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广州白云国际机场飞机大气污染物排放分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据收集到的2008-2012年广州白云国际机场航班起降次数,参考《珠江三角洲非道路移动源排放清单开发》飞机污染物估算方法及排放因子,计算出此期间机场飞机大气污染物排放量,并与2010-2012年广州市机动车污染物排放情况对比。结果表明:飞机大气污染物排放量随客运量的增长呈逐年上升趋势,而与机动车排放相比,飞机大气污染物排放量较小,故现阶段仍应以机动车作为移动源污染控制的重点。  相似文献   

通过研究机场大气污染物排放特征,结合我国相关排放政策及规范,以排放因子法为主要方法,设计了可建立机场高时间分辨率大气污染物排放清单的计算方法,以期为机场大气污染物排放实时监管提供研究基础。该方法针对飞机发动机和地面保障设备(GSE),实现了颗粒物、二氧化硫、氮氧化物等大气污染物和温室气体的半小时级别排放量计算。通过收集整理北京首都国际机场日航班计划与GSE运作情况实际数据,计算并建立了高时间分辨率的排放清单,验证了计算方法的可行性。随后,从活动水平误差和排放因子适用性两方面,对清单进行了不确定性分析,并通过计算结果对机场排放特征进行了分析,提出了减排建议。  相似文献   

通过调查企业生产情况,采用现场实测、模型、排放因子等方法,获得了常州市工业大气污染物的排放量,从行业、排放口高度、空间、时间及重点源所占比例等方面,分析了常州市工业大气污染物的分布特征。结果显示:常州市工业PM、PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)、SO_2、NO_x、CO、NH_3、VOCs排放量分别为3.089、1.348、0.695、5.380、7.077、14.459、0.030、0.848万t;钢铁、水泥、热电、金属制品、化工是常州市大气污染物产生的主要行业;高架源、中架源、低架源排放比例依次增加;11.5%的企业占据了全市排放量的86%以上;SO2等污染物各月排放量基本稳定,PM2.5等上半年排放量波动较大;市区企业的集中排放在不利气象条件下易造成大气污染。  相似文献   

沈阳市机动车大气污染物排放清单的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于机动车主要污染物排放量计算方法,对主要污染物排放因子进行识别与修正,建立沈阳市机动车污染物排放清单。结果表明:沈阳市机动车污染物的排放总量为206 804. 3 t,CO、NOx、HC和PM10的排放量分别为128 500. 4 t、44 206. 3 t、32 104. 8 t和1 992. 8 t;机动车排放的各污染物二环以内的排放量占总量70. 0%以上,和平区、沈河区和铁西区是该市机动车污染物高排放区域;小型客车和出租车对CO、HC的排放分担率较高,重型货车和轻型货车是NOx、PM10的主要排放源;沈阳市机动车污染物主要来自汽油车和柴油车,新能源机动车排放量较低。  相似文献   

国内外烟气流速测量标准比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较了国内外燃煤电厂烟气流速测量技术及相关标准,分析了测量仪器、矩形烟道采样位置及采样点位置和数目等方面的异同,结合我国电厂现场烟气流速测量的实际情况,提出了修改《固定污染源排气中颗粒物测定与气态污染物采样方法》相关内容的建议。  相似文献   

根据美国20世纪90年代初的电力生产及火电NOx的排放情况,并结合我国的实际情况及控制火电NOx排放的趋势,提出2010年和2020年我国火电NOx排放总量控制目标,预测满足火电NOx控制目标的合理的火电厂烟气脱硝容量.  相似文献   

