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通过在线TOC水质自动分析仪方法与实验室COD方法比对,建立TOC-COD一元线性回归方程,且将其应用到上海市44家污水处理厂出水中TOC与COD值的转换,并在污水处理厂进行在线TOC水质自动分析仪及在线COD水质自动分析仪监测值比对实验。结果表明,TOC-COD一元线性回归方程相关系数r为 0.963,废水中TOC与COD值线性显著相关,通过上述回归方程将在线TOC水质自动分析仪监测值转化COD监测值与在线COD水质自动仪监测值进行相对误差比较,88.4%的数据满足《水污染源在线监测系统安装技术规范(试行)》(HJ/T 355-2007)规范要求;用上述转换方程换算上海市44家污水处理厂TOC值得到的COD值与实验室COD值进行误差计算, 87.3%的数据满足上述规范要求,验证了在线TOC值转换COD值在污水行业的适用性。  相似文献   

根据2012—2016年烟台港港池水质监测结果,运用单因子指数法、Cox-Stuart检验方法及Pearson相关分析探讨港池水质污染程度、水质变化趋势及各监测项目间的相关关系。结果表明:港池海域水质总体良好,各监测项目的单因子污染指数呈现逐年下降趋势,且下降趋势均有统计学意义(P=0.05),COD与DO、活性磷酸盐、Cu呈显著正相关。5年中pH值、COD、DO、石油类、重金属(Cu、Cd、Zn、Pb)未见超标现象,活性磷酸盐和无机氮存在不同程度的超标,为该海域主要污染因子,有引发海域赤潮的潜在生态风险。  相似文献   

采用2011—2013年松花江哈尔滨段各断面水质监测数据和老头湾水文数据,运用实测资料反推法和河流一维水质模型对该段干流的COD、BOD5、NH3-N的衰减速度系数K进行测算,结果表明:1—12月朱顺屯—大顶子山的KCOD、KBOD5、KNH3-N分别在0.035 d-1~3.372 d-1、0.368 d-1~5.459 d-1和0.245 d-1~5.600 d-1之间;冰封期各污染物K值小于明水期,夏季(6—8月)K值大于其他季节。以2013年阿什河口下—呼兰河口下河段上、下游各断面的监测数据对测算的各污染物动态K值进行率定,实际监测值与预测浓度年内变化趋势基本一致,相对误差在25%以内,水质验证结果较满意。  相似文献   

基于MIKE11构建北运河(北京段)一维水质模型,以氨氮、COD为目标污染物,建立污染源与水质响应关系。以2013年为基准年,考虑不同人口疏解情景预测2020年北运河(北京段)流域人口,并结合北京市"水十条"设置减排情景方案,对2020年水质改善效果进行量化评估。模拟结果表明:北京市"水十条"可实现显著的水质改善效果,到2020年,在中人口疏解方案下,北运河氨氮、COD平均质量浓度相比2013年分别下降40.8%~77.7%、39.3%~59.7%。COD质量浓度可稳定达标,氨氮质量浓度离达标还有一定差距,但日浓度可稳定在8mg/L以下,基本消除了黑臭水体。  相似文献   

空间插值技术对近海环境数据的分析和表征具有广泛应用价值,但目前针对各类模型适用性和精度比较的研究很少。基于2009年全国近岸海域299个站位的水质监测数据,利用交叉检验法,对3种插值算法13种模型的空间拟合结果进行分析和验证。结果表明,13种模型的模拟值与实测值显著相关(r=0.643~0.750,P0.01,n=299),说明其均适用于近岸海域水质的空间模拟;综合比较模拟结果与实测结果的相关系数、平均误差、平均绝对误差、均方差及偏离程度,排序为IDW(p2)Spline-TensionIDW(p3)IDW(p4)IDW(p1)IDW(p5)IDW(p6)Kriging-GuassianKriging-Spherical,Kriging-CircularKriging-LinearKriging-ExponentialSpline-Regularized,提出IDW(p2)是精度最优的空间插值模型。  相似文献   

通过2004 - 2006年对伊犁地区的特克斯河、伊犁河的水质调查及水质标识指数和综合指数(WQI)的计算发现,DO、COD、TN、NH3-N、TP 5项指标在10个断面的空间分布上伊宁市区的2个断面水质最差,在时间上属8月最差,水质主要污染指标的排序依次为TP、TN、COD和NH3-N.  相似文献   

