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环境空气中臭氧的测定──靛蓝二碳酸钠分光光度法王玉平,王娟,陈涛,杜萍萍,张玉坤,顾小珍,陈继榴,王丽萍,张青新(辽宁沈阳市环境监测站等)靛蓝二磺酸钠(IDS)分光光度法测定空气中的臭氧,与现行同类方法相比具有灵敏度高,重复性好,、样品稳定,干扰少等...  相似文献   

兰州地区大气溶血菌的污染分布及动态变化规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在兰州地区采集761份样品中、分离出297株溶血菌,分为9个属。其菌数分布,以省建职工医院,街心花园和兰医二院较高,甘肃农业学林较低;春,冬较高,夏,秋较低;一年内3,4和元月分较高,7,8月份较低,一日内20时,8时和10时较高,凌晨4时,2时和深夜6时及下年16时较低,不同高度溶血菌的变化,以24m处为最高,12m处为最低。  相似文献   

本文介绍了国外有计划,系统地将环境普及教育融入幼儿,小学,中学,大学教育及职工教育之中,以环境常识教育,法律道德教育,环境保护行为技能教育入手,从儿童,青少年教育抓起,从而提高全民族的环境意识与环境保护能力。  相似文献   

为简化消解过程,使温度易于控制,提高总氮测定方法的稳定性,用烘箱代替高压锅进行消解,采用过硫酸钾氧化,用紫外光度法测定样品中总氮,经实验研究对比,该法稳定性好,易于操作,且能得到令人满意的结果  相似文献   

监测结果表明,梅梁湖水体TP,TN含量分别为0.1mg/L和3.4mg/L藻类生物量达9-13亿个细胞/L,富营养化相当严重,污染的主要原因,工农业,渔业,畜牧业和生活污水的直接排放,使水全营养盐含量较高,藻类大量繁殖,可采用“控源截汛”,“清除淤泥”,“调水搞活”及生物治理等综合性措施,对梅梁湖的富营养化进行了治理。  相似文献   

阐述了环境监测站在新时期面临的新挑战,提出了人性化管理模式,介绍了人性化管理的核心思想及人性化管理模式下的人员特性,指出环境监测站实行人性化管理,应转变观念,确定目标,重视监测人员培训,加强与监测人员的沟通,增强团队意识,着力制度创新。  相似文献   

总结了近年来环境影响评价工作过程中及管理制度等方面在社会主义市场经济体制运行机制中存在的一些问题与矛盾,分析了环境评价工作完善管理制度的科学化和规范化,提高评价专业技术水平,改革环评科研管理体制,加强环评科研力量,强化技术经济管理,降低成本,提高劳动效率,以优质,高效,低价为特点服务于社会,使环评研究工作逐步适应于社会主义市场经济的发展与要求。  相似文献   

GIS技术在环境管理中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地理信息系统(GIS)是为了解决各种复杂的规划与管理问题而设计的,用于支持对空间相关数据进行采集,管理,操作,分析,模拟和显示的计算机硬件,软件系统和处理过程,是一种管理工作和决策支持系统,它以强大对空间数据的处理和对现实世界的模拟能力,以及在空间要素的叠置过程中产生与这些要素相关的,综合的新信息的能力,在环境管理,环境评价与环境监测中具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

南京市建筑施工环境噪声的管理与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
针对建筑施工环境噪声扰民问题投诉居高不下,提出环境监理部门要积极宣传环保法律法规,规范举报工作,认真受理投诉,以取得市民的理解与支持;严格审批夜间建筑施工,加大监管力度,做好对夜间施工现场的核查;加强行风建设,通过内强素质,提高自身的业务水平,监督与服务并重;拓展工作思路,加强与建工、公安、市容、市政供电等部门的合作,共同解决噪声扰民问题。  相似文献   

以影响太湖入湖河流水质的24个因子值为研究对象,将PSO算法与SVM算法相结合。PSO算法用于优化SVM算法的参数c和g,以利于快速、高效地确定c和g的全局最优值;SVM算法基于最优的c和g,分别以24,21,18,15,12,9和6个因子作为特征向量预测水质的污染程度。结果表明,当特征向量为9个影响因子时预测率最高。其参数c=18.56,g=1.35,对应的预测率为:全局预测率92.59%,重度污染水质预测率88.89%,轻度污染水质预测率94.45%。因此,通过PSO和SVM混合算法,可以确定影响太湖入湖河流水质的主要因子,利用这些主要因子对水质进行预测预警,不但可以节省时间,而且可以得到精确的结果。  相似文献   