基于2017年濮阳市第二次全国污染源普查数据,采用聚类分析和核密度分析的方法对濮阳市行业结构特征、工业污染集聚特征进行了分析。结果表明,濮阳市支柱行业为石化行业,工业总产值占比36.92%,远高于其他行业;非金属矿物制品企业数量最多,污染物排放总量最高;颗粒物排放量占濮阳市工业污染源排放总量的33%,占比最高;非金属矿物制品业与石油、煤炭及其他燃料加工业是濮阳市废气污染物的主要来源,石油、煤炭及其他燃料加工业与农副产品加工业是濮阳市废水污染物的主要来源;濮阳市产业集聚区是污染物产排的重要区域,其污染物产生量占濮阳市污染物产生总量的95.49%,污染物排放量占濮阳市排放总量的63.05%。而非产业集聚区的污染物排放量占濮阳市排放总量的36.95%,是精准治污的重点。针对濮阳市产业结构和产业布局现状,提出,重新整合辖区非金属矿物制品业,继续做强石化行业,兼顾发展污染物排放强度低的行业;挖掘产业集聚区减排潜力,建设绿色产业集聚区是经济与环境协调发展的重要途径;非产业集聚区企业应因地制宜,政策引导,发挥中小企业自主能动性,提升环境质量。以期为濮阳市产业布局调整提供技术支持。  相似文献   

从实际的恶臭监测分析出发,结合执行《恶臭污染物排放标准》过程中的各种体会,从标准的适用范围、浓度排放限值以及采样环节等三个方面,对《恶臭污染物排放标准》的修订提出了若干意见.建议对排放标准的适用范围进行调整,增加行业排放标准,对有组织排放增加浓度排放限值规定,对采样气象条件、采样点位、采样频率进行明确,并引入背景值或本底值的测量,对测量结果进行修正.  相似文献   

河北省火电企业吨煤烟气排放量测定及污染动态预测   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
火电企业大气污染动态预测是大气污染控制的基础。采用现场实测法,对河北省36家火电企业101台机组锅炉进行现场监测,经统计分析给出不同装机容量吨煤烟气排放量,并与其他方法进行了比较,发现实测结果更为合理。在此基础上,建立吨煤SO2、NOx,烟尘排放量和烟气浓度的关系,为火电企业大气污染动态预测提供新的公式,对定量测定火电企业污染物排放提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对萧山市羽绒行业中典型企业--浙江三弘国际羽绒有限公司排放废水的监测分析,计算其羽绒废水中各污染物的排放量,由此确定羽绒行业污染物排放系数和排污总量,为污染物排放总量的控制管理提供了有效依据。  相似文献   

This paper presents the assessment of gaseous and particulate emissions from thermal power plants operating on different combustion technologies. Four thermal power plants operating on heavy furnace oil were selected for the study, among which three were based on diesel engine technology, while the fourth plant was based on oil-fired steam turbine technology. The stack emissions were monitored for critical air pollutants carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, lead, and mercury. The pollutant emissions were measured at optimum load conditions for a period of 6 months with an interval of 1 month. The results of stack emissions were compared with National Environmental Quality Standards of Pakistan and World Bank guidelines for thermal power plants, and few parameters were found higher than the permissible limits of emissions. It was observed that the emissions carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, and particulate matters from diesel engine-based power plants were comparatively higher than the turbine-based power plants. The emissions of sulfur dioxide were high in all the plants, even the plants with different technologies, which was mainly due to high sulfur contents in fuel.  相似文献   

企业自备电厂作为高耗能企业的一员,节能减排是重中之重。本文着重分析了宁夏自备电厂的基本情况,包括电厂类型、资源利用状况及节能减排的艰巨性,并结合当前自备电厂面临的问题对其发展提出了合理的建议。节能减排必须从内部挖掘潜力,不断努力,持之以恒,规范化管理,才能保证宁夏污染物总量减排任务的顺利完成。  相似文献   

简述汞污染和控制问题成为环境问题的新热点和前沿研究领域,介绍中国燃煤电厂烟气汞监测试点的基本情况。分析江苏省7家燃煤电厂煤中汞及烟气中汞排放水平,提出利用现有的除尘、脱硫、脱硝设施,能满足《火电厂大气污染物排放标准》中汞的排放限值要求。  相似文献   