以十堰市神定河为研究对象,基于环境流体动力学(EFDC)模型构建了神定河水动力水质模型,分别采用2017年和2018年流量、氨氮、化学需氧量、总氮、总磷等监测数据对模型进行了率定和验证。结果显示,模拟值与实测值的相对误差、决定系数在适宜范围内,表明模型能够准确反映神定河的水动力和水质过程。在此基础上,设计了一个新建项目进行预测模拟,研究新建项目对下游水质的影响,为新建项目的水污染风险评估提供决策参考。神定河水动力水质模型的构建,同时考虑了点源和面源的影响,实现了参数本地化,可为面向神定河的水质预报预警业务化运行、突发水污染事故应急模拟等提供模型基础。  相似文献   

一般,水质数据是随机变量,而变量间的关系分为两类:确定性关系—又称函数关系;不确定性关系,但存在某种客观规律称为相关性关系(统计相关)。本文即依据DO—COD两变量间存在一定的制约关系,从长江干流安庆、南京两江段城市排污口污水揭示DO—COD的统计相关规律,是有其特定意义的。  相似文献   

化学需氧量(COD)是表示水中还原性物质多少的一个指标,也是评价水质好坏的重要指标之一。不同的保存条件对COD值的影响是非常大的。通过本次实验验证了不同的保存方式对COD值的具体影响情况,从而在实际工作中采取合适的保存方式以确保COD值的准确性。  相似文献   

2017年分3个时期(丰水期、平水期、枯水期)采集妫水河及其支流12个断面表层水样,分析了COD、氨氮、TP、DO、pH值等水质指标,采用单因子评价法、水污染指数法、主成分分析法和模糊综合评价法对水质进行评价,根据4种水质评价方法的评价结果,分析4种方法在小流域河流评价中的适用性。结果表明:目前妫水河12个断面中S2、S10和Z2 3个断面水质较差,基本属于地表Ⅴ类水,污染程度为重度污染;其他9个断面水质等级为地表Ⅳ类水,污染程度为中度污染;中段世园会段水质较好,优于上段和下段,主要污染指标为COD;妫水河主要污染源于农业和生活,枯水期水质优于平水期和丰水期。水污染指数法更适合小流域水体水质的定性定量评价,且计算方便简单。  相似文献   

In an effort to assess current and future water quality of the only perennial river in southeastern Botswana, this study presents water quality monitoring and modeling results for the effluent-dependent Notwane River. The water quality along the Notwane River, pre- and post-implementation of secondary wastewater treatment, was compared and results demonstrated that water quality improved after the new wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) went online. However, stream standards for chemical oxygen demand, total dissolved phosphorous, and fecal coliform were exceeded in most locations and the critical dissolved oxygen (DO) reached concentrations of less than 4 mg L−1. High dissolved P concentrations and intense macrophyte growth at the impounding ponds and at sites within 30 km of the effluent waste stream confluence suggest that eutrophication was a function of P release from the ponds. Results of DO modeling demonstrated that an unpolluted inflow at approximately 10 km downstream of the confluence was responsible for raising DO concentrations by 2.3 mg L−1, while SOD was responsible for a decline in DO concentrations of 1.4 mg L−1 at 6 km downstream of the confluence. Simulations also showed higher DO concentrations during winter months, when water temperatures were lower. Simulations, in which the distributed biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) loading from cattle excrement was decreased, produced nominal increases in DO concentrations. An increase in WWTP BOD loadings to projected 2020 values resulted in a 1.3 mg L−1 decrease in the critical DO concentration. Furthermore, a decrease in treatment plant efficiency, from 94% to 70% BOD removal, produced critical DO concentrations and anoxia along much of the modeled reach. This has significant implications for Gaborone, especially if decreased WWTP efficiency occurs as a result of the expected future increase in pollutant loadings.  相似文献   

釜溪河为沱江一级支流,在自贡城区段设有国考碳研所断面。收集碳研所断面近10年来水质自动站数据,分析溶解氧(DO)变化特征,采样调查釜溪河自贡城区段水质及河道底泥污染状况,采用相关性分析、数值模拟等,研究分析釜溪河自贡城区段溶解氧分布特征及碳研所断面季节性低氧成因。研究结果表明,碳研所断面的溶解氧质量浓度变化特征呈现春末夏初最低,白天高晚上低的特征。釜溪河碳研所断面河水耗氧类污染物质量浓度较沱江流域内其他断面高,耗氧强度较大,溶解氧质量浓度较沱江流域其他断面偏低;其次,研究河段中釜溪河污水厂以下河段受污水厂低氧水排入和金子凼堰底层低氧水下泄影响,其溶解氧水平整体较污水厂以上河段低;最后,河段底泥有机质含量较高,春夏季气温升高将导致微生物分解活性增强大量消耗溶解氧,同时,闸坝和外来水体排入的水文扰动造成污水厂以下河段水温梯度弱,表层溶解氧易受底层低氧水影响,促使断面形成季节性低氧现象。溶解氧预测模型结果也进一步证实了温度变化和垂向温度梯度弱是碳研所断面溶解氧质量浓度季节性偏低的主要因素。  相似文献   

