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综述了二噁英对人体健康的危害特性, 以及我国生活垃圾焚烧厂二噁英排放浓度水平,及其周边环境空气和土壤中二噁英污染浓度水平、人群暴露途径、剂量和健康影响。指出,现有研究显示,我国生活垃圾焚烧排放的二噁英浓度在合理范围之内,垃圾焚烧厂周边人群二噁英暴露量普遍低于世界卫生组织(WHO)推荐的容许标准,但也有研究发现,垃圾焚烧会导致周边环境介质中二噁英浓度水平增高。提出,应重点关注垃圾焚烧排放二噁英的长期低剂量暴露对人群健康的影响。  相似文献   

城市垃圾焚烧炉飞灰中多环芳烃分析研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
报道了气相色谱/质谱分析垃圾焚烧厂飞灰样品中多环芳烃的分析方法和分析结果,建立了气相色谱/质谱分析垃圾焚烧厂飞灰样品中多环芳烃的分析方法。方法的加标回收率基本在80%~110%之间。  相似文献   

德国垃圾焚烧处理概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍德国垃圾焚烧处理概况,并以比勒菲尔德垃圾焚烧厂为例,对垃圾的处理从运输,储存,焚烧到废气净化处理等工艺流程进行了说明。  相似文献   

对《生活垃圾焚烧污染控制标准》(GB 18485—2001)和《生活垃圾焚烧污染控制标准》(GB 18485—2014)中各项指标的排放限值作比较,并探讨了二噁英、重金属、酸性气体、烟尘、碳氧化物等烟气污染物的控制措施。结合2010—2014年浙江省部分生活垃圾焚烧厂"三同时"验收废气监测数据,对排放指标的达标情况作分析,结果表明,采用"3T+E"焚烧工艺+SNCR脱硝+半干法脱酸+活性炭喷射+布袋除尘器除尘的烟气污染控制技术,可以同时满足脱氮、脱酸、除尘,以及去除重金属和二噁英的要求。  相似文献   

在环境影响评价中,对地面水COD本底量低,流量大、稀释能力强的河流进行评价时,测定过程较小的误差都将影响到评价报告的质量。 某厂环境影响评价通过污染源分析和掌握的资料,对污染源受纳主体沅江5公里水域进行了三天(其中第二天连续24小时)连续采样。共设置了对照、污染和消减共五个断面,选定了以COD为主的评价方法。建立了污染物沿水流方向的平衡方程式:  相似文献   

<正>《环境影响评价》杂志由环境保护部环境工程评估中心、重庆市环境科学研究院、中国环境出版社联合主办,中国环境科学学会环境影响评价专业委员会、中国环境保护产业协会环境影响评价行业分会协办。期刊面向全国公开发行,国内统一刊号CN 50-1210/X,国际标准刊号ISSN 2095-6444。《环境影响评价》是一本涵盖环境影响评价与环境科技领域的综合性学术期刊,主要刊载环保法律法规标准研究、环评  相似文献   

地理信息系统在环境影响评价中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了地理信息系统的特点,综述了地理信息系统在进行项目环境影响评价,区域环境影响评价,战略环境影响评价及累积环境影响评价等方面的作用。  相似文献   

公众参与是环境影响评价中的重要内容,它贯穿于环境影响评价工作的全过程。本文分析了我国目前在环境影响评价公众参与中存在的问题,提出了提高环境影响评价公众参与有效性的具体措施,以使环境影响评价公众参与更好地发挥其有效作用。  相似文献   

在环境影响评价中对氯化氢、硫酸雾等气体的监测   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
按照HJ/T2.2—1993《环境影响评价技术导则》要求,对大气环境质量状况调查中的“大气质量现状监测,按污染源调查中的主要污染因子确定,监测方法按国家环境保护局发布的标准方法进行”。但是,在对环境影响评价的大气污染物现状监测时遇到一些问题:  相似文献   

随着中国城镇化建设进程的不断加快,生活垃圾焚烧行业迅猛发展。在钢铁、焦化以及燃煤电厂等行业已实施超低排放的情况下,推行生活垃圾焚烧行业超低排放,对进一步改善大气环境具有积极意义。国内一些省份和城市已经或者正在制定生活垃圾焚烧行业地方标准,积极推动行业污染物超低排放。笔者结合各地经验,探讨了4种不同技术方式、不同运行成本的超低排放可行性技术路线,为重点区域垃圾焚烧实施超低排放提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

