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以江苏省某大型化工企业周边居民区为研究区域,调查企业主导风的下风向2 km范围内的居民区以及对照区积尘中多环芳烃(PAHs)含量,对16种PAHs污染分布和特征进行研究,并评估积尘PAHs通过暴露途径对人群健康风险。结果表明:居民区积尘中16种PAHs全部检出,污染区∑PAHs均值为2 294μg/kg,明显高于对照区145μg/kg;污染区7个测点中有6个测点苯并(a)芘出现超标,超标倍数为0. 17~2. 5倍;所测的16种PAHs化合物中蒽、荧蒽、芘、、苯并(b)荧蒽、苯并(k)荧蒽、苯并(a)芘浓度相对较高;通过PAHs主成分分析和特征比值判断,不完全燃烧源对积尘中PAHs贡献率达77. 4%,污染区PAHs来源呈现石油燃烧、煤燃烧以及石油源的复合污染特征,对照区PAHs主要来源为煤的不完全燃烧;以苯并(a)芘毒性等效浓度进行风险评估,污染区致癌风险值明显高于对照区,儿童摄入PAHs风险总体高于成人;对照区儿童和成人致癌风险均小于1×10~(-6),不存在致癌风险;污染区儿童和成人平均致癌风险值分别为3. 95×10~(-6)、2. 65×10~(-6),在可接受范围内,但存在潜在致癌风险。  相似文献   

以湖北某含砷金矿污染场地为例,依据《污染场地风险评估技术导则》(HJ 25.3—2014),对其周边土壤和地下水中砷元素进行健康风险评价,结果表明:该金矿周边土壤和地下水中砷分别通过经口摄入土壤、皮肤接触土壤和吸入土壤颗粒物、饮用地下水4种暴露途径的致癌风险均超过可接受风险水平(10-6),对周边居民造成潜在危害。计算得到经口摄入、皮肤接触和吸入途径基于致癌效应的土壤风险控制值分别为1.6 mg/kg、9.3 mg/kg和12.1 mg/kg,应予以重视,并建议对矿山进行综合治理和目标值修复。  相似文献   

河南省主要城市饮用水源水中多环芳烃污染状况的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对河南省主要城市饮用水源水中多环芳烃的污染状况进行了初步研究 ,结果表明 ,河南省主要城市饮用水源水普遍受到多环芳烃的污染 ,主要污染因子为萘、蒽、菲、芘、荧蒽、芴以及强致癌性物质苯并 (a)芘 ,而且苯并 (a)芘有超标情况出现  相似文献   

在某化工企业厂界内及周边布设9个土壤点位,对其二噁英进行检测与分析,依据《污染场地风险评估技术导则》对土壤中二噁英进行健康风险评估。结果表明,9个土壤点位二噁英毒性当量浓度为3.72~20.3 pg/g,均值为9.1 pg/g,均处于安全水平;在经口摄入、皮肤接触和吸入土壤颗粒物3种暴露途径下,只有4#点位具有较低的致癌风险;4#点位代表的场地区域为风险不可接受的污染区域,基于致癌效应的土壤风险控制值为1.84×10-5mg/kg。提出,应尽快研究并制定土壤中二噁英的标准限值。  相似文献   

选择云南会泽县者海镇矿区重金属污染场地,按不同暴露途径计算土壤中Pb、As、Cd、Zn、Cu、Cr、Hg等金属污染物的风险,并通过风险评价,分析场地内的健康风险水平。结果表明:所有暴露途径中Zn、Cu、Pb对人体健康的平均风险较小。在居住用地情景下,土壤中Cd的综合致癌风险为2. 6×10-5,As的综合致癌风险为3. 3×10-4,场地内As和Cd的污染对敏感受体健康的潜在危害较大。  相似文献   

