分分析,选取生活污水因子、农业径流因子、工业污水因子为污染因子输入线性结构模型中进行关系分析。结果显示,生活污水因子、农业径流因子、工业污水因子与水质污染因数的关系分别为0.49、0.37、0.13,说明漓江流域水污染主要由生活污水引起,其次是农业污水。把漓江流域7个县区的人口密度、农业比例、工业比例分布归一化,代入水质因数,获得水质评价指数。采用GIS对漓江流域人口密度和企业密度的空间分布和聚类关系进行分析,发现漓江流域人口分布、企业分布与水质呈负相关关系。  相似文献   

博斯腾湖流域污染治理与生态环境保护对策浅析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,由于生态环境问题日趋严重、工业污染、生活污水和农业洗田排水均未经过有效处理直接或间接排入博斯腾湖,使湖中盐分、氮、磷、有机质等总量逐年增加,致使博斯腾湖污染加重,水质恶化。本文通过对博斯腾湖流域污染与生态环境现状和存在问题的分析,针对性地提出了保护博斯腾湖流域的综合治理措施。  相似文献   

本文分析了盘龙河流域的污染状况,提出了盘龙河主要一级支流保守污染物水环境容量的计算原则、设计水文条件和水质保护目标。利用零维稳态水流水质数学模型计算了盘龙河流域保守污染物水环境容量。结果表明:①从整个流域来看,目前盘龙河流域保守污染物的排放量小于计算得到的流域最大允许纳污量,保守污染物尚未形成流域污染;②由于盘龙河干流设计流量相对较大,盘龙河砚山-文山开发利用区和盘龙河文山-麻栗坡保留区保守污染物的水环境容量被虚置,水功能区水质保护目标可作适当调整。  相似文献   

水环境对景观格局的变化极为敏感,水域(湿地)面积、分布格局、水质、水文特征等的变化,与土地变化和人类活动有着密切的关系,明确影响水质变化的关键景观因子,对于深入了解景观格局对水质的影响机制具有重要的研究价值。该研究选择广东省汕头市练江流域为研究对象,以2019年TM卫星影像、水质监测以及工业点源污染数据为基础,利用Spearman秩相关和多元线性回归模型等统计方法综合分析在子流域、河岸带尺度水平上景观格局与水质之间的相关性。研究结果表明:流域和河岸带的城镇比例、景观多样性和破碎度均对水质有较大影响,水质指标受到多个景观指数的综合影响,景观格局指数变化对总磷的解释能力要大于其他水质指标;氨氮、化学需氧量受河岸带尺度的景观格局影响更大,总磷受流域尺度景观格局影响更大;工业点源对景观格局与水质的关联分析有较大影响,剔除重点工业点源污染后的氨氮和化学需氧量与景观格局相关性比剔除重点工业点源污染前更高。  相似文献   

以练江流域(普宁段)为例,分析了水污染物通量在线监测系统的需求与建设目标,介绍了系统总体架构、数据库、系统功能、监测布点和感知设备配置等设计要点,确定了系统中水污染物通量的计算方法。通过水污染物通量的在线监测与智能分析,实现对河流水质的自动研判和预警,使系统在流域综合治理工作中发挥作用。  相似文献   