浅谈生态影响型建设项目竣工环保验收调查报告编制   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
阐述了编制生态影响型建设项目竣工验收调查报告的重点和内容。该报告的编制重点应是施工期为减轻施工对周围生态环境影响采取的保护措施调查、竣工后环境恢复措施调查和工程建设前后周围环境质量变化调查与监测;该报告的编制内容包括介绍验收调查任务的由来、验收调查的依据、确定验收调查重点和采用的评价标准,对工程概况和环境概况也需进行简要描述。指出生态环境影响调查水、气、声环境质量调查和环境管理制度调查是调查报告的核心部分,并且环境影响报告结论及有关批复内容和对公众意见调查所起的作用也不容忽视。  相似文献   

Environmental pollution is one of the burning issues of the world. In developed countries, there are lot of awareness about the environment and the impact of various industries on their life and surroundings. A little has been done in this direction in developing countries. In Pakistan, a big problem is the rapid conglomeration of the brick kilns in the outskirts of nearly all the urban centers to cope with the rapid construction work in big cities. A huge amount of low-grade coal or rubber tires is used as fuel in a very non-scientific manner. The purpose of the present study was to look into the impact of the brick kilns on the different aspects of environmental pollution caused by these kilns. Concentration of metals Cu, Co, Zn, Pb, Cr, Ni, Cd, and Mn were measured on 36 soil samples collected from the area and the same number of plant samples in order to establish the distribution of heavy metals in the area and to determine the effect of this distribution on the surrounding atmosphere and the possible effects on human life.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal characteristics and impact of ambient air-quality attributed to open burning of rice straw were analyzed and estimated with measured data. Two multivariate analytic methods, factor analysis and cluster analysis, were adopted to analyze the temporal and spatial impact on ambient air-quality during the rice straw burning episode. Temporal features of three scenarios were cited to compare the concentrations for ambient air-quality between the rice straw burning episode and non-episodes over two typical stations by factor analysis. Factor analysis demonstrated that the first rotational component, identified as being highly correlated to the open burning of rice straw, accounts for about 40% of the concentration variance for ambient air-quality. In typical air-quality stations, the average hourly incremental concentrations between the episode and non-episodes were greater than 300 μg m(-3) for PM(10), 1.0 ppm for CO and 35 ppb for NO(2) during the impact of rice straw burning. Factor analysis presented that the first rotated component was highly correlated with several primary pollutants (NO(2), NMHC, PM(10) and CO) during the rice straw burning episode, while every component was only highly correlated with a unique air pollutant during non-episodes. The delineation isopleths indicated that factor analysis could serve as a better method than cluster analysis and provides cross-county cooperation for local governments located in the same separated district during the rice straw burning season. The results of factor analysis revealed that CO is the best index to demonstrate the impact of rice straw burning than the other six air pollutants measured during the episode. Backward trajectory analysis supplied a cause-effect relationship between measured stations and specific rice planted regions during the rice straw burning episode.  相似文献   

Soilmicrobial ecology plays a significant role in global ecosystems. Nevertheless, methods of model prediction and mapping have yet to be established for soil microbial ecology. The present study was undertaken to develop an artificial-intelligence- and geographical information system (GIS)-integrated framework for predicting and mapping soil bacterial diversity using pre-existing environmental geospatial database information, and to further evaluate the applicability of soil bacterial diversity mapping for planning construction of eco-friendly roads. Using a stratified random sampling, soil bacterial diversity was measured in 196 soil samples in a forest area where construction of an eco-friendly road was planned. Model accuracy, coherence analyses, and tree analysis were systematically performed, and four-class discretized decision tree (DT) with ordinary pair-wise partitioning (OPP) was selected as the optimal model among tested five DT model variants. GIS-based simulations of the optimal DT model with varying weights assigned to soil ecological quality showed that the inclusion of soil ecology in environmental components, which are considered in environmental impact assessment, significantly affects the spatial distributions of overall environmental quality values as well as the determination of an environmentally optimized road route. This work suggests a guideline to use systematic accuracy, coherence, and tree analyses in selecting an optimal DT model from multiple candidate model variants, and demonstrates the applicability of the OPP-improved DT integrated with GIS in rule induction for mapping bacterial diversity. These findings also provide implication on the significance of soil microbial ecology in environmental impact assessment and eco-friendly construction planning.  相似文献   