于2018—2021年对南京市及国考断面七桥瓮进行水质调查,分析其溶解氧变化特征,采用水质水量联合评价及皮尔逊相关分析法,并结合水文气象等相关信息,对南京市地表水溶解氧分布特征及国考七桥瓮断面低氧成因进行研究分析。结果表明,南京市地表水溶解氧浓度夏季最低,中心主城区及附近区域溶解氧浓度均相对较低。七桥瓮断面溶解氧浓度在2.25~11.07 mg/L,其中5—9月溶解氧易出现超标波动。溶解氧浓度昼间高于夜间,与pH值呈正相关关系,与水温、高锰酸盐指数、氨氮、总磷均呈负相关关系。水温和上游来水带入的耗氧污染物是七桥瓮断面溶解氧偏低的主要成因,其中,溶解氧浓度与水温相关性最为显著。研究结论可为七桥瓮断面稳定达标提供基础支撑,为秦淮河流域精准治污提供技术依据,为南京市水环境多源同治提供治理思路。  相似文献   

浙江近岸海域春季表层溶解氧饱和度分布及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2014年春季对浙江省近岸海域溶解氧的调查结果,结合现场的温度和盐度,得出溶解氧饱和度的平面分布,并在此基础上探讨了饱和度与温度、盐度、化学需氧量、浮游植物丰度之间的关系。结果显示,浙江省近岸海域溶解氧饱和度范围为92.1%~120%,均值为100%。总体呈西部沿岸低,东部外海高的平面分布趋势。溶解氧饱和度高值区与浮游植物丰度的高值区一致。低饱和区域化学需氧量含量基本高于1 mg/L。陆源径流和有机物质耗氧分解是沿岸低饱和区域主要控制因素,外海水和浮游植物光合作用是高饱和区域主要控制因素。径流和外海水对有机物质分解和浮游植物光合作用有一定的调控作用。  相似文献   

A study was performed to evaluate the environmental contamination in the Turvo Limpo River basin which receives effluent discharges from domestic (residential and commercial) activities. The watercourses examined were the São Bartolomeu Stream, Turvo Sujo River, and Turvo Limpo River, located in the Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Water samples were collected at the river-side and analyzed for evaluation of pollutant inputs. The pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, redox potential (Eh), dissolved oxygen (DO), total and settleable solids, visual color, hardness, chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chloride, total phosphate, total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate, total coliforms and E. coli, as well as the Cd, Pb, Cu, and Zn speciation were determined in the watercourses. The data obtained were compared with those of the Brazilian Environmental Standards and with data from non-contaminated areas. River water characteristics in some sites were far from the limit values established for superficial waters with satisfactory quality. For instance, the BOD values reached 411 mg L?1 for a maximum limit of 10.0 mg L?1, while the ammonia nitrogen concentration reached 28 mg L?1 for a maximum limit of 13.3 mg L?1. Some sites showed E. coli values above those of non-contaminated regions. Besides the effects of sewage discharges into the water-courses, agriculture activities and the use of the area for cattle husbandry influenced the quality of the river waters, for instance, the pH of a spring-water sample reached the value of 4.3. The São Bartolomeu Stream has been contributing to the deterioration of the water quality of the Turvo Sujo River, while the Turvo Limpo River has also been affected by anthropogenic discharges in the Turvo Sujo River. The speciation of Cd, Cu and Pb showed that these metals were mainly found in the particulate fraction (i. e., associated with the suspended material). Fifty five percent of the water samples showed labile Zn concentrations greater than that of the nonlabile Zn.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic inputs of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and oxygen-consuming material to aquatic ecosystems can change nutrient dynamics, deplete oxygen, and change abundance and diversity of aquatic plants and animals. The Northern Rivers Ecosystem Initiative required a research and assessment program to establish the contribution of pulp mill and sewage discharges to eutrophication and depressions in dissolved oxygen (DO) in the Athabasca and Wapiti rivers of northern Alberta, Canada and examine the adequacy of existing guidelines for protecting these systems. Analysis of long-term data showed that total N (TN) and total P (TP) concentrations in exposed river reaches exceeded concentrations in reference reaches by ≤ 2 times for the Athabasca River, and by 9.6 (TP) and 2.6 (TN) times for the Wapiti River. Results from nutrient limitation experiments conducted in situ and in mesocosms showed that benthic algal production was nutrient sufficient downstream of pulp mill discharges but constrained in upper river reaches by insufficient P (Athabasca River) or N + P (Wapiti River). Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations in both rivers declined during winter such that median concentrations in the Athabasca River 945 km downstream of the headwaters were approximately 8 mg L−1 in mid-February. Although water column DO rarely approached the guideline of 6.5 mg L−1, DO studies undertaken in the Wapiti River showed that pore water DO often failed to meet this guideline and could not be predicted from water column DO. Results from this integrated program of monitoring and experimentation have improved understanding of the interactions between nutrients, DO and aquatic ecosystem productivity and resulted in recommendations for revisions to nutrient and DO guidelines for these northern rivers.The Canadian Crown reserves the right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty free licence in and to any copyright.  相似文献   