In Taiwan, nonpoint source (NPS) pollution is one of the major causes of the impairment of surface waters. I-Liao Creek, located in southern Taiwan, flows approximately 90 km and drains toward the Kaoping River. Field investigation results indicate that NPS pollution from agricultural activities is one of the main water pollution sources in the I-Liao Creek Basin. Assessing the potential of NPS pollution to assist in the planning of best management practice (BMP) is significant for improving pollution prevention and control in the I-Liao Creek Basin. In this study, land use identification in the I-Liao Creek Basin was performed by properly integrating the skills of geographic information system (GIS) and global positioning system (GPS). In this analysis, 35 types of land use patterns in the watershed area of the basin are classified with the aid of Erdas Imagine process system and ArcView GIS system. Results indicate that betel palm farms, orchard farms, and tea gardens dominate the farmland areas in the basin, and are scattered around on both sides of the river corridor. An integrated watershed management model (IWMM) was applied for simulating the water quality and evaluating NPS pollutant loads to the I-Liao Creek. The model was calibrated and verified with collected water quality and soil data, and was used to investigate potential NPS pollution management plans. Simulated results indicate that NPS pollution has significant contributions to the nutrient loads to the I-Liao Creek during the wet season. Results also reveal that NPS pollution plays an important role in the deterioration of downstream water quality and caused significant increase in nutrient loads into the basin's water bodies. Simulated results show that source control, land use management, and grassy buffer strip are applicable and feasible BMPs for NPS nutrient loads reduction. GIS system is an important method for land use identification and waste load estimation in the basin. Linking the information of land utilization with the NPS pollution simulation model may further provide essential information of potential NPS pollution for all subregions in the river basin. Results and experience obtained from this study will be helpful in designing the watershed management and NPS pollution control strategies for other similar river basins.  相似文献   

为科学评价黄河流域的水质状况及工业企业污染源现状,根据黄河流域2018—2019年地表水和饮用水水源地水质监测数据,建立了综合反映流域水环境质量和可定量分析排名的城市水质指数;利用大数据技术分析工业企业水污染物排放数据,研究建立了企业环境信用动态评价体系。研究结果表明:2018—2019年,黄河流域城市水环境质量得到一定程度的改善,城市地表水环境质量优和良等级数量从17个增加到19个,饮用水水源地优等级城市数量从7个增加到11个;但黄河流域中游地区水污染问题较为严重,需要重点加强水污染控制。水质污染主要以点源工业污染为主,COD和氨氮排放量较多,COD和氨氮年日均排放浓度平均值分别为51.1、3.1 mg/L,工业废水处理率偏低;山西、陕西、河南等"高"风险企业数量较多,分别达到3 047、1 630、1 442家。建议加强黄河流域上下游、左右岸、干支流协同配合,加大水污染防治工作的深度和力度。  相似文献   

为精准治理流域非点源氮磷污染,基于SWAT模型,运用本地区第二次全国污染源普查数据和2000—2019年流域水文、水质数据,开展湘江永州流域非点源氮磷污染模拟。结果表明:湘江永州流域建立的SWAT模型具有较好的模拟效果,流域2005—2019年的总氮月均污染负荷为383.40~17 998.70 t/m;总磷月均污染负荷为64.62~567.86 t/m,总氮和总磷各月污染负荷均与各月降雨量呈显著相关关系;农田和林地是本流域总氮、总磷污染负荷总量最大的2种用地类型,但两者之间单位面积输出的污染负荷强度却相反,林地对流域水污染防控具有正面效应,农田种植面源污染是非点源氮磷污染治理的重点。  相似文献   

浑太河流域水质达标控制方法研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
结合浑太河流域水资源网络节点图,根据污染物来源、种类及其产生机理,针对计算单元水资源供需平衡预测数据、降雨径流值,分点源、非点源进行规划水平年污染物入河量的预测。根据浑太河流域地形特征、入河污染物降解特性,以水功能区水体纳污能力为计算单元污染物排放总量控制条件,给出基于规划水平年入河污染物变动特性的水质达标控制方法。运用该方法进行浑太河流域水质达标控制:2030年,流域总需水7.4亿立方米,缺水深度在1%以下,COD、NH3-N、TP、TN的入河量分别为28.5×104、2.8×104、3.1×104、4.6×104t,对应的入河控制量分别为9.3×104、0.6×104、0.8×104、0.9×104t,经控制后水功能区目标水质达标率100%。证实了该水质达标控制方法有效、可行。  相似文献   

城市水污染物排放信息是城市水环境保护决策和管理的依据,但城市水污染控制的外部性使城市水污染物排放信息产生失真风险,需要对城市区域水污染物排放信息核查。通过高质量数据对低质量数据的核查,用基于监测的水污染物入河量数据核查基于环境统计申报与排污系数的水污染物入河量数据,完善了城市区域水污染物排放核查方法。案例分析结果显示,环境统计COD入河排放量明显偏小。建议水污染物排放统计以入河量为核心,建立入河排污口监测体系,编制核查技术规范,实施区域污染物排放核查。  相似文献   