周伟 《干旱环境监测》1998,12(2):85-86,89
就环评报告书如何根据环境管理的要求和项目的特点,对所确定污染物总量控制目标的合理性,从多方面进行了验证。  相似文献   

环评报告是建设项目开展环保验收工作的重要依据。环保验收工作中必须对照环评报告的内容及要求进行调查和监测。由于环评报告中工程内容、环保措施、评价因子等内容不够完善,使得工程建设中措施无法完全落实,造成环保验收工作不能顺利进行。本文通过对环保验收监测中遇到的实例进行分析,为更好的开展环评及验收监测工作提供建议。  相似文献   

以滇池草海污染底泥疏挖及处置工程为例,分析了湖库底泥疏挖项目环境影响评价因素识别与评价重点,探讨了施工期对水域水质及周围景观影响、施工期恶臭、噪声等的环境影响评价要点,底泥堆放对地下水与土壤环境影响、堆放恶臭对环境影响的评价要点,及疏挖工程的环境效益与运营期对周围生态环境影响分析的要点。针对该类工程在疏挖、余水处理和污染底泥堆存过程中的二次污染问题,提出了切实可行的二次污染防治对策。  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a solid tool to assess the potential environmental impacts in construction industry, an important material in this industry is the brick, along time several traditional and alternative bricks were developed and assessed environmentally by LCA. The purpose of this article is to review the literature related to LCA of bricks, responding important topics to characterize and guide future studies. Out of Traditional Bricks (TB), there are Alternative Bricks with Organic (ABO) and Inorganic (ABI) additives, that use wastes from several industries and differ of TB in the omission of firing for a stabilization process, however, to omit firing is hard and stabilization still needs further improvements. The principal system boundaries and tools for LCA were also reviewed. Regarding the most present impact categories, they were: Climate change (CC), Human Toxicity (HT) and Freshwater Ecotoxicity (FE), in every category, production is the stage of highest impact, and in the productive process, drying and burning processes have the highest potential impacts. Future searches could continue to study on new materials (wastes) for development of new ABO and ABI, to quantify the benefits of reusing wastes, and to study, either the replacement of firing with stabilizing processes, or the use of biomass as fuel source in firing, and to develop studies in different countries to create national datasets that will make future studies more representative.  相似文献   

This study applies a process of detailed assessment to summarize the potential impact of a proposed construction or other activity on the environment before implementation of an investment plan. The aim of the study was to develop a general methodology for analysis and evaluation of environmental issues connected with planned activities and proposed projects (especially buildings and engineering constructions, required implementation of environmental impact assessment process) using a risk analysis method, thus enabling the best option among the proposed activities to be chosen. The methodology was developed for conditions in Slovakia but could be arranged for any other country considering national conditions, requirements, standards and legislative. Application of the developed methodology in environmental impact assessment could create preconditions for more effective implementation of the EIA process. This paper provides a framework for the risk analysis component of the scoping phase within the EIA process. The process outlined in this paper will assist with determination of an estimation of risks to environmental and health of proposed activities.  相似文献   

The construction industry is responsible for a significant amount of raw material consumption and environmental footprints. Therefore, sustainable construction became a hot topic, which strives to reduce material consumption, limit constructional waste disposal, and decrease contribution to climate change. In line with Qatar's commitment to organizing a sustainable FIFA World Cup in 2022, this study aims to conduct an environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) for the construction of the Education City Stadium. The work presented here provides the first empirical LCA for analyzing the environmental and economic impacts of circular economy application in a World Cup stadium. In this research, the cyclopean concrete (CYC) methodology was utilized, which incorporate the site excavated boulders with the concrete mix to cast the under-raft foundation of the stadium. This approach was compared to the conventional concrete (CC) casting approach to assess the extent to which the newly developed methodology can reduce the environmental and economic burdens. The obtained results have shown a 32% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions when adapting the CYC approach. Thus, the CYC holds a strong promise to achieve the required structural behavior with a low-cost alternative material from existing waste products in Qatar and a lower environmental impact than the CC.  相似文献   

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