兰州市土壤中PAHs和PCBs的分布特征及风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过采集兰州市各功能区表层土壤样品,分析土壤中PAHs和PCBs的分布特征及潜在风险。结果表明,兰州市土壤中16种PAHs的平均质量比为5 734μg/kg,其中7种致癌芳烃的平均质量比为276μg/kg;18种PCBs的平均质量比为45.9μg/kg,其中7种指示性PCBs的平均质量比为10.8μg/kg。风险评价结果表明,除苊为高生态风险外,兰州市土壤中PAHs其他组分和PCBs均处于低中生态风险。16种PAHs的毒性当量浓度为59.9μg/kg,主要贡献者为苯并[a]芘和苯并[b]荧蒽;7种指示性PCBs的毒性当量浓度为1.96×10~(-4)μg/kg,主要贡献来源为PCB138和PCB118。  相似文献   

不同粒径空气颗粒物中11种多环芳烃的分析测定   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
将五段多孔冲击分级器 (粒径分级 :≤ 1 .1 ,1 .1~ 2 .0 ,2 .0~ 3 .3 ,3 .3~ 7.0 ,≥ 7.0μm)与大流量采样器连接 ,采集呼和浩特市冬夏两季空气颗粒物样品 ,用高压液相色谱仪 (HPLC)测定样品中的蒽 (An)、菲 (Ph)、萤蒽 (Fl)、芘 (Py)、(Ch)、苯并 [a]蒽 (Ba A)、苯并 [a]芘 (Ba P)、二甲基苯并 [a]蒽 (DMBa A)、二苯并 [ah]蒽 (DBah A)、苯并 [ghi] (Bghi P)和晕苯 (Cor)等 1 1种多环芳烃化合物 (PAHs)。数据表明 :呼和浩特市空气颗粒物中 PAHs的浓度较高 ;有约 97%的 PAHs富集于可吸入颗粒中。  相似文献   

广东省南海市主干道气溶胶中多环芳烃(PAHs)的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气溶胶采样点位于广东省南海市桂江路边缘及两侧 ,采集时间为 2 4 h,连续采集三天。使用仪器为国产大体积采样器。同时在公园内设点采样 ,以作背景研究。样品经超声波抽提和层析柱分离得到正构烷烃、芳烃 (AHs)和极性组分等三种有机组分。对 PAHs进行 GC MS分析 ,气溶胶中具有较高含量的芴、菲、蒽、荧蒽、芘、苯并 [a]蒽、、苯并 [b]荧蒽、苯并 [k]荧蒽、苯并 [a]芘、茚并 [1 ,2 ,3-cd]芘、二苯并 [a,h]蒽、苯并 [g,h,i]等。通过 TSP研究认为 ,主干道的机动车排放和扬尘是气溶胶的主要来源 ,气候改变也是 TSP变化的另一重要因素。  相似文献   

2011年4月通过GC-MS检测和210Pb测年对灌河口海域沉积物(GHES)中的PAHs进行了分析,柱状沉积物中21种PAHs总浓度为21.0~209.0 ng/g,均值为88.1 ng/g,7种致癌PAHs浓度为7.0~90.0 ng/g,其中致癌剂苯并[a]芘浓度为ND~2.0 ng/g。PAHs浓度与沉积物中有机质含量呈低度正相关,与p H无明显相关性。源解析表明,近50年来GHES中的PAHs大部分来自煤和生物质燃烧。近50年来,总PAHs和16种优控PAHs浓度在波动中升高;近年来苊、苊烯、苯并[b]荧蒽、荧蒽、茚并[1,2,3-cd]芘的浓度增高,需查明来源。生态风险评价表明,GHES中以芴为主的负面生物毒性效应会偶尔发生。芴、苯并[b]荧蒽、苯并[k]荧蒽的浓度介于临界与偶然效应浓度值之间,应尽量减少对该海域沉积物的搅动,防止污染物再悬浮导致水体的二次污染。  相似文献   