Austal 2000应用于国内“烟塔合一”类项目大气影响评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述了德国"烟塔合一"类大气污染扩散模式,以及相关模式Austal 2000的应用方法,修正了气象参数以适合本地化应用。以天津某电厂为实例,将Austal 2000模式"烟塔合一"和烟囱排烟方式的计算结果进行了对比分析。结果表明,在进行本地化修改后,Austal 2000模式适用于国内有关项目大气预测评价,但从环境影响角度考虑,"烟塔合一"相对于高烟囱排放方式没有明显优势,应用时需慎重。  相似文献   

This report summarizes the results of a study carried out on six pulverized coal-fired power plants in western Canada burning subbituminous coal for the mass-balance and speciation of mercury. The main objectives of this study were to: determine the total gaseous mercury (TGM) emitted from stacks of power plants using the Ontario Hydro method; identify the speciation of emitted mercury such as metallic (Hg(0)) and gaseous elemental (GEM) mercury; and perform mass-balance calculations of mercury for milled-coal, bottom ash, electrostatic precipitators (ESP) fly ash and stack-emitted mercury based on three tests. Sampling of mercury was carried out using the Ontario Hydro method and mercury was determined using the USEPA method 7473 by cold vapor atomic absorption (CVAAS). The sample collection efficiencies confirmed that both oxidized and the elemental mercury had been successfully sampled at all power plants. The total gaseous mercury emitted (TGM) is 6.95-15.66 g h(-1) and is mostly in gaseous elemental mercury (GEM, Hg(0)) form. The gaseous elemental mercury is emitted at a rate of 6.59-12.62 g h(-1). Reactive gaseous mercury (RGM, Hg(2+)) is emitted at a rate of 0.34-3.68 g h(-1). The rate of emission of particulate mercury (Hg(p)) is low and is in the range 0.005-0.076 g h(-1). The range of mass-balances for each power plant is more similar to the variability in measured mercury emissions, than to the coal and ash analyses or process data. The mass-balance calculations for the six power plants, performed on results of the three tests at each power plant, are between 86% and 123%, which is acceptable and within the range 70-130%. The variation in mass-balance of mercury for the six power plants is mostly related to the variability of coal feed rate.  相似文献   

介绍了燃煤电厂超低排放气态污染物监测系统的采样系统和分析单元,分析了其各自的优缺点。对稀释抽取式、冷干抽取式和热湿抽取式3种采样方法,以及非分散红外吸收法(NDIR)、非分散紫外吸收法(NDUV)、紫外差分吸收法(DOAS)、紫外荧光法(UVF)和化学发光法(CL)5种分析方法进行对比。结果表明,冷干抽取式+紫外差分法以及稀释抽取式+紫外荧光法+化学发光法可以较好地符合燃煤电厂超低排放监测的要求。  相似文献   

分析了中药类制药工业企业自行监测方案的编制依据,以及中药制药生产工艺类型和污染排放特征,在此基础上确定了其污染物排放自行监测方案和周边环境质量影响监测方案的主要内容。针对废水、废气、噪声3类主要污染因子,明确了监测点位、监测指标、监测频次设定的注意事项,以及自行监测相关信息记录的内容要求。  相似文献   

This paper presents monitoring results of daily brick kiln stack emission and the derived emission factors. Emission of individual air pollutant varied significantly during a firing batch (7 days) and between kilns. Average emission factors per 1,000 bricks were 6.35–12.3 kg of CO, 0.52–5.9 kg of SO2 and 0.64–1.4 kg of particulate matter (PM). PM emission size distribution in the stack plume was determined using a modified cascade impactor. Obtained emission factors and PM size distribution data were used in simulation study using the Industrial Source Complex Short-Term (ISCST3) dispersion model. The model performance was successfully evaluated for the local conditions using the simultaneous ambient monitoring data in 2006 and 2007. SO2 was the most critical pollutant, exceeding the hourly National Ambient Air Quality Standards over 63 km2 out of the 100-km2 modelled domain in the base case. Impacts of different emission scenarios on the ambient air quality (SO2, PM, CO, PM dry deposition flux) were assessed.  相似文献   

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