游芳 《干旱环境监测》2009,23(3):156-158
海水中挥发酚制备时,磷酸的添加量对检测结果的准确性会有较大影响。本文通过改进挥发酚的蒸馏方法进行测定,得出比较准确的结果。同时对漳州沿海典型海水养殖区的挥发酚进行了检测。结果显示,各养殖区挥发酚的含量均在0.006~0.013mg/L之间,超过了《海水水质标准》(GB3097—1997)的第二类海水水质标准。  相似文献   

Monitoring of Phenol in Wastewater Bioremediation by HPLC   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bioremediation emphasizes the detoxification and destruction of toxic substances by microorganisms. Wastewater obtained from an industrial concern was solvent extracted with methyl alcohol and dichloromethane and analysed by GC/MS. Besides phenol, a large variety of organic compounds were detected. Under controlled laboratory conditions, the wastewater was innoculated with a mixed culture of microorganisms specially selected for their abilities to degrade phenol. Samples were collected at regular intervals from the stirred tank bioreactor and analysed for phenol by reverse phase HPLC with a C18 column. Results shows that from an initial phenol concentration of 987 ppm, slightly more than 50% was destroyed within 163 hours. The dry weight of the microorganisms and the plate count (CFU/ml) shows a steady increase from 0.5238 gms to 0.5355 gms and from 1.1E+9 to 1.94E+13 respectively over the same period. This suggested that the phenol was consumed by the microorganisms as the sole carbon source.  相似文献   

酚污染正严重威胁着饮用水源地的供水安全,迫切需要开展挥发酚实时预警监测。从挥发酚在线监测系统构架、监测方法验证、在线监测功能完善、运维周期及成本核算、应急预警功能实现等方面,介绍了挥发酚在线监测技术在苏州市饮用水源地的应用经验,以期进一步完善水源水预警监测体系。  相似文献   

紫外分光光度法直接测定水中酚   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过实验证明,用紫外分光光度法测定水中挥发酚,方法简便、精密度和准确度较好,适用于地表水、地下水和废水中挥发酚的测定,结果令人满意。  相似文献   

Removing phenol from wastewater has become a major challenge of international concern. Phytoremediation is a novel and eco-friendly method and is attracting an increasing amount of attention for treating phenol in wastewater. We studied the ability of Polygonum orientale, which is frequently present around water bodies and in wetlands in China, to phytoremediate phenol. We determined the inhibition concentration for phenol on P. orientale using emergency toxicology experiments and morphological observations. Isothermal and kinetic models were created to assess the adsorption process involved in phenol removal. Comparison tests in sterile conditions demonstrated that metabolic removal was the main way in which the phenol concentrations were decreased, and removal by adsorption played a smaller role. An orthogonal test was performed to determine the optimum conditions under which P. orientale will remove phenol, and these were found to be an initial phenol concentration of 5 mg L?1, 100 % natural light, and a 13-day treatment time. These results provide a theoretical basis for increasing our understanding of the mechanisms involved in the removal of phenol by P. orientale and will help in developing its application in the greening of urban areas to provide both phytoremediation and esthetic landscaping.  相似文献   

Phenol, like many other organic solvents, is toxic to micro-organisms even at low concentrations. However, some micro-organisms can withstand this toxicity to a certain concentration. To observe the uptake mechanism of phenol, bacteria were isolatedfrom a petroleum refinery effluent and identified. Study was carried out to understand the effect of varying sub-lethal concentrations of phenol, on all the isolated individual bacterial cultures. Out of the bacteria isolated, Serratia liquefaciens was found to tolerate phenol concentration up to 1500 mg l-1. A microbial consortium of the isolated bacteriawas formulated and immobilized. Individual cultures were also immobilized and uptake of phenol by the immobilized micro-organisms was observed in a nutrient-rich and nutrient-stressed medium containing phenol as a sole source of carbon. A time-dependent uptake of phenol was exhibited by the micro-organismsin nutrient-stressed medium, after which a sudden increase in phenol concentration occurred in the extracellular medium, till it reached back to the initial concentration. This was attributedto an active efflux mechanism adopted by the micro-organisms to withstand the toxic shock.  相似文献   