选取浏阳河流域为例,根据近十年河流断面监测数据,采用改进的综合污染指数法来评价水质污染程度,研究了该红壤丘陵区典型河流水质的时空变化特征,并结合土地利用和土壤特征等分析地表水质变化原因。结果表明,改进的综合污染指数法有较好的适用性;从时间特征上看,由于面源污染加剧,使得浏阳河近十年的水质污染呈增长趋势;从空间特征上看,浏阳河从上游到下游,河流污染呈增长趋势,上游水质较好,中游表现为重金属铅和汞的污染较大,而下游则是氨氮污染加剧。  相似文献   

运用SWAT和HEC-RAS模型分别构建流溪河流域水文模型和流溪河水动力水质模型,采用改进的分区达标控制法计算流溪河COD的天然及背景环境容量。结果显示,流溪河的COD天然和背景环境容量分别为53 141.59 t/a和43 988.64 t/a。  相似文献   

The European Water Framework Directive (WFD) is the overall driver for this environmental study and currently requires the identification of patterns and sources of pollution (monitoring) to support objective ecological sound decision making and specific measures to enhance river water quality (modelling). The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate in a case study the interrelationship between (1) hydrologic and water quality monitoring data for river basin characterization and (2) modelling applications to assess resources management alternatives. The study deals with monitoring assessment and modelling of river water quality data of the main stem Saale River and its principal tributaries. For a period of 6 years the data, which was sampled by Environmental Agencies of the German states of Thuringia, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt, was investigated to assess sources and indicators of pollution. In addition to the assessment a modelling exercise of the routing of different pollutants was carried out in the lower part of the test basin. The modelling is a tool to facilitate the evaluation of alternative measures to reduce contaminant loadings and improve ecological status of a water body as required by WFD. The transport of suspended solids, salts and heavy metals was modelled along a selected Saale reach under strong anthropogenic influence in terms of contaminants and river morphology between the city of Halle and the confluence with the Elbe River. The simulations were carried out with the model WASP5 which is a dynamic flood-routing and water quality model package developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the spatial patterns of land occupation and their relationship to water quality in the Cuiabá River watershed, one of the main affluents of the Pantanal floodplain. The impact of farming and other land occupation forms were studied using a three year time series. Monitoring included 15 parameters at 21 stations with a total of 1266 different samples. Ten stations along the Cuiabá River were ordinated by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). For an exploratory analysis in the spatial domain, sub-basins of the Cuiabá watershed were classified according to mean concentrations of selected water quality parameters. Supervised classification of digital Landsat ETM imagery and standard GIS techniques were applied to parameterize land use and occupation according to a watershed scale. Redundancy Analysis (RDA) was then used to evaluate impacts of environmental and socio-economic factors on water quality.A Cuiabá headwater station only shows slightly elevated total coliform counts and concentrations of nutrients in the river after it passes regions of extensive cattle farming. After the confluence with the Manso River, nutrient and COD concentrations increase significantly, receiving loads from sub-basins under intensive agricultural land use, with mean annual concentrations up to 1.74 mg/L of total nitrogen (Kjedahl). Sub-watersheds with intensive fishing culture activities were shown to have significant impact on nitrogen concentrations, reaching mean concentrations of 2.66 mg/L of total nitrogen in the affluents. Most serious biological and chemical water pollution can be observed at stream outlets in the urban agglomeration of Cuiabá/Várzea Grande. Affluent pollution is reflected in the water quality of the Cuiabá River: subsequent monitoring stations in the urban area are ordinated on a gradient of increasing degradation of chemical and biological water quality. The auto-depuration capacity of the Cuiabá River is intact, but elevated concentrations of Phosphorous and Chemical Oxygen Demand can be observed as far away as the Pantanal floodplain, about 120 km downstream from the urban agglomeration.  相似文献   

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