城市湿地公园是人们休闲娱乐的重要场所,但其地表灰尘的人群暴露健康风险却鲜有报道。该研究收集昆明市3个最受欢迎的湿地公园景区地表灰尘样品,利用等离子发射光谱仪(ICP-OES)测定灰尘中Pb、Cd、Hg、As、Zn、Cr、Cu、Ni、Co、Mn含量,使用地累积指数法(Igeo)、污染负荷指数法(PLI)和潜在生态风险指数法(RI)探讨湿地公园灰尘重金属污染特征,借助美国环保署健康风险评价模型,开展成人和儿童的重金属健康风险评价。结果表明:灰尘中10种重金属平均含量均超昆明市土壤背景值,其中Cd、Hg和Zn平均含量超背景值6倍,Cr、Ni、Co的Igeo<1。污染负荷指数法结果显示Hg、Cd、Zn中度污染,Pb、Cu和As则具有中等以上生态风险。人体健康风险评价结果显示,经口摄入为重金属主要暴露途径,其次是皮肤直接接触和呼吸吸入。Ni、As、Cd、Co和Cr的致癌风险值均小于10-6,但若长期处于此种环境,可能会存在潜在的致癌风险。对于非致癌元素而言,Pb、Zn、Cu、Mn非致癌健康风险值都远小于1,即风险可以忽略。  相似文献   

比较加压液体萃取法、超声波辅助萃取技术和微波辅助提取技术对公园地表土中多环芳烃的提取效率,并对目标化学成分进行分析鉴定。以超高效液相色谱-三重四极杆质谱作为分析方法,共分离检测出16种多环芳烃类化合物,分别为萘、苊、苊烯、氟、菲、蒽、荧蒽、芘、苯并[a]蒽、艹屈、苯并[b]荧蒽、苯并[k]荧蒽、苯并[a]芘、二苯并[a,h]蒽、茚并[1,2,3-cd]芘和苯并[ghi]苝。结果表明:加压液体萃取法、超声波辅助萃取技术和微波辅助提取技术均可以有效提取公园地表土中多环芳烃类成分。超高效液相色谱-质谱联用技术可以有效地分析公园地表土中多环芳烃类成分。  相似文献   