从含酚废水处理池污泥中驯化得到苯酚降解菌——假丝酵母菌FD-1,通过试验考察FD-1对高浓度苯酚废水的降解效果,以及十二烷基磺酸钠(SDS)对高浓度苯酚废水中FD-1菌株生长的影响。试验表明,假丝酵母菌FD-1对苯酚的最大降解质量浓度为1 500 mg/L,降解时间为30 h。当苯酚质量浓度不超过1 000 mg/L时,添加适量的SDS可以显著提高苯酚降解速率,进而缩短苯酚降解时间,SDS的最佳投加量为100 mg/L,超过150 mg/L时FD-1生长受到抑制。  相似文献   

对水中14种酚类化合物的衍生化过程进行研究,选取不同衍生化试剂、衍生温度和衍生时间、最大衍生量等多个对衍生效率有决定性影响的参数进行优化。通过上述条件的优化选择,实现了对苯酚、氯代酚、甲基酚和硝基酚等14种不同类型酚类化合物最优的衍生化,衍生效率达到75.5%~119%。  相似文献   

The movement of contaminants through soil imparts a variety of geo-environmental problem inclusive of lithospheric pollution. Near-surface aquifers are often vulnerable to contamination from surface source if overlying soil possesses poor resilience or contaminant attenuation capacity. The prediction of contaminant transport through soil is urged to protect groundwater from sources of pollutants. Using field simulation through column experiments and mathematical modeling like HYDRUS-1D, assessment of soil resilience and movement of contaminants through the subsurface to reach aquifers can be predicted. An outfall site of effluents of a coke oven plant comprising of alarming concentration of phenol (4–12.2 mg/L) have been considered for studying groundwater condition and quality, in situ soil characterization, and effluent characterization. Hydrogeological feature suggests the presence of near-surface aquifers at the effluent discharge site. Analysis of groundwater of nearby locality reveals the phenol concentration (0.11–0.75 mg/L) exceeded the prescribed limit of WHO specification (0.002 mg/L). The in situ soil, used in column experiment, possess higher saturated hydraulic conductivity (K S ?=?5.25?×?10?4 cm/s). The soil containing 47 % silt, 11 % clay, and 1.54 % organic carbon content was found to be a poor absorber of phenol (24 mg/kg). The linear phenol adsorption isotherm model showed the best fit (R 2?=?0.977, RMSE?=?1.057) to the test results. Column experiments revealed that the phenol removal percent and the length of the mass transfer zone increased with increasing bed heights. The overall phenol adsorption efficiency was found to be 42–49 %. Breakthrough curves (BTCs) predicted by HYDRUS-1D model appears to be close fitting with the BTCs derived from the column experiments. The phenol BTC predicted by the HYDRUS-1D model for 1.2 m depth subsurface soil, i.e., up to the depth of groundwater in the study area, showed that the exhaustion point was reached within 12 days of elapsed time. This clearly demonstrated poor attenuation capacity of the soil to retard migration of phenol to the groundwater from the surface outfall site. Suitable liner, based on these data, may be designed to inhibit subsurface transport of phenol and thereby to protect precious groundwater from contamination.  相似文献   

In this work, two technologies are studied for the removal of phenol from aqueous solution: dynamic adsorption onto activated carbon and photocatalysis. Almond shell activated carbon (ASAC) was used as adsorbent and catalytic support in the phenol degradation process. The prepared catalyst by deposition of anatase TiO2 on the surface of activated carbon was characterized by scanning electron microscopy, sorption of nitrogen, X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, and pHZPC point of zero charge. In the continuous adsorption experiments, the effects of flow rate, bed height, and solution temperature on the breakthrough curves have been studied. The breakthrough curves were favorably described by the Yoon–Nelson model. The photocatalytic degradation of phenol has been investigated at room temperature using TiO2-coated activated carbon as photocatalyst (TiO2/ASAC). The degradation reaction was optimized with respect to the phenol concentration and catalyst amount. The kinetics of disappearance of the organic pollutant followed an apparent first-order rate. The findings demonstrated the applicability of ASAC for the adsorptive and catalytic treatment of phenol.  相似文献   

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