Sediment oxygen demand (SOD) has become an integral part of modeling dissolved oxygen (DO) within surface water bodies. Because very few data on SOD are available, it is common for modeler to take SOD values from literature for use within DO models. SOD is such an important parameter in modeling DO that this approach may lead to erroneous results. This paper reported on developing an approach for monitoring sediment oxygen demand conducted with undisturbed sediment core samples, where the measured results were incorporated into a water quality model for simulating and assessing dissolved oxygen distribution in the Xindian River of northern Taiwan. The measured results indicate that a higher freshwater discharge results in a lower SOD. Throughout a 1-year observation in 2004, the measured SOD ranged from 0.367 to 1.246 g/m(2)/day at the temperature of 20°C. The mean values of the measured SOD at each station were adopted in a vertical two-dimensional water quality model to simulate the DO distribution along the Xindian River. The simulating results accurately depict the field-measured DO distribution during the low and high flow conditions. Model sensitivity analyses were also conducted with increasing and decreasing SOD values for the low and high flow conditions and revealed that SOD had a significant impact on the DO distribution along the Xindian River. The present work combined with field measurements and numerical simulation should assist in river water quality management.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the water quality of one of the most polluted urban river in Malaysia, the Penchala River, performance of eight biotic indices, Biomonitoring Working Party (BMWP), BMWPThai, BMWPViet, Average Score Per Taxon (ASPT), ASPTThai, BMWPViet, Family Biotic Index (FBI), and Singapore Biotic Index (SingScore), was compared. The water quality categorization based on these biotic indices was then compared with the categorization of Malaysian Water Quality Index (WQI) derived from measurements of six water physicochemical parameters (pH, BOD, COD, NH3-N, DO, and TSS). The river was divided into four sections: upstream section (recreational area), middle stream 1 (residential area), middle stream 2 (commercial area), and downstream. Abundance and diversity of the macroinvertebrates were the highest in the upstream section (407 individual and H′?=?1.56, respectively), followed by the middle stream 1 (356 individual and H′?=?0.82). The least abundance was recorded in the downstream section (214 individual). Among all biotic indices, BMWP was the most reliable in evaluating the water quality of this urban river as their classifications were comparable to the WQI. BMWPs in this study have strong relationships with dissolved oxygen (DO) content. Our results demonstrated that the biotic indices were more sensitive towards organic pollution than the WQI. BMWP indices especially BMWPViet were the most reliable and could be adopted along with the WQI for assessment of water quality in urban rivers.  相似文献   

Various industrial facilities in the city of Varanasi discharge their effluent mixed with municipal sewage into the River Ganges at different discharge points. In this study, chemometric tools such as cluster analysis and box–whisker plots were applied to interpret data obtained during examination of River Ganges water quality. Specifically, we investigated the temperature (T), pH, total alkalinity, total acidity, electrical conductivity (EC), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), dissolved oxygen (DO), nitrate nitrogen (N), phosphate (PO 4 2? ), copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), iron (Fe), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn) in water samples collected from six sampling stations. Hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis was conducted using Ward’s method. Proximity distance between EC and Cr was the smallest revealing a relationship between these parameters, which was confirmed by Pearson’s correlation. Based on proximity distances, EC, Cr, Ni, Fe, N, COD, temperature, BOD, and total acidity comprised one group; Zn, Pb, Cd, total alkalinity, Cu, and phosphate (PO 4 2? ) were in another group; and DO and pH formed a separate group. These groups were confirmed by Pearson’s correlation (r) values that indicated significant and positive correlation between variables in the same group. Box–whisker plots revealed that as we go downstream, the pollutant concentration increases and maximum at the downstream station Raj Ghat and minimum at the upstream station Samane Ghat. Seasonal variations in water quality parameters signified that total alkalinity, total acidity, DO, BOD, COD, N, phosphate (PO 4 2? ), Cu, Cd, Cr, Ni, Fe, Pb, and Zn were the highest in summer (March–June) and the lowest during monsoon season (July–October). Temperature was the highest in summer and the lowest in winter (November–February). DO was the highest in winter and the lowest in summer season. pH was observed to be the highest in monsoon and the lowest in summer season.  相似文献   

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