Diesel pollution of groundwater poses great threat to public health, mainly as a result of the constituent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). In this study, the human health risk exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in diesel contaminated groundwater used by several families at Ring Road, Jos, Nigeria (as caused by diesel spill from a telecom base station) was assessed. Prior to the groundwater being treated, the residents were using the water after scooping off the visible diesel sheen for purposes of cooking, washing, and bathing. Until this study, it is not clear whether the groundwater contamination had resulted in sub-chronic exposure of the residents using the water to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to the extent of the PAHs posing a health risk. The diesel contaminated groundwater and uncontaminated nearby groundwater (control) were collected and analyzed for PAHs using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The dosage of the dermal and oral ingestion entry routes of PAHs was determined. The estimation of the non-carcinogenic health risk was via hazard quotients (HQ) and the associated hazard index (HI), while the estimation of the carcinogenic health risk was via lifetime cancer risks (LCR) and the associated risk index (RI). Obtained results indicate that the exposure of the residents to the PAHs may have made them susceptible to the risk of non-carcinogenic health effects of benzo(a)pyrene and the carcinogenic health effects of benzo(a)anthracene and benzo(a)pyrene.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies have shown an increased incidence of cancer among workers occupationally exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). As the dermal route is considered important for exposure to PAHs in the workplace, the aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a tape-stripping technique for monitoring dermal exposure to pyrene and benzo(a)pyrene. The tape-stripping method was evaluated by applying different concentrations of pyrene and benzo(a)pyrene directly onto tape strips (spiked tapes), clean glass plates, and on the skin of five volunteers. The glass plates were stripped using a single strip of tape and the skin of the volunteers was stripped with five consecutive strips of tape after 0 and 30 minutes. The method was also tested on five chimney sweeps at three exposure sites. High-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection was employed for the quantification of pyrene and benzo(a)pyrene. The mean recovery from the spiked tapes was 97% for pyrene and 93% for benzo(a)pyrene. The mean overall recovery from the glass plates was 88% and 76% for pyrene and 88 and 85% for benzo(a)pyrene. The recovery from human skin was 70% and 63% for pyrene and 60 and 54% for benzo(a)pyrene, after 0 and 30 minutes, respectively. A concentration gradient was clearly detected between the five consecutive strips. Detectable amounts of pyrene and benzo(a)pyrene were found on all chimney sweeps at all exposure sites. This method can thus be used to detect and quantify dermal exposure to pyrene and benzo(a)pyrene. The results also show that pyrene and benzo(a)pyrene may be taken up by the skin.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the degree of contamination with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in samples of urban soil from three European cities: Glasgow (UK), Torino (Italy) and Ljubljana (Slovenia). Fifteen PAHs (naphthalene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo[a]anthracene, chrysene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, benzo[a]pyrene, dibenzo[a,h]anthracene, benzo[g,h,i]perylene, indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene) were measured in urban soil samples, using harmonised sampling, sample extraction and analyte quantification methods. Although the mean concentration of each PAH in urban soils of each city showed a wide range of values, high levels of contamination were only evident in Glasgow, where the sum of concentrations of 15 PAHs was in the range 1487-51,822 microg kg(-1), cf. ranges in the other two cities were about ten-fold lower (89.5-4488 microg kg(-1)). The three predominant PAHs were phenanthrene, fluoranthene and pyrene, with the sum of these compounds about 40% of the total PAH content. These data, together with some special molecular indices based on ratios of selected PAHs, suggest pyrogenic origins, especially motor vehicle exhausts, to be the major sources of PAHs in urban soils of the three cities. The largest concentrations for PAHs were often found in sites close to the historic quarters of the cities. Overall, the different climatic conditions, the organic carbon contents of soil, and the source apportionment were the dominant factors affecting accumulation of PAHs in soil.  相似文献   

The zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, was utilized in an in situ study in the Times Beach Confined Disposal Facility (CDF) located in Buffalo, New York, Mussels, placed both in the water column (upper position) and at the sediment surface (lower position), survived a 34-day exposure to the CDF. At the CDF, total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations in the water column were below detection limits (<0.010 mg 1-1), mean total PAH concentrations in the sediment were 164.41 mg kg-1, and mean total PAH concentrations in mussel tissues after the 34-day exposure were 6.58 mg kg-1. PAH concentrations in mussels exposed for 34 days at the CDP were compared to a baseline PAH concentrations in mussel tissue prior to study initiation (Day 0), and mussel tissue from the reference site (Black Rock Channel Lock). There was a significant increase in total PAHs in mussel tissues over the 34 Day period at the CDF. No significant accumulation occurred at the reference site. PAHs which increased significantly in mussel tissue at the CDF were fluoranthene, pyrene, chrysene, and benzo(a)anthracene. Benzo(a)anthracene concentrations increased significantly in mussels at the upper position overall at Times Beach. Concentrations of Total PAHs, fluoranthene, pyrene, and chrysene were not related to position.  相似文献   

Biomonitoring of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the leaves of Calotropis gigantea R.Br. were performed at seven sites in the surrounding areas of a Thermal Power Plant (TPP), using the gas chromatography and mass spectrometry technique. The primary objective of the study was to monitor the degree of PAHs load in the nearby sites around TPP compared to distant sites. Total PAH (SigmaPAH) concentrations in the leaves ranged from 372.18 (at control site 7) to 4362.35 ng g(-1) d.w. (at highest polluted site 4). The concentration factors ranged from 2.65 to 11.72 for the sites located at 1 km to the point source and 1.0 to 7.08 for distant sites. The share of carcinogenic PAHs to the total PAHs differed with the site, ranging from 10.76% to 26.92%. The sites located closer to TPP have shown higher concentrations of medium and high molecular weight PAHs, which decreased gradually with the distance from the source. The total PAH burden at control site was dominated by the low and medium molecular weight PAHs compounds viz., naphthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, phenanthrene, fluoranthene, pyrene, chrysene, coronene., whilst at other sites medium and high PAHs viz., fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo (a) anthracene, chrysene, benzo (b) fluoranthene, benzo (e) pyrene and coronene showed the highest values. These results support the biomonitoring ability of Calotropis gigantea R.Br. leaves to monitor PAHs contamination.  相似文献   

On 27 July 2003, Tasman Spirit spilled 31,000 tonnes of crude oil into the sea at the Karachi coast. This disaster badly affected the marine life (Flora and Fauna.) Present research has been proposed to ascertain the level of Polycyclic Aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) contamination in different fisheries including Fishes, Crustaceans; Crabs and Shrimps, Mollusks and Echinoderms along with passing time. Heavier components of crude oil such as Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) appear to cause most damages as these are relatively unreactive and persist in water. High concentrations of toxic PAHs were observed in all the fisheries and shellfishes caught form oil-impacted area. In this study fishes were found most contaminated than shellfishes i.e. summation operator 16 PAH = 1821.24 microg/g and summation operator 1164.34 microg/g, respectively. Naphthalene was found in the range of 0.042-602.23 microg/g. Acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene and anthracene were detected in the range 0.008-80.03 microg/g, fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo(a)anthracene and chrysene 0.0008-221.32 microg/g, benzo(b) fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene and benzo(a) pyrene 0.0005-7.71 microg/g, benzo(g,h,i)perylene and indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 0.02-503.7 microg/g. Dibenzo(a,h)anthracenre was not detected in any specie.  相似文献   

In this paper, improvements obtained by using focused microwaves for extraction, in the analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) adsorbed on particulate matter, are discussed. The method was tested on the following PAHs, which are considered to be among the most harmful with regard to carcinogenicity: benzo[a]anthracene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, benzo[a]pyrene, indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, dibenzo[a,h]anthracene. The extraction of PAHs and concentration of the sample can be performed in 3 h with a recovery of at least 70% and a maximum standard deviation of 4%. These steps are followed by clean-up on a SPE (solid-phase extraction) cartridge and analysis by GC-MS. Real samples collected in the urban area of Bari were analysed according to the proposed procedure.  相似文献   

Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to provide an overview of the distribution pattern of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals in former manufactured gas plant (MGP) site soils. PCA is the powerful multivariate method to identify the patterns in data and expressing their similarities and differences. Ten PAHs (naphthalene, acenapthylene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, chrysene, benzo[a]pyrene) and four toxic heavy metals — lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr) and zinc (Zn) — were detected in the site soils. PAH contamination was contributed equally by both low and high molecular weight PAHs. PCA was performed using the varimax rotation method in SPSS, 17.0. Two principal components accounting for 91.7% of the total variance was retained using scree test. Principle component 1 (PC1) substantially explained the dominance of PAH contamination in the MGP site soils. All PAHs, except anthracene, were positively correlated in PC1. There was a common thread in high molecular weight PAHs loadings, where the loadings were inversely proportional to the hydrophobicity and molecular weight of individual PAHs. Anthracene, which was less correlated with other individual PAHs, deviated well from the origin which can be ascribed to its lower toxicity and different origin than its isomer phenanthrene. Among the four major heavy metals studied in MGP sites, Pb, Cd and Cr were negatively correlated in PC1 but showed strong positive correlation in principle component 2 (PC2). Although metals may not have originated directly from gaswork processes, the correlation between PAHs and metals suggests that the materials used in these sites may have contributed to high concentrations of Pb, Cd, Cr and Zn. Thus, multivariate analysis helped to identify the sources of PAHs, heavy metals and their association in MGP site, and thereby better characterise the site risk, which would not be possible if one uses chemical analysis alone.  相似